diff --git a/doc/CHANGES-staging/pjsip_logger_improvements.txt b/doc/CHANGES-staging/pjsip_logger_improvements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a16be9a442d9a32f322942d7f0a100947096a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/CHANGES-staging/pjsip_logger_improvements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Subject: res_pjsip_logger
+The PJSIP packet logger now has the following CLI commands:
+pjsip set logger pcap <filename>
+When used this will create a pcap file containing the incoming
+and outgoing SIP packets, in unencrypted form.
+pjsip set logger console <on / off>
+This allows you to toggle logging to console on and off.
+pjsip set logger host <IP/subnet mask> add
+This allows you to add an additional IP address or subnet
+mask to logging, allowing you to log multiple instead of
+just a single IP address or all traffic.
+The normal "pjsip set logger host" CLI command has also been
+expanded to allow subnet masks as well.
diff --git a/res/res_pjsip_logger.c b/res/res_pjsip_logger.c
index 172deec4ac9af0bd51e90ee5b560e178926dee43..cc79f61718f300a06725b7c13068a9d85718f203 100644
--- a/res/res_pjsip_logger.c
+++ b/res/res_pjsip_logger.c
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
 #include "asterisk.h"
+#include <netinet/in.h>	/* For IPPROTO_UDP and in6_addr */
 #include <pjsip.h>
 #include "asterisk/res_pjsip.h"
@@ -32,60 +34,262 @@
 #include "asterisk/logger.h"
 #include "asterisk/cli.h"
 #include "asterisk/netsock2.h"
+#include "asterisk/acl.h"
+/*! \brief PCAP Header */
+struct pcap_header {
+	uint32_t magic_number; 	/*! \brief PCAP file format magic number */
+	uint16_t version_major;	/*! \brief Major version number of the file format */
+	uint16_t version_minor;	/*! \brief Minor version number of the file format */
+	int32_t thiszone;	/*! \brief GMT to local correction */
+	uint32_t sigfigs;	/*! \brief Accuracy of timestamps */
+	uint32_t snaplen;	/*! \brief The maximum size that can be recorded in the file */
+	uint32_t network;	/*! \brief Type of packets held within the file */
+/*! \brief PCAP Packet Record Header */
+struct pcap_record_header {
+	uint32_t ts_sec;	/*! \brief When the record was created */
+	uint32_t ts_usec;	/*! \brief When the record was created */
+	uint32_t incl_len;	/*! \brief Length of packet as saved in the file */
+	uint32_t orig_len;	/*! \brief Length of packet as sent over network */
-enum pjsip_logging_mode {
-	LOGGING_MODE_DISABLED,    /* No logging is enabled */
-	LOGGING_MODE_ENABLED,     /* Logging is enabled */
+/*! \brief PCAP Ethernet Header */
+struct pcap_ethernet_header {
+	uint8_t dst[6];	/*! \brief Destination MAC address */
+	uint8_t src[6];	/*! \brief Source MAD address */
+	uint16_t type;	/*! \brief The type of packet contained within */
+} __attribute__((__packed__));
+/*! \brief PCAP IPv4 Header */
+struct pcap_ipv4_header {
+	uint8_t ver_ihl;	/*! \brief IP header version and other bits */
+	uint8_t ip_tos;		/*! \brief Type of service details */
+	uint16_t ip_len;	/*! \brief Total length of the packet (including IPv4 header) */
+	uint16_t ip_id;		/*! \brief Identification value */
+	uint16_t ip_off;	/*! \brief Fragment offset */
+	uint8_t ip_ttl;		/*! \brief Time to live for the packet */
+	uint8_t ip_protocol;	/*! \brief Protocol of the data held within the packet (always UDP) */
+	uint16_t ip_sum;	/*! \brief Checksum (not calculated for our purposes */
+	uint32_t ip_src;	/*! \brief Source IP address */
+	uint32_t ip_dst;	/*! \brief Destination IP address */
-static enum pjsip_logging_mode logging_mode;
-static struct ast_sockaddr log_addr;
+/*! \brief PCAP IPv6 Header */
+struct pcap_ipv6_header {
+   union {
+      struct ip6_hdrctl {
+         uint32_t ip6_un1_flow; /*! \brief Version, traffic class, flow label */
+         uint16_t ip6_un1_plen; /*! \brief Length of the packet (not including IPv6 header) */
+         uint8_t ip6_un1_nxt; 	/*! \brief Next header field */
+         uint8_t ip6_un1_hlim;	/*! \brief Hop Limit */
+      } ip6_un1;
+      uint8_t ip6_un2_vfc;	/*! \brief Version, traffic class */
+   } ip6_ctlun;
+   struct in6_addr ip6_src; /*! \brief Source IP address */
+   struct in6_addr ip6_dst; /*! \brief Destination IP address */
+/*! \brief PCAP UDP Header */
+struct pcap_udp_header {
+	uint16_t src;		/*! \brief Source IP port */
+	uint16_t dst;		/*! \brief Destination IP port */
+	uint16_t length;	/*! \brief Length of the UDP header plus UDP packet */
+	uint16_t checksum;	/*! \brief Packet checksum, left uncalculated for our purposes */
+/*! \brief PJSIP Logging Session */
+struct pjsip_logger_session {
+	/*! \brief Explicit addresses or ranges being logged */
+	struct ast_ha *matches;
+	/*! \brief Filename used for the pcap file */
+	char pcap_filename[PATH_MAX];
+	/*! \brief The pcap file itself */
+	FILE *pcap_file;
+	/*! \brief Whether the session is enabled or not */
+	unsigned int enabled:1;
+	/*! \brief Whether the session is logging all traffic or not */
+	unsigned int log_all_traffic:1;
+	/*! \brief Whether to log to verbose or not */
+	unsigned int log_to_verbose:1;
+	/*! \brief Whether to log to pcap or not */
+	unsigned int log_to_pcap:1;
+/*! \brief The default logger session */
+static struct pjsip_logger_session *default_logger;
+/*! \brief Destructor for logger session */
+static void pjsip_logger_session_destroy(void *obj)
+	struct pjsip_logger_session *session = obj;
+	if (session->pcap_file) {
+		fclose(session->pcap_file);
+	}
+	ast_free_ha(session->matches);
+/*! \brief Allocator for logger session */
+static struct pjsip_logger_session *pjsip_logger_session_alloc(void)
+	struct pjsip_logger_session *session;
+	session = ao2_alloc_options(sizeof(struct pjsip_logger_session), pjsip_logger_session_destroy,
+	if (!session) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	session->log_to_verbose = 1;
+	return session;
 /*! \brief See if we pass debug IP filter */
-static inline int pjsip_log_test_addr(const char *address, int port)
+static inline int pjsip_log_test_addr(const struct pjsip_logger_session *session, const char *address, int port)
 	struct ast_sockaddr test_addr;
-	if (logging_mode == LOGGING_MODE_DISABLED) {
+	if (!session->enabled) {
 		return 0;
-	/* A null logging address means we'll debug any address */
-	if (ast_sockaddr_isnull(&log_addr)) {
+	if (session->log_all_traffic) {
 		return 1;
-	/* A null address was passed in. Just reject it. */
-	if (ast_strlen_zero(address)) {
+	/* A null address was passed in or no explicit matches. Just reject it. */
+	if (ast_strlen_zero(address) || !session->matches) {
 		return 0;
 	ast_sockaddr_parse(&test_addr, address, PARSE_PORT_IGNORE);
 	ast_sockaddr_set_port(&test_addr, port);
-	/* If no port was specified for a debug address, just compare the
-	 * addresses, otherwise compare the address and port
-	 */
-	if (ast_sockaddr_port(&log_addr)) {
-		return !ast_sockaddr_cmp(&log_addr, &test_addr);
+	/* Compare the address against the matches */
+	if (ast_apply_ha(session->matches, &test_addr) != AST_SENSE_ALLOW) {
+		return 1;
 	} else {
-		return !ast_sockaddr_cmp_addr(&log_addr, &test_addr);
+		return 0;
+static void pjsip_logger_write_to_pcap(struct pjsip_logger_session *session, const char *msg, size_t msg_len,
+	pj_sockaddr *source, pj_sockaddr *destination)
+	struct timeval now = ast_tvnow();
+	struct pcap_record_header pcap_record_header = {
+		.ts_sec = now.tv_sec,
+		.ts_usec = now.tv_usec,
+	};
+	struct pcap_ethernet_header pcap_ethernet_header = {
+		.type = 0,
+	};
+	struct pcap_ipv4_header pcap_ipv4_header = {
+		.ver_ihl = 0x45, /* IPv4 + 20 bytes of header */
+		.ip_ttl = 128, /* We always put a TTL of 128 to keep Wireshark less blue */
+	};
+	struct pcap_ipv6_header pcap_ipv6_header = {
+		.ip6_ctlun.ip6_un2_vfc = 0x60,
+	};
+	void *pcap_ip_header;
+	size_t pcap_ip_header_len;
+	struct pcap_udp_header pcap_udp_header;
+	/* Packets are always stored as UDP to simplify this logic */
+	if (source) {
+		pcap_udp_header.src = ntohs(pj_sockaddr_get_port(source));
+	} else {
+		pcap_udp_header.src = ntohs(0);
+	}
+	if (destination) {
+		pcap_udp_header.dst = ntohs(pj_sockaddr_get_port(destination));
+	} else {
+		pcap_udp_header.dst = ntohs(0);
+	}
+	pcap_udp_header.length = ntohs(sizeof(struct pcap_udp_header) + msg_len);
+	/* Construct the appropriate IP header */
+	if ((source && source->addr.sa_family == pj_AF_INET()) ||
+		(destination && destination->addr.sa_family == pj_AF_INET())) {
+		pcap_ethernet_header.type = htons(0x0800); /* We are providing an IPv4 packet */
+		pcap_ip_header = &pcap_ipv4_header;
+		pcap_ip_header_len = sizeof(struct pcap_ipv4_header);
+		if (source) {
+			memcpy(&pcap_ipv4_header.ip_src, pj_sockaddr_get_addr(source), pj_sockaddr_get_addr_len(source));
+		}
+		if (destination) {
+			memcpy(&pcap_ipv4_header.ip_dst, pj_sockaddr_get_addr(destination), pj_sockaddr_get_addr_len(destination));
+		}
+		pcap_ipv4_header.ip_len = htons(sizeof(struct pcap_udp_header) + sizeof(struct pcap_ipv4_header) + msg_len);
+		pcap_ipv4_header.ip_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; /* We always provide UDP */
+	} else {
+		pcap_ethernet_header.type = htons(0x86DD); /* We are providing an IPv6 packet */
+		pcap_ip_header = &pcap_ipv6_header;
+		pcap_ip_header_len = sizeof(struct pcap_ipv6_header);
+		if (source) {
+			memcpy(&pcap_ipv6_header.ip6_src, pj_sockaddr_get_addr(source), pj_sockaddr_get_addr_len(source));
+		}
+		if (destination) {
+			memcpy(&pcap_ipv6_header.ip6_dst, pj_sockaddr_get_addr(destination), pj_sockaddr_get_addr_len(destination));
+		}
+		pcap_ipv6_header.ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_plen = htons(sizeof(struct pcap_udp_header) + msg_len);
+		pcap_ipv6_header.ip6_ctlun.ip6_un1.ip6_un1_nxt = IPPROTO_UDP;
+	}
+	/* Add up all the sizes for this record */
+	pcap_record_header.incl_len = pcap_record_header.orig_len = sizeof(pcap_ethernet_header) + pcap_ip_header_len + sizeof(pcap_udp_header) + msg_len;
+	/* We lock the logger session since we're writing these out in parts */
+	ao2_wrlock(session);
+	if (session->pcap_file) {
+		if (fwrite(&pcap_record_header, sizeof(struct pcap_record_header), 1, session->pcap_file) != sizeof(struct pcap_record_header)) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Writing PCAP header failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		}
+		if (fwrite(&pcap_ethernet_header, sizeof(struct pcap_ethernet_header), 1, session->pcap_file) != sizeof(struct pcap_ethernet_header)) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Writing ethernet header to pcap failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		}
+		if (fwrite(pcap_ip_header, pcap_ip_header_len, 1, session->pcap_file) != pcap_ip_header_len) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Writing IP header to pcap failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		}
+		if (fwrite(&pcap_udp_header, sizeof(struct pcap_udp_header), 1, session->pcap_file) != sizeof(struct pcap_udp_header)) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Writing UDP header to pcap failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		}
+		if (fwrite(msg, msg_len, 1, session->pcap_file) != msg_len) {
+			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Writing UDP payload to pcap failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		}
+	}
+	ao2_unlock(session);
 static pj_status_t logging_on_tx_msg(pjsip_tx_data *tdata)
 	char buffer[AST_SOCKADDR_BUFLEN];
-	if (!pjsip_log_test_addr(tdata->tp_info.dst_name, tdata->tp_info.dst_port)) {
+	ao2_rdlock(default_logger);
+	if (!pjsip_log_test_addr(default_logger, tdata->tp_info.dst_name, tdata->tp_info.dst_port)) {
+		ao2_unlock(default_logger);
 		return PJ_SUCCESS;
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	if (default_logger->log_to_verbose) {
+		ast_verbose("<--- Transmitting SIP %s (%d bytes) to %s:%s --->\n%.*s\n",
+			tdata->msg->type == PJSIP_REQUEST_MSG ? "request" : "response",
+			(int) (tdata->buf.cur - tdata->buf.start),
+			tdata->tp_info.transport->type_name,
+			pj_sockaddr_print(&tdata->tp_info.dst_addr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 3),
+			(int) (tdata->buf.end - tdata->buf.start), tdata->buf.start);
+	}
+	if (default_logger->log_to_pcap) {
+		pjsip_logger_write_to_pcap(default_logger, tdata->buf.start, (int) (tdata->buf.end - tdata->buf.start),
+			NULL, &tdata->tp_info.dst_addr);
+	}
-	ast_verbose("<--- Transmitting SIP %s (%d bytes) to %s:%s --->\n%.*s\n",
-		    tdata->msg->type == PJSIP_REQUEST_MSG ? "request" : "response",
-		    (int) (tdata->buf.cur - tdata->buf.start),
-		    tdata->tp_info.transport->type_name,
-		    pj_sockaddr_print(&tdata->tp_info.dst_addr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 3),
-		    (int) (tdata->buf.end - tdata->buf.start), tdata->buf.start);
 	return PJ_SUCCESS;
@@ -93,20 +297,31 @@ static pj_bool_t logging_on_rx_msg(pjsip_rx_data *rdata)
 	char buffer[AST_SOCKADDR_BUFLEN];
-	if (!pjsip_log_test_addr(rdata->pkt_info.src_name, rdata->pkt_info.src_port)) {
+	if (!rdata->msg_info.msg) {
 		return PJ_FALSE;
-	if (!rdata->msg_info.msg) {
+	ao2_rdlock(default_logger);
+	if (!pjsip_log_test_addr(default_logger, rdata->pkt_info.src_name, rdata->pkt_info.src_port)) {
+		ao2_unlock(default_logger);
 		return PJ_FALSE;
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	if (default_logger->log_to_verbose) {
+		ast_verbose("<--- Received SIP %s (%d bytes) from %s:%s --->\n%s\n",
+			rdata->msg_info.msg->type == PJSIP_REQUEST_MSG ? "request" : "response",
+			rdata->msg_info.len,
+			rdata->tp_info.transport->type_name,
+			pj_sockaddr_print(&rdata->pkt_info.src_addr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 3),
+			rdata->pkt_info.packet);
+	}
+	if (default_logger->log_to_pcap) {
+		pjsip_logger_write_to_pcap(default_logger, rdata->pkt_info.packet, rdata->msg_info.len,
+			&rdata->pkt_info.src_addr, NULL);
+	}
-	ast_verbose("<--- Received SIP %s (%d bytes) from %s:%s --->\n%s\n",
-		    rdata->msg_info.msg->type == PJSIP_REQUEST_MSG ? "request" : "response",
-		    rdata->msg_info.len,
-		    rdata->tp_info.transport->type_name,
-		    pj_sockaddr_print(&rdata->pkt_info.src_addr, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 3),
-		    rdata->pkt_info.packet);
 	return PJ_FALSE;
@@ -119,14 +334,135 @@ static pjsip_module logging_module = {
 	.on_tx_response = logging_on_tx_msg,
-static char *pjsip_enable_logger_host(int fd, const char *arg)
+static char *pjsip_enable_logger_all(int fd)
-	if (ast_sockaddr_resolve_first_af(&log_addr, arg, 0, AST_AF_UNSPEC)) {
-		return CLI_SHOWUSAGE;
+	ao2_wrlock(default_logger);
+	default_logger->enabled = 1;
+	default_logger->log_all_traffic = 1;
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	if (fd >= 0) {
+		ast_cli(fd, "PJSIP Logging enabled\n");
+	}
+	return CLI_SUCCESS;
+static char *pjsip_enable_logger_host(int fd, const char *arg, unsigned int add_host)
+	const char *host = arg;
+	char *mask;
+	struct ast_sockaddr address;
+	int error = 0;
+	ao2_wrlock(default_logger);
+	default_logger->enabled = 1;
+	if (!add_host) {
+		/* If this is not adding an additional host or subnet then we have to
+		 * remove what already exists.
+		 */
+		ast_free_ha(default_logger->matches);
+		default_logger->matches = NULL;
+	}
+	mask = strrchr(host, '/');
+	if (!mask && !ast_sockaddr_parse(&address, arg, 0)) {
+		if (ast_sockaddr_resolve_first_af(&address, arg, 0, AST_AF_UNSPEC)) {
+			ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+			return CLI_SHOWUSAGE;
+		}
+		host = ast_sockaddr_stringify(&address);
-	ast_cli(fd, "PJSIP Logging Enabled for host: %s\n", ast_sockaddr_stringify_addr(&log_addr));
-	logging_mode = LOGGING_MODE_ENABLED;
+	default_logger->matches = ast_append_ha_with_port("d", host, default_logger->matches, &error);
+	if (!default_logger->matches || error) {
+		if (fd >= 0) {
+			ast_cli(fd, "Failed to add address '%s' for logging\n", host);
+		}
+		ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+		return CLI_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	if (fd >= 0) {
+		ast_cli(fd, "PJSIP Logging Enabled for host: %s\n", ast_sockaddr_stringify_addr(&address));
+	}
+	return CLI_SUCCESS;
+static char *pjsip_disable_logger(int fd)
+	ao2_wrlock(default_logger);
+	/* Default the settings back to the way they were */
+	default_logger->enabled = 0;
+	default_logger->log_all_traffic = 0;
+	default_logger->pcap_filename[0] = '\0';
+	default_logger->log_to_verbose = 1;
+	default_logger->log_to_pcap = 0;
+	/* Stop logging to the PCAP file if active */
+	if (default_logger->pcap_file) {
+		fclose(default_logger->pcap_file);
+		default_logger->pcap_file = NULL;
+	}
+	ast_free_ha(default_logger->matches);
+	default_logger->matches = NULL;
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	if (fd >= 0) {
+		ast_cli(fd, "PJSIP Logging disabled\n");
+	}
+	return CLI_SUCCESS;
+static char *pjsip_set_logger_verbose(int fd, const char *arg)
+	ao2_wrlock(default_logger);
+	default_logger->log_to_verbose = ast_true(arg);
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	ast_cli(fd, "PJSIP Logging to verbose has been %s\n", ast_true(arg) ? "enabled" : "disabled");
+	return CLI_SUCCESS;
+static char *pjsip_set_logger_pcap(int fd, const char *arg)
+	struct pcap_header pcap_header = {
+		.magic_number = 0xa1b2c3d4,
+		.version_major = 2,
+		.version_minor = 4,
+		.snaplen = 65535,
+		.network = 1, /* We always use ethernet so we can combine IPv4 and IPv6 in same pcap */
+	};
+	ao2_wrlock(default_logger);
+	ast_copy_string(default_logger->pcap_filename, arg, sizeof(default_logger->pcap_filename));
+	if (default_logger->pcap_file) {
+		fclose(default_logger->pcap_file);
+		default_logger->pcap_file = NULL;
+	}
+	default_logger->pcap_file = fopen(arg, "wb");
+	if (!default_logger->pcap_file) {
+		ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+		ast_cli(fd, "Failed to open file '%s' for pcap writing\n", arg);
+		return CLI_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	fwrite(&pcap_header, 1, sizeof(struct pcap_header), default_logger->pcap_file);
+	default_logger->log_to_pcap = 1;
+	ao2_unlock(default_logger);
+	ast_cli(fd, "PJSIP logging to pcap file '%s'\n", arg);
 	return CLI_SUCCESS;
@@ -136,9 +472,9 @@ static char *pjsip_set_logger(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_a
 	const char *what;
 	if (cmd == CLI_INIT) {
-		e->command = "pjsip set logger {on|off|host}";
+		e->command = "pjsip set logger {on|off|host|add|verbose|pcap}";
 		e->usage =
-			"Usage: pjsip set logger {on|off|host <name>}\n"
+			"Usage: pjsip set logger {on|off|host <name/subnet>|add <name/subnet>|verbose <on/off>|pcap <filename>}\n"
 			"       Enables or disabling logging of SIP packets\n"
 			"       read on ports bound to PJSIP transports either\n"
 			"       globally or enables logging for an individual\n"
@@ -152,18 +488,19 @@ static char *pjsip_set_logger(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_a
 	if (a->argc == e->args) {        /* on/off */
 		if (!strcasecmp(what, "on")) {
-			logging_mode = LOGGING_MODE_ENABLED;
-			ast_cli(a->fd, "PJSIP Logging enabled\n");
-			ast_sockaddr_setnull(&log_addr);
-			return CLI_SUCCESS;
+			return pjsip_enable_logger_all(a->fd);
 		} else if (!strcasecmp(what, "off")) {
-			logging_mode = LOGGING_MODE_DISABLED;
-			ast_cli(a->fd, "PJSIP Logging disabled\n");
-			return CLI_SUCCESS;
+			return pjsip_disable_logger(a->fd);
 	} else if (a->argc == e->args + 1) {
 		if (!strcasecmp(what, "host")) {
-			return pjsip_enable_logger_host(a->fd, a->argv[e->args]);
+			return pjsip_enable_logger_host(a->fd, a->argv[e->args], 0);
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(what, "add")) {
+			return pjsip_enable_logger_host(a->fd, a->argv[e->args], 1);
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(what, "verbose")) {
+			return pjsip_set_logger_verbose(a->fd, a->argv[e->args]);
+		} else if (!strcasecmp(what, "pcap")) {
+			return pjsip_set_logger_pcap(a->fd, a->argv[e->args]);
@@ -179,19 +516,16 @@ static void check_debug(void)
 	RAII_VAR(char *, debug, ast_sip_get_debug(), ast_free);
 	if (ast_false(debug)) {
-		logging_mode = LOGGING_MODE_DISABLED;
+		pjsip_disable_logger(-1);
-	logging_mode = LOGGING_MODE_ENABLED;
 	if (ast_true(debug)) {
-		ast_sockaddr_setnull(&log_addr);
+		pjsip_enable_logger_all(-1);
-	/* assume host */
-	if (ast_sockaddr_resolve_first_af(&log_addr, debug, 0, AST_AF_UNSPEC)) {
+	if (pjsip_enable_logger_host(-1, debug, 0) != CLI_SUCCESS) {
 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not resolve host %s for debug "
 			"logging\n", debug);
@@ -213,6 +547,14 @@ static int load_module(void)
+	default_logger = pjsip_logger_session_alloc();
+	if (!default_logger) {
+		ast_sorcery_observer_remove(
+			ast_sip_get_sorcery(), "global", &global_observer);
+		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create default logger\n");
+	}
@@ -229,6 +571,9 @@ static int unload_module(void)
 		ast_sip_get_sorcery(), "global", &global_observer);
+	ao2_cleanup(default_logger);
+	default_logger = NULL;
 	return 0;