diff --git a/include/asterisk/hashtab.h b/include/asterisk/hashtab.h
index 89d293759ab86c04774ccedf2881aa97dab4cc4d..17eff704829e459db189700e088dfd411e81e38b 100644
--- a/include/asterisk/hashtab.h
+++ b/include/asterisk/hashtab.h
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
  * \brief Generic (perhaps overly so) hashtable implementation
  * \ref AstHash
+#include "asterisk/lock.h"
 /*! \page AstHash Hash Table support in Asterisk
 A hash table is a structure that allows for an exact-match search
diff --git a/tests/test_astobj2_thrash.c b/tests/test_astobj2_thrash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f43445a051592348875608467cfc353c0325a600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_astobj2_thrash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012, David M. Lee, II
+ *
+ * David M. Lee, II <dlee@digium.com>
+ *
+ * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ */
+ *! \file \brief Thrash a astobj2 container, for fun and profit.
+ *
+ * \author\verbatim David M. Lee, II <dlee@digium.com> \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Inspired by the original hashtest2.c by Steve Murphy <murf@digium.com>.  This test runs
+ * several threads manipulatings a concurrent astobj2 container to see if they maintain
+ * consistency. While the tests attempt to check consistency and error normally, threading
+ * errors often result in segfaults.
+ * \ingroup tests
+ */
+	<depend>TEST_FRAMEWORK</depend>
+	<support_level>core</support_level>
+ ***/
+#include "asterisk.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
+#include "asterisk/hashtab.h"
+#include "asterisk/lock.h"
+#include "asterisk/module.h"
+#include "asterisk/test.h"
+#include "asterisk/time.h"
+#include "asterisk/utils.h"
+#define MAX_HASH_ENTRIES 15000
+#define MAX_TEST_SECONDS 60
+struct hash_test {
+	/*! Unit under test */
+	struct ao2_container *to_be_thrashed;
+	/*! Number of entries to insert in the grow thread. */
+	int max_grow;
+	/*! Number of enteries added by the grow thread. */
+	int grow_count;
+	/*! Entries preloaded into the hashtab; to be deleted by the shrink thread */
+	int preload;
+	/*! When to give up on the tests */
+	struct timeval deadline;
+static int alloc_count = 0;
+static int is_timed_out(struct hash_test const *data) {
+	return ast_tvdiff_us(data->deadline, ast_tvnow()) < 0;
+/*! /brief Free test element */
+static void ht_delete(void *obj)
+	ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&alloc_count, -1);
+/*! /brief Create test element */
+static char *ht_new(int i)
+	const int buflen = 12;
+	char *keybuf = ao2_alloc(buflen, ht_delete);
+	int needed;
+	if (keybuf == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	needed = snprintf(keybuf, buflen, "key%08x", i);
+	ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&alloc_count, 1);
+	ast_assert(needed + 1 <= buflen);
+	return keybuf;
+/*! /brief Grow the hash data as specified */
+static void *hash_test_grow(void *d)
+	struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < data->max_grow; ++i) {
+		char *ht;
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			printf("Growth timed out at %d\n", i);
+			return "Growth timed out";
+		}
+		ht = ht_new(i);
+		if (ht == NULL) {
+			return "Allocation failed";
+		}
+		ao2_link(data->to_be_thrashed, ht);
+		ao2_ref(ht, -1);
+		ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&data->grow_count, 1);
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/*! Randomly lookup data in the hash */
+static void *hash_test_lookup(void *d)
+	struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int max;
+	unsigned seed = time(NULL);
+	/* ast_atomic_fetchadd_int provide a memory fence so that the optimizer doesn't
+	 * optimize away reads.
+	 */
+	while ((max = ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&data->grow_count, 0)) < data->max_grow) {
+		int i;
+		char *obj;
+		char *from_ao2;
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Lookup timed out";
+		}
+		if (max == 0) {
+			/* No data yet; yield and try again */
+			sched_yield();
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Randomly lookup one object from the hash */
+		i = rand_r(&seed) % max;
+		obj = ht_new(i);
+		if (obj == NULL) {
+			return "Allocation failed";
+		}
+		from_ao2 = ao2_find(data->to_be_thrashed, obj, OBJ_POINTER);
+		ao2_ref(obj, -1);
+		ao2_ref(from_ao2, -1);
+		if (from_ao2 == NULL) {
+			return "Key unexpectedly missing";
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/*! Delete entries from the hash */
+static void *hash_test_shrink(void *d)
+	const struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 1; i < data->preload; ++i) {
+		char *obj = ht_new(-i);
+		char *from_ao2;
+		if (obj == NULL) {
+			return "Allocation failed";
+		}
+		from_ao2 = ao2_find(data->to_be_thrashed, obj, OBJ_UNLINK | OBJ_POINTER);
+		ao2_ref(obj, -1);
+		if (from_ao2) {
+			ao2_ref(from_ao2, -1);
+		} else {
+			return "Could not find object to delete";
+		}
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Shrink timed out";
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/*! ao2_callback for hash_test_count */
+static int increment_count(void *obj, void *arg, int flags) {
+	char *ht = obj;
+	int *count = arg;
+	if (strncmp(ht, "key0", 4) == 0) {
+		++(*count);
+	}
+	return 0;
+/*! Continuously iterate through all the entries in the hash */
+static void *hash_test_count(void *d)
+	const struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int count = 0;
+	int last_count = 0;
+	while (count < data->max_grow) {
+		last_count = count;
+		count = 0;
+		ao2_callback(data->to_be_thrashed, OBJ_MULTIPLE, increment_count, &count);
+		if (last_count == count) {
+			/* Allow other threads to run. */
+			sched_yield();
+		} else if (last_count > count) {
+			/* Make sure the ao2 container never shrinks */
+			return "ao2 container unexpectedly shrank";
+		}
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Count timed out";
+		}
+	}
+	/* Successfully iterated over all of the expected elements */
+	return NULL;
+static int hash_string(const void *obj, const int flags)
+	return ast_hashtab_hash_string_nocase(obj);
+static int compare_strings(void *lhs, void *rhs, int flags)
+	const char *lhs_str = lhs;
+	const char *rhs_str = rhs;
+	if (strcasecmp(lhs_str, rhs_str) == 0) {
+		return CMP_MATCH | CMP_STOP;
+	} else {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	enum ast_test_result_state res = AST_TEST_PASS;
+	struct hash_test data = {};
+	pthread_t grow_thread, count_thread, lookup_thread, shrink_thread;
+	void *thread_results;
+	int i;
+	switch (cmd) {
+	case TEST_INIT:
+		info->name = "thrash";
+		info->category = "/main/astobj2/";
+		info->summary = "Testing astobj2 container concurrency";
+		info->description = "Test astobj2 container concurrency correctness.";
+		return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN;
+		break;
+	}
+	ast_test_status_update(test, "Executing hash concurrency test...\n");
+	data.preload = MAX_HASH_ENTRIES / 2;
+	data.max_grow = MAX_HASH_ENTRIES - data.preload;
+	data.deadline = ast_tvadd(ast_tvnow(), ast_tv(MAX_TEST_SECONDS, 0));
+	data.to_be_thrashed = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_HASH_ENTRIES / 100, hash_string,
+		compare_strings);
+	if (data.to_be_thrashed == NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Allocation failed\n");
+		/* Nothing needs to be freed; early return is fine */
+		return AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	/* preload with data to delete */
+	for (i = 1; i < data.preload; ++i) {
+		char *ht = ht_new(-i);
+		if (ht == NULL) {
+			ast_test_status_update(test, "Allocation failed\n");
+			ao2_ref(data.to_be_thrashed, -1);
+			return AST_TEST_FAIL;
+		}
+		ao2_link(data.to_be_thrashed, ht);
+		ao2_ref(ht, -1);
+	}
+	/* add data.max_grow entries to the ao2 container */
+	ast_pthread_create(&grow_thread, NULL, hash_test_grow, &data);
+	/* continually count the keys added by the grow thread */
+	ast_pthread_create(&count_thread, NULL, hash_test_count, &data);
+	/* continually lookup keys added by the grow thread */
+	ast_pthread_create(&lookup_thread, NULL, hash_test_lookup, &data);
+	/* delete all keys preloaded into the ao2 container */
+	ast_pthread_create(&shrink_thread, NULL, hash_test_shrink, &data);
+	pthread_join(grow_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Growth thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	pthread_join(count_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Count thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	pthread_join(lookup_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Lookup thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	pthread_join(shrink_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Shrink thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	if (ao2_container_count(data.to_be_thrashed) != data.max_grow) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test,
+			"Invalid ao2 container size. Expected: %d, Actual: %d\n",
+			data.max_grow, ao2_container_count(data.to_be_thrashed));
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	ao2_ref(data.to_be_thrashed, -1);
+	/* check for object leaks */
+	if (ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&alloc_count, 0) != 0) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Leaked %d objects!\n",
+			ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&alloc_count, 0));
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	return res;
+static int unload_module(void)
+	return 0;
+static int load_module(void)
+	AST_TEST_REGISTER(hash_test);
+AST_MODULE_INFO_STANDARD(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, "astobj2 container thrash test");
diff --git a/tests/test_hashtab_thrash.c b/tests/test_hashtab_thrash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..373922bf84976392e3a1d810344df1e7f4de3974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_hashtab_thrash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+ * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012, David M. Lee, II
+ *
+ * David M. Lee, II <dlee@digium.com>
+ *
+ * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
+ * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
+ * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
+ * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
+ * channels for your use.
+ *
+ * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
+ * at the top of the source tree.
+ */
+ *! \file \brief Thrash a hash table, for fun and profit.
+ *
+ * \author\verbatim David M. Lee, II <dlee@digium.com> \endverbatim
+ *
+ * Inspired by the original hashtest.c by Steve Murphy <murf@digium.com>.  This test runs
+ * several threads manipulatings a concurrent hastab to see if they maintain
+ * consistency. While the tests attempt to check consistency and error normally, threading
+ * errors often result in segfaults.
+ * \ingroup tests
+ */
+	<depend>TEST_FRAMEWORK</depend>
+	<support_level>core</support_level>
+ ***/
+#include "asterisk.h"
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "asterisk/hashtab.h"
+#include "asterisk/lock.h"
+#include "asterisk/module.h"
+#include "asterisk/test.h"
+#include "asterisk/time.h"
+#include "asterisk/utils.h"
+#define MAX_HASH_ENTRIES 30000
+#define MAX_TEST_SECONDS 60
+struct hash_test {
+	/*! Unit under test */
+	struct ast_hashtab *to_be_thrashed;
+	/*! Number of entries to insert in the grow thread. */
+	int max_grow;
+	/*! Number of enteries added by the grow thread. */
+	int grow_count;
+	/*! Entries preloaded into the hashtab; to be deleted by the shrink thread */
+	int preload;
+	/*! When to give up on the tests */
+	struct timeval deadline;
+static int is_timed_out(struct hash_test const *data) {
+	return ast_tvdiff_us(data->deadline, ast_tvnow()) < 0;
+/*! /brief Create test element */
+static char *ht_new(int i)
+	const int buflen = 12;
+	char *keybuf = ast_malloc(buflen);
+	int needed;
+	if (keybuf == NULL) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	needed = snprintf(keybuf, buflen, "key%08x", i);
+	ast_assert(needed + 1 <= buflen);
+	return keybuf;
+/*! /brief Free test element */
+static void ht_delete(void *obj)
+	ast_free(obj);
+/*! /brief Grow the hash data as specified */
+static void *hash_test_grow(void *d)
+	struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < data->max_grow; ++i) {
+		char *obj;
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Growth timed out";
+		}
+		obj = ht_new(i);
+		if (obj == NULL) {
+			return "Allocation failed";
+		}
+		ast_hashtab_insert_immediate(data->to_be_thrashed, obj);
+		ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&data->grow_count, 1);
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/*! Randomly lookup data in the hash */
+static void *hash_test_lookup(void *d)
+	struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int max;
+	unsigned seed = time(NULL);
+	/* ast_atomic_fetchadd_int provide a memory fence so that the optimizer doesn't
+	 * optimize away reads.
+	 */
+	while ((max = ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&data->grow_count, 0)) < data->max_grow) {
+		int i;
+		char *obj;
+		int is_in_hashtab;
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Lookup timed out";
+		}
+		if (max == 0) {
+			/* No data yet; yield and try again */
+			sched_yield();
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Randomly lookup one object from the hash */
+		i = rand_r(&seed) % max;
+		obj = ht_new(i);
+		if (obj == NULL) {
+			return "Allocation failed.";
+		}
+		is_in_hashtab = (ast_hashtab_lookup(data->to_be_thrashed, obj) != NULL);
+		ht_delete(obj);
+		if (!is_in_hashtab) {
+			return "key unexpectedly missing";
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/*! Delete entries from the hash */
+static void *hash_test_shrink(void *d)
+	const struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int i;
+	for (i = 1; i < data->preload; ++i) {
+		char *obj = ht_new(-i);
+		char *from_hashtab;
+		int deleted;
+		if (obj == NULL) {
+			return "Allocation failed";
+		}
+		from_hashtab = ast_hashtab_remove_object_via_lookup(data->to_be_thrashed, obj);
+		deleted = from_hashtab != NULL;
+		ht_delete(obj);
+		ht_delete(from_hashtab);
+		if (!deleted) {
+			return "could not delete object";
+		}
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Shrink timed out";
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+/*! Continuously iterate through all the entries in the hash */
+static void *hash_test_count(void *d)
+	const struct hash_test *data = d;
+	int count = 0;
+	int last_count = 0;
+	while (count < data->max_grow) {
+		struct ast_hashtab_iter *it = ast_hashtab_start_write_traversal(data->to_be_thrashed);
+		char *ht = ast_hashtab_next(it);
+		last_count = count;
+		count = 0;
+		while (ht) {
+			/* only count keys added by grow thread */
+			if (strncmp(ht, "key0", 4) == 0) {
+				++count;
+			}
+			ht = ast_hashtab_next(it);
+		}
+		ast_hashtab_end_traversal(it);
+		if (last_count == count) {
+			/* Allow other threads to run. */
+			sched_yield();
+		} else if (last_count > count) {
+			/* Make sure the hashtable never shrinks */
+			return "hashtab unexpectedly shrank";
+		}
+		if (is_timed_out(data)) {
+			return "Count timed out";
+		}
+	}
+	/* Successfully iterated over all of the expected elements */
+	return NULL;
+	enum ast_test_result_state res = AST_TEST_PASS;
+	struct hash_test data = {};
+	pthread_t grow_thread, count_thread, lookup_thread, shrink_thread;
+	void *thread_results;
+	int i;
+	switch (cmd) {
+	case TEST_INIT:
+		info->name = "thrash";
+		info->category = "/main/hashtab/";
+		info->summary = "Testing hashtab concurrency";
+		info->description = "Test hashtab concurrency correctness.";
+		return AST_TEST_NOT_RUN;
+		break;
+	}
+	ast_test_status_update(test, "Executing hash concurrency test...\n");
+	data.preload = MAX_HASH_ENTRIES / 2;
+	data.max_grow = MAX_HASH_ENTRIES - data.preload;
+	data.deadline = ast_tvadd(ast_tvnow(), ast_tv(MAX_TEST_SECONDS, 0));
+	data.to_be_thrashed = ast_hashtab_create(MAX_HASH_ENTRIES / 100,
+		ast_hashtab_compare_strings_nocase, ast_hashtab_resize_java,
+		ast_hashtab_newsize_java, ast_hashtab_hash_string_nocase, 1);
+	if (data.to_be_thrashed == NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Allocation failed\n");
+		/* Nothing needs to be freed; early return is fine */
+		return AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	/* preload with data to delete */
+	for (i = 1; i < data.preload; ++i) {
+		char *obj = ht_new(-i);
+		if (obj == NULL) {
+			ast_test_status_update(test, "Allocation failed\n");
+			ast_hashtab_destroy(data.to_be_thrashed, ht_delete);
+			return AST_TEST_FAIL;
+		}
+		ast_hashtab_insert_immediate(data.to_be_thrashed, obj);
+	}
+	/* add data.max_grow entries to the hashtab */
+	ast_pthread_create(&grow_thread, NULL, hash_test_grow, &data);
+	/* continually count the keys added by the grow thread */
+	ast_pthread_create(&count_thread, NULL, hash_test_count, &data);
+	/* continually lookup keys added by the grow thread */
+	ast_pthread_create(&lookup_thread, NULL, hash_test_lookup, &data);
+	/* delete all keys preloaded into the hashtab */
+	ast_pthread_create(&shrink_thread, NULL, hash_test_shrink, &data);
+	pthread_join(grow_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Growth thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	pthread_join(count_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Count thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	pthread_join(lookup_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Lookup thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	pthread_join(shrink_thread, &thread_results);
+	if (thread_results != NULL) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test, "Shrink thread failed: %s\n",
+			(char *)thread_results);
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	if (ast_hashtab_size(data.to_be_thrashed) != data.max_grow) {
+		ast_test_status_update(test,
+			"Invalid hashtab size. Expected: %d, Actual: %d\n",
+			data.max_grow, ast_hashtab_size(data.to_be_thrashed));
+		res = AST_TEST_FAIL;
+	}
+	ast_hashtab_destroy(data.to_be_thrashed, ht_delete);
+	return res;
+static int unload_module(void)
+	return 0;
+static int load_module(void)
+	AST_TEST_REGISTER(hash_test);
diff --git a/utils/Makefile b/utils/Makefile
index aff39ce78e4ab556dc9a8b6b85c6ef2f6c35ce64..4bd898ce798f091770f46a729734cd2e4bdd5107 100644
--- a/utils/Makefile
+++ b/utils/Makefile
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ clean:
 	rm -f *.s *.i
 	rm -f md5.c strcompat.c ast_expr2.c ast_expr2.h ast_expr2f.c pbx_ael.c pval.c hashtab.c lock.c
 	rm -f aelparse.c aelbison.c conf2ael
-	rm -f utils.c strings.c threadstorage.c sha1.c astobj2.c hashtest2 hashtest refcounter
+	rm -f utils.c strings.c threadstorage.c sha1.c astobj2.c refcounter
 	rm -f db1-ast/.*.d
 	@$(MAKE) -C db1-ast clean
@@ -175,11 +175,6 @@ threadstorage.c: $(ASTTOPDIR)/main/threadstorage.c
 	$(ECHO_PREFIX) echo "   [CP] $(subst $(ASTTOPDIR)/,,$<) -> $@"
 	$(CMD_PREFIX) cp "$<" "$@"
-hashtest2.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-O0
-hashtest2: hashtest2.o md5.o lock.o utils.o strings.o astobj2.o sha1.o strcompat.o threadstorage.o clicompat.o poll.o
-hashtest: hashtest.o md5.o hashtab.o lock.o utils.o strings.o sha1.o strcompat.o threadstorage.o clicompat.o poll.o
-hashtest.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-O0
 refcounter: refcounter.o md5.o hashtab.o lock.o utils.o strings.o sha1.o strcompat.o threadstorage.o clicompat.o poll.o
 refcounter.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-O0
diff --git a/utils/extconf.c b/utils/extconf.c
index 43cf2652a9af4d920221634543162999b1bf7cfb..c62001a7768445cc945896f5f57fc1013058f3c1 100644
--- a/utils/extconf.c
+++ b/utils/extconf.c
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ void ast_console_puts(const char *string);
 #define LOG_DTMF    __LOG_DTMF, _A_
 /* lock.h */
+#define _ASTERISK_LOCK_H /* A small indication that this is horribly wrong. */
 #define	__MTX_PROF(a)	return pthread_mutex_lock((a))
diff --git a/utils/hashtest.c b/utils/hashtest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c06d4ac0adadd353054f36bd5f4affa249d8c157..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/hashtest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
- * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007, Steve Murphy
- *
- * Steve Murphy <murf@digium.com>
- *
- * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
- * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
- * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
- * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
- * channels for your use.
- *
- * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
- * at the top of the source tree.
- */
-/*! \file
- *
- *  \brief A program to thoroughly thrash a hash table, testing
- *         out locking safety, and making sure all functionality
- *         is functioning. Run with 5 or more threads to get that
- *         fully intense firestorm of activity. If your
- *         hash tables don't crash, lock up, or go weird, it must
- *         be good code! Even features some global counters
- *         that will get slightly behind because they aren't lock-protected.
- *
- *  \author Steve Murphy <murf@digium.com>
- */
-	<support_level>extended</support_level>
- ***/
-#include "asterisk.h"
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "asterisk/lock.h"
-#include "asterisk/hashtab.h"
-#include "asterisk/channel.h"
-#include "asterisk/utils.h"
-#include "asterisk/module.h"
-int testno = 1;
-/* stuff we need to make this work with the hashtab stuff */
-#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
-int64_t ast_mark(int prof_id, int x)
-	return 0;
-void pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full(struct ast_channel *c, struct varshead *headp, const char *cp1, char *cp2, int cp2_size, size_t *used);
-void pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full(struct ast_channel *c, struct varshead *headp, const char *cp1, char *cp2, int cp2_size, size_t *used)
-struct ht_element 
-	char *key;
-	char *val;
-static int hashtab_compare_strings_nocase(const void *a, const void *b)
-	const struct ht_element *ae = a, *be = b;
-	return ast_hashtab_compare_strings_nocase(ae->key, be->key);
-#if 0
-static int hashtab_compare_strings(const void *a, const void *b)
-	const struct ht_element *ae = a, *be = b;
-	return ast_hashtab_compare_strings(ae->key, be->key);
-static unsigned int hashtab_hash_string(const void *obj)
-	const struct ht_element *o = obj;
-	return ast_hashtab_hash_string((const void *)o->key);
-static unsigned int hashtab_hash_string_nocase(const void *obj)
-	const struct ht_element *o = obj;
-	return ast_hashtab_hash_string_nocase((const void*)o->key);
-/* random numbers */
-static int my_rand(int incl_low, int incl_high, unsigned int *seedp)
-	if (incl_high == 0)
-		return 0;
-	return incl_low + (rand_r(seedp) % incl_high);
-/* the testing routines */
-static int glob_highwater = 0;
-struct ast_hashtab *glob_hashtab = 0;
-unsigned int glob_seed = 0;
-int els_removed = 0;
-int els_added = 0;
-int els_lookedup = 0;
-int els_found = 0;
-int els_traversals = 0;
-/* all the operations to perform on the hashtab */
-static void add_element(void)
-	char keybuf[100];
-	struct ht_element *x = malloc(sizeof(struct ht_element));
-	sprintf(keybuf,"key%08d", glob_highwater++);
-	x->key = strdup(keybuf);
-	x->val = strdup("interesting data");
-	ast_hashtab_insert_immediate(glob_hashtab, x);
-	els_added++;
-static void traverse_elements(void)
-	struct ht_element *el;
-	int c=0;
-	struct ast_hashtab_iter *it = ast_hashtab_start_write_traversal(glob_hashtab);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("Traverse hashtab\n");
-	while ((el = ast_hashtab_next(it))) {
-		c++;
-	}
-	ast_hashtab_end_traversal(it);
-	els_traversals++; /* unprotected, sometimes off, but, not really important, either */
-static void * del_element(unsigned int *seedp)
-	char keybuf[100];
-	struct ht_element *el, lookup;
-	int x;
-	/* pick a random element from 0 to highwater-1 */
-	x = my_rand(0,glob_highwater-1,seedp);
-	sprintf(keybuf, "key%08d", x);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("Removing %s", keybuf);
-	lookup.key = keybuf;
-	el = ast_hashtab_remove_object_via_lookup(glob_hashtab, &lookup);
-	if (el) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		printf("...YES (el=%x)\n", (unsigned long)el);
-		free(el->key);
-		free(el->val);
-		free(el);
-		els_removed++;
-	} else {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		printf("...NO.\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return el;
-static int lookup_element(unsigned int *seedp)
-	char keybuf[100];
-	struct ht_element *el, lookup;
-	int x;
-	/* pick a random element from 0 to highwater-1 */
-	x = my_rand(0,glob_highwater-1,seedp);
-	sprintf(keybuf, "key%08d", x);
-	lookup.key = keybuf;
-	el = ast_hashtab_lookup(glob_hashtab, &lookup);
-	els_lookedup++;
-	if (el)
-		els_found++;
-	if (el)
-		return 1;
-	return 0;
-static void *hashtest(void *data)
-	int my_els_removed = 0;
-	int my_els_added = 0;
-	int my_els_lookedup = 0;
-	int my_els_found = 0;
-	int my_els_traversals = 0;
-	int my_testno = testno++;
-	int its;
-	/* data will be a random number == use as a seed for random numbers */
-	unsigned long seed = (unsigned long)data;
-	printf("hashtest thread created... test beginning\n");
-	/* main test routine-- a global hashtab exists, pound it like crazy  */
-	for(its=0;its<100000;its++)
-	{
-		void *seed2 = &seed;
-		int op = my_rand(0,100, seed2);
-		if (op<60) {
-			my_els_lookedup++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: LOOKUP\n", my_testno, its);
-			if ((my_els_lookedup%1000)==0) {
-				printf(".");
-				fflush(stdout);
-			}
-			if (lookup_element(seed2))
-				my_els_found++;
-		} else if (op < 61) { /* make this 61 and it'll take 15 minutes to run */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: TRAVERSE\n", my_testno, its);
-			traverse_elements();
-			my_els_traversals++;
-		} else if (op < 80) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: REMOVE\n", my_testno, its);
-			if (del_element(seed2))
-				my_els_removed++;
-		} else {
-			my_els_added++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: ADD\n", my_testno, its);
-			add_element();
-		}
-	}
-	printf("\nhashtest thread %d exiting.... lookups=%d/%d, added=%d, removed=%d, traversals=%d;\n",
-		   my_testno, my_els_found, my_els_lookedup, my_els_added, my_els_removed, my_els_traversals);
-	printf("\ntotals..................... lookups=%d/%d, added=%d, removed=%d, traversals=%d;\n",
-		   els_found, els_lookedup, els_added, els_removed,els_traversals);
-	pthread_exit(0);
-static void run_hashtest(int numthr)
-	pthread_t thr[numthr];
-	void *thrres[numthr];
-	int i, biggest, resize_cnt, numobjs, numbuckets;
-	/* init a single global hashtab, then... */
-	glob_hashtab = ast_hashtab_create(180000, hashtab_compare_strings_nocase, ast_hashtab_resize_java, ast_hashtab_newsize_java, hashtab_hash_string_nocase, 1);
-	printf("starting with %d elements in the hashtable...\n", ast_hashtab_capacity(glob_hashtab));
-	/* set a random seed  */
-	glob_seed = (unsigned int)time(0);
-	srand(glob_seed);
-	/* create threads, each running hashtest */
-	for(i=0;i<numthr;i++)
-	{
-		unsigned long z = rand();
-		printf("starting hashtest thread %d....\n",i+1);
-		if (ast_pthread_create(&thr[i], NULL, hashtest, (void*)z)) {
-			printf("Sorry, couldn't create thread #%d\n", i+1);
-		}
-		printf("hashtest thread spawned.... \n");
-	}
-	/* collect threads, each running hashtest */
-	for(i=0;i<numthr;i++)
-	{
-		printf("waiting for thread %d....\n", i+1);
-		if (pthread_join(thr[i], &thrres[i])) {
-			printf("Sorry, couldn't join thread #%d\n", i+1);
-		}
-		printf("hashtest thread %d done.... \n",i+1);
-	}
-	/* user has to kill/intr the process to stop the test? */
-	ast_hashtab_get_stats(glob_hashtab, &biggest, &resize_cnt, &numobjs, &numbuckets);
-	printf("Some stats: longest bucket chain: %d;  number of resizes: %d; number of objects: %d;  capacity: %d\n",
-			biggest, resize_cnt, numobjs, numbuckets);
-int main(int argc,char **argv)
-	if (argc < 2 || argc > 2 || atoi(argv[1]) < 1)
-	{
-		printf("Usage: hashtest <number of threads>\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	/* one arg == number of threads to create */
-	run_hashtest(atoi(argv[1]));
-	return 0;
-#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
-int  ast_add_profile(const char *x, uint64_t scale)
-	return 0;
-int ast_loader_register(int (*updater)(void))
-	return 1;
-int ast_loader_unregister(int (*updater)(void))
-	return 1;
-void ast_module_register(const struct ast_module_info *x)
-void ast_module_unregister(const struct ast_module_info *x)
-void ast_register_file_version(const char *file, const char *version);
-void ast_register_file_version(const char *file, const char *version)
-void ast_unregister_file_version(const char *file);
-void ast_unregister_file_version(const char *file)
-void ast_log(int level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *fmt, ...)
-	va_list vars;
-	va_start(vars,fmt);
-	printf("LOG: lev:%d file:%s  line:%d func: %s  ",
-		   level, file, line, function);
-	vprintf(fmt, vars);
-	fflush(stdout);
-	va_end(vars);
-void __ast_verbose(const char *file, int line, const char *func, int level, const char *fmt, ...)
-        va_list vars;
-        va_start(vars,fmt);
-        printf("VERBOSE: ");
-        vprintf(fmt, vars);
-        fflush(stdout);
-        va_end(vars);
-void ast_register_thread(char *name)
-void ast_unregister_thread(void *id)
-#ifdef HAVE_BKTR
-struct ast_bt *ast_bt_create(void);
-struct ast_bt *ast_bt_create(void) 
-	return NULL;
-int ast_bt_get_addresses(struct ast_bt *bt);
-int ast_bt_get_addresses(struct ast_bt *bt)
-	return 0;
-char **ast_bt_get_symbols(void **addresses, size_t num_frames);
-char **ast_bt_get_symbols(void **addresses, size_t num_frames)
-	char **foo = calloc(num_frames, sizeof(char *) + 1);
-	if (foo) {
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
-			foo[i] = (char *) foo + sizeof(char *) * num_frames;
-		}
-	}
-	return foo;
-void *ast_bt_destroy(struct ast_bt *bt);
-void *ast_bt_destroy(struct ast_bt *bt)
-	return NULL;
diff --git a/utils/hashtest2.c b/utils/hashtest2.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e5b7717986f50ab2b4771e76a4cb8634e534da56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/utils/hashtest2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
- * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2007, Steve Murphy
- *
- * Steve Murphy <murf@digium.com>
- *
- * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
- * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
- * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
- * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
- * channels for your use.
- *
- * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
- * at the top of the source tree.
- */
-/*! \file
- *
- *  \brief A program to thoroughly thrash a hash table, testing
- *         out locking safety, and making sure all functionality
- *         is functioning. Run with 5 or more threads to get that
- *         fully intense firestorm of activity. If your
- *         hash tables don't crash, lock up, or go weird, it must
- *         be good code! Even features some global counters
- *         that will get slightly behind because they aren't lock-protected.
- *
- *  \author Steve Murphy <murf@digium.com>
- */
-	<support_level>extended</support_level>
- ***/
-#include "asterisk.h"
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include "asterisk/lock.h"
-#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
-#include "asterisk/channel.h"
-#include "asterisk/utils.h"
-#include "asterisk/module.h"
-int testno = 2;
-/* stuff we need to make this work with the astobj2 stuff */
-#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
-int64_t ast_mark(int prof_id, int x)
-	return 0;
-/* my OBJECT */
-struct ht_element 
-	char *key;
-	char *val;
-char *pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full(struct ast_channel *chan, struct varshead *head, const char *cp1, char *cp2, int maxlen, size_t *used);
-char *pbx_substitute_variables_helper_full(struct ast_channel *chan, struct varshead *head, const char *cp1, char *cp2, int maxlen, size_t *used)
-	return NULL;
-static int hash_string(const void *obj, const int flags)
-	char *str = ((struct ht_element*)obj)->key;
-	int total;
-	for (total=0; *str; str++)
-	{
-		unsigned int tmp = total;
-		total <<= 1; /* multiply by 2 */
-		total += tmp; /* multiply by 3 */
-		total <<= 2; /* multiply by 12 */
-		total += tmp; /* multiply by 13 */
-		total += ((unsigned int)(*str));
-	}
-	if (total < 0)
-		total = -total;
-	return total;
-static int hashtab_compare_strings(void *a, void *b, int flags)
-	const struct ht_element *ae = a, *be = b;
-	return !strcmp(ae->key, be->key) ? CMP_MATCH | CMP_STOP : 0;
-/* random numbers */
-static int my_rand(int incl_low, int incl_high, unsigned int *seedp)
-	if (incl_high == 0)
-		return 0;
-	return incl_low + (rand_r(seedp) % incl_high);
-/* the testing routines */
-static int glob_highwater = 0;
-struct ao2_container *glob_hashtab = 0;
-unsigned int glob_seed = 0;
-int els_removed = 0;
-int els_added = 0;
-int els_lookedup = 0;
-int els_found = 0;
-int els_traversals = 0;
-/* all the operations to perform on the hashtab */
-static void ht_destroy(void *obj)
-	const struct ht_element *o = obj;
-	if (o->key)
-		free(o->key);
-	if (o->val)
-		free(o->val);
-static void add_element(void)
-	char keybuf[100];
-	struct ht_element *x = ao2_alloc(sizeof(struct ht_element), ht_destroy);
-	sprintf(keybuf,"key%08d", glob_highwater++);
-	x->key = strdup(keybuf);
-	x->val = strdup("interesting data");
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("+ %s\n", keybuf);
-	ao2_link(glob_hashtab, x);
-	els_added++; /* unprotected, sometimes off, but, not really important, either */
-static int do_nothing_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
-	return 0;
-static void traverse_elements(void)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("Traverse hashtab\n");
-	ao2_callback(glob_hashtab, OBJ_NODATA, do_nothing_cb, NULL);
-	els_traversals++; /* unprotected, sometimes off, but, not really important, either */
-static void * del_element(unsigned int *seedp)
-	char keybuf[100];
-	struct ht_element *el, lookup;
-	int x;
-	/* pick a random element from 0 to highwater-1 */
-	x = my_rand(0,glob_highwater-1,seedp);
-	sprintf(keybuf, "key%08d", x);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	printf("- %s", keybuf);
-	lookup.key = keybuf;
-	el = ao2_find(glob_hashtab, &lookup, OBJ_POINTER);
-	if (el) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		printf("...YES (el=%x)\n", (unsigned long)el);
-		ao2_unlink(glob_hashtab, el); /* mistakenly tried to use ao2_ref(c,-2) here to unlink. Bad Boy! */
-		els_removed++;
-	} else {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		printf("...NO.\n");
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return el;
-static int lookup_element(unsigned int *seedp)
-	char keybuf[100];
-	struct ht_element *el, lookup;
-	int x;
-	/* pick a random element from 0 to highwater-1 */
-	x = my_rand(0,glob_highwater-1,seedp);
-	sprintf(keybuf, "key%08d", x);
-	lookup.key = keybuf;
-	el = ao2_find(glob_hashtab, &lookup, OBJ_POINTER);
-	els_lookedup++;
-	if (el) {
-		els_found++;
-		ao2_ref(el, -1); /* toss out this ref, no longer needed */
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-		return 0;
-	}
-static void *hashtest(void *data)
-	int my_els_removed = 0;
-	int my_els_added = 0;
-	int my_els_lookedup = 0;
-	int my_els_found = 0;
-	int my_els_traversals = 0;
-	int my_testno = testno++;
-	int its;
-	/* data will be a random number == use as a seed for random numbers */
-	unsigned long seed = (unsigned long)data;
-	printf("hashtest thread created... test beginning\n");
-	/* main test routine-- a global hashtab exists, pound it like crazy  */
-	for(its=0;its<100000;its++)
-	{
-		void *seed2 = &seed;
-		int op = my_rand(0,100, seed2);
-		if (op<60) {
-			my_els_lookedup++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: LOOKUP\n", my_testno, its);
-			if ((my_els_lookedup%1000)==0) {
-				printf(".");
-				fflush(stdout);
-			}
-			if (lookup_element(seed2))
-				my_els_found++;
-		} else if (op < 61) { /* make this 61 and it'll take 16 minutes to run */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: TRAVERSE\n", my_testno, its);
-			traverse_elements();
-			my_els_traversals++;
-		} else if (op < 80) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: REMOVE\n", my_testno, its);
-			if (del_element(seed2))
-				my_els_removed++;
-		} else {
-			my_els_added++;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-			printf("%d[%d]: ADD\n", my_testno, its);
-			add_element();
-		}
-	}
-	printf("\nhashtest thread %d exiting.... lookups=%d/%d, added=%d, removed=%d, traversals=%d;\n",
-		   my_testno, my_els_found, my_els_lookedup, my_els_added, my_els_removed, my_els_traversals);
-	printf("\ntotals..................... lookups=%d/%d, added=%d, removed=%d; traversals=%d\n",
-		   els_found, els_lookedup, els_added, els_removed, els_traversals);
-	pthread_exit(0);
-	return NULL;
-static void run_hashtest(int numthr)
-	pthread_t thr[numthr];
-	void *thrres[numthr];
-	int i;
-	/* init a single global hashtab, then... */
-	glob_hashtab = ao2_container_alloc(180000, hash_string, hashtab_compare_strings);
-	/* set a random seed  */
-	glob_seed = (unsigned int)time(0);
-	srand(glob_seed);
-	/* create threads, each running hashtest */
-	for(i=0;i<numthr;i++)
-	{
-		unsigned long z = rand();
-		printf("starting hashtest thread %d....\n",i+1);
-		if (ast_pthread_create(&thr[i], NULL, hashtest, (void*)z)) {
-			printf("Sorry, couldn't create thread #%d\n", i+1);
-		}
-		printf("hashtest thread spawned.... \n");
-	}
-	/* collect threads, each running hashtest */
-	for(i=0;i<numthr;i++)
-	{
-		printf("waiting for thread %d....\n", i+1);
-		if (pthread_join(thr[i], &thrres[i])) {
-			printf("Sorry, couldn't join thread #%d\n", i+1);
-		}
-		printf("hashtest thread %d done.... \n",i+1);
-	}
-	/* user has to kill/intr the process to stop the test? */
-int main(int argc,char **argv)
-	if (argc < 2 || argc > 2 || atoi(argv[1]) < 1)
-	{
-		printf("Usage: hashtest <number of threads>\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	/* one arg == number of threads to create */
-	run_hashtest(atoi(argv[1]));
-	return 0;
-#if !defined(LOW_MEMORY)
-int ast_add_profile(const char *x, uint64_t scale)
-	return 0;
-int ast_loader_register(int (*updater)(void))
-	return 1;
-int ast_loader_unregister(int (*updater)(void))
-	return 1;
-void ast_module_register(const struct ast_module_info *x)
-void ast_module_unregister(const struct ast_module_info *x)
-void ast_register_file_version(const char *file, const char *version);
-void ast_register_file_version(const char *file, const char *version)
-void ast_unregister_file_version(const char *file);
-void ast_unregister_file_version(const char *file)
-int ast_register_atexit(void (*func)(void));
-int ast_register_atexit(void (*func)(void))
-	return 0;
-void ast_log(int level, const char *file, int line, const char *function, const char *fmt, ...)
-	va_list vars;
-	va_start(vars,fmt);
-	printf("LOG: lev:%d file:%s  line:%d func: %s  ",
-		   level, file, line, function);
-	vprintf(fmt, vars);
-	fflush(stdout);
-	va_end(vars);
-void __ast_verbose(const char *file, int line, const char *func, int level, const char *fmt, ...)
-        va_list vars;
-        va_start(vars,fmt);
-        printf("VERBOSE: ");
-        vprintf(fmt, vars);
-        fflush(stdout);
-        va_end(vars);
-void ast_register_thread(char *name)
-void ast_unregister_thread(void *id)
-#ifdef HAVE_BKTR
-struct ast_bt* ast_bt_create(void)
-	return NULL;
-int ast_bt_get_addresses(struct ast_bt *bt)
-	return -1;
-char **ast_bt_get_symbols(void **addresses, size_t num_frames)
-	char **foo = calloc(num_frames, sizeof(char *) + 1);
-	if (foo) {
-		int i;
-		for (i = 0; i < num_frames; i++) {
-			foo[i] = (char *) foo + sizeof(char *) * num_frames;
-		}
-	}
-	return foo;
-void *ast_bt_destroy(struct ast_bt *bt)
-	return NULL;
diff --git a/utils/utils.xml b/utils/utils.xml
index a9b6e28ca13af6cd6915250818a36bb8e9215f28..58d2932e4d2f86394c20dd0741f05bfd419b4cb3 100644
--- a/utils/utils.xml
+++ b/utils/utils.xml
@@ -32,14 +32,6 @@
-  <member name="hashtest">
-	<defaultenabled>no</defaultenabled>
-	<support_level>extended</support_level>
-  </member>
-  <member name="hashtest2">
-	<defaultenabled>no</defaultenabled>
-	<support_level>extended</support_level>
-  </member>
   <member name="muted">