diff --git a/include/asterisk/test.h b/include/asterisk/test.h
index 2ea8332b14a41c7b84e43a5a34ce19931cd6a862..69f88374e47447ada1b4e527211257224b66c9f9 100644
--- a/include/asterisk/test.h
+++ b/include/asterisk/test.h
@@ -389,6 +389,28 @@ int __ast_test_status_update(const char *file, const char *func, int line, struc
 		}							\
 	} while(0)
+ * \brief Check a test condition, report error and goto cleanup label if failed.
+ *
+ * \since 13.4.0
+ *
+ * This macro evaluates \a condition. If the condition evaluates to true (non-zero),
+ * nothing happens. If it evaluates to false (zero), then the failure is printed
+ * using \ref ast_test_status_update, the variable \a rc_variable is set to AST_TEST_FAIL,
+ * and a goto to \a cleanup_label is executed.
+ *
+ * \param test Currently executing test
+ * \param condition Boolean condition to check.
+ * \param rc_variable Variable to receive AST_TEST_FAIL.
+ * \param cleanup_label The label to go to on failure.
+ */
+#define ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, condition, rc_variable, cleanup_label) ({ \
+	if (!(condition)) {	\
+		ast_test_status_update((test), "%s: %s\n", "Condition failed", #condition); \
+		rc_variable = AST_TEST_FAIL; \
+		goto cleanup_label; \
+	} \
 #endif /* TEST_FRAMEWORK */
 #endif /* _AST_TEST_H */
diff --git a/include/asterisk/vector.h b/include/asterisk/vector.h
index 23db8a502f3124ed17d4bfdb1b61a09e880da79a..255c30b436cf434191be79c773a425b48733b2b8 100644
--- a/include/asterisk/vector.h
+++ b/include/asterisk/vector.h
@@ -122,6 +122,19 @@
 	(vec)->current = 0;			\
 } while (0)
+ * \brief Deallocates this vector pointer.
+ *
+ * If any code to free the elements of this vector need to be run, that should
+ * be done prior to this call.
+ *
+ * \param vec Pointer to a malloc'd vector structure.
+ */
+#define AST_VECTOR_PTR_FREE(vec) do { \
+	ast_free(vec); \
+} while (0)
  * \brief Deallocates this locked vector
@@ -135,6 +148,44 @@
 	ast_rwlock_destroy(&(vec)->lock); \
 } while(0)
+ * \brief Deallocates this locked vector pointer.
+ *
+ * If any code to free the elements of this vector need to be run, that should
+ * be done prior to this call.
+ *
+ * \param vec Pointer to a malloc'd vector structure.
+ */
+#define AST_VECTOR_RW_PTR_FREE(vec) do { \
+	ast_free(vec); \
+} while(0)
+ * \internal
+ */
+#define __make_room(idx, vec) ({ \
+	int res = 0;								\
+	do {														\
+		if ((idx) >= (vec)->max) {								\
+			size_t new_max = ((idx) + 1) * 2;				\
+			typeof((vec)->elems) new_elems = ast_calloc(1,		\
+				new_max * sizeof(*new_elems));					\
+			if (new_elems) {									\
+				memcpy(new_elems, (vec)->elems,					\
+					(vec)->current * sizeof(*new_elems)); 		\
+				ast_free((vec)->elems);							\
+				(vec)->elems = new_elems;						\
+				(vec)->max = new_max;							\
+			} else {											\
+				res = -1;										\
+				break;											\
+			}													\
+		}														\
+	} while(0);													\
+	res;														\
  * \brief Append an element to a vector, growing the vector if needed.
@@ -145,23 +196,15 @@
  * \return Non-zero on failure.
 #define AST_VECTOR_APPEND(vec, elem) ({						\
-	int res = 0;								\
-	do {									\
-		if ((vec)->current + 1 > (vec)->max) {				\
-			size_t new_max = (vec)->max ? 2 * (vec)->max : 1;	\
-			typeof((vec)->elems) new_elems = ast_realloc(		\
-				(vec)->elems, new_max * sizeof(*new_elems));	\
-			if (new_elems) {					\
-				(vec)->elems = new_elems;			\
-				(vec)->max = new_max;				\
-			} else {						\
-				res = -1;					\
-				break;						\
-			}							\
-		}								\
+	int res = 0;											\
+	do {													\
+		if (__make_room((vec)->current, vec) != 0) { 		\
+			res = -1;										\
+			break;											\
+		} 													\
 		(vec)->elems[(vec)->current++] = (elem);			\
-	} while (0);								\
-	res;									\
+	} while (0);											\
+	res;													\
@@ -180,30 +223,19 @@
  * index means you can not use the UNORDERED assortment of macros. These macros alter the ordering
  * of the vector itself.
-#define AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(vec, idx, elem) ({					\
- 	int res = 0;												\
- 	do {														\
- 		if (((idx) + 1) > (vec)->max) {							\
- 			size_t new_max = ((idx) + 1) * 2;					\
-			typeof((vec)->elems) new_elems = ast_calloc(1,		\
-				new_max * sizeof(*new_elems));					\
-			if (new_elems) {									\
-				memcpy(new_elems, (vec)->elems,					\
-					(vec)->current * sizeof(*new_elems)); 		\
-				ast_free((vec)->elems);							\
-				(vec)->elems = new_elems;						\
-				(vec)->max = new_max;							\
-			} else {											\
-				res = -1;										\
-				break;											\
-			}													\
- 		}														\
- 		(vec)->elems[(idx)] = (elem);							\
- 		if (((idx) + 1) > (vec)->current) {						\
- 			(vec)->current = (idx) + 1;							\
- 		}														\
- 	} while(0);													\
- 	res;														\
+#define AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(vec, idx, elem) ({		\
+	int res = 0;									\
+	do {											\
+		if (__make_room((idx), vec) != 0) {			\
+			res = -1;								\
+			break;									\
+		}											\
+		(vec)->elems[(idx)] = (elem);				\
+		if (((idx) + 1) > (vec)->current) {			\
+			(vec)->current = (idx) + 1;				\
+		}											\
+	} while(0);										\
+	res;											\
@@ -226,22 +258,16 @@
 	int res = 0; \
 	size_t __move; \
 	do { \
-		if ((vec)->current + 1 > (vec)->max) { \
-			size_t new_max = (vec)->max ? 2 * (vec)->max : 1; \
-			typeof((vec)->elems) new_elems = ast_realloc( \
-				(vec)->elems, new_max * sizeof(*new_elems)); \
-			if (new_elems) { \
-				(vec)->elems = new_elems; \
-				(vec)->max = new_max; \
-			} else { \
-				res = -1; \
-				break; \
-			} \
+		if (__make_room(((idx) > (vec)->current ? (idx) : (vec)->current), vec) != 0) {							\
+			res = -1;										\
+			break;											\
+		}														\
+		if ((vec)->current > 0 && (idx) < (vec)->current) { \
+			__move = ((vec)->current - (idx)) * sizeof(typeof((vec)->elems[0])); \
+			memmove(&(vec)->elems[(idx) + 1], &(vec)->elems[(idx)], __move); \
 		} \
-		__move = ((vec)->current - 1) * sizeof(typeof((vec)->elems[0])); \
-		memmove(&(vec)->elems[(idx) + 1], &(vec)->elems[(idx)], __move); \
 		(vec)->elems[(idx)] = (elem); \
-		(vec)->current++; \
+		(vec)->current = ((idx) > (vec)->current ? (idx) : (vec)->current) + 1; \
 	} while (0); \
 	res; \
@@ -441,25 +467,127 @@
- * \brief Execute a callback on every element in a vector
+ * \brief Default callback for AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK()
+ *
+ * \param elem Element to compare against
+ * \param value Value to compare with the vector element.
+ *
+ * \return CMP_MATCH always.
+ */
+#define AST_VECTOR_MATCH_ALL(element) (CMP_MATCH)
+ * \brief Execute a callback on every element in a vector returning the first matched
  * \param vec Vector to operate on.
  * \param callback A callback that takes at least 1 argument (the element)
  * plus number of optional arguments
+ * \param default_value A default value to return if no elements matched
- * \return the number of elements visited before the end of the vector
- * was reached or CMP_STOP was returned.
+ * \return the first element matched before CMP_STOP was returned
+ * or the end of the vector was reached. Otherwise, default_value
-#define AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(vec, callback, ...) ({ \
+#define AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(vec, callback, default_value, ...) ({ \
 	size_t idx; \
+	typeof((vec)->elems[0]) res = default_value;				\
 	for (idx = 0; idx < (vec)->current; idx++) { \
 		int rc = callback((vec)->elems[idx], ##__VA_ARGS__);	\
-		if (rc == CMP_STOP) { \
-			idx++; \
+		if (rc & CMP_MATCH) { \
+			res = (vec)->elems[idx]; \
 			break; \
+		if (rc & CMP_STOP) { \
+			break; \
+		}\
+	} \
+	res; \
+ * \brief Execute a callback on every element in a vector returning the matching
+ * elements in a new vector
+ *
+ * \param vec Vector to operate on.
+ * \param callback A callback that takes at least 1 argument (the element)
+ * plus number of optional arguments
+ *
+ * \return a vector containing the elements matched before CMP_STOP was returned
+ * or the end of the vector was reached. The vector may be empty and could be NULL
+ * if there was not enough memory to allocate it's control structure.
+ *
+ * \warning The returned vector must have AST_VECTOR_PTR_FREE()
+ * called on it after you've finished with it.
+ *
+ * \note The type of the returned vector must be traceable to the original vector.
+ *
+ * The following will resut in "error: assignment from incompatible pointer type"
+ * because these declare 2 different structures.
+ *
+ * \code
+ * AST_VECTOR(, char *) vector_1;
+ * AST_VECTOR(, char *) *vector_2;
+ *
+ * vector_2 = AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK_MULTIPLE(&vector_1, callback);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This will work because you're using the type of the first
+ * to declare the second:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * AST_VECTOR(mytype, char *) vector_1;
+ * struct mytype *vector_2 = NULL;
+ *
+ * vector_2 = AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK_MULTIPLE(&vector_1, callback);
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This will also work because you're declaring both vector_1 and
+ * vector_2 from the same definition.
+ *
+ * \code
+ * AST_VECTOR(, char *) vector_1, *vector_2 = NULL;
+ *
+ * vector_2 = AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK_MULTIPLE(&vector_1, callback);
+ * \endcode
+ */
+#define AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK_MULTIPLE(vec, callback, ...) ({ \
+	size_t idx; \
+	typeof((vec)) new_vec; \
+	do { \
+		new_vec = ast_malloc(sizeof(*new_vec)); \
+		if (!new_vec) { \
+			break; \
+		} \
+		if (AST_VECTOR_INIT(new_vec, AST_VECTOR_SIZE((vec))) != 0) { \
+			ast_free(new_vec); \
+			new_vec = NULL; \
+			break; \
+		} \
+		for (idx = 0; idx < (vec)->current; idx++) { \
+			int rc = callback((vec)->elems[idx], ##__VA_ARGS__);	\
+			if (rc & CMP_MATCH) { \
+				AST_VECTOR_APPEND(new_vec, (vec)->elems[idx]); \
+			} \
+			if (rc & CMP_STOP) { \
+				break; \
+			}\
+		} \
+	} while(0); \
+	new_vec; \
+ * \brief Execute a callback on every element in a vector disregarding callback return
+ *
+ * \param vec Vector to operate on.
+ * \param callback A callback that takes at least 1 argument (the element)
+ * plus number of optional arguments
+ */
+#define AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK_VOID(vec, callback, ...) ({ \
+	size_t idx; \
+	for (idx = 0; idx < (vec)->current; idx++) { \
+		callback((vec)->elems[idx], ##__VA_ARGS__);	\
 	} \
-	idx; \
diff --git a/tests/test_vector.c b/tests/test_vector.c
index eae188143233b0fb05d2f6ad4771b32df8728960..bd45b0c2bd2ea8cadb51b23f7a56ce6cdf01b3c5 100644
--- a/tests/test_vector.c
+++ b/tests/test_vector.c
@@ -42,14 +42,6 @@ ASTERISK_REGISTER_FILE()
 #include "asterisk/module.h"
 #include "asterisk/vector.h"
-#define test_validate_cleanup(condition) ({ \
-	if (!(condition)) {	\
-		ast_test_status_update((test), "%s: %s\n", "Condition failed", #condition); \
-		rc = AST_TEST_FAIL; \
-		goto cleanup; \
-	} \
 static int cleanup_count;
 static void cleanup(char *element)
@@ -57,6 +49,10 @@ static void cleanup(char *element)
+#define STRING_CMP(a, b) ({ \
+	((a) == NULL || (b) == NULL) ? -1 : (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0); \
 	AST_VECTOR(test_struct, char *) sv1;
@@ -65,6 +61,7 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(basic_ops)
 	char *AAA = "AAA";
 	char *BBB = "BBB";
 	char *CCC = "CCC";
+	char *YYY = "YYY";
 	char *ZZZ = "ZZZ";
 	switch (cmd) {
@@ -79,105 +76,131 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(basic_ops)
 	ast_test_validate(test, AST_VECTOR_INIT(&sv1, 3) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max >= 4);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 4);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == BBB);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 3) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(*(char **)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, "AAA", 0 == strcmp) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(*(char **)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, "ZZZ", 0 == strcmp) == ZZZ);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	/* there should be no vector growth for the 3 appends */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max >= 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == sv1.current, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	/* The vector should have grown */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 8, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 4, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 3) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	/* Test inserting > current but < max */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 6, YYY) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 7, rc, cleanup);
+	/* The vector should not have grown */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 8, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 6) == YYY, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 4) == NULL, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 5) == NULL, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, *(char **)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, "AAA", STRING_CMP) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, *(char **)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, "ZZZ", STRING_CMP) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	/* Test inserting > max */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 12, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 13, rc, cleanup);
+	/* The vector should have grown */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 26, rc, cleanup);
+	/* RESET */
 	ast_test_validate(test, sv1.elems == NULL);
 	ast_test_validate(test, sv1.current == 0);
 	ast_test_validate(test, sv1.max == 0);
+	/* Test with initial size = 0 */
 	ast_test_validate(test, AST_VECTOR_INIT(&sv1, 0) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max >= 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max >= 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Overwrite index 1 */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
-	/* Remove index 0 and bring the last entry into it's empty slot */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_UNORDERED(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	/* Replace beyond current */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 10, YYY) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 11, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 5) == NULL, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 10) == YYY, rc, cleanup);
+	/* Replace beyond max */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 100, YYY) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 101, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max >= 101, rc, cleanup);
+	/* Remove index 0 and bring the last entry (10/YYY) into it's empty slot */
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_UNORDERED(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 100, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == YYY, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Replace 0 and 2 leaving 1 alone */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 0, AAA) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, CCC) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 0, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, CCC) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 100, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Remove 1 and compact preserving order */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ORDERED(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ORDERED(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 99, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
-	/* Equivalent of APPEND */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, ZZZ) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 0, ZZZ) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 100, rc, cleanup);
 	/* This should fail because comparison is by pointer */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ELEM_ORDERED(&sv1, "ZZZ", cleanup) != 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ELEM_ORDERED(&sv1, "ZZZ", cleanup) != 0, rc, cleanup);
 	/* This should work because we passing in the specific object to be removed */
 	cleanup_count = 0;
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ELEM_ORDERED(&sv1, ZZZ, cleanup) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(cleanup_count == 1);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ELEM_ORDERED(&sv1, ZZZ, cleanup) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.current == 99, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, cleanup_count == 1, rc, cleanup);
 	/* If we want a comparison by value, we need to pass in a comparison
-	 * function.  The comparison looks weird but that's what it takes.
+	 * function.
 	cleanup_count = 0;
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, "AAA", 0 == strcmp, cleanup) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 1);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(cleanup_count == 1);
-	/* This element is gone so we shouldn't be able to find it or delete it again. */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, "AAA", 0 == strcmp) == NULL);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, "AAA", 0 == strcmp, cleanup) != 0);
-	/* CCC should still be there though */
-	test_validate_cleanup(*(char **)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, "CCC", 0 == strcmp) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, "AAA", STRING_CMP, cleanup) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 98, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, cleanup_count == 1, rc, cleanup);
@@ -211,28 +234,30 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(basic_ops_integer)
 	ast_test_validate(test, AST_VECTOR_INIT(&sv1, 3) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max >= 4);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 4);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == BBB);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 3) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(*(int *)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, AAA,  AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(*(int *)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, ZZZ, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == ZZZ);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_INSERT_AT(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max >= 4, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 4, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 3) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, *(int *)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, AAA,  AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, *(int *)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, ZZZ, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
 	ast_test_validate(test, sv1.elems == NULL);
@@ -240,94 +265,104 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(basic_ops_integer)
 	ast_test_validate(test, sv1.max == 0);
 	ast_test_validate(test, AST_VECTOR_INIT(&sv1, 0) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(sv1.max >= 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, BBB) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_APPEND(&sv1, CCC) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, sv1.max >= 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Overwrite index 1 */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 1, ZZZ) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Remove index 0 and bring the last entry into it's empty slot */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_UNORDERED(&sv1, 0) == 1);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_UNORDERED(&sv1, 0) == 1, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Replace 0 and 2 leaving 1 alone */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 0, AAA) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, CCC) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 0, AAA) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, CCC) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Remove 1 and compact preserving order */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ORDERED(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ORDERED(&sv1, 1) == ZZZ, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	/* Equivalent of APPEND */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, ZZZ) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REPLACE(&sv1, 2, ZZZ) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 3, rc, cleanup);
 	/* This should work because we passing in the specific object to be removed */
 	cleanup_count = 0;
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ELEM_ORDERED(&sv1, ZZZ, cleanup_int) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(cleanup_count == 1);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_ELEM_ORDERED(&sv1, ZZZ, cleanup_int) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 2, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 1) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, cleanup_count == 1, rc, cleanup);
 	/* If we want a comparison by value, we need to pass in a comparison
 	 * function.
 	cleanup_count = 0;
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, AAA, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP, cleanup_int) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 1);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC);
-	test_validate_cleanup(cleanup_count == 1);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, AAA, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP, cleanup_int) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 1, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(&sv1, 0) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, cleanup_count == 1, rc, cleanup);
 	/* This element is gone so we shouldn't be able to find it or delete it again. */
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, AAA, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == NULL);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, AAA, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP, cleanup_int) != 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, AAA, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == NULL, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_REMOVE_CMP_ORDERED(&sv1, AAA, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP, cleanup_int) != 0, rc, cleanup);
 	/* CCC should still be there though */
-	test_validate_cleanup(*(int *)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, CCC, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == CCC);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, *(int *)AST_VECTOR_GET_CMP(&sv1, CCC, AST_VECTOR_ELEM_DEFAULT_CMP) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
 	return rc;
+static int visits;
-static int cb(void *obj, void *arg, void *data)
+static int cb_match(void *obj, void *arg)
-	return strcmp(arg, "ARG") == 0 ? 0 : CMP_STOP;
+	visits++;
+	return strcmp(arg, obj) == 0 ? CMP_MATCH : 0;
-static int cb_first(void *obj, void *arg, void *data)
+static int cb_visits(void *obj, int v)
-	return data == arg ? CMP_STOP : 0;
+	visits++;
+	return visits == v ? CMP_STOP : 0;
 	AST_VECTOR(, char *) sv1;
+	typeof(sv1) *sv2 = NULL;
 	int rc = AST_TEST_PASS;
+	char *AAA = "AAA";
+	char *AAA2 = "AAA";
+	char *BBB = "BBB";
+	char *CCC = "CCC";
+	char *DEF = "default_value";
 	switch (cmd) {
 	case TEST_INIT:
@@ -342,16 +377,47 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(callbacks)
 	AST_VECTOR_INIT(&sv1, 32);
+	visits = 0;
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(&sv1, cb_match, DEF, "AAA") == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, visits == 1, rc, cleanup);
+	visits = 0;
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(&sv1, cb_match, DEF, "XYZ") == DEF, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, visits == 4, rc, cleanup);
+	visits = 0;
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(&sv1, cb_visits, DEF, 2) == DEF, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, visits == 2, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(sv2) == 4, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 1) == BBB, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 2) == CCC, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 3) == AAA2, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(&sv1, cb, "ARG", test) == 3);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(&sv1) == 7, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK(&sv1, cb_first, test, test) == 1);
+	sv2 = AST_VECTOR_CALLBACK_MULTIPLE(&sv1, cb_match, "AAA");
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_SIZE(sv2) == 3, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 0) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 1) == AAA2, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_GET(sv2, 2) == AAA, rc, cleanup);
 	return rc;
@@ -379,25 +445,25 @@ AST_TEST_DEFINE(locks)
 	AST_VECTOR_RW_INIT(&sv1, 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_RDLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_RDLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_RDLOCK_TRY(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TRY(&sv1) != 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TRY(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_RDLOCK_TRY(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TRY(&sv1) != 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TRY(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
 	ts.tv_nsec = 0;
 	ts.tv_sec = 2;
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_RDLOCK_TIMED(&sv1, &ts) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TIMED(&sv1, &ts) != 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TIMED(&sv1, &ts) == 0);
-	test_validate_cleanup(AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_RDLOCK_TIMED(&sv1, &ts) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TIMED(&sv1, &ts) != 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_WRLOCK_TIMED(&sv1, &ts) == 0, rc, cleanup);
+	ast_test_validate_cleanup(test, AST_VECTOR_RW_UNLOCK(&sv1) == 0, rc, cleanup);