diff --git a/configs/zapata.conf.sample b/configs/zapata.conf.sample
index c8db2a7f6fea96634185e41beefdf21da57c453c..80004f58baaf676ce15b1fbfc2ebb88e5cd4a50c 100755
--- a/configs/zapata.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/zapata.conf.sample
@@ -132,12 +132,24 @@ cancallforward=yes
-; Stutter dialtone support: If a mailbox is specified, then when voicemail
-; is received in that mailbox, taking the phone off hook will cause
-; a stutter dialtone instead of a normal one
+; Stutter dialtone support: If a mailbox is specified without a voicemail 
+; context, then when voicemail is received in a mailbox in the default 
+; voicemail context in voicemail.conf, taking the phone off hook will 
+; cause a stutter dialtone instead of a normal one. 
+; If a mailbox is specified *with* a voicemail context, the same will 
+; result if voicemail recieved in mailbox in the specified voicemail 
+; context
+; for default voicemail context, the example below is fine:
+; for any other voicemail context, the following will produce the 
+; stutter tone:
 ; Enable echo cancellation 
 ; Use either "yes", "no", or a power of two from 32 to 256 if you wish
 ; to actually set the number of taps of cancellation.