From d16b3a99171338264f9d7aa15819ed6d9c9b1d85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: George Joseph <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 10:03:15 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] debug_utilities:  Create ast_loggrabber

ast_loggrabber gathers log files from customizable search patterns,
optionally converts POSIX timestamps to a readable format and
tarballs the results.

Also a few tweaks were made to ast_coredumper.

Change-Id: I8bfe1468ada24c1344ce4abab7b002a59a659495
(cherry picked from commit c70915287837704090d75f181525765de7a17221)
 configs/samples/ast_debug_tools.conf.sample |  17 ++
 contrib/Makefile                            |  10 +-
 contrib/scripts/ast_coredumper              |  39 ++-
 contrib/scripts/ast_loggrabber              | 255 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 contrib/scripts/ast_loggrabber

diff --git a/configs/samples/ast_debug_tools.conf.sample b/configs/samples/ast_debug_tools.conf.sample
index 90e976f1bc..f26626b20f 100644
--- a/configs/samples/ast_debug_tools.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/samples/ast_debug_tools.conf.sample
@@ -38,3 +38,20 @@ COREDUMPS=(/tmp/core[-._]asterisk!(*.txt) /tmp/core[-._]$(hostname)!(*.txt))
 # Readable Local time
 DATEFORMAT='date +%FT%H-%M-%S%z'
+# A list of log files and/or log file search patterns using the
+# same syntax as COREDUMPS.
+LOGFILES=(/var/log/asterisk/messages* /var/log/asterisk/queue* \
+	/var/log/asterisk/debug* /var/log/asterisk/security*)
+# ast_loggrabber converts POSIX timestamps to readable format
+# using this Python strftime format string.  If not specified
+# or an empty string, no format covnersion is done.
+# The timezone to use when converting POSIX timestamps to
+# readable format.  It can be specified in "<continent>/<city>"
+# format or in abbreviation format such as "CST6CDT".  If not
+# specified, the "local" timezone is used.
diff --git a/contrib/Makefile b/contrib/Makefile
index a5775cb82c..a667243113 100644
--- a/contrib/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/Makefile
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ clean:
 include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.rules
-	$(INSTALL) -d "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts"; \
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 scripts/ "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/"; \
+	$(INSTALL) -d "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts"
+	$(INSTALL) -m 755 scripts/ast_loggrabber "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/ast_loggrabber"
 	$(INSTALL) -m 755 scripts/ast_coredumper "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/ast_coredumper"
+	$(INSTALL) -m 755 scripts/ "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/"
-	rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/"
-	rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/ast_coredumper"
+	-rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/ast_loggrabber"
+	-rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/ast_coredumper"
+	-rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTDATADIR)/scripts/"
diff --git a/contrib/scripts/ast_coredumper b/contrib/scripts/ast_coredumper
index c82732be9b..81e94e9458 100755
--- a/contrib/scripts/ast_coredumper
+++ b/contrib/scripts/ast_coredumper
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ SYNOPSIS
 	$prog [ --help ] [ --running | --RUNNING ] [ --latest ]
 		[ --tarball-coredumps ] [ --delete-coredumps-after ]
 		[ --tarball-results ] [ --delete-results-after ]
+		[ --tarball-uniqueid="<uniqueid>" ]
 		[ --no-default-search ] [ --append-coredumps ]
 		[ <coredump> | <pattern> ... ]
@@ -81,6 +82,11 @@ DESCRIPTION
 		to use this option unless you have also specified
+	--tarball-uniqueid="<uniqueid>"
+		Normally DATEFORMAT is used to make the tarballs unique
+		but you can use your own unique id in the tarball names
+		such as the Jira issue id.
 		Ignore COREDUMPS from the config files and process only
 		coredumps listed on the command line (if any) and/or
@@ -111,6 +117,8 @@ DESCRIPTION
+	You must be root to use $prog.
 	The script relies on not only bash, but also recent GNU date and
 	gdb with python support.  *BSD operating systems may require
 	installation of the 'coreutils' and 'devel/gdb' packagess and minor
@@ -171,6 +179,11 @@ EOF
 	exit 1
+if [ $EUID -ne 0 ] ; then
+	echo "You must be root to use $prog."
+	exit 1
@@ -245,6 +258,9 @@ for a in "$@" ; do
+	--tarball-uniqueid=*)
+		tarball_uniqueid=${a#*=}
+		;;
@@ -294,7 +310,7 @@ if [ ${#COREDUMPS[@]} -gt 0 ] && $latest ; then
 # Timestamp to use for output files
 if $running || $RUNNING ; then
 	# We need to go through some gyrations to find the pid of the running
@@ -321,12 +337,9 @@ if $running || $RUNNING ; then
 			read -p "WARNING:  Taking a core dump of the running asterisk instance will suspend call processing while the dump is saved.  Do you wish to continue? (y/N) " answer
 		if [[ "$answer" =~ ^[Yy] ]] ; then
-			cf="/tmp/core.asterisk.running.$df"
-			# We want a consistent coredump so stop the process
-			# and continue it after the dump is complete.
-			# kill -STOP $pid
+			cf="/tmp/core-asterisk-running-$df"
+			echo "Dumping running asterisk process to $cf"
 			${GDB} -p $pid -q --batch --ex "gcore $cf" >/dev/null 2>&1
-			# kill -CONT $pid
 			echo "Skipping dump of running process"
@@ -343,17 +356,17 @@ fi
 # and save them to /tmp/.gdbinit
 ss=`egrep -n "^#@@@SCRIPTSTART@@@" $0 |cut -f1 -d:`
-tail -n +${ss} $0 >/tmp/.gdbinit
+tail -n +${ss} $0 >/tmp/.ast_coredumper.gdbinit
 # Now iterate over the coredumps and dump the debugging info
 for i in ${!COREDUMPS[@]} ; do
 	echo "Processing $cf"
-	${GDB} -n --batch -q --ex "source /tmp/.gdbinit" $(which asterisk) "$cf" 2>/dev/null | (
+	${GDB} -n --batch -q --ex "source /tmp/.ast_coredumper.gdbinit" $(which asterisk) "$cf" 2>/dev/null | (
 		while IFS= read line ; do
 			if [[ "$line" =~ !@!@!@!\ ([^\ ]+)\ !@!@!@! ]] ; then
-				of=$cf.${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+				of=${cf}-${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
 				rm -f "$of"
 				echo "Creating $of"
@@ -364,7 +377,7 @@ for i in ${!COREDUMPS[@]} ; do
 if $tarball_coredumps ; then
-	tf=/tmp/asterisk.$df.coredumps.tar
+	tf=/tmp/asterisk-$df.coredumps.tar
 	echo "Creating $tf.gz"
 	for i in ${!COREDUMPS[@]} ; do
 		tar -uvf $tf "${COREDUMPS[@]}" 2>/dev/null
@@ -379,17 +392,17 @@ if $delete_coredumps_after ; then
 if $tarball_results ; then
-	tf=/tmp/asterisk.$df.results.tar
+	tf=/tmp/asterisk-$df-results.tar
 	echo "Creating $tf.gz"
 	for i in ${!COREDUMPS[@]} ; do
-		tar -uvf $tf "${COREDUMPS[$i]//:/-}".{brief,full,thread1,locks}.txt 2>/dev/null
+		tar -uvf $tf "${COREDUMPS[$i]//:/-}"-{brief,full,thread1,locks}.txt 2>/dev/null
 	gzip $tf
 if $delete_results_after ; then
 	for i in ${!COREDUMPS[@]} ; do
-		rm -rf "${COREDUMPS[$i]//:/-}".{brief,full,thread1,locks}.txt
+		rm -rf "${COREDUMPS[$i]//:/-}"-{brief,full,thread1,locks}.txt
diff --git a/contrib/scripts/ast_loggrabber b/contrib/scripts/ast_loggrabber
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2036d54baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/scripts/ast_loggrabber
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Turn on extended globbing
+shopt -s extglob
+# Bail on any error
+set -e
+prog=$(basename $0)
+print_help() {
+cat <<EOF
+$prog - Gather asterisk log files
+	$prog [ --help ] [ --dateformat="<dateformat>" ]
+		[ --timezone="<timezone>" ] [ --append-logfiles ]
+		[ --tarball-uniqueid="<uniqueid>" ]
+		[ <logfiles> | <pattern> ... ]
+	Gathers log files, optionally converts POSIX timestamps
+	to readable format. and creates a tarball.
+	Options:
+	--help
+		Print this help.
+	--dateformat="<dateformat>"
+		A Python strftime format string to be used when converting
+		POSIX timestamps in log files to readable format.  If not
+		specified as an argument or in the config file, no conversion
+		is done.
+	--timezone="<timezone>"
+		The timezone to use when converting POSIX timestamps to
+		readable format.  It can be specified in "<continent>/<city>"
+		format or in abbreviation format such as "CST6CDT".  If not
+		specified as an argument or in the config file, the "local"
+		timezone is used.
+	--append-logfiles
+		Append any log files specified on the command line to the
+		config file specified ones instead of overriding them.
+	--tarball-uniqueid="<uniqueid>"
+		Normally DATEFORMAT is used to make the tarballs unique
+		but you can use your own unique id in the tarball names
+		such as a Jira issue id.
+	<logfiles> | <pattern>
+		A list of log files or log file search patterns.  Unless
+		--append-logfiles was specified, these entries will override
+		those specified in the config files.
+		If no files are specified on the command line the, value of
+		LOGFILES from ast_debug_tools.conf will be used.  Failing
+		that, the following patterns will be used:
+		/var/log/asterisk/messages*
+		/var/log/asterisk/queue*
+		/var/log/asterisk/debug*
+		/var/log/asterisk/security*
+	Any files output will have ':' characters changed to '-'.  This is
+	to facilitate uploading those files to Jira which doesn't like the
+	colons.
+	/etc/asterisk/ast_debug_tools.conf
+	~/ast_debug_tools.conf
+	./ast_debug_tools.conf
+	# Readable Local time for the tarball names
+	DATEFORMAT='date +%FT%H-%M-%S%z'
+	# A list of log files and/or log file search patterns using the
+	# same syntax as COREDUMPS.
+	#
+	LOGFILES=(/var/log/asterisk/messages* /var/log/asterisk/queue* \\
+		/var/log/asterisk/debug* /var/log/asterisk/security*)
+	# $prog converts POSIX timestamps to readable format
+	# using this Python strftime format string.  If not specified
+	# or an empty string, no format covnersion is done.
+	LOG_DATEFORMAT="%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
+	# The timezone to use when converting POSIX timestamps to
+	# readable format.  It can be specified in "<continent>/<city>"
+	# format or in abbreviation format such as "CST6CDT".  If not
+	# specified, the "local" timezone is used.
+	exit 1
+declare -a LOGFILES
+declare -a ARGS_LOGFILES
+# Read config files from least important to most important
+[ -f /etc/asterisk/ast_debug_tools.conf ] && source /etc/asterisk/ast_debug_tools.conf
+[ -f ~/ast_debug_tools.conf ] && source ~/ast_debug_tools.conf
+[ -f ./ast_debug_tools.conf ] && source ./ast_debug_tools.conf
+if [ ${#LOGFILES[@]} -eq 0 ] ; then
+	LOGFILES+=(/var/log/asterisk/messages* /var/log/asterisk/queue* \
+	/var/log/asterisk/debug* /var/log/asterisk/security*)
+# Use "$@" (with the quotes) so spaces in patterns or
+# file names are preserved.
+# Later on when we have to iterate over LOGFILES, we always
+# use the indexes rather than trying to expand the values of LOGFILES
+# just in case.
+for a in "$@" ; do
+	case "$a" in
+	--dateformat=*)
+		;;
+	--timezone=*)
+		LOG_TIMEZONE=${a#*=}
+		;;
+	--append-logfiles)
+		append_logfiles=true
+		;;
+	--tarball-uniqueid=*)
+		tarball_uniqueid=${a#*=}
+		;;
+	--help|-*)
+		print_help
+		;;
+	*)
+		ARGS_LOGFILES+=("$a")
+		# If any files are specified on the command line, ignore those
+		# specified in the config files unless append-logfiles was specified.
+		if ! $append_logfiles ; then
+		fi
+	esac
+# append logfiles/patterns specified as command line arguments to LOGFILES.
+for i in ${!ARGS_LOGFILES[@]} ; do
+# At this point, all glob entries that match files should be expanded.
+# Any entries that don't exist are probably globs that didn't match anything
+# and need to be pruned.
+for i in ${!LOGFILES[@]} ; do
+	if [ ! -f "${LOGFILES[$i]}" ] ; then
+		unset LOGFILES[$i]
+		continue
+	fi
+# Sort and weed out any dups
+readarray -t LOGFILES < <(echo -n "${LOGFILES[*]}" | sort -u )
+unset IFS
+if [ "${#LOGFILES[@]}" -eq 0 ] ; then
+	echo "No log files found"
+	print_help
+# Timestamp to use for output files
+# Extract the Python timestamp conver script from the end of this
+# script and save it to /tmp/
+ss=`egrep -n "^#@@@SCRIPTSTART@@@" $0 |cut -f1 -d:`
+tail -n +${ss} $0 >/tmp/
+tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
+if [ -z "$tmpdir" ] ; then
+	echo "${prog}: Unable to create temporary directory."
+	exit 1
+trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" EXIT
+# Now iterate over the logfiles
+for i in ${!LOGFILES[@]} ; do
+	lf=${LOGFILES[$i]}
+	destdir="$tmpdir/$tardir/$(dirname $lf)"
+	destfile="$tmpdir/$tardir/$lf"
+	mkdir -p "$destdir" 2>/dev/null || :
+	if [ -n "$LOG_DATEFORMAT" ] ; then
+		echo "Converting $lf"
+		cat "$lf" | python /tmp/ --format="$LOG_DATEFORMAT" --timezone="$LOG_TIMEZONE" > "${destfile}"
+	else
+		echo "Copying $lf"
+		cp "$lf" "${destfile}"
+	fi
+echo "Creating /tmp/$tardir.tar.gz"
+tar -czvf /tmp/$tardir.tar.gz -C $tmpdir $tardir 2>/dev/null
+# Be careful editng the inline scripts.
+# They're space-indented.
+# We need the python bit because lock_infos isn't
+# a valid symbol in asterisk unless DEBUG_THREADS was
+# used during the compile.  Also, interrupt and continue
+# are only valid for a running program.
+import argparse
+import datetime as dt
+import as tz
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Make POSIX timestamps readable")
+parser.add_argument('--format', action='store', required=True)
+parser.add_argument('--timezone', action='store', required=False)
+# We only convert timestamps that are at the beginning of a line
+# or are preceeded by a whilespace character or a '['
+rets = re.compile(r'(^|(?<=\s|\[))\d+(\.\d+)?', flags=re.M)
+if args.timezone and len(args.timezone) > 0:
+   tzf = tz.tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/' + args.timezone)
+   tzf = tz.tzfile('/etc/localtime')
+now = time.time()
+a_year_ago = now - (86400.0 * 365)
+def convert(match):
+   ts = float(
+   if ts <= now and ts > a_year_ago and len(args.format) > 0:
+      return dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tzf).strftime(args.format)
+   else:
+      return
+while 1:
+   line = sys.stdin.readline()
+   if not line:
+      break
+   print(rets.sub(convert, line))