diff --git a/UPGRADE-12.txt b/UPGRADE-12.txt
index 360e28d93e2e53fd1aaf0a46dea9ee96e507364e..354e1070e10d73df3220a89eec3f81a49781fe7d 100644
--- a/UPGRADE-12.txt
+++ b/UPGRADE-12.txt
@@ -220,6 +220,11 @@ chan_dahdi:
  - Added mwi_vm_boxes that also must be configured for ISDN MWI to be enabled.
+ - ignore_failed_channels now defaults to True: the channel will continue to
+   be configured even if configuring it has failed. This is generally a
+   better setup for systems with not more than one DAHDI device or with DAHDI
+   >= 2.8.0 .
  - The /b option has been removed.
diff --git a/channels/chan_dahdi.c b/channels/chan_dahdi.c
index d4e2a823832f6b3ed445e9831987b3ef22970253..a97f3c3a28697e6bc84b789716de1016b6ea8972 100644
--- a/channels/chan_dahdi.c
+++ b/channels/chan_dahdi.c
@@ -961,6 +961,7 @@ static struct dahdi_chan_conf dahdi_chan_conf_default(void)
 			.debouncetime = -1
 		.is_sig_auto = 1,
+		.ignore_failed_channels = 1,
 		.smdi_port = "/dev/ttyS0",
diff --git a/configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample b/configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample
index 51dedcad8ecf69e28e9bd195b5f32e210a75967e..83701ef0013856fc3537bf4ff9addd167809845f 100644
--- a/configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample
@@ -1167,12 +1167,11 @@ pickupgroup=1
 ; ignore_failed_channels: Continue even if some channels failed to configure.
-; False by default, as if even a single channel failed to configure, it might
-; mean other channels are misplaced and having them work may not be a good
-; idea. If enabled (set to true), chan_dahdi will nevertheless attempt to
-; configure other channels rather than giving up. This normally makes sense
-; only if you use names (<subdir>!<number>) for DAHDI channels.
-;ignore_failed_channels = true
+; True by default. Disable this if you can guarantee that DAHDI starts before
+; Asterisk and want to be sure chan_dahdi will not start with broken
+; configuration.
+;ignore_failed_channels = false
 ; Configure jitter buffers in DAHDI (each one is 20ms, default is 4)
 ; This is set globally, rather than per-channel.