diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0281e107cf7dffbcb13725e43d5617dc001b16da..1a6deef24f1026188de6a94807318a2b2e6f30bf 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -33,4 +33,5 @@ menuselect-tree
diff --git a/contrib/docker/Dockerfile.asterisk b/contrib/docker/Dockerfile.asterisk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41bf4352413ab148b518641e625f461a994fe083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/Dockerfile.asterisk
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Version 0.0.3
+FROM centos:7
+MAINTAINER Leif Madsen <leif@leifmadsen.com>
+ENV REFRESHED_AT 2016-02-25
+# copy is required because you can't mount volumes during build
+# install dependencies and Asterisk RPM
+RUN yum install epel-release -y && \
+    yum install -y *.rpm && \
+    yum clean all && \
+    yum autoremove -y && \
+    /sbin/ldconfig
+ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/asterisk"]
+CMD ["-c", "-vvvv", "-g"]
diff --git a/contrib/docker/Dockerfile.packager b/contrib/docker/Dockerfile.packager
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35882106227137fe6aa3e900fa9fd9d1fe11b454
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/Dockerfile.packager
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+FROM alanfranz/fwd-centos-7:latest
+MAINTAINER Leif Madsen <leif@leifmadsen.com>
+ENV REFRESHED_AT 2016-02-25
+ADD contrib/scripts/install_prereq /tmp/install_prereq
+RUN yum clean metadata && \
+    yum -y update && \
+    yum install epel-release -y && \
+    yum clean all &&\
+    /tmp/install_prereq install
diff --git a/contrib/docker/README.md b/contrib/docker/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a9bd66d43b093638a357a53f9771c1acb40f149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Building Asterisk into a Docker Container Image
+The following set of steps should leave you with a Docker container that
+is relatively small, built from your local checked out source, and even
+provides you with a nice little RPM too!
+## Build the package container image
+Build the package container image. This uses FPM[1] so no `spec` files and
+such are necessary.
+docker build --pull -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile.packager -t asterisk-build .
+## Build your Asterisk RPM from source
+Build the Asterisk RPM from the resulting container image.
+docker run -ti \
+    -v $(pwd):/application:ro \
+    -v $(pwd)/out:/build \
+    -w /application asterisk-build \
+    /application/contrib/docker/make-package.sh 13.6.0
+> **NOTE**: If you need to build this on a system that has SElinux enabled
+> you'll need to use the following command instead:
+> ```
+> docker run -ti \
+>     -v $(pwd):/application:Z \
+>     -v $(pwd)/out:/build:Z \
+>     -w /application asterisk-build \
+>     /application/contrib/docker/make-package.sh 13.6.0
+> ```
+## Create your Asterisk container image
+Now create your own Asterisk container image from the resulting RPM.
+docker build --rm -t madsen/asterisk:13.6.0-1 -f contrib/docker/Dockerfile.asterisk .
+# References
+[1] https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm
diff --git a/contrib/docker/make-package.sh b/contrib/docker/make-package.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..261df60e3feb7174799d31ef6d6d22b00fa910e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/make-package.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# This script intended to be run from the packager container. Please see the
+# README.md file for more information on how this script is used.
+set -ex
+[ -n "$1" ]
+mkdir -p /opt
+# move into the application directory where Asterisk source exists
+cd /application
+# strip the source of any Git-isms
+rsync -av --exclude='.git' . /tmp/application
+# move to the build directory and build Asterisk
+cd /tmp/application
+cd menuselect
+make menuselect
+cd ..
+make menuselect-tree
+menuselect/menuselect --check-deps menuselect.makeopts
+# Do not include sound files. You should be mounting these from and external
+# volume.
+sed -i -e 's/MENUSELECT_MOH=.*$/MENUSELECT_MOH=/' menuselect.makeopts
+sed -i -e 's/MENUSELECT_CORE_SOUNDS=.*$/MENUSELECT_CORE_SOUNDS=/' menuselect.makeopts
+# Build it!
+make all install DESTDIR=/tmp/installdir
+rm -rf /tmp/application
+cd /build
+# Use the Fine Package Management system to build us an RPM without all that
+# reeking effort.
+fpm -t rpm -s dir -n asterisk-custom --version "$1" \
+    --depends libedit \
+    --depends libxslt \
+    --depends jansson \
+    --depends pjproject \
+    --depends openssl \
+    --depends libxml2 \
+    --depends unixODBC \
+    --depends libcurl \
+    --depends libogg \
+    --depends libvorbis \
+    --depends speex \
+    --depends spandsp \
+    --depends freetds \
+    --depends net-snmp \
+    --depends iksemel \
+    --depends corosynclib \
+    --depends newt \
+    --depends lua \
+    --depends sqlite \
+    --depends freetds \
+    --depends radiusclient-ng \
+    --depends postgresql \
+    --depends neon \
+    --depends libical \
+    --depends openldap \
+    --depends sqlite2 \
+    --depends mysql \
+    --depends bluez \
+    --depends gsm \
+    --depends libuuid \
+    --depends libsrtp \
+    -C /tmp/installdir etc usr var
+chown -R --reference /application/contrib/docker/make-package.sh .