# # Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. # # Makefile rules for subdirectories containing modules # # Copyright (C) 2006, Digium, Inc. # # Kevin P. Fleming <kpfleming@digium.com> # # This program is free software, distributed under the terms of # the GNU General Public License # # Makefile rules for building modules. # In most cases, we set target-specific variables for certain targets # (remember that they apply recursively to prerequisites). # Also note that we can only set one variable per rule, so we have to # repeat the left hand side to set multiple variables. include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.rules # If MODULE_PREFIX is defined, use it to run the standard functions to set # C_MODS, CC_MODS and LOADABLE_MODS # Each word of MODULE_PREFIX is a prefix for filenames that we consider # valid C or CC modules (eg. app, func ...). Note that the underscore # is added here, and does not need to be in MODULE_PREFIX # # Use MODULE_EXCLUDE to specify additional modules to exclude. ifneq ($(MODULE_PREFIX),) ALL_C_MODS:= ALL_CC_MODS:= ALL_C_MODS+=$(foreach p,$(MODULE_PREFIX),$(patsubst %.c,%,$(wildcard $(p)_*.c))) ALL_CC_MODS+=$(foreach p,$(MODULE_PREFIX),$(patsubst %.cc,%,$(wildcard $(p)_*.cc))) endif C_MODS:=$(filter-out $(MENUSELECT_$(MENUSELECT_CATEGORY)),$(ALL_C_MODS)) CC_MODS:=$(filter-out $(MENUSELECT_$(MENUSELECT_CATEGORY)),$(ALL_CC_MODS)) LOADABLE_MODS:=$(C_MODS) $(CC_MODS) # Both C++ and C++ sources need their module name in AST_MODULE # We also pass whatever _INCLUDE list is generated by menuselect # (they are stored in file 'makeopts'). This is also necessary # for components used to build modules, which can't be determined # by the rules in this file, so the MOD_ASTCFLAGS definition # is used to collect the required flags for a module... which can # then be used any place they are required. MOD_ASTCFLAGS=\ -DAST_MODULE=\"$(1)\" \ -DAST_MODULE_SELF_SYM=__internal_$(1)_self \ $(MENUSELECT_OPTS_$(1):%=-D%) \ $(foreach dep,$(MENUSELECT_DEPENDS_$(1)),$(value $(dep)_INCLUDE)) define MOD_ADD_SOURCE $(1).so: $$(subst $(3),$(5),$(2)) $$(subst $(3),$(5),$(2)): _ASTCFLAGS+=$$(call MOD_ASTCFLAGS,$(1)) .$(1).moduleinfo: MODULEINFO_EXTRA_OUTPUT=" $$(addprefix $$(SUBDIR)/,$$(subst $(3),$(5),$(2)) $$(subst $(3),$(4),$(2)))" # The use of wildcard ensures that 'make menuselect' will not fail for modules that # require additional source downloads. .$(1).moduleinfo: $(wildcard $(2)) clean:: clean-$(1)$(3) clean-$(1)$(3): rm -f $$(subst $(3),$(4),$(2)) $$(subst $(3),$(5),$(2)) $$(subst $(3),$(6),$(2)) $$(subst $(3),$(7),$(2)) endef MOD_ADD_C=$(eval $(call MOD_ADD_SOURCE,$(1),$(2),.c,.i,.o,.gcda,.gcno)) MOD_ADD_CC=$(eval $(call MOD_ADD_SOURCE,$(1),$(2),.cc,.ii,.oo,.gcda,.gcno)) $(addsuffix .oo,$(CC_MODS)) $(addsuffix .o,$(C_MODS)): \ _ASTCFLAGS+=$(call MOD_ASTCFLAGS,$*) ifeq ($(findstring $(OSARCH), mingw32 cygwin ),) # don't define -fPIC on mingw32 and cygwin, it is the default $(LOADABLE_MODS:%=%.so): _ASTCFLAGS+=-fPIC endif # For loadable modules, pass _LIB and _LDFLAGS from menuselect. $(LOADABLE_MODS:%=%.so): LIBS+=$(foreach dep,$(MENUSELECT_DEPENDS_$*),$(value $(dep)_LIB)) $(LOADABLE_MODS:%=%.so): _ASTLDFLAGS+=$(foreach dep,$(MENUSELECT_DEPENDS_$*),$(value $(dep)_LDFLAGS)) $(addsuffix .so,$(filter $(LOADABLE_MODS),$(C_MODS))): %.so: %.o $(addsuffix .so,$(filter $(LOADABLE_MODS),$(CC_MODS))): %.so: %.oo .PHONY: clean uninstall _all moduleinfo makeopts _all: $(LOADABLE_MODS:%=%.so) ifneq ($(findstring $(OSARCH), mingw32 cygwin ),) # linker options and extra libraries for cygwin SOLINK=-Wl,--out-implib=lib$@.a -shared LIBS+=-L$(ASTTOPDIR)/main -lasterisk -L$(ASTTOPDIR)/res $($@_LIBS) # additional libraries in res/ endif clean:: rm -f *.so *.o *.oo *.eo *.i *.ii rm -f .*.d rm -f *.s *.i rm -f *.gcda *.gcno rm -f modules.link install:: all @echo "Installing modules from `basename $(CURDIR)`..." @for x in $(LOADABLE_MODS:%=%.so); do $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$x "$(DESTDIR)$(ASTMODDIR)" ; done ifneq ($(findstring :,$(XMLSTARLET)$(BASH)),:) @if [ -f .moduleinfo ] ; then \ declare -A DISABLED_MODS ;\ for x in $(MENUSELECT_$(MENUSELECT_CATEGORY)) ; do DISABLED_MODS[$${x}]=1 ; done ;\ EXTERNAL_MODS=$$($(XMLSTARLET) sel -t -m "/category/member[support_level = 'external']" -v "@name" -n .moduleinfo) ;\ for x in $${EXTERNAL_MODS} ; do \ if [ -z "$${DISABLED_MODS[$${x}]}" ] ; then \ PJPROJECT_BUNDLED=${PJPROJECT_BUNDLED} $(ASTTOPDIR)/build_tools/download_externals $${x} ;\ fi ;\ done ;\ fi endif uninstall:: dist-clean:: rm -f .*.moduleinfo .moduleinfo rm -f .*.makeopts .makeopts rm -f *.exports .%.moduleinfo: %.c @echo "<member name=\"$*\" displayname=\"$(shell $(GREP) -e AST_MODULE_INFO $< | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)\" remove_on_change=\"$(SUBDIR)/$*.o $(SUBDIR)/$*.i $(SUBDIR)/$*.so$(MODULEINFO_EXTRA_OUTPUT)\">" > $@ $(AWK) -f $(ASTTOPDIR)/build_tools/get_moduleinfo $^ >> $@ echo "</member>" >> $@ .%.moduleinfo: %.cc @echo "<member name=\"$*\" displayname=\"$(shell $(GREP) -e AST_MODULE_INFO $< | head -n 1 | cut -d '"' -f 2)\" remove_on_change=\"$(SUBDIR)/$*.oo $(SUBDIR)/$*.ii $(SUBDIR)/$*.so$(MODULEINFO_EXTRA_OUTPUT)\">" > $@ $(AWK) -f $(ASTTOPDIR)/build_tools/get_moduleinfo $^ >> $@ echo "</member>" >> $@ .moduleinfo:: $(addsuffix .moduleinfo,$(addprefix .,$(sort $(ALL_C_MODS) $(ALL_CC_MODS)))) $(wildcard $(call tolower,$(MENUSELECT_CATEGORY)).xml) @echo "<category name=\"MENUSELECT_$(MENUSELECT_CATEGORY)\" displayname=\"$(MENUSELECT_DESCRIPTION)\">" > $@ @cat $^ >> $@ @echo "</category>" >> $@ moduleinfo: .moduleinfo @cat $< .%.makeopts: %.c @$(AWK) -f $(ASTTOPDIR)/build_tools/get_makeopts $< > $@ .%.makeopts: %.cc @$(AWK) -f $(ASTTOPDIR)/build_tools/get_makeopts $< > $@ .makeopts:: $(addsuffix .makeopts,$(addprefix .,$(ALL_C_MODS) $(ALL_CC_MODS))) @cat $^ > $@ makeopts: .makeopts @cat $< ifneq ($(wildcard .*.d),) include .*.d endif