diff --git a/configs/samples/musiconhold.conf.sample b/configs/samples/musiconhold.conf.sample
index 3df29bf6973d93b3ef18d0776421470a09fdd19c..b2980fc1de4b687e36fac284c80f46a3dc26a0e9 100644
--- a/configs/samples/musiconhold.conf.sample
+++ b/configs/samples/musiconhold.conf.sample
@@ -85,7 +85,11 @@ directory=moh
 ;application=/usr/bin/streamplayer 888
+;format=ulaw    ; The 'format' option specifies the audio format that the
+;               ; 'application' will provide to Asterisk. In this example,
+;               ; streamplayer will output ulaw samples so we need to set the
+;               ; format to ulaw so that Asterisk knows how to interpret the
+;               ; incoming audio.
 ; mpg123 on Solaris does not always exit properly; madplay may be a better
 ; choice