From 66f93b615870f91b5c2558763e3fce031e3c7f89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lwithwma Brahma <lbrahma@gipl-sw091.gxgroup.local>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2023 17:10:58 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] R#29252 IPTV Multicast transport stream analysis

Adds iptables-mod-mpeg2ts package.

Change-Id: I7256fa201534cfe5176cb8c6130895ac438236a2
 net/xtables-addons/Makefile                   |    1 +
 .../patches/300-xt_mpeg2ts.patch              | 1837 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1838 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 net/xtables-addons/patches/300-xt_mpeg2ts.patch

diff --git a/net/xtables-addons/Makefile b/net/xtables-addons/Makefile
index cb678ac9cd..570b6b8e44 100644
--- a/net/xtables-addons/Makefile
+++ b/net/xtables-addons/Makefile
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ $(eval $(call BuildTemplate,psd,psd,xt_psd,xt_psd,))
 $(eval $(call BuildTemplate,quota2,quota2,xt_quota2,xt_quota2,))
 $(eval $(call BuildTemplate,sysrq,SYSRQ,xt_SYSRQ,xt_SYSRQ,+kmod-ipt-compat-xtables +kmod-crypto-hash))
 $(eval $(call BuildTemplate,tarpit,TARPIT,xt_TARPIT,xt_TARPIT,+kmod-ipt-compat-xtables))
+$(eval $(call BuildTemplate,mpeg2ts,mpeg2ts,xt_mpeg2ts,xt_mpeg2ts,+kmod-ipt-compat-xtables))
 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,iptaccount))
 $(eval $(call BuildPackage,iptgeoip))
diff --git a/net/xtables-addons/patches/300-xt_mpeg2ts.patch b/net/xtables-addons/patches/300-xt_mpeg2ts.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8513425be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/xtables-addons/patches/300-xt_mpeg2ts.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1837 @@
+diff -uNr xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/Kbuild xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/Kbuild
+--- xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/Kbuild	2024-05-24 13:15:28.150705304 +0200
++++ xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/Kbuild	2024-05-24 13:16:12.395671624 +0200
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ obj-${build_ipv4options} += xt_ipv4options.o
+ obj-${build_length2}     += xt_length2.o
+ obj-${build_lscan}       += xt_lscan.o
++obj-${build_mpeg2ts}     += xt_mpeg2ts.o
+ obj-${build_pknock}      += pknock/
+ obj-${build_psd}         += xt_psd.o
+ obj-${build_quota2}      += xt_quota2.o
+diff -uNr xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/libxt_mpeg2ts.c xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/libxt_mpeg2ts.c
+--- xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/libxt_mpeg2ts.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/libxt_mpeg2ts.c	2024-05-24 13:16:12.395671624 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
++ * Userspace interface for MPEG2 TS match extension "mpeg2ts" for Xtables.
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) Jesper Dangaard Brouer <>, 2009-2013
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; either
++ * version 2 of the License, or any later version, as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation.  See <>.
++ *
++ */
++#include <getopt.h>
++#include <netdb.h>
++#include <stdbool.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <stddef.h>
++#include <xtables.h>
++#include "xt_mpeg2ts.h"
++ * Userspace iptables/xtables interface for mpeg2ts module.
++ */
++/* FIXME: don't think this compat check does not cover all versions */
++#define xtables_error exit_error
++ The default match criteria, since version 0.9.0, is to match on
++ correct MPEG2 TS packets.  Previously (<= 0.8.0) a rule would only
++ match when a drop were detected.
++ Its still possible to match on drop detection, via the parameter
++ "--match-drop" (which is default off).
++ Stats on packet drops are available via the proc filesystem.  These
++ drop detection stats can be disabled via inverting the parameter
++ --drop-detect, eg. "! --drop-detect".
++static const struct option mpeg2ts_mt_opts[] = {
++	{.name = "name",		.has_arg = true,  .val = 'n'},
++	{.name = "drop-detect", 	.has_arg = false, .val = 'd'},
++	{.name = "match-drop",		.has_arg = false, .val = 'm'},
++	{.name = "max-streams",		.has_arg = true,  .val = 'x'},
++	{NULL},
++static void mpeg2ts_mt_help(void)
++	printf(
++"mpeg2ts (MPEG2 Transport Stream) match options:\n"
++"VERSION %s\n"
++"   [--name <name>]        Name for proc file /proc/net/xt_mpeg2ts/rule_NAME\n"
++"   [--match-drop]         Match on lost TS frames (default: off)\n"
++"   [--drop-detect]        Detect TS frame loss and store stats (default: ON)\n"
++"   [--max-streams <num>]  Track 'max' number of streams (per rule)\n",
++		version
++		);
++static void mpeg2ts_mt_init(struct xt_entry_match *match)
++	struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = (void *)match->data;
++	/* Enable drop detection per default */
++	info->flags = XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP;
++	/* Match on drops is disabled per default */
++static int mpeg2ts_mt_parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags,
++			    const void *entry, struct xt_entry_match **match)
++	struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = (void *)(*match)->data;
++	uint32_t num;
++	switch (c) {
++	case 'n': /* --name */
++		xtables_param_act(XTF_ONLY_ONCE, "mpeg2ts", "--name",
++				  *flags & XT_MPEG2TS_PARAM_NAME);
++		if (invert)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Inverting name?");
++		if (strlen(optarg) == 0)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM, "Zero-length name?");
++		if (strchr(optarg, '"') != NULL)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
++				      "Illegal character in name (\")!");
++		strncpy(info->rule_name, optarg, sizeof(info->rule_name));
++		info->flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_PARAM_NAME;
++		*flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_PARAM_NAME;
++		break;
++	case 'd': /* --drop-detect */
++		if (*flags & XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
++			      "Can't specify --drop-detect option twice");
++		*flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP;
++		if (invert)
++			info->flags &= ~XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP;
++		else
++			info->flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP;
++		break;
++	case 'm': /* --match-drop */
++		if (*flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
++			      "Can't specify --match-drop option twice");
++		*flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP;
++		if (invert)
++			info->flags &= ~XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP;
++		else
++			info->flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP;
++		break;
++	case 'x': /* --max-streams */
++		if (*flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MAX_STREAMS)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
++				"Can't specify --max-streams option twice");
++		*flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_MAX_STREAMS;
++		if (invert) {
++			info->cfg.max = 0;
++			/* printf("inverted\n"); */
++			break;
++		}
++		/* OLD iptables style
++		if (string_to_number(optarg, 0, 0xffffffff, &num) == -1)
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
++				      "bad --max-stream: `%s'", optarg);
++		*/
++		/* C-style
++		char *end;
++		num = strtoul(optarg, &end, 0);
++		*/
++		/* New xtables style */
++		if (!xtables_strtoui(optarg, NULL, &num, 0, UINT32_MAX))
++			xtables_error(PARAMETER_PROBLEM,
++				      "bad --max-streams: `%s'", optarg);
++		/* DEBUG: printf("--max-stream=%lu\n", num); */
++		info->flags |= XT_MPEG2TS_MAX_STREAMS;
++		info->cfg.max = num;
++		break;
++	default:
++		return false;
++	}
++	return true;
++static void mpeg2ts_mt_print(const void *entry,
++			     const struct xt_entry_match *match, int numeric)
++	const struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = (const void *)(match->data);
++	/* Always indicate this is a mpeg2ts match rule */
++	printf("mpeg2ts match");
++	if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_PARAM_NAME)
++		printf(" name:\"%s\"", info->rule_name);
++	if (!(info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP))
++		printf(" !drop-detect");
++	if ((info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP))
++		printf(" match-drop");
++	if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MAX_STREAMS)
++		printf(" max-streams:%u", info->cfg.max);
++static void mpeg2ts_mt_save(const void *entry,
++			    const struct xt_entry_match *match)
++	const struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = (const void *)(match->data);
++	/* We need to handle --name, --drop-detect, and --max-streams. */
++	if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_PARAM_NAME)
++		printf(" --name \"%s\"",  info->rule_name);
++	if (!(info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP))
++		printf(" ! --drop-detect");
++	if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP)
++		printf(" --match-drop");
++	if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MAX_STREAMS)
++		printf(" --max-streams %u", info->cfg.max);
++static struct xtables_match mpeg2ts_mt_reg = {
++	.version        = XTABLES_VERSION,
++	.name           = "mpeg2ts",
++	.revision       = 0,
++	.family         = PF_UNSPEC,
++	.size           = XT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo)),
++	.userspacesize  = offsetof(struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo, hinfo),
++	.init           = mpeg2ts_mt_init,
++	.help           = mpeg2ts_mt_help,
++	.parse          = mpeg2ts_mt_parse,
++/*	.final_check    = mpeg2ts_mt_check,*/
++	.print          = mpeg2ts_mt_print,
++	.save           = mpeg2ts_mt_save,
++	.extra_opts     = mpeg2ts_mt_opts,
++static __attribute__((constructor)) void mpeg2ts_mt_ldr(void)
++	xtables_register_match(&mpeg2ts_mt_reg);
+diff -uNr xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/Mbuild xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/Mbuild
+--- xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/Mbuild	2024-05-24 13:15:28.150705304 +0200
++++ xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/Mbuild	2024-05-24 13:16:12.395671624 +0200
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ obj-${build_ipv4options} +=
+ obj-${build_length2}     +=
+ obj-${build_lscan}       +=
++obj-${build_mpeg2ts}     +=
+ obj-${build_pknock}      += pknock/
+ obj-${build_psd}         +=
+ obj-${build_quota2}      +=
+diff -uNr xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.c xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.c
+--- xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.c	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.c	2024-05-24 13:17:47.013742067 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1490 @@
++ * MPEG2 TS match extension "mpeg2ts" for Xtables.
++ *
++ * This module analyses the contents of MPEG2 Transport Stream (TS)
++ * packets, and can detect TS/CC packet drops.
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) Jesper Dangaard Brouer <>, 2009-2014
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; either
++ * version 2 of the License, or any later version, as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation. See <>.
++ *
++ */
++#include <linux/ip.h>
++#include <linux/udp.h>
++#include <linux/module.h>
++#include <linux/skbuff.h>
++#include <linux/version.h>
++#include <linux/netfilter/x_tables.h>
++#include <linux/rculist.h>
++#include <linux/netdevice.h> /* msg levels */
++/* Proc file related */
++#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
++#include <linux/seq_file.h>
++/* Timestamp related */
++#include <linux/time.h>
++#include "xt_mpeg2ts.h"
++#include "compat_xtables.h"
++MODULE_AUTHOR("Jesper Dangaard Brouer <>");
++MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Detecting packet drops in MPEG2 Transport Streams (TS)");
++/* COMPAT trick: Kernel >= 3.8.0
++ *   commit b67bfe0d42: hlist: drop the node parameter from iterators
++ *  workaround this with some defines
++ */
++#  define HLIST_NODE_POS  struct hlist_node *pos;
++#  define HLIST_NODE_POS
++/* Compatibility with kernels before 3.10, specifically before
++ *   commit 59d8053f1 (proc: Move non-public stuff from linux/proc_fs.h
++ *   to fs/proc/internal.h)
++ */
++#  define PDE_DATA(x) (PDE(x)->data)
++void proc_remove(struct proc_dir_entry *pde)
++	/* can't use remove_proc_subtree() here, it only exists since 3.9
++	 * and we only want to remove a single entry anyway
++	 */
++	if (pde)
++		remove_proc_entry(pde->name, pde->parent);
++/* Proc related */
++static struct proc_dir_entry *mpeg2ts_procdir;
++static const struct file_operations dl_file_ops;
++/* Message level instrumentation based upon the device driver message
++ * levels see include/linux/netdevice.h.
++ *
++ * Note that "msg_level" is runtime adjustable via:
++ *  /sys/module/xt_mpeg2ts/parameters/msg_level
++ *
++ */
++#define NETIF_MSG_DEBUG  0x10000
++/* Performance tuning instrumentation that can be compiled out */
++/* #define PERFTUNE 1 */
++#define PERFTUNE 0
++#if 1
++#define MPEG2TS_MSG_DEFAULT						\
++	)
++#define MPEG2TS_MSG_DEFAULT						\
++	 NETIF_MSG_RX_ERR |						\
++	)
++static int debug  = -1;
++static int msg_level;
++module_param(debug, int, 0);
++module_param(msg_level, int, 0664);
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "Set low N bits of message level");
++MODULE_PARM_DESC(msg_level, "Message level bit mask");
++/* Possibility to compile out print statements, this was used when
++ * profiling the code.
++ */
++/* #define NO_MSG_CODE 1 */
++/* #undef DEBUG */
++/* #define DEBUG 1 */
++#ifdef NO_MSG_CODE
++#undef DEBUG
++#ifdef DEBUG
++#define msg_dbg(TYPE, f, a...)						\
++	do {	if (msg_level & NETIF_MSG_##TYPE)			\
++			if (net_ratelimit())				\
++				printk(KERN_DEBUG PFX f "\n", ## a);	\
++	} while (0)
++#define msg_dbg(TYPE, f, a...)
++#ifdef NO_MSG_CODE
++#define msg_info(TYPE, f, a...)
++#define msg_info(TYPE, f, a...)						\
++	do {	if (msg_level & NETIF_MSG_##TYPE)			\
++			if (net_ratelimit())				\
++				printk(KERN_INFO PFX f "\n", ## a);	\
++	} while (0)
++#ifdef NO_MSG_CODE
++#define msg_notice(TYPE, f, a...)
++#define msg_notice(TYPE, f, a...)					\
++	do {	if (msg_level & NETIF_MSG_##TYPE)			\
++			if (net_ratelimit())				\
++				printk(KERN_NOTICE PFX f "\n", ## a);	\
++	} while (0)
++#ifdef NO_MSG_CODE
++#define msg_warn(TYPE, f, a...)
++#define msg_warn(TYPE, f, a...)						\
++	do {	if (msg_level & NETIF_MSG_##TYPE)			\
++			if (net_ratelimit())				\
++				printk(KERN_WARNING PFX f "\n", ## a);	\
++	} while (0)
++#ifdef NO_MSG_CODE
++#define msg_err(TYPE, f, a...)
++#define msg_err(TYPE, f, a...)						\
++	do {	if (msg_level & NETIF_MSG_##TYPE)			\
++			if (net_ratelimit())				\
++				printk(KERN_ERR PFX f "\n", ## a);	\
++	} while (0)
++/*** Defines from Wireshark packet-mp2t.c ***/
++#define MP2T_PACKET_SIZE 188
++#define MP2T_SYNC_BYTE 0x47
++#define MP2T_SYNC_BYTE_MASK	0xFF000000
++#define MP2T_TEI_MASK		0x00800000
++#define MP2T_PUSI_MASK		0x00400000
++#define MP2T_TP_MASK		0x00200000
++#define MP2T_PID_MASK		0x001FFF00
++#define MP2T_TSC_MASK		0x000000C0
++#define MP2T_AFC_MASK		0x00000030
++#define MP2T_CC_MASK		0x0000000F
++#define MP2T_SYNC_BYTE_SHIFT	24
++#define MP2T_TEI_SHIFT		23
++#define MP2T_PUSI_SHIFT		22
++#define MP2T_TP_SHIFT		21
++#define MP2T_PID_SHIFT		8
++#define MP2T_TSC_SHIFT		6
++#define MP2T_AFC_SHIFT		4
++#define MP2T_CC_SHIFT		0
++ *
++ * Wireshark value_string structures
++ * typedef struct _value_string {
++ *	u32	   value;
++ *	const char *strptr;
++ * } value_string;
++ *
++ * Adaption field values "doc" taken from Wireshark
++ * static const value_string mp2t_afc_vals[] = {
++ *	{ 0, "Reserved" },
++ *	{ 1, "Payload only" },
++ *	{ 2, "Adaptation Field only" },
++ *	{ 3, "Adaptation Field and Payload" },
++ *	{ 0, NULL }
++ * };
++ *
++ * WIRESHARK Data structure used for detecting CC drops
++ *
++ *  conversation
++ *    |
++ *    +-> mp2t_analysis_data
++ *          |
++ *          +-> pid_table (RB tree)
++ *          |     |
++ *          |     +-> pid_analysis_data (per pid)
++ *          |     +-> pid_analysis_data
++ *          |     +-> pid_analysis_data
++ *          |
++ *          +-> frame_table (RB tree)
++ *                |
++ *                +-> frame_analysis_data (only created if drop detected)
++ *                      |
++ *                      +-> ts_table (RB tree)
++ *                            |
++ *                            +-> pid_analysis_data (per TS subframe)
++ *                            +-> pid_analysis_data
++ * Datastructures:
++ * ---------------
++ *
++ * xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable (per iptables rule)
++ *    metadata
++ *    locking: RCU
++ *    hash[metadata.cfg.size]
++ *          |
++ *          +-> lists of type mpeg2ts_stream elements
++ *
++ *
++ * mpeg2ts_stream (per multicast/mpeg2-ts stream)
++ *     stats (about skips and discontinuities)
++ *     locking: Spinlock
++ *     pid_cc_table (normal list)
++ *       |
++ *       +-> list of type pid_data_t
++ *           One per PID representing the last TS frames CC value
++ *
++ *
++ **/
++/*** Global defines ***/
++static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(mpeg2ts_lock); /* Protects conn_htables list */
++static LIST_HEAD(conn_htables);    /* List of xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable's */
++static unsigned int GLOBAL_ID;	   /* Used for assigning rule_id's */
++/* TODO/FIXME: xt_hashlimit has this extra mutex, do I need it?
++static DEFINE_MUTEX(mpeg2ts_mutex);*/ /* Additional checkentry protection */
++/* This is sort of the last TS frames info per pid */
++struct pid_data_t {
++	struct list_head list;
++	int16_t pid;
++	int16_t cc_prev;
++#define MAX_PID 0x1FFF
++/** Hash table stuff **/
++/* Data to match a stream / connection */
++struct mpeg2ts_stream_match { /* Like xt_hashlimit: dsthash_dst */
++	__be32 dst_addr; /* MC addr first */
++	__be32 src_addr;
++	__be16 dst_port;
++	__be16 src_port;
++/* Hash entry with info about the mpeg2ts stream / connection */
++struct mpeg2ts_stream { /* Like xt_hashlimit: dsthash_ent */
++	/* Place static / read-only parts in the beginning */
++	struct hlist_node node;
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream_match match;
++	/* PID list with last CC value (not updated too often) */
++	int pid_list_len;
++	struct list_head pid_list;
++	/* For RCU-protected deletion */
++	struct rcu_head rcu_head;
++	/* Place highly modified members after the next cache line */
++	/*  Cache alignment, is assured via
++	   ____cacheline_aligned trick, on "packets", this makes "packets"
++	   start on the next cacheline boundary.
++	   Eventhough is currently already correctly aligned on 64-bit.
++	 */
++	uint64_t packets ____cacheline_aligned;
++	uint64_t payload_bytes;
++	/* Per stream total skips and discontinuity */
++	/* TODO: Explain difference between skips and discontinuity */
++	uint64_t skips;
++	uint64_t discontinuity;
++	/* lock for writing/changing/updating */
++	spinlock_t lock;
++	/* Usage counter to protect against dealloc/kfree */
++	atomic_t use;
++	/* Cacheline notes (64-bit):*/
++	/* size: 128, cachelines: 2 */
++	/* sum members: 104, holes: 0, sum holes: 0 */
++        /* padding: 24 */
++/* This is basically our "stream" connection tracking.
++ *
++ * Keeping track of the MPEG2 streams per iptables rule.
++ * There is one hash-table per iptables rule.
++ * (Based on xt_hashlimit).
++ */
++struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable {
++	/* Global list containing these elements are needed: (1) to
++	 * avoid realloc of our data structures when other rules gets
++	 * inserted. (2) to provide stats via /proc/ as data must not
++	 * be deallocated while a process reads data from /proc.
++	 */
++	struct list_head list;		/* global list of all htables */
++	atomic_t use;			/* reference counting  */
++	unsigned int id;		/* id corrosponding to rule_id */
++	/* uint8_t family; */ /* needed for IPv6 support */
++	/* "cfg" is also defined here as the real hash array size might
++	 * differ from the user defined size, and changing the
++	 * userspace defined rule data is not allowed as userspace
++	 * then cannot match the rule again for deletion */
++	struct mpeg2ts_cfg cfg;		/* config */
++	/* Used internally */
++	spinlock_t lock;		/* write lock for hlist_head */
++	uint32_t rnd;			/* random seed for hash */
++	int rnd_initialized;
++	unsigned int count;		/* number entries in table */
++	uint16_t warn_condition;	/* limiting warn printouts */
++	/* Rule creation time can be used by userspace to 1) determine
++	 * the running periode and 2) to detect if the rule has been
++	 * flushed between two reads.
++	 */
++	struct timespec64 time_created;
++	/*TODO: Implement timer GC cleanup, to detect streams disappearing
++	  struct timer_list timer;*/	/* timer for gc */
++	/* Instrumentation for perf tuning */
++	int32_t max_list_search;	/* Longest search in a hash list */
++	atomic_t concurrency_cnt;	/* Trying to detect concurrency */
++	int32_t stream_not_found;	/* Number of stream created */
++	/* Proc seq_file entry */
++	struct proc_dir_entry *pde;
++	struct hlist_head stream_hash[0];/* conn/stream hashtable
++					  * struct mpeg2ts_stream elements */
++/* Inspired by xt_hashlimit.c : htable_create() */
++static bool
++mpeg2ts_htable_create(struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *minfo)
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo;
++	unsigned int hash_buckets;
++	unsigned int hash_struct_sz;
++	char rule_name[IFNAMSIZ+5];
++	unsigned int i;
++	unsigned int id;
++	size_t size;
++	/* Q: is lock with mpeg2ts_lock necessary */
++	spin_lock(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	id = GLOBAL_ID++;
++	spin_unlock(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	if (minfo->cfg.size)
++		hash_buckets = minfo->cfg.size;
++	else
++		hash_buckets = 100;
++	hash_struct_sz = sizeof(*minfo->hinfo); /* metadata struct size */
++	size = hash_struct_sz +	sizeof(struct list_head) * hash_buckets;
++	msg_info(IFUP, "Alloc htable(%u) %zu bytes elems:%u metadata:%u bytes",
++		 id, size, hash_buckets, hash_struct_sz);
++	hinfo = kzalloc(size, GFP_ATOMIC);
++	if (hinfo == NULL) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "unable to create hashtable(%u), out of memory!",
++			id);
++		return false;
++	}
++	minfo->hinfo = hinfo;
++	/* Copy match config into hashtable config */
++	memcpy(&hinfo->cfg, &minfo->cfg, sizeof(hinfo->cfg));
++	hinfo->cfg.size = hash_buckets;
++	/* Max number of connection we want to track */
++	/* TODO: REMOVE code
++	if (minfo->cfg.max == 0)
++		hinfo->cfg.max = 8 * hinfo->cfg.size;
++	else if (hinfo->cfg.max < hinfo->cfg.size)
++		hinfo->cfg.max = hinfo->cfg.size;
++	*/
++	if (hinfo->cfg.max_list == 0)
++		hinfo->cfg.max_list = 20;
++	/* Init the hash buckets */
++	for (i = 0; i < hinfo->cfg.size; i++)
++		INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&hinfo->stream_hash[i]);
++	/* Refcnt to allow alloc data to survive between rule updates*/
++	atomic_set(&hinfo->use, 1);
++	hinfo->id = id;
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&hinfo->list);
++	/*
++	spin_lock(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	list_add_tail(&conn_htables, &hinfo->list);
++	spin_unlock(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	*/
++	hinfo->count = 0;
++	hinfo->rnd_initialized = 0;
++	hinfo->max_list_search = 0;
++	atomic_set(&hinfo->concurrency_cnt, 0);
++	hinfo->stream_not_found = 0;
++	getnstimeofday64(&hinfo->time_created);
++	/* Generate a rule_name for proc if none given */
++	if (!minfo->rule_name || !strlen(minfo->rule_name))
++		snprintf(rule_name, IFNAMSIZ+5, "rule_%u", hinfo->id);
++	else
++		/* FIXME: Check for duplicate names! */
++		snprintf(rule_name, IFNAMSIZ+5, "rule_%s", minfo->rule_name);
++	/* Create proc entry */
++	hinfo->pde = proc_create_data(rule_name, 0, mpeg2ts_procdir,
++				      &dl_file_ops, hinfo);
++	if (!hinfo->pde) {
++		msg_err(PROBE, "Cannot create proc file named: %s",
++			minfo->rule_name);
++		kfree(hinfo);
++		return false;
++	}
++	spin_lock_init(&hinfo->lock);
++	return true;
++static uint32_t
++hash_match(const struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *ht,
++	   const struct mpeg2ts_stream_match *match)
++	uint32_t hash = jhash2((const uint32_t *)match,
++				sizeof(*match) / sizeof(uint32_t),
++				ht->rnd);
++	/*
++	 * Instead of returning hash % ht->cfg.size (implying a divide)
++	 * we return the high 32 bits of the (hash * ht->cfg.size) that will
++	 * give results between [0 and cfg.size-1] and same hash distribution,
++	 * but using a multiply, less expensive than a divide
++	 */
++	return ((uint64_t)hash * ht->cfg.size) >> 32;
++static inline
++bool match_cmp(const struct mpeg2ts_stream *ent,
++			     const struct mpeg2ts_stream_match *b)
++	return !memcmp(&ent->match, b, sizeof(ent->match));
++static struct mpeg2ts_stream *
++mpeg2ts_stream_find(struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *ht,
++		    const struct mpeg2ts_stream_match *match)
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream *entry;
++	uint32_t hash;
++	int cnt = 0;
++	int parallel = 0;
++	static int limit;
++	/* rcu_read_lock(); // Taken earlier */
++	parallel = atomic_inc_return(&ht->concurrency_cnt);
++	hash = hash_match(ht, match);
++	if (!hlist_empty(&ht->stream_hash[hash])) {
++		/* The hlist_for_each_entry_rcu macro uses the
++		 * appropiate rcu_dereference() to access the
++		 * mpeg2ts_stream pointer */
++		hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(entry,
++					 pos,
++					 &ht->stream_hash[hash], node) {
++			cnt++;
++			if (match_cmp(entry, match))
++				goto found;
++		}
++	}
++	/* rcu_read_unlock(); // Released later */
++	atomic_dec(&ht->concurrency_cnt);
++	ht->stream_not_found++; /* This is racy, but its only a debug var */
++	return NULL;
++	if (unlikely(cnt > ht->cfg.max_list) &&
++	    unlikely(cnt > ht->max_list_search)) {
++		ht->max_list_search = cnt;
++		msg_warn(PROBE, "Perf: Long list search %d in stream_hash[%u]",
++			 cnt, hash);
++	}
++	atomic_dec(&ht->concurrency_cnt);
++	if (parallel > 2 && (limit++ % 100 == 0))
++		msg_info(PROBE, "Did it in parallel, concurrency count:%d",
++			 parallel);
++	return entry;
++static struct pid_data_t *
++mpeg2ts_pid_find(struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream, const int16_t pid)
++	struct pid_data_t *entry;
++	list_for_each_entry(entry, &stream->pid_list, list) {
++		if (entry->pid == pid)
++			return entry;
++	}
++	return NULL;
++static struct pid_data_t *
++mpeg2ts_pid_create(struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream, const int16_t pid)
++	struct pid_data_t *entry;
++	entry = kmalloc(sizeof(*entry), GFP_ATOMIC);
++	if (!entry) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "can't allocate new pid list entry");
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	entry->pid     = pid;
++	entry->cc_prev = -1;
++	stream->pid_list_len++;
++	list_add_tail(&entry->list, &stream->pid_list);
++	return entry;
++static int
++mpeg2ts_pid_destroy_list(struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream)
++	struct pid_data_t *entry, *n;
++	msg_dbg(PROBE, "Cleanup up pid list with %d elements",
++		stream->pid_list_len);
++	list_for_each_entry_safe(entry, n, &stream->pid_list, list) {
++		stream->pid_list_len--;
++		kfree(entry);
++	}
++	WARN_ON(stream->pid_list_len != 0);
++	return stream->pid_list_len;
++static struct mpeg2ts_stream *
++mpeg2ts_stream_alloc_init(struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *ht,
++			  const struct mpeg2ts_stream_match *match)
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream *entry; /* hashtable entry */
++	unsigned int entry_sz;
++	size_t size;
++	uint32_t hash;
++	/* initialize hash with random val at the time we allocate
++	 * the first hashtable entry */
++	if (unlikely(!ht->rnd_initialized)) {
++		spin_lock_bh(&ht->lock);
++		if (unlikely(!ht->rnd_initialized)) {
++			get_random_bytes(&ht->rnd, 4);
++			ht->rnd_initialized = 1;
++		}
++		spin_unlock_bh(&ht->lock);
++	}
++	/* DoS protection / embedded feature, for protection the size
++	 * of the hash table lists. Limit the number of streams the
++	 * module are willing to track.  This limit is configurable
++	 * from userspace.  Can also be useful on small CPU/memory
++	 * systems. */
++	if (ht->cfg.max && ht->count >= ht->cfg.max) {
++		if (unlikely(ht->warn_condition < 10)) {
++			ht->warn_condition++;
++			msg_warn(RX_ERR,
++			 "Rule[%u]: "
++			 "Stopped tracking streams, max %u exceeded (%u) "
++			 "(Max can be adjusted via --max-streams param)",
++			 ht->id, ht->cfg.max, ht->count);
++		}
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	/* Calc the hash value */
++	hash = hash_match(ht, match);
++	/* Allocate new stream element */
++	/* entry = kmem_cache_alloc(hashlimit_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC); */
++	size = entry_sz = sizeof(*entry);
++	/* msg_info(IFUP, "Alloc new stream entry (%d bytes)", entry_sz); */
++	entry = kzalloc(entry_sz, GFP_ATOMIC);
++	if (!entry) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "can't allocate new stream elem");
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	memcpy(&entry->match, match, sizeof(entry->match));
++	spin_lock_init(&entry->lock);
++	atomic_set(&entry->use, 1);
++	/* Init the pid table list */
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entry->pid_list);
++	entry->pid_list_len = 0;
++	/* init the RCU callback structure needed by call_rcu() */
++	/* The INIT_RCU_HEAD macro/function got removed in 2.6.36,
++	 *  from what I can see in the git kernel changelogs it should
++	 *  be safe to drop that init call.
++	 */
++	/* INIT_RCU_HEAD(&entry->rcu_head); */
++	/* Q Locking: Adding and deleting elements from the
++	 * stream_hash[] lists is protected by the spinlock ht->lock.
++	 * Should we only use try lock and exit if we cannot get it???
++	 * I'm worried about what happens if we are waiting for the
++	 * lock held by xt_mpeg2ts_mt_destroy() which will dealloc ht
++	 */
++	spin_lock_bh(&ht->lock);
++	hlist_add_head_rcu(&entry->node, &ht->stream_hash[hash]);
++	ht->count++; /* Convert to atomic? Its write protected by ht->lock */
++	spin_unlock_bh(&ht->lock);
++	return entry;
++ * The xt_mpeg2ts_mt_check() / checkentry, return type logic differs
++ * between kernel versions.  Fortunately the compat_xtables
++ * module/system handles the different cases.
++ */
++static int
++xt_mpeg2ts_mt_check(const struct xt_mtchk_param *par)
++	struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = par->matchinfo;
++	/*
++	  Add check to see if drop-detect is off and match-drop is on,
++	  which would result in this rule can never match anything
++	*/
++	if (!(info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP))
++		if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP) {
++			msg_err(DRV, "Rejected: Rule will never match");
++			return -EINVAL;
++		}
++	/* Debugging, this should not be possible */
++	if (!info) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "ERROR info is NULL");
++		return -EINVAL;
++	}
++	/* Debugging, this should not be possible */
++	if (IS_ERR_VALUE((unsigned long)(info->hinfo))) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "ERROR info->hinfo is an invalid pointer!!!");
++		return -EFAULT;
++	}
++	/* TODO/FIXME: Add a check to NOT allow proc files with same
++	 * name in /proc/net/xt_mpeg2ts/rule_%s */
++	/* TODO: Write about how, this preserves htable memory by
++	 * reuse of hinfo pointer and incrementing 'use' refcounter
++	 * assures that xt_mpeg2ts_mt_destroy() will not call
++	 * conn_htable_destroy() thus not deallocating our memory */
++	if (info->hinfo != NULL) {
++		atomic_inc(&info->hinfo->use);
++		msg_info(DEBUG, "ReUsing info->hinfo ptr:[%p] htable id:%u",
++			 info->hinfo, info->hinfo->id);
++		return 0; /* success */
++	}
++	if (!mpeg2ts_htable_create(info)) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "Error creating hash table");
++		return -ENOMEM;
++	}
++	return 0; /* success */
++static void
++mpeg2ts_stream_free(struct rcu_head *head)
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream;
++	stream = container_of(head, struct mpeg2ts_stream, rcu_head);
++	/* Debugging check */
++	if (unlikely(!stream))
++		printk(KERN_CRIT PFX
++		       "Free BUG: Stream ptr is NULL (tell:author)\n");
++	/* Deallocate the PID list */
++	spin_lock_bh(&stream->lock);
++	mpeg2ts_pid_destroy_list(stream);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&stream->lock);
++	/* Before free, check the 'use' reference counter */
++	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&stream->use)) {
++		kfree(stream);
++	} else {
++		/* If this can occur, we should schedule something
++		 * that can clean up */
++		printk(KERN_CRIT PFX
++		       "Free BUG: Stream still in use! (tell:author)\n");
++	}
++static void
++conn_htable_destroy(struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *ht)
++	unsigned int i;
++	/* Remove proc entry */
++	proc_remove(ht->pde);
++	msg_info(IFDOWN, "Destroy stream elements (%u count) in htable(%u)",
++		 ht->count, ht->id);
++	msg_dbg(IFDOWN, "Find stream, not found %d times",
++		ht->stream_not_found);
++	/* lock hash table and iterate over it to release all elements */
++	spin_lock(&ht->lock);
++	for (i = 0; i < ht->cfg.size; i++) {
++		struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream;
++		struct hlist_node *n;
++		hlist_for_each_entry_safe(stream,
++					  pos,
++					  n, &ht->stream_hash[i], node) {
++			hlist_del_rcu(&stream->node);
++			ht->count--;
++			/* Have to use call_rcu(), because we cannot
++			   use synchronize_rcu() here, because we are
++			   holding a spinlock, or else we will get a
++			   "scheduling while atomic" bug.
++			*/
++			call_rcu_bh(&stream->rcu_head, mpeg2ts_stream_free);
++			call_rcu(&stream->rcu_head, mpeg2ts_stream_free);
++		}
++	}
++	spin_unlock(&ht->lock);
++	msg_info(IFDOWN,
++		 "Free htable(%u) (%u buckets) longest list search %d",
++		 ht->id, ht->cfg.size, ht->max_list_search);
++	if (ht->count != 0)
++		printk(KERN_CRIT PFX
++		       "Free BUG: ht->count != 0 (tell:author)\n");
++	kfree(ht);
++ * Keeping dynamic allocated memory when the rulesets are swapped.
++ *
++ * Iptables rule updates works by replacing the entire ruleset.  Our
++ * dynamic allocated data (per rule) needs to survive this update, BUT
++ * only if our rule has not been removed.  This is achieved by having
++ * a reference counter.  The reason it works, is that during swapping
++ * of rulesets, the checkentry function (xt_mpeg2ts_mt_check) is called
++ * on the new ruleset _before_ calling the destroy function
++ * (xt_mpeg2ts_mt_destroy) on the old ruleset.  During checkentry, we
++ * increment the reference counter on data if we can find the data
++ * associated with this rule.
++ *
++ * Functions used to achieve this is:
++ *   conn_htable_get() - Find data and increment refcnt
++ *   conn_htable_put() - Finished usind data, delete if last user
++ *   conn_htable_add() - Add data to the global searchable list
++ */
++static struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable*
++conn_htable_get(uint32_t rule_id)
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo;
++	spin_lock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	list_for_each_entry(hinfo, &conn_htables, list) {
++		if (hinfo->id == rule_id) {
++			atomic_inc(&hinfo->use);
++			spin_unlock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++			return hinfo;
++		}
++	}
++	spin_unlock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	return NULL;
++static void
++conn_htable_put(struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo)
++	/* Finished using element, delete if last user */
++	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&hinfo->use)) {
++		spin_lock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++		list_del(&hinfo->list);
++		spin_unlock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++		conn_htable_destroy(hinfo);
++	}
++static void
++conn_htable_add(struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo)
++	spin_lock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++	list_add_tail(&conn_htables, &hinfo->list);
++	spin_unlock_bh(&mpeg2ts_lock);
++static void
++xt_mpeg2ts_mt_destroy(const struct xt_mtdtor_param *par)
++	const struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = par->matchinfo;
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo;
++	hinfo = info->hinfo;
++	/* Calls only destroy if refcnt is zero */
++	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&hinfo->use))
++		conn_htable_destroy(hinfo);
++/* Calc the number of skipped CC numbers. Note that this can easy
++ * overflow, and a value above 7 indicate several network packets
++ * could be lost.
++ */
++static inline unsigned int
++calc_skips(unsigned int curr, unsigned int prev)
++	int res = 0;
++	/* Only count the missing TS frames in between prev and curr.
++	 * The "prev" frame CC number seen is confirmed received, its
++	 * the next frames CC counter which is the first known missing
++	 * TS frame
++	 */
++	prev += 1;
++	/* Calc missing TS frame 'skips' */
++	res = curr - prev;
++	/* Handle wrap around */
++	if (res < 0)
++		res += 16;
++	return res;
++/* Return the number of skipped CC numbers */
++static int
++detect_cc_drops(struct pid_data_t *pid_data, int8_t cc_curr,
++		const struct sk_buff *skb)
++	int8_t cc_prev;
++	int skips = 0;
++	cc_prev           = pid_data->cc_prev;
++	pid_data->cc_prev = cc_curr;
++	/* Null packet always have a CC value equal 0 */
++	if (pid_data->pid == 0x1fff)
++		return 0;
++	/* FIXME: Handle adaptation fields and Remove this code */
++	/* Its allowed that (cc_prev == cc_curr) if its an adaptation
++	 * field.
++	 */
++	if (cc_prev == cc_curr)
++		return 0;
++	/* Have not seen this pid before */
++	if (cc_prev == -1)
++		return 0;
++	/* Detect if CC is not increasing by one all the time */
++	if (cc_curr != ((cc_prev+1) & MP2T_CC_MASK)) {
++		skips = calc_skips(cc_curr, cc_prev);
++		msg_info(RX_STATUS,
++			 "Detected drop pid:%d CC curr:%d prev:%d skips:%d",
++			 pid_data->pid, cc_curr, cc_prev, skips);
++		/* TODO: Do accounting per PID ?
++		pid_data->cc_skips += skips;
++		pid_data->cc_err++;
++		*/
++	}
++	return skips;
++static int
++dissect_tsp(const unsigned char *payload_ptr, uint16_t payload_len,
++	    const struct sk_buff *skb, struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream)
++	__be32 header;
++	uint16_t pid;
++	uint8_t afc;
++	int8_t cc_curr;
++	int skips = 0;
++	struct pid_data_t *pid_data;
++	/*
++	 * Process header. TSP headers come every MP2T_PACKET_SIZE bytes,
++	 * which is a multiple of 32 bits, so not using get_unaligned
++	 * is ok here.
++	 */
++	header  = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)payload_ptr);
++	pid     = (header & MP2T_PID_MASK) >> MP2T_PID_SHIFT;
++	afc     = (header & MP2T_AFC_MASK) >> MP2T_AFC_SHIFT;
++	cc_curr = (header & MP2T_CC_MASK)  >> MP2T_CC_SHIFT;
++	msg_dbg(PKTDATA, "TS header:0x%X pid:%d cc:%d afc:%u",
++		header, pid, cc_curr, afc);
++	/* Adaption Field Control header */
++	if (unlikely(afc == 2)) {
++		/* An 'adaptation field only' packet will have the
++		 * same CC value as the previous payload packet. */
++		return 0;
++		/* TODO: Add parsing of Adaption headers. The PCR
++		 * counter is hidden here...*/
++	}
++	pid_data = mpeg2ts_pid_find(stream, pid);
++	if (!pid_data) {
++		pid_data = mpeg2ts_pid_create(stream, pid);
++		if (!pid_data)
++			return 0;
++	}
++	skips = detect_cc_drops(pid_data, cc_curr, skb);
++	return skips;
++static int
++dissect_mpeg2ts(const unsigned char *payload_ptr, uint16_t payload_len,
++		const struct sk_buff *skb, const struct udphdr *uh,
++		const struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info)
++	uint16_t offset = 0;
++	int skips  = 0;
++	int skips_total = 0;
++	int discontinuity = 0;
++	const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream     *stream; /* "Connection" */
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream_match match;
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo;
++	hinfo = info->hinfo;
++	/** Lookup stream data structures **/
++	/* Fill in the match struct */
++	memset(&match, 0, sizeof(match)); /* Worried about struct padding */
++	match.src_addr = iph->saddr;
++	match.dst_addr = iph->daddr;
++	match.src_port = uh->source;
++	match.dst_port = uh->dest;
++	/* spin_lock_bh(&hinfo->lock); // Replaced by RCU */
++	rcu_read_lock_bh();
++	stream = mpeg2ts_stream_find(hinfo, &match);
++	if (!stream) {
++		stream = mpeg2ts_stream_alloc_init(hinfo, &match);
++		if (!stream) {
++			/* spin_unlock_bh(&hinfo->lock); // Replaced by RCU */
++			rcu_read_unlock_bh();
++			return 0;
++		}
++		/* msg_info(RX_STATUS, */
++		printk(KERN_INFO
++		       "Rule:%u New stream (%pI4 -> %pI4)\n",
++		       hinfo->id, &iph->saddr, &iph->daddr);
++	}
++	/** Process payload **/
++	spin_lock_bh(&stream->lock); /* Update lock for the stream */
++	/* Protect against dealloc (via atomic counter stream->use) */
++	if (!atomic_inc_not_zero(&stream->use)) {
++		/* If "use" is zero, then we about to be free'd */
++		spin_unlock_bh(&stream->lock); /* Update lock for the stream */
++		rcu_read_unlock_bh();
++		printk(KERN_CRIT PFX "Error atomic stream->use is zero\n");
++		return 0;
++	}
++	while ((payload_len - offset) >= MP2T_PACKET_SIZE) {
++		skips = dissect_tsp(payload_ptr, payload_len, skb, stream);
++		if (skips > 0)
++			discontinuity++;
++		/* TODO: if (skips > 7) signal_loss++; */
++		skips_total += skips;
++		offset +=  MP2T_PACKET_SIZE;
++		payload_ptr += MP2T_PACKET_SIZE;
++	}
++	// TODO: Add flag to avoid/disable this update, for perf testing
++	stream->payload_bytes += payload_len;
++	stream->packets++;
++	if (discontinuity > 0) {
++		stream->skips         += skips_total;
++		stream->discontinuity += discontinuity;
++	}
++	atomic_dec(&stream->use); /* Protect agains dealloc */
++	spin_unlock_bh(&stream->lock); /* Update lock for the stream */
++	rcu_read_unlock_bh();
++	/* spin_unlock_bh(&hinfo->lock); // Replaced by RCU */
++	/* Place print statement after the unlock section */
++	if (discontinuity > 0) {
++		msg_notice(RX_STATUS,
++			   "Detected discontinuity "
++			   "%pI4 -> %pI4 (CCerr:%d skips:%d)",
++			   &ip_hdr(skb)->saddr, &ip_hdr(skb)->daddr,
++			   discontinuity, skips_total);
++	}
++	return skips_total;
++static bool
++is_mpeg2ts_packet(const unsigned char *payload_ptr, uint16_t payload_len)
++	uint16_t offset = 0;
++	/* IDEA/TODO: Detect wrong/changing TS mappings */
++	/* Basic payload Transport Stream check */
++	if (payload_len % MP2T_PACKET_SIZE > 0) {
++		msg_dbg(PKTDATA, "Not a MPEG2 TS packet, wrong size");
++		return false;
++	}
++	/* Check for a sync byte in all TS frames */
++	while ((payload_len - offset) >= MP2T_PACKET_SIZE) {
++		if (payload_ptr[0] != MP2T_SYNC_BYTE) {
++			msg_dbg(PKTDATA, "Invalid MPEG2TS packet skip!");
++			return false;
++		}
++		offset +=  MP2T_PACKET_SIZE;
++		payload_ptr += MP2T_PACKET_SIZE;
++	}
++	/* msg_dbg(PKTDATA, "True MPEG2TS packet"); */
++	return true;
++static bool
++xt_mpeg2ts_match(const struct sk_buff *skb, struct xt_action_param *par)
++	const struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo *info = par->matchinfo;
++	const struct iphdr *iph = ip_hdr(skb);
++	const struct udphdr *uh;
++	struct udphdr _udph;
++	__be32 saddr, daddr;
++	uint16_t ulen;
++	uint16_t hdr_size;
++	uint16_t payload_len;
++	const unsigned char *payload_ptr;
++	bool res = true;
++	int skips = 0;
++	/*
++	if (!(info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP)) {
++		msg_err(RX_ERR, "You told me to do nothing...?!");
++		return false;
++	}
++	*/
++	/*
++	if (!pskb_may_pull((struct sk_buff *)skb, sizeof(struct udphdr)))
++		return false;
++	*/
++	saddr = iph->saddr;
++	daddr = iph->daddr;
++	/* Must not be a fragment. */
++	if (par->fragoff != 0) {
++		msg_warn(RX_ERR, "Skip cannot handle fragments "
++			 "(pkt from:%pI4 to:%pI4) len:%u datalen:%u"
++			 , &saddr, &daddr, skb->len, skb->data_len);
++		return false;
++	}
++	/* We need to walk through the payload data, and I don't want
++	 * to handle fragmented SKBs, the SKB has to be linearized */
++	if (skb_is_nonlinear(skb)) {
++		if (skb_linearize((struct sk_buff *)skb) != 0) {
++			msg_err(RX_ERR, "SKB linearization failed"
++				"(pkt from:%pI4 to:%pI4) len:%u datalen:%u",
++				&saddr, &daddr, skb->len, skb->data_len);
++			/* TODO: Should we just hotdrop it?
++			   *par->hotdrop = true;
++			*/
++			return false;
++		}
++	}
++	uh = skb_header_pointer(skb, par->thoff, sizeof(_udph), &_udph);
++	if (unlikely(uh == NULL)) {
++		/* Something is wrong, cannot even access the UDP
++		 * header, no choice but to drop. */
++		msg_err(RX_ERR, "Dropping evil UDP tinygram "
++			"(pkt from:%pI4 to:%pI4)", &saddr, &daddr);
++		par->hotdrop = true;
++		return false;
++	}
++	ulen = ntohs(uh->len);
++	/* How much do we need to skip to access payload data */
++	hdr_size    = par->thoff + sizeof(struct udphdr);
++	payload_ptr = skb_network_header(skb) + hdr_size;
++	/* payload_ptr = skb->data + hdr_size; */
++	BUG_ON(payload_ptr != (skb->data + hdr_size));
++	/* Different ways to determine the payload_len.  Think the
++	 * safest is to use the skb->len, as we really cannot trust
++	 * the contents of the packet.
++	  payload_len = ntohs(iph->tot_len)- hdr_size;
++	  payload_len = ulen - sizeof(struct udphdr);
++	*/
++	payload_len = skb->len - hdr_size;
++/* Not sure if we need to clone packets
++	if (skb_shared(skb))
++		msg_dbg(RX_STATUS, "skb(0x%p) shared", skb);
++	if (!skb_cloned(skb))
++		msg_dbg(RX_STATUS, "skb(0x%p) NOT cloned", skb);
++	if (is_mpeg2ts_packet(payload_ptr, payload_len)) {
++		msg_dbg(PKTDATA, "Jubii - its a MPEG2TS packet");
++		if (!(info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_DETECT_DROP)) {
++			/* ! --drop-detect */
++			/* Don't perform drop detection, just match mpeg2ts */
++			res = true;
++		} else {
++			skips =	dissect_mpeg2ts(payload_ptr, payload_len,
++						skb, uh, info);
++		}
++	} else {
++		msg_dbg(PKTDATA, "Not a MPEG2 TS packet "
++			"(pkt from:%pI4 to:%pI4)", &saddr, &daddr);
++		return false;
++	}
++	if (info->flags & XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP)
++		res = !!(skips); /* Convert to a bool */
++	return res;
++static struct xt_match mpeg2ts_mt_reg __read_mostly = {
++	.name       = "mpeg2ts",
++	.revision   = 0,
++	.family     = NFPROTO_IPV4,
++	.match      = xt_mpeg2ts_match,
++	.checkentry = xt_mpeg2ts_mt_check,
++	.destroy    = xt_mpeg2ts_mt_destroy,
++	.proto      = IPPROTO_UDP,
++	.matchsize  = sizeof(struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo),
++	.me         = THIS_MODULE,
++/*** Proc seq_file functionality ***/
++static void *mpeg2ts_seq_start(struct seq_file *s, loff_t *pos)
++	struct inode *inode = s->private;
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *htable = PDE_DATA(inode);
++	unsigned int *bucket;
++	if (*pos >= htable->cfg.size)
++		return NULL;
++	if (!*pos)
++		return SEQ_START_TOKEN;
++	bucket = kmalloc(sizeof(unsigned int), GFP_ATOMIC);
++	if (!bucket)
++		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++	*bucket = *pos;
++	return bucket;
++static void *mpeg2ts_seq_next(struct seq_file *s, void *v, loff_t *pos)
++	struct inode *inode = s->private;
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *htable = PDE_DATA(inode);
++	unsigned int *bucket = v;
++	if (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) {
++		bucket = kmalloc(sizeof(unsigned int), GFP_ATOMIC);
++		if (!bucket)
++			return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
++		*bucket = 0;
++		*pos    = 0;
++		v = bucket;
++		return bucket;
++	}
++	*pos = ++(*bucket);
++	if (*pos >= htable->cfg.size) {
++		kfree(v);
++		return NULL;
++	}
++	return bucket;
++static void mpeg2ts_seq_stop(struct seq_file *s, void *v)
++	unsigned int *bucket = v;
++	kfree(bucket);
++static int mpeg2ts_seq_show_real(struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream,
++				 struct seq_file *s, unsigned int bucket)
++	int res;
++	if (!atomic_inc_not_zero(&stream->use)) {
++		/* If "use" is zero, then we about to be free'd */
++		return 0;
++	}
++	seq_printf(s, "bucket:%d dst:%pI4 src:%pI4 dport:%u sport:%u "
++			    "pids:%d skips:%llu discontinuity:%llu "
++			    "payload_bytes:%llu packets:%llu\n",
++			 bucket,
++			 &stream->match.dst_addr,
++			 &stream->match.src_addr,
++			 ntohs(stream->match.dst_port),
++			 ntohs(stream->match.src_port),
++			 stream->pid_list_len,
++			 stream->skips,
++			 stream->discontinuity,
++			 stream->payload_bytes,
++			 stream->packets
++		);
++	atomic_dec(&stream->use);
++	return res;
++static int mpeg2ts_seq_show(struct seq_file *s, void *v)
++	struct inode *inode = s->private;
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *htable = PDE_DATA(inode);
++	unsigned int *bucket = v;
++	struct mpeg2ts_stream *stream;
++	struct timespec64 delta;
++	struct timespec64 now;
++	/*
++	  The syntax for the proc output is "key:value" constructs,
++	  seperated by a space.  This is done to ease machine/script
++	  parsing and still keeping it human readable.
++	*/
++	if (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) {
++		getnstimeofday64(&now);
++		delta = timespec64_sub(now, htable->time_created);
++		/* version info */
++		seq_printf(s, "# info:version module:%s version:%s\n",
++		/* time info */
++		seq_printf(s, "# info:time created:%ld.%09lu"
++			      " now:%ld.%09lu delta:%ld.%09lu\n",
++			   (long)htable->time_created.tv_sec,
++			   htable->time_created.tv_nsec,
++			   (long)now.tv_sec, now.tv_nsec,
++			   (long)delta.tv_sec, delta.tv_nsec);
++		/* dynamic info */
++		seq_puts(s, "# info:dynamic");
++		seq_printf(s, " rule_id:%u", htable->id);
++		seq_printf(s, " streams:%d", htable->count);
++		seq_printf(s, " streams_check:%d", htable->stream_not_found);
++		seq_printf(s, " max_list_search:%d",  htable->max_list_search);
++		seq_printf(s, " rnd:%u", htable->rnd);
++		seq_puts(s, "\n");
++		/* config info */
++		seq_puts(s, "# info:config");
++		seq_printf(s, " htable_size:%u", htable->cfg.size);
++		seq_printf(s, " max-streams:%u", htable->cfg.max);
++		seq_printf(s, " list_search_warn_level:%d",
++			   htable->cfg.max_list);
++		seq_puts(s, "\n");
++	} else {
++		rcu_read_lock();
++		if (!hlist_empty(&htable->stream_hash[*bucket])) {
++			hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(stream,
++						 pos,
++						 &htable->stream_hash[*bucket],
++						 node) {
++				if (mpeg2ts_seq_show_real(stream, s, *bucket)) {
++					rcu_read_unlock();
++					return -1;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		rcu_read_unlock();
++	}
++	return 0;
++static const struct seq_operations dl_seq_ops = {
++	.start = mpeg2ts_seq_start,
++	.next  = mpeg2ts_seq_next,
++	.stop  = mpeg2ts_seq_stop,
++	.show  = mpeg2ts_seq_show
++static int mpeg2ts_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
++	int ret = seq_open(file, &dl_seq_ops);
++	if (!ret) {
++		struct seq_file *sf = file->private_data;
++		sf->private = inode;
++	}
++	return ret;
++static const struct file_operations dl_file_ops = {
++	.owner   = THIS_MODULE,
++	.open    = mpeg2ts_proc_open,
++	.read    = seq_read,
++	.llseek  = seq_lseek,
++	.release = seq_release
++/*** Module init & exit ***/
++static int __init mpeg2ts_mt_init(void)
++	int err;
++	GLOBAL_ID = 1; /* Module counter for rule_id assignments */
++	/* The list conn_htables contain references to dynamic
++	 * allocated memory (via xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable ptr) that
++	 * needes to survive between rule updates.
++	 */
++	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conn_htables);
++	msg_level = netif_msg_init(debug, MPEG2TS_MSG_DEFAULT);
++	msg_info(DRV, "Loading: %s", version);
++	msg_dbg(DRV, "Message level (msg_level): 0x%X", msg_level);
++	/* Register the mpeg2ts matches */
++	err = xt_register_match(&mpeg2ts_mt_reg);
++	if (err) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "unable to register matches");
++		return err;
++	}
++	/* Create proc directory shared by all rules */
++	mpeg2ts_procdir = proc_mkdir(XT_MODULE_NAME, init_net.proc_net);
++	if (!mpeg2ts_procdir) {
++		msg_err(DRV, "unable to create proc dir entry");
++		/* In case of error unregister the mpeg2ts match */
++		xt_unregister_match(&mpeg2ts_mt_reg);
++		err = -ENOMEM;
++	}
++	return err;
++static void __exit mpeg2ts_mt_exit(void)
++	msg_info(DRV, "Unloading: %s", version);
++	remove_proc_entry(XT_MODULE_NAME, init_net.proc_net);
++	xt_unregister_match(&mpeg2ts_mt_reg);
++	/* Its important to wait for all call_rcu_bh() callbacks to
++	 * finish before this module is deallocated as the code
++	 * mpeg2ts_stream_free() is used by these callbacks.
++	 *
++	 * Notice doing a synchronize_rcu() is NOT enough. Need to
++	 * invoke rcu_barrier_bh() to enforce wait for completion of
++	 * call_rcu_bh() callbacks on all CPUs.
++	 */
++	rcu_barrier_bh();
++	rcu_barrier();
+diff -uNr xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.h xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.h
+--- xtables-addons-3.24.orig/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.h	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ xtables-addons-3.24/extensions/xt_mpeg2ts.h	2024-05-24 13:16:12.395671624 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
++ * Header file for MPEG2 TS match extension "mpeg2ts" for Xtables.
++ *
++ * Copyright (c) Jesper Dangaard Brouer <>, 2009-2013
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; either
++ * version 2 of the License, or any later version, as published by the
++ * Free Software Foundation.
++ *
++ */
++/* Get version number PACKAGE_VERSION from configure system */
++#include "../config.h"
++/* XT_MODULE_NAME could be replaced by KBUILD_MODNAME, if this version
++   info were only used the kernel module, but we also use it in
++   userspace.
++#define XT_MODULE_NAME		"xt_mpeg2ts"
++#define PFX			XT_MODULE_NAME ": "
++static char version[] =
++	" (part of " PACKAGE_NAME ")";
++enum {
++	XT_MPEG2TS_PARAM_NAME  = 1 << 2,
++	XT_MPEG2TS_MATCH_DROP  = 1 << 3,
++	/*Future:*/
++/* Details of this hash structure is hidden in kernel space xt_mpeg2ts.c */
++struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable;
++struct mpeg2ts_cfg {
++	/* Hash table setup */
++	__u32 size;		/* how many hash buckets */
++	__u32 max;		/* max number of entries */
++	__u32 max_list;	/* warn if list searches exceed this number */
++struct xt_mpeg2ts_mtinfo {
++	__u16 flags;
++	/* FIXME:
++	   I need to fix the problem, where I have to reallocated data
++	   each time a single rule change occur.
++	   The idea with rule_name and rule_id is that the name is
++	   optional, simply to provide a name in /proc/, the rule_id
++	   is the real lookup-key in the internal kernel list of the
++	   rules associated dynamic-allocated-data.
++	 */
++	char rule_name[IFNAMSIZ];
++	struct mpeg2ts_cfg cfg;
++	/** Below used internally by the kernel **/
++	__u32 rule_id;
++	/* Hash table pointer */
++	struct xt_rule_mpeg2ts_conn_htable *hinfo __attribute__((aligned(8)));
+diff -uNr xtables-addons-3.24.orig/mconfig xtables-addons-3.24/mconfig
+--- xtables-addons-3.24.orig/mconfig	2024-05-24 13:15:28.150705304 +0200
++++ xtables-addons-3.24/mconfig	2024-05-24 13:16:12.395671624 +0200
+@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ build_ipv4options=m
+ build_length2=m
+ build_lscan=m
+ build_pknock=m
+ build_psd=m
+ build_quota2=m