diff --git a/tests/CI/buildAsterisk.sh b/tests/CI/buildAsterisk.sh
index e9d3013c4dee1952d57321826c79d9b57872368f..60f091761ec587b6133c6f6ca61f385e491716ea 100755
--- a/tests/CI/buildAsterisk.sh
+++ b/tests/CI/buildAsterisk.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
 CIDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -fn $0))
 source $CIDIR/ci.functions
@@ -28,6 +29,15 @@ gen_mods() {
 [ x"$OUTPUT_DIR" != x ] && mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" 2> /dev/null
+if [ -z $TESTED_ONLY ]; then
+	# Skip building untested modules by default if coverage is enabled.
+if [ -z $LCOV_DIR ]; then
 if [ x"$CACHE_DIR" != x ] ; then
 	mkdir -p $CACHE_DIR/sounds $CACHE_DIR/externals 2> /dev/null
@@ -65,6 +75,9 @@ common_config_args="--prefix=/usr ${_libdir:+--libdir=${_libdir}} --sysconfdir=/
 $PKGCONFIG 'jansson >= 2.11' || common_config_args+=" --with-jansson-bundled"
 common_config_args+=" ${CACHE_DIR:+--with-sounds-cache=${CACHE_DIR}/sounds --with-externals-cache=${CACHE_DIR}/externals}"
 common_config_args+=" --enable-dev-mode"
+if [ $COVERAGE -eq 1 ] ; then
+	common_config_args+=" --enable-coverage"
 export WGET_EXTRA_ARGS="--quiet"
 runner ./configure ${common_config_args} > ${OUTPUT_DIR:+${OUTPUT_DIR}/}configure.txt
 runner menuselect/menuselect `gen_cats enable $cat_enables` menuselect.makeopts
 mod_disables="res_digium_phone chan_vpb"
+if [ $TESTED_ONLY -eq 1 ] ; then
+	# These modules are not tested at all.  They are loaded but nothing is ever done
+	# with them, no testsuite tests depend on them.
+	mod_disables+=" app_adsiprog app_alarmreceiver app_celgenuserevent app_db app_dictate"
+	mod_disables+=" app_dumpchan app_externalivr app_festival app_getcpeid app_ices app_image"
+	mod_disables+=" app_jack app_milliwatt app_minivm app_morsecode app_mp3 app_nbscat app_privacy"
+	mod_disables+=" app_readexten app_sms app_speech_utils app_test app_url app_waitforring"
+	mod_disables+=" app_waitforsilence app_waituntil app_zapateller"
+	mod_disables+=" cdr_adaptive_odbc cdr_custom cdr_manager cdr_odbc cdr_pgsql cdr_radius"
+	mod_disables+=" cdr_syslog cdr_tds"
+	mod_disables+=" cel_odbc cel_pgsql cel_radius cel_sqlite3_custom cel_tds"
+	mod_disables+=" chan_alsa chan_console chan_mgcp chan_motif chan_oss chan_rtp chan_skinny chan_unistim"
+	mod_disables+=" func_frame_trace func_pitchshift func_speex func_volume func_dialgroup"
+	mod_disables+=" func_periodic_hook func_sprintf func_enum func_extstate func_sysinfo func_iconv"
+	mod_disables+=" func_callcompletion func_version func_rand func_sha1 func_module func_md5"
+	mod_disables+=" pbx_dundi pbx_loopback"
+	mod_disables+=" res_ael_share res_calendar res_config_ldap res_config_pgsql res_corosync"
+	mod_disables+=" res_http_post res_pktccops res_rtp_multicast res_snmp res_xmpp"
 [ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "master" ] && mod_disables+=" codec_opus codec_silk codec_g729a codec_siren7 codec_siren14"
 runner menuselect/menuselect `gen_mods disable $mod_disables` menuselect.makeopts
@@ -93,6 +125,21 @@ runner menuselect/menuselect `gen_mods enable $mod_enables` menuselect.makeopts
 runner ${MAKE} -j8 || runner ${MAKE} -j1 NOISY_BUILD=yes
+runner rm -f ${LCOV_DIR}/*.info
+if [ $COVERAGE -eq 1 ] ; then
+	runner mkdir -p ${LCOV_DIR}
+	# Zero counter data
+	runner lcov --quiet --directory . --zerocounters
+	# Branch coverage is not supported by --initial.  Disable to suppresses a notice
+	# printed if it was enabled in lcovrc.
+	# This initial capture ensures any module which was built but never loaded is
+	# reported with 0% coverage for all sources.
+	runner lcov --quiet --directory . --no-external --capture --initial --rc lcov_branch_coverage=0 \
+		--output-file ${LCOV_DIR}/initial.info
 ALEMBIC=$(which alembic 2>/dev/null || : )
 if [ x"$ALEMBIC" = x ] ; then
 	echo "Alembic not installed"
diff --git a/tests/CI/processCoverage.sh b/tests/CI/processCoverage.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b34ebee680fa37d83189a8682184282efaf7308f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CI/processCoverage.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+CIDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -fn $0))
+source $CIDIR/ci.functions
+if [ ! -r main/asterisk.gcno ]; then
+	# Coverage is not enabled.
+	exit 0
+if [ -z $LCOV_DIR ]; then
+if [ -z $COVERAGE_DIR ]; then
+if [ -z $ASTERISK_VERSION ]; then
+	ASTERISK_VERSION=$(./build_tools/make_version .)
+set -x
+# Capture counter data from testing
+lcov --no-external --capture --directory . --output-file ${LCOV_DIR}/tested.info > /dev/null
+# Combine initial and tested data.
+lcov \
+	--add-tracefile ${LCOV_DIR}/initial.info \
+	--add-tracefile ${LCOV_DIR}/tested.info \
+	--output-file ${LCOV_DIR}/combined.info > /dev/null
+# We don't care about coverage reporting for tests, utils or third-party.
+lcov --remove ${LCOV_DIR}/combined.info \
+		"${PWD}/main/dns_test.*" \
+		"${PWD}/main/test.*" \
+		"${PWD}/tests/*" \
+		"${PWD}/utils/*" \
+		"${PWD}/third-party/*" \
+	--output-file ${LCOV_DIR}/filtered.info > /dev/null
+# Generate HTML coverage report.
+mkdir -p ${COVERAGE_DIR}
+genhtml --prefix ${PWD} --ignore-errors source ${LCOV_DIR}/filtered.info \
+	--legend --title "Asterisk ${ASTERISK_VERSION}" --output-directory=${COVERAGE_DIR} > /dev/null
diff --git a/tests/test_astobj2.c b/tests/test_astobj2.c
index 827ebb55bbcaea8fcfdfa9a59fb7a6a044d64619..3158a66964927143f79b3ec24911a79cbf8620c0 100644
--- a/tests/test_astobj2.c
+++ b/tests/test_astobj2.c
@@ -1994,10 +1994,15 @@ static enum ast_test_result_state testloop(struct ast_test *test,
 	int res = AST_TEST_PASS;
 	int i;
+	int reportcount = iterations / 5;
 	struct timeval start;
 	start = ast_tvnow();
 	for (i = 1 ; i <= iterations && res == AST_TEST_PASS ; i++) {
+		if (i % reportcount == 0 && i != iterations) {
+			ast_test_status_update(test, "%5.2fK traversals, %9s\n",
+				i / 1000.0, test_container2str(type));
+		}
 		res = test_performance(test, type, copt);
 	ast_test_status_update(test, "%5.2fK traversals, %9s : %5lu ms\n",
diff --git a/utils/Makefile b/utils/Makefile
index 6bd33dacd1f598e3d72570d3716ed63eb2a4121d..2ec1b917c6f8c86695591a4d4e5097b8e8881677 100644
--- a/utils/Makefile
+++ b/utils/Makefile
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ check_expr2: $(ASTTOPDIR)/main/ast_expr2f.c $(ASTTOPDIR)/main/ast_expr2.c $(ASTT
 	$(ECHO_PREFIX) echo "   [CC] ast_expr2.c -> ast_expr2z.o"
 	$(CC) -g -c -I$(ASTTOPDIR)/include -DSTANDALONE2 $(ASTTOPDIR)/main/ast_expr2.c -o ast_expr2z.o
 	$(ECHO_PREFIX) echo "   [LD] ast_expr2fz.o ast_expr2z.o  -> check_expr2"
-	$(CC) -g -o check_expr2 ast_expr2fz.o ast_expr2z.o astmm.o -lm
+	$(CC) -g -o check_expr2 ast_expr2fz.o ast_expr2z.o astmm.o -lm $(_ASTLDFLAGS)
 	$(ECHO_PREFIX) echo "   [RM] ast_expr2fz.o ast_expr2z.o"
 	rm ast_expr2z.o ast_expr2fz.o
 	./check_expr2 expr2.testinput