diff --git a/utils/build-extensions-conf.lua b/utils/build-extensions-conf.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index a3f159def9450fa497bcf2056e7c06c587183e0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/build-extensions-conf.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env lua
-This utility can be used to generate an extensions.conf file to match an
-existing extensions.lua file.  As an argument it takes the patch of the
-extensions.lua file to read from, otherwise it uses
-This script can also be used to automatically include extensions.lua in
-extensions.conf via a #exec as well.
-#exec /usr/bin/build-extensions-conf.lua -c
-usage = [[
-  ]] .. arg[0] .. [[ [options] [extensions.lua path]
-This utility can generate an extensions.conf file with all of the contexts in
-your extensions.lua file defined as including the Lua switch.  This is useful
-if you want to use your extensions.lua file exclusively.  By using this utility
-you dont't have to create each extension in extensions.conf manually.
-The resulting extensions.conf file is printed to standard output.
-  --contexts-only, -c	Don't print the [global] or [general] sections.  This
-			is useful for including the generated file into an
-			existing extensions.conf via #include or #exec.
-  --help, -h		Print this message.
-extensions_file = "/etc/asterisk/extensions.lua"
-options = {}
-for k, v in ipairs(arg) do
-	if v:sub(1, 1) == "-" then
-		if v == "-h" or v == "--help" then
-			print("match")
-			options["help"] = true
-		elseif v == "-c" or v == "--contexts-only" then
-			options["contexts-only"] = true
-		end
-	else
-		options["extensions-file"] = v
-	end
-if options["help"] then
-	io.stderr:write(usage)
-	os.exit(0)
-if options["extensions-file"] then
-	extensions_file = options["extensions-file"]
-result, error_message = pcall(dofile, extensions_file)
-if not result then
-	io.stderr:write(error_message .. "\n")
-	os.exit(1)
-if not extensions then
-	io.stderr:write("Error: extensions table not found in '" .. extensions_file .. "'\n")
-	os.exit(1)
-if not options["contexts-only"] then
-	io.stdout:write("[general]\n\n[globals]\n\n")
-for context, extens in pairs(extensions) do
-	io.stdout:write("[" .. tostring(context) ..  "]\nswitch => Lua\n\n")