diff --git a/apps/app_alarmreceiver.c b/apps/app_alarmreceiver.c
index 2754be4f40c6a47f23a886878b208c6cb0d372b4..988ec96647b715aa40d8e92933fd38ee28d1d6fc 100644
--- a/apps/app_alarmreceiver.c
+++ b/apps/app_alarmreceiver.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ typedef struct event_node event_node_t;
 static char *app = "AlarmReceiver";
-static char *synopsis = "Provide support for receving alarm reports from a burglar or fire alarm panel";
+static char *synopsis = "Provide support for receiving alarm reports from a burglar or fire alarm panel";
 static char *descrip =
 "  AlarmReceiver(): Only 1 signalling format is supported at this time: Ademco\n"
 "Contact ID. This application should be called whenever there is an alarm\n"
diff --git a/apps/app_directory.c b/apps/app_directory.c
index 0dc7dc1c50358fad70ac4297f11302d2ba7002f2..f9dbbc412ad0bc1526ccc9eab5a3c8ca46e3c0ec 100644
--- a/apps/app_directory.c
+++ b/apps/app_directory.c
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static char *descrip =
 "the calling channel with a directory of extensions from which they can search\n"
 "by name. The list of names and corresponding extensions is retrieved from the\n"
 "voicemail configuration file, voicemail.conf.\n"
-"  This applicaiton will immediate exit if one of the following DTMF digits are\n"
+"  This application will immediately exit if one of the following DTMF digits are\n"
 "received and the extension to jump to exists:\n"
 "    0 - Jump to the 'o' extension, if it exists.\n"
 "    * - Jump to the 'a' extension, if it exists.\n\n"
diff --git a/apps/app_disa.c b/apps/app_disa.c
index b49fe47a6e401198a001f1f35b57f0f6f3bc55e4..65a1e07c8555ddb362ab284af7d6b5a96a1333c2 100644
--- a/apps/app_disa.c
+++ b/apps/app_disa.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ static char *descrip =
 	"Be aware that using this compromises the security of your PBX.\n\n"
 	"The arguments to this application (in extensions.conf) allow either\n"
 	"specification of a single global passcode (that everyone uses), or\n"
-	"individual passcodes contained in a file. It also allow specification\n"
+	"individual passcodes contained in a file. It also allows specification\n"
 	"of the context on which the user will be dialing. If no context is\n"
 	"specified, the DISA application defaults the context to \"disa\".\n"
 	"Presumably a normal system will have a special context set up\n"
diff --git a/apps/app_speech_utils.c b/apps/app_speech_utils.c
index a38fed12bd6771e93d846babd15bb91ba4130334..b759d5f5518fa4d74a346294140db638f22826b5 100644
--- a/apps/app_speech_utils.c
+++ b/apps/app_speech_utils.c
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ static int load_module(void *mod)
 	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechUnloadGrammar", speech_unload, "Unload a Grammar", speechunload_descrip);
 	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechActivateGrammar", speech_activate, "Activate a Grammar", speechactivategrammar_descrip);
         res |= ast_register_application("SpeechDeactivateGrammar", speech_deactivate, "Deactivate a Grammar", speechdeactivategrammar_descrip);
-	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechStart", speech_start, "Start recognizing", speechstart_descrip);
+	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechStart", speech_start, "Start recognizing voice in the audio stream", speechstart_descrip);
 	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechBackground", speech_background, "Play a sound file and wait for speech to be recognized", speechbackground_descrip);
 	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechDestroy", speech_destroy, "End speech recognition", speechdestroy_descrip);
 	res |= ast_register_application("SpeechProcessingSound", speech_processing_sound, "Change background processing sound", speechprocessingsound_descrip);
diff --git a/apps/app_stack.c b/apps/app_stack.c
index 4d21d0f8cca1d286af877c3f35630723ff09c533..e3783d66be05bbec767fab467122369750cf4a39 100644
--- a/apps/app_stack.c
+++ b/apps/app_stack.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static const char *app_return = "Return";
 static const char *app_pop = "StackPop";
 static const char *gosub_synopsis = "Jump to label, saving return address";
-static const char *gosubif_synopsis = "Jump to label, saving return address";
+static const char *gosubif_synopsis = "Conditionally jump to label, saving return address";
 static const char *return_synopsis = "Return from gosub routine";
 static const char *pop_synopsis = "Remove one address from gosub stack";
diff --git a/configs/voicemail.conf.sample b/configs/voicemail.conf.sample
index 61e5588b868414ca6a8288dc3cad742e62af75ab..19844b4b741df46a33311125ca70743bc014ed10 100644
--- a/configs/voicemail.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/voicemail.conf.sample
@@ -142,13 +142,6 @@ emaildateformat=%A, %B %d, %Y at %r
 ; R             24 hour time, including minute 
-eastern=America/New_York|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
-central=America/Chicago|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
-central24=America/Chicago|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours'
-military=Zulu|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours' 'phonetic/z_p'
-european=Europe/Copenhagen|'vm-received' a d b 'digits/at' HM
 ; Each mailbox is listed in the form <mailbox>=<password>,<name>,<email>,<pager_email>,<options>
 ; if the e-mail is specified, a message will be sent when a message is
@@ -160,7 +153,7 @@ european=Europe/Copenhagen|'vm-received' a d b 'digits/at' HM
 ; NOTE: All options can be expressed globally in the general section, and
 ; overriden in the per-mailbox settings, unless listed otherwise.
-; tz=central 		; Timezone from zonemessages above.  Irrelevant if envelope=no.
+; tz=central 		; Timezone from zonemessages below. Irrelevant if envelope=no.
 ; attach=yes 		; Attach the voicemail to the notification email *NOT* the pager email
 ; attachfmt=wav49	; Which format to attach to the email.  Normally this is the
 			; first format specified in the format parameter above, but this
@@ -203,8 +196,17 @@ sendvoicemail=yes	; Context to Send voicemail from [option 5 from the advanced m
 			;     The default is "no".
 ;tempgreetwarn=yes	; Remind the user that their temporary greeting is set
+eastern=America/New_York|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
+central=America/Chicago|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IMp
+central24=America/Chicago|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours'
+military=Zulu|'vm-received' q 'digits/at' H N 'hours' 'phonetic/z_p'
+european=Europe/Copenhagen|'vm-received' a d b 'digits/at' HM
-; Define maximum number of messages per folder for partcular context.
+; Define maximum number of messages per folder for a particular context.
 1234 => 4242,Example Mailbox,root@localhost
diff --git a/pbx.c b/pbx.c
index 4f10ba675189b46edbf6082bfa3c7bd5b062631d..d2f0c6e5c413b1418f81414eb32df1ffbcf05974 100644
--- a/pbx.c
+++ b/pbx.c
@@ -265,25 +265,25 @@ static struct pbx_builtin {
 	{ "BackGround", pbx_builtin_background,
-	"Play a file while awaiting extension",
+	"Play an audio file while waiting for digits of an extension to go to.\n",
 	"  Background(filename1[&filename2...][|options[|langoverride][|context]]):\n"
 	"This application will play the given list of files while waiting for an\n"
 	"extension to be dialed by the calling channel. To continue waiting for digits\n"
 	"after this application has finished playing files, the WaitExten application\n"
-	"should be used. The 'langoverride' option explicity specifies which language\n"
+	"should be used. The 'langoverride' option explicitly specifies which language\n"
 	"to attempt to use for the requested sound files. If a 'context' is specified,\n"
 	"this is the dialplan context that this application will use when exiting to a\n"
 	"dialed extension."
 	"  If one of the requested sound files does not exist, call processing will be\n"
 	"  Options:\n"
-	"    s - causes the playback of the message to be skipped\n"
+	"    s - Causes the playback of the message to be skipped\n"
 	"          if the channel is not in the 'up' state (i.e. it\n"
-	"          hasn't been answered yet.) If this happens, the\n"
+	"          hasn't been answered yet). If this happens, the\n"
 	"          application will return immediately.\n"
-	"    n - don't answer the channel before playing the files\n"
-	"    m - only break if a digit hit matches a one digit\n"
-	"          extension in the destination context\n"
+	"    n - Don't answer the channel before playing the files.\n"
+	"    m - Only break if a digit hit matches a one digit\n"
+	"          extension in the destination context.\n"
 	{ "Busy", pbx_builtin_busy,
@@ -326,19 +326,15 @@ static struct pbx_builtin {
 	{ "GotoIfTime", pbx_builtin_gotoiftime,
 	"Conditional Goto based on the current time",
 	"  GotoIfTime(<times>|<weekdays>|<mdays>|<months>?[[context|]exten|]priority):\n"
-	"This application will have the calling channel jump to the speicified location\n"
-	"int the dialplan if the current time matches the given time specification.\n"
-	"Further information on the time specification can be found in examples\n"
-	"illustrating how to do time-based context includes in the dialplan.\n"
+	"This application will have the calling channel jump to the specified location\n"
+	"in the dialplan if the current time matches the given time specification.\n"
 	{ "ExecIfTime", pbx_builtin_execiftime,
 	"Conditional application execution based on the current time",
 	"  ExecIfTime(<times>|<weekdays>|<mdays>|<months>?appname[|appargs]):\n"
 	"This application will execute the specified dialplan application, with optional\n"
-	"arguments, if the current time matches the given time specification. Further\n"
-	"information on the time speicification can be found in examples illustrating\n"
-	"how to do time-based context includes in the dialplan.\n"
+	"arguments, if the current time matches the given time specification.\n"
 	{ "Hangup", pbx_builtin_hangup,
@@ -408,8 +404,8 @@ static struct pbx_builtin {
 	{ "SetAMAFlags", pbx_builtin_setamaflags,
 	"Set the AMA Flags",
-	"  SetAMAFlags([flag]): This channel will set the channel's AMA Flags for billing\n"
-	"purposes.\n"
+	"  SetAMAFlags([flag]): This application will set the channel's AMA Flags for\n"
+ 	"  billing purposes.\n"
 	{ "SetGlobalVar", pbx_builtin_setglobalvar,