diff --git a/UPGRADE.txt b/UPGRADE.txt
index 1c41d90fed98c5ce5d7a58987ccdc0d6fadc8e76..61d4ec148c85d874d92ef68ddf644e304c438c31 100644
--- a/UPGRADE.txt
+++ b/UPGRADE.txt
@@ -67,6 +67,14 @@ From 1.6.1 to 1.6.2:
   instead, it is configured on a per-peer (or global) basis in sip.conf, with
   the same default as was present in udptl.conf.sample.
+* T.38 FAX maximum datagram size can no longer be configured in updtl.conf;
+  instead, it is either supplied by the application servicing the T.38 channel
+  (for a FAX send or receive) or calculated from the bridged endpoint's
+  maximum datagram size (for a T.38 FAX passthrough call). In addition, sip.conf
+  allows for overriding the value supplied by a remote endpoint, which is useful
+  when T.38 connections are made to gateways that supply incorrectly-calculated
+  maximum datagram sizes.
 * There have been some changes to the IAX2 protocol to address the security
   concerns documented in the security advisory AST-2009-006.  Please see the
   IAX2 security document, doc/IAX2-security.pdf, for information regarding
diff --git a/channels/chan_sip.c b/channels/chan_sip.c
index 7f8b3c039b3cc7021ea63abcc0737cf38c41c4b8..4bfe696dabb31c0e63db9b730e16b6b6933c19b5 100644
--- a/channels/chan_sip.c
+++ b/channels/chan_sip.c
@@ -1272,6 +1272,8 @@ static int regobjs = 0;                  /*!< Registry objects */
 /* }@ */
 static struct ast_flags global_flags[2] = {{0}};        /*!< global SIP_ flags */
+static int global_t38_maxdatagram;			/*!< global T.38 FaxMaxDatagram override */
 static char used_context[AST_MAX_CONTEXT];		/*!< name of automatically created context for unloading */
@@ -1518,10 +1520,10 @@ struct sip_auth {
 #define SIP_PAGE2_SUBSCRIBEMWIONLY	(1 << 18)	/*!< GP: Only issue MWI notification if subscribed to */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_IGNORESDPVERSION	(1 << 19)	/*!< GDP: Ignore the SDP session version number we receive and treat all sessions as new */
-#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT		        (7 << 20)	/*!< GDP: T.38 Fax Support */
+#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT		        (3 << 20)	/*!< GDP: T.38 Fax Support */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL	        (1 << 20)	/*!< GDP: T.38 Fax Support (no error correction) */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_FEC	        (2 << 20)	/*!< GDP: T.38 Fax Support (FEC error correction) */
-#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_REDUNDANCY	(4 << 20)	/*!< GDP: T.38 Fax Support (redundancy error correction) */
+#define SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_REDUNDANCY	(3 << 20)	/*!< GDP: T.38 Fax Support (redundancy error correction) */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_CALL_ONHOLD		(3 << 23)	/*!< D: Call hold states: */
 #define SIP_PAGE2_CALL_ONHOLD_ACTIVE    (1 << 23)       /*!< D: Active hold */
@@ -1761,6 +1763,7 @@ struct sip_pvt {
 	int jointnoncodeccapability;            /*!< Joint Non codec capability */
 	int redircodecs;			/*!< Redirect codecs */
 	int maxcallbitrate;			/*!< Maximum Call Bitrate for Video Calls */	
+	int t38_maxdatagram;			/*!< T.38 FaxMaxDatagram override */
 	int request_queue_sched_id;		/*!< Scheduler ID of any scheduled action to process queued requests */
 	int provisional_keepalive_sched_id; /*!< Scheduler ID for provisional responses that need to be sent out to avoid cancellation */
 	const char *last_provisional;   /*!< The last successfully transmitted provisonal response message */
@@ -2009,6 +2012,7 @@ struct sip_peer {
 	int inRinging;			/*!< Number of calls ringing */
 	int onHold;                     /*!< Peer has someone on hold */
 	int call_limit;			/*!< Limit of concurrent calls */
+	int t38_maxdatagram;		/*!< T.38 FaxMaxDatagram override */
 	int busy_level;			/*!< Level of active channels where we signal busy */
 	enum transfermodes allowtransfer;	/*! SIP Refer restriction scheme */
 	struct ast_codec_pref prefs;	/*!<  codec prefs */
@@ -5178,6 +5182,7 @@ static int create_addr_from_peer(struct sip_pvt *dialog, struct sip_peer *peer)
 			/* t38pt_udptl was enabled in the peer and not in [general] */
 			dialog->udptl = ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr);
+		dialog->t38_maxdatagram = peer->t38_maxdatagram;
 	} else if (dialog->udptl) {
@@ -7235,6 +7240,7 @@ static struct sip_pvt *sip_alloc(ast_string_field callid, struct sockaddr_in *si
 	if (sip_methods[intended_method].need_rtp) {
 		if (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT) && (p->udptl = ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr))) {
 			ast_udptl_setqos(p->udptl, global_tos_audio, global_cos_audio);
+			p->t38_maxdatagram = global_t38_maxdatagram;
 		p->maxcallbitrate = default_maxcallbitrate;
 		p->autoframing = global_autoframing;
@@ -7263,6 +7269,7 @@ static struct sip_pvt *sip_alloc(ast_string_field callid, struct sockaddr_in *si
 	    (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[0], SIP_DTMF) == SIP_DTMF_AUTO))
 		p->noncodeccapability |= AST_RTP_DTMF;
 	if (p->udptl) {
+		p->t38_maxdatagram = global_t38_maxdatagram;
 	ast_string_field_set(p, context, sip_cfg.default_context);
@@ -8725,6 +8732,11 @@ static int process_sdp(struct sip_pvt *p, struct sip_request *req, int t38action
 					ast_debug(3, "FaxVersion: %d\n", x);
 					p->t38.their_parms.version = x;
 				} else if ((sscanf(a, "T38FaxMaxDatagram:%30d", &x) == 1) || (sscanf(a, "T38MaxDatagram:%30d", &x) == 1)) {
+					/* override the supplied value if the configuration requests it */
+					if (p->t38_maxdatagram > x) {
+						ast_debug(1, "Overriding T38FaxMaxDatagram '%d' with '%d'\n", x, p->t38_maxdatagram);
+						x = p->t38_maxdatagram;
+					}
 					found = 1;
 					ast_debug(3, "FaxMaxDatagram: %d\n", x);
 					ast_udptl_set_far_max_datagram(p->udptl, x);
@@ -14262,6 +14274,7 @@ static enum check_auth_result check_peer_ok(struct sip_pvt *p, char *of,
 	ast_copy_flags(&p->flags[1], &peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_FLAGS_TO_COPY);
 	if (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT) && p->udptl) {
+		p->t38_maxdatagram = peer->t38_maxdatagram;
@@ -15577,6 +15590,18 @@ static void peer_mailboxes_to_str(struct ast_str **mailbox_str, struct sip_peer
+static struct _map_x_s faxecmodes[] = {
+	{ SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL,			"None"},
+	{ -1,						NULL},
+static const char *faxec2str(int faxec)
+	return map_x_s(faxecmodes, faxec, "Unknown");
 /*! \brief Show one peer in detail (main function) */
 static char *_sip_show_peer(int type, int fd, struct mansession *s, const struct message *m, int argc, const char *argv[])
@@ -15655,7 +15680,9 @@ static char *_sip_show_peer(int type, int fd, struct mansession *s, const struct
 		ast_cli(fd, "  Insecure     : %s\n", insecure2str(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_INSECURE)));
 		ast_cli(fd, "  Force rport  : %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_NAT_FORCE_RPORT)));
 		ast_cli(fd, "  ACL          : %s\n", cli_yesno(peer->ha != NULL));
-		ast_cli(fd, "  T38 pt UDPTL : %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+		ast_cli(fd, "  T.38 support : %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+		ast_cli(fd, "  T.38 EC mode : %s\n", faxec2str(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+		ast_cli(fd, "  T.38 MaxDtgrm: %d\n", peer->t38_maxdatagram);
 		ast_cli(fd, "  DirectMedia  : %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_DIRECT_MEDIA)));
 		ast_cli(fd, "  PromiscRedir : %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_PROMISCREDIR)));
 		ast_cli(fd, "  User=Phone   : %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_USEREQPHONE)));
@@ -15767,6 +15794,9 @@ static char *_sip_show_peer(int type, int fd, struct mansession *s, const struct
 		astman_append(s, "SIP-UserPhone: %s\r\n", (ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[0], SIP_USEREQPHONE)?"Y":"N"));
 		astman_append(s, "SIP-VideoSupport: %s\r\n", (ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_VIDEOSUPPORT)?"Y":"N"));
 		astman_append(s, "SIP-TextSupport: %s\r\n", (ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_TEXTSUPPORT)?"Y":"N"));
+		astman_append(s, "SIP-T.38Support: %s\r\n", (ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)?"Y":"N"));
+		astman_append(s, "SIP-T.38EC: %s\r\n", faxec2str(ast_test_flag(&peer->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+		astman_append(s, "SIP-T.38MaxDtgrm: %d\r\n", peer->t38_maxdatagram);
 		astman_append(s, "SIP-Sess-Timers: %s\r\n", stmode2str(peer->stimer.st_mode_oper));
 		astman_append(s, "SIP-Sess-Refresh: %s\r\n", strefresher2str(peer->stimer.st_ref));
 		astman_append(s, "SIP-Sess-Expires: %d\r\n", peer->stimer.st_max_se);
@@ -16215,7 +16245,9 @@ static char *sip_show_settings(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_
 	ast_cli(a->fd, "  Call Events:            %s\n", sip_cfg.callevents ? "On" : "Off");
 	ast_cli(a->fd, "  Auth. Failure Events:   %s\n", global_authfailureevents ? "On" : "Off");
-	ast_cli(a->fd, "  T38 fax pt UDPTL:       %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+	ast_cli(a->fd, "  T.38 support:           %s\n", cli_yesno(ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+	ast_cli(a->fd, "  T.38 EC mode:           %s\n", faxec2str(ast_test_flag(&global_flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT)));
+	ast_cli(a->fd, "  T.38 MaxDtgrm:          %d\n", global_t38_maxdatagram);
 	if (!realtimepeers && !realtimeregs)
 		ast_cli(a->fd, "  SIP realtime:           Disabled\n" );
@@ -20493,6 +20525,7 @@ static int handle_request_invite(struct sip_pvt *p, struct sip_request *req, int
 		/* If T38 is needed but not present, then make it magically appear */
 		if (ast_test_flag(&p->flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT) && !p->udptl && (p->udptl = ast_udptl_new_with_bindaddr(sched, io, 0, bindaddr.sin_addr))) {
+			p->t38_maxdatagram = global_t38_maxdatagram;
@@ -23725,6 +23758,48 @@ static void set_insecure_flags (struct ast_flags *flags, const char *value, int
+  \brief Handle T.38 configuration options common to users and peers
+  \returns non-zero if any config options were handled, zero otherwise
+static int handle_t38_options(struct ast_flags *flags, struct ast_flags *mask, struct ast_variable *v,
+			      int *maxdatagram)
+	int res = 1;
+	if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "t38pt_udptl")) {
+		char *buf = ast_strdupa(v->value);
+		char *word, *next = buf;
+		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
+		while ((word = strsep(&next, ","))) {
+			if (ast_true(word) || !strcasecmp(word, "fec")) {
+				ast_clear_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
+				ast_set_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_FEC);
+			} else if (!strcasecmp(word, "redundancy")) {
+				ast_clear_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
+				ast_set_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_REDUNDANCY);
+			} else if (!strcasecmp(word, "none")) {
+				ast_clear_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
+				ast_set_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL);
+			} else if (!strncasecmp(word, "maxdatagram=", 12)) {
+				if (sscanf(&word[12], "%30d", maxdatagram) != 1) {
+					ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid maxdatagram '%s' at line %d of %s\n", v->value, v->lineno, config);
+					*maxdatagram = global_t38_maxdatagram;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "t38pt_usertpsource")) {
+		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_UDPTL_DESTINATION);
+		ast_set2_flag(&flags[1], ast_true(v->value), SIP_PAGE2_UDPTL_DESTINATION);
+	} else {
+		res = 0;
+	}
+	return res;
   \brief Handle flag-type options common to configuration of devices - peers
   \param flags array of two struct ast_flags
@@ -23851,34 +23926,12 @@ static int handle_common_options(struct ast_flags *flags, struct ast_flags *mask
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "faxdetect")) {
 		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_FAX_DETECT);
 		ast_set2_flag(&flags[1], ast_true(v->value), SIP_PAGE2_FAX_DETECT);
-	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "t38pt_udptl")) {
-		char buf[16], *word, *next = buf;
-		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
-		ast_copy_string(buf, v->value, sizeof(buf));
-		while ((word = strsep(&next, ","))) {
-			if (ast_true(word) || !strcasecmp(word, "fec")) {
-				ast_clear_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
-				ast_set_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_FEC);
-			} else if (!strcasecmp(word, "redundancy")) {
-				ast_clear_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
-				ast_set_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL_REDUNDANCY);
-			} else if (!strcasecmp(word, "none")) {
-				ast_clear_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT);
-				ast_set_flag(&flags[1], SIP_PAGE2_T38SUPPORT_UDPTL);
-			}
-		}
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "rfc2833compensate")) {
 		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_RFC2833_COMPENSATE);
 		ast_set2_flag(&flags[1], ast_true(v->value), SIP_PAGE2_RFC2833_COMPENSATE);
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "buggymwi")) {
 		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_BUGGY_MWI);
 		ast_set2_flag(&flags[1], ast_true(v->value), SIP_PAGE2_BUGGY_MWI);
-	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "t38pt_usertpsource")) {
-		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_UDPTL_DESTINATION);
-		ast_set2_flag(&flags[1], ast_true(v->value), SIP_PAGE2_UDPTL_DESTINATION);
 	} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "constantssrc")) {
 		ast_set_flag(&mask[1], SIP_PAGE2_CONSTANT_SSRC);
 		ast_set2_flag(&flags[1], ast_true(v->value), SIP_PAGE2_CONSTANT_SSRC);
@@ -24085,6 +24138,7 @@ static void set_peer_defaults(struct sip_peer *peer)
 	peer->rtpkeepalive = global_rtpkeepalive;
 	peer->allowtransfer = sip_cfg.allowtransfer;
 	peer->autoframing = global_autoframing;
+	peer->t38_maxdatagram = global_t38_maxdatagram;
 	peer->qualifyfreq = global_qualifyfreq;
 	if (global_callcounter)
@@ -24244,6 +24298,9 @@ static struct sip_peer *build_peer(const char *name, struct ast_variable *v, str
 			if (handle_common_options(&peerflags[0], &mask[0], v)) {
+			if (handle_t38_options(&peerflags[0], &mask[0], v, &peer->t38_maxdatagram)) {
+				continue;
+			}
 			if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "transport") && !ast_strlen_zero(v->value)) {
 				char *val = ast_strdupa(v->value);
 				char *trans;
@@ -24955,6 +25012,7 @@ static int reload_config(enum channelreloadreason reason)
 	global_timer_b = 64 * DEFAULT_TIMER_T1;
 	global_t1min = DEFAULT_T1MIN;
 	global_qualifyfreq = DEFAULT_QUALIFYFREQ;
+	global_t38_maxdatagram = -1;
 	sip_cfg.matchexterniplocally = DEFAULT_MATCHEXTERNIPLOCALLY;
@@ -24971,6 +25029,9 @@ static int reload_config(enum channelreloadreason reason)
 	for (v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "general"); v; v = v->next) {
 		if (handle_common_options(&global_flags[0], &dummy[0], v))
+		if (handle_t38_options(&global_flags[0], &dummy[0], v, &global_t38_maxdatagram)) {
+			continue;
+		}
 		/* handle jb conf */
 		if (!ast_jb_read_conf(&global_jbconf, v->name, v->value))
diff --git a/configs/sip.conf.sample b/configs/sip.conf.sample
index 23c16979cd954ff5244402d8c363937d58d7d49b..f32d60915fbed1aa23580055c130c4631014ee55 100644
--- a/configs/sip.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/sip.conf.sample
@@ -496,22 +496,32 @@ srvlookup=yes                   ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
 ;callcounter = yes              ; Enable call counters on devices. This can be set per
                                 ; device too.
-;----------------------------------------- T.38 FAX PASSTHROUGH SUPPORT -----------------------
+;----------------------------------------- T.38 FAX SUPPORT ----------------------------------
 ; This setting is available in the [general] section as well as in device configurations.
-; Setting this to yes, enables T.38 fax (UDPTL) passthrough on SIP to SIP calls, provided
-; both parties have T38 support enabled in their Asterisk configuration
-; This has to be enabled in the general section for all devices to work. You can then
-; disable it on a per device basis.
-; T.38 faxing only works in SIP to SIP calls. It defaults to off.
+; Setting this to yes enables T.38 FAX (UDPTL) on SIP calls; it defaults to off.
 ; t38pt_udptl = yes            ; Enables T.38 with FEC error correction.
 ; t38pt_udptl = yes,fec        ; Enables T.38 with FEC error correction.
 ; t38pt_udptl = yes,redundancy ; Enables T.38 with redundancy error correction.
 ; t38pt_udptl = yes,none       ; Enables T.38 with no error correction.
-; Faxs Detect will cause the SIP channel to jump to the 'fax' extension (if it exists)
+; In some cases, T.38 endpoints will provide a T38FaxMaxDatagram value (during T.38 setup) that
+; is based on an incorrect interpretation of the T.38 recommendation, and results in failures
+; because Asterisk does not believe it can send T.38 packets of a reasonable size to that
+; endpoint (Cisco media gateways are one example of this situation). In these cases, during a
+; T.38 call you will see warning messages on the console/in the logs from the Asterisk UDPTL
+; stack complaining about lack of buffer space to send T.38 FAX packets. If this occurs, you
+; can set an override (globally, or on a per-device basis) to make Asterisk ignore the
+; T38FaxMaxDatagram value specified by the other endpoint, and use a configured value instead.
+; This can be done by appending 'maxdatagram=<value>' to the t38pt_udptl configuration option,
+; like this:
+; t38pt_udptl = yes,fec,maxdatagram=400 ; Enables T.38 with FEC error correction and overrides
+;                                       ; the other endpoint's provided value to assume we can
+;                                       ; send 400 byte T.38 FAX packets to it.
+; FAX detection will cause the SIP channel to jump to the 'fax' extension (if it exists)
 ; after T.38 is successfully negotiated.
 ; faxdetect = yes              ; Default false
diff --git a/configs/udptl.conf.sample b/configs/udptl.conf.sample
index 97df84213d7ff501e1ad1530aee6db11f3a72100..1d635da5ca48dbbc77d6e19432045e70c5969ae6 100644
--- a/configs/udptl.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/udptl.conf.sample
@@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ udptlend=4999
-; The maximum length of a UDPTL packet
-T38FaxMaxDatagram = 400
 ; The number of error correction entries in a UDPTL packet
 udptlfecentries = 3
diff --git a/main/udptl.c b/main/udptl.c
index edaa3c70ed84ab79ccfe02b790cc55c8b06bdc62..db2ae8f0117c91f5e00bf78c00cc7346685341f3 100644
--- a/main/udptl.c
+++ b/main/udptl.c
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ struct ast_frame *ast_udptl_read(struct ast_udptl *udptl)
 static void calculate_local_max_datagram(struct ast_udptl *udptl)
-	unsigned int new_max = 200;
+	unsigned int new_max = 0;
 	/* calculate the amount of space required to receive an IFP
 	 * using the current error correction mode, and ensure that our
@@ -741,32 +741,28 @@ static void calculate_local_max_datagram(struct ast_udptl *udptl)
 static void calculate_far_max_ifp(struct ast_udptl *udptl)
-	unsigned new_max = 60;
+	unsigned new_max = 0;
 	/* calculate the maximum IFP the local endpoint should
 	 * generate based on the far end's maximum datagram size
-	 * and the current error correction mode. some endpoints
-	 * bogus 'max datagram' values that would result in unusable
-	 * (too small) maximum IFP values, so we have a a reasonable
-	 * minimum value to ensure that we can actually construct
-	 * UDPTL packets.
+	 * and the current error correction mode.
 	switch (udptl->error_correction_scheme) {
 		/* only need room for sequence number and length indicators */
-		new_max = MAX(new_max, udptl->far_max_datagram - 6);
+		new_max = udptl->far_max_datagram - 6;
 		/* need room for sequence number, length indicators and the
 		 * configured number of redundant packets
-		new_max = MAX(new_max, (udptl->far_max_datagram - 8) / (udptl->error_correction_entries + 1));
+		new_max = (udptl->far_max_datagram - 8) / (udptl->error_correction_entries + 1);
 		/* need room for sequence number, length indicators and a
 		 * a single IFP of the maximum size expected
-		new_max = MAX(new_max, (udptl->far_max_datagram - 10) / 2);
+		new_max = (udptl->far_max_datagram - 10) / 2;
 	/* subtract 25% of space for insurance */
@@ -998,7 +994,9 @@ int ast_udptl_write(struct ast_udptl *s, struct ast_frame *f)
 	if (f->datalen > s->far_max_ifp) {
-		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "UDPTL asked to send %d bytes of IFP when far end only prepared to accept %d bytes; data loss may occur.\n", f->datalen, s->far_max_ifp);
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING,
+			"UDPTL asked to send %d bytes of IFP when far end only prepared to accept %d bytes; data loss may occur. "
+			"You may need to override the T38FaxMaxDatagram value for this endpoint in the channel driver configuration.\n", f->datalen, s->far_max_ifp);
 	/* Save seq_no for debug output because udptl_build_packet increments it */