/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com> * * Funding provided by nic.at * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief ENUM Support for Asterisk * * \author Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com> * * \arg Funding provided by nic.at */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/nameser.h> #if __APPLE_CC__ >= 1495 #include <arpa/nameser_compat.h> #endif #include <resolv.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <regex.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/enum.h" #include "asterisk/dns.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ #undef T_NAPTR #define T_NAPTR 35 #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #undef T_TXT #define T_TXT 16 #endif /* The IETF Enum standard root, managed by the ITU */ #define TOPLEV "e164.arpa." /* Linked list from config file */ static struct enum_search { char toplev[512]; struct enum_search *next; } *toplevs; static int enumver = 0; AST_MUTEX_DEFINE_STATIC(enumlock); struct naptr { unsigned short order; unsigned short pref; } __attribute__ ((__packed__)); /*! \brief Parse NAPTR record information elements */ static int parse_ie(char *data, int maxdatalen, char *src, int srclen) { int len, olen; len = olen = (int)src[0]; src++; srclen--; if (len > srclen) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Want %d, got %d\n", len, srclen); return -1; } if (len > maxdatalen) len = maxdatalen; memcpy(data, src, len); return olen + 1; } /*! \brief Parse DNS NAPTR record used in ENUM ---*/ static int parse_naptr(char *dst, int dstsize, char *tech, int techsize, char *answer, int len, char *naptrinput) { char tech_return[80]; char *oanswer = answer; char flags[512] = ""; char services[512] = ""; char *p; char regexp[512] = ""; char repl[512] = ""; char temp[512] = ""; char delim; char *delim2; char *pattern, *subst, *d; int res; int regexp_len, size, backref; int d_len = sizeof(temp) - 1; regex_t preg; regmatch_t pmatch[9]; tech_return[0] = '\0'; dst[0] = '\0'; if (len < sizeof(struct naptr)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR record length too short\n"); return -1; } answer += sizeof(struct naptr); len -= sizeof(struct naptr); if ((res = parse_ie(flags, sizeof(flags) - 1, answer, len)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get flags from NAPTR record\n"); return -1; } else { answer += res; len -= res; } if ((res = parse_ie(services, sizeof(services) - 1, answer, len)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get services from NAPTR record\n"); return -1; } else { answer += res; len -= res; } if ((res = parse_ie(regexp, sizeof(regexp) - 1, answer, len)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to get regexp from NAPTR record\n"); return -1; } else { answer += res; len -= res; } if ((res = dn_expand((unsigned char *)oanswer, (unsigned char *)answer + len, (unsigned char *)answer, repl, sizeof(repl) - 1)) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to expand hostname\n"); return -1; } if (option_debug > 2) /* Advanced NAPTR debugging */ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "NAPTR input='%s', flags='%s', services='%s', regexp='%s', repl='%s'\n", naptrinput, flags, services, regexp, repl); if (tolower(flags[0]) != 'u') { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Flag must be 'U' or 'u'.\n"); return -1; } p = strstr(services, "e2u+"); if (p == NULL) p = strstr(services, "E2U+"); if (p){ p = p + 4; if (strchr(p, ':')){ p = strchr(p, ':') + 1; } ast_copy_string(tech_return, p, sizeof(tech_return)); } else { p = strstr(services, "+e2u"); if (p == NULL) p = strstr(services, "+E2U"); if (p) { *p = 0; p = strchr(services, ':'); if (p) *p = 0; ast_copy_string(tech_return, services, sizeof(tech_return)); } } /* DEDBUGGING STUB ast_copy_string(regexp, "!^\\+43(.*)$!\\1@bla.fasel!", sizeof(regexp) - 1); */ regexp_len = strlen(regexp); if (regexp_len < 7) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Regex too short to be meaningful.\n"); return -1; } delim = regexp[0]; delim2 = strchr(regexp + 1, delim); if ((delim2 == NULL) || (regexp[regexp_len-1] != delim)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Regex delimiter error (on \"%s\").\n",regexp); return -1; } pattern = regexp + 1; *delim2 = 0; subst = delim2 + 1; regexp[regexp_len-1] = 0; #if 0 printf("Pattern: %s\n", pattern); printf("Subst: %s\n", subst); printf("Input: %s\n", naptrinput); #endif /* * now do the regex wizardry. */ if (regcomp(&preg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NEWLINE)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex compilation error (regex = \"%s\").\n",regexp); return -1; } if (preg.re_nsub > 9) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex compilation error: too many subs.\n"); regfree(&preg); return -1; } if (regexec(&preg, naptrinput, 9, pmatch, 0)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NAPTR Regex match failed.\n"); regfree(&preg); return -1; } regfree(&preg); d = temp; d_len--; while (*subst && (d_len > 0)) { if ((subst[0] == '\\') && isdigit(subst[1]) && (pmatch[subst[1]-'0'].rm_so != -1)) { backref = subst[1]-'0'; size = pmatch[backref].rm_eo - pmatch[backref].rm_so; if (size > d_len) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Not enough space during NAPTR regex substitution.\n"); return -1; } memcpy(d, naptrinput + pmatch[backref].rm_so, size); d += size; d_len -= size; subst += 2; } else if (isprint(*subst)) { *d++ = *subst++; d_len--; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error during regex substitution.\n"); return -1; } } *d = 0; ast_copy_string(dst, temp, dstsize); dst[dstsize - 1] = '\0'; if (*tech != '\0'){ /* check if it is requested NAPTR */ if (!strncasecmp(tech, "ALL", techsize)){ return 1; /* return or count any RR */ } if (!strncasecmp(tech_return, tech, sizeof(tech_return)<techsize?sizeof(tech_return):techsize)){ ast_copy_string(tech, tech_return, techsize); return 1; /* we got out RR */ } else { /* go to the next RR in the DNS answer */ return 0; } } /* tech was not specified, return first parsed RR */ ast_copy_string(tech, tech_return, techsize); return 1; } /* do not return requested value, just count RRs and return thei number in dst */ #define ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT 1 struct enum_naptr_rr { struct naptr naptr; /* order and preference of RR */ char *result; /* result of naptr parsing,e.g.: tel:+5553 */ char *tech; /* Technology (from URL scheme) */ int sort_pos; /* sort position */ }; struct enum_context { char *dst; /* Destination part of URL from ENUM */ int dstlen; /* Length */ char *tech; /* Technology (from URL scheme) */ int techlen; /* Length */ char *txt; /* TXT record in TXT lookup */ int txtlen; /* Length */ char *naptrinput; /* The number to lookup */ int position; /* used as counter for RRs or specifies position of required RR */ int options; /* options , see ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_* defined above */ struct enum_naptr_rr *naptr_rrs; /* array of parsed NAPTR RRs */ int naptr_rrs_count; /* Size of array naptr_rrs */ }; /*! \brief Callback for TXT record lookup */ static int txt_callback(void *context, char *answer, int len, char *fullanswer) { struct enum_context *c = (struct enum_context *)context; #if 0 printf("ENUMTXT Called\n"); #endif if (answer == NULL) { c->txt = NULL; c->txtlen = 0; return 0; } /* skip over first byte, as for some reason it's a vertical tab character */ answer += 1; len -= 1; /* answer is not null-terminated, but should be */ /* this is safe to do, as answer has extra bytes on the end we can safely overwrite with a null */ answer[len] = '\0'; /* now increment len so that len includes the null, so that we can compare apples to apples */ len +=1; /* finally, copy the answer into c->txt */ ast_copy_string(c->txt, answer, len < c->txtlen ? len : (c->txtlen)); /* just to be safe, let's make sure c->txt is null terminated */ c->txt[(c->txtlen)-1] = '\0'; return 1; } /*! \brief Callback from ENUM lookup function */ static int enum_callback(void *context, char *answer, int len, char *fullanswer) { struct enum_context *c = context; void *p = NULL; int res; res = parse_naptr(c->dst, c->dstlen, c->tech, c->techlen, answer, len, c->naptrinput); if (res < 0) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to parse naptr :(\n"); return -1; } else if (res > 0 && !ast_strlen_zero(c->dst)){ /* ok, we got needed NAPTR */ if (c->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT){ /* counting RRs */ c->position++; snprintf(c->dst, c->dstlen, "%d", c->position); } else { if ((p = ast_realloc(c->naptr_rrs, sizeof(*c->naptr_rrs) * (c->naptr_rrs_count + 1)))) { c->naptr_rrs = p; memcpy(&c->naptr_rrs[c->naptr_rrs_count].naptr, answer, sizeof(c->naptr_rrs->naptr)); /* printf("order=%d, pref=%d\n", ntohs(c->naptr_rrs[c->naptr_rrs_count].naptr.order), ntohs(c->naptr_rrs[c->naptr_rrs_count].naptr.pref)); */ c->naptr_rrs[c->naptr_rrs_count].result = strdup(c->dst); c->naptr_rrs[c->naptr_rrs_count].tech = strdup(c->tech); c->naptr_rrs[c->naptr_rrs_count].sort_pos = c->naptr_rrs_count; c->naptr_rrs_count++; } c->dst[0] = 0; } return 0; } if (c->options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT) { /* counting RRs */ snprintf(c->dst, c->dstlen, "%d", c->position); } return 0; } /*! \brief ENUM lookup */ int ast_get_enum(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *dst, int dstlen, char *tech, int techlen, char* suffix, char* options) { struct enum_context context; char tmp[259 + 512]; char naptrinput[512]; int pos = strlen(number) - 1; int newpos = 0; int ret = -1; struct enum_search *s = NULL; int version = -1; /* for ISN rewrite */ char *p1 = NULL; char *p2 = NULL; int k = 0; int i = 0; int z = 0; if (number[0] == 'n') { strncpy(naptrinput, number+1, sizeof(naptrinput)); } else { strncpy(naptrinput, number, sizeof(naptrinput)); } context.naptrinput = naptrinput; /* The number */ context.dst = dst; /* Return string */ context.dstlen = dstlen; context.tech = tech; context.techlen = techlen; context.options = 0; context.position = 1; context.naptr_rrs = NULL; context.naptr_rrs_count = 0; if (options != NULL){ if (*options == 'c'){ context.options = ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT; context.position = 0; } else { context.position = atoi(options); if (context.position < 1) context.position = 1; } } if (pos > 128) pos = 128; /* ISN rewrite */ p1 = strchr(number, '*'); if (number[0] == 'n') { /* do not perform ISN rewrite ('n' is testing flag) */ p1 = NULL; k = 1; /* strip 'n' from number */ } if (p1 != NULL) { p2 = p1+1; while (p1 > number){ p1--; tmp[newpos++] = *p1; tmp[newpos++] = '.'; } if (*p2) { while(*p2 && newpos < 128){ tmp[newpos++] = *p2; p2++; } tmp[newpos++] = '.'; } } else { while (pos >= k) { if (isdigit(number[pos])) { tmp[newpos++] = number[pos]; tmp[newpos++] = '.'; } pos--; } } if (chan && ast_autoservice_start(chan) < 0) return -1; for (;;) { ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock); if (version != enumver) { /* Ooh, a reload... */ s = toplevs; version = enumver; } else { s = s->next; } if (suffix != NULL) { strncpy(tmp + newpos, suffix, sizeof(tmp) - newpos - 1); } else if (s) { strncpy(tmp + newpos, s->toplev, sizeof(tmp) - newpos - 1); } ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock); if (!s) break; ret = ast_search_dns(&context, tmp, C_IN, T_NAPTR, enum_callback); if (ret > 0) break; if (suffix != NULL) break; } if (ret < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "No such number found: %s (%s)\n", tmp, strerror(errno)); strcpy(dst, "0"); ret = 0; } if (context.naptr_rrs_count >= context.position && ! (context.options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT)) { /* sort array by NAPTR order/preference */ for (k=0; k<context.naptr_rrs_count; k++) { for (i=0; i<context.naptr_rrs_count; i++) { /* use order first and then preference to compare */ if ((ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) < ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order) && context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos > context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos) || (ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) > ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order) && context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos < context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)){ z = context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos; context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos = context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos; context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos = z; continue; } if (ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[k].naptr.order) == ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[i].naptr.order)) { if ((ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[k].naptr.pref) < ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[i].naptr.pref) && context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos > context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos) || (ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[k].naptr.pref) > ntohs(context.naptr_rrs[i].naptr.pref) && context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos < context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos)){ z = context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos; context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos = context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos; context.naptr_rrs[i].sort_pos = z; } } } } for (k=0; k<context.naptr_rrs_count; k++) { if (context.naptr_rrs[k].sort_pos == context.position-1) { ast_copy_string(context.dst, context.naptr_rrs[k].result, dstlen); ast_copy_string(context.tech, context.naptr_rrs[k].tech, techlen); break; } } } else if (!(context.options & ENUMLOOKUP_OPTIONS_COUNT)) { context.dst[0] = 0; } if (chan) ret |= ast_autoservice_stop(chan); for (k=0; k<context.naptr_rrs_count; k++) { free(context.naptr_rrs[k].result); free(context.naptr_rrs[k].tech); } free(context.naptr_rrs); return ret; } /*! \brief Get TXT record from DNS. Really has nothing to do with enum, but anyway... */ int ast_get_txt(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *number, char *dst, int dstlen, char *tech, int techlen, char *txt, int txtlen) { struct enum_context context; char tmp[259 + 512]; char naptrinput[512] = "+"; int pos = strlen(number) - 1; int newpos = 0; int ret = -1; struct enum_search *s = NULL; int version = -1; strncat(naptrinput, number, sizeof(naptrinput) - 2); context.naptrinput = naptrinput; context.dst = dst; context.dstlen = dstlen; context.tech = tech; context.techlen = techlen; context.txt = txt; context.txtlen = txtlen; if (pos > 128) pos = 128; while (pos >= 0) { tmp[newpos++] = number[pos--]; tmp[newpos++] = '.'; } if (chan && ast_autoservice_start(chan) < 0) return -1; for (;;) { ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock); if (version != enumver) { /* Ooh, a reload... */ s = toplevs; version = enumver; } else { s = s->next; } if (s) { strncpy(tmp + newpos, s->toplev, sizeof(tmp) - newpos - 1); } ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock); if (!s) break; ret = ast_search_dns(&context, tmp, C_IN, T_TXT, txt_callback); if (ret > 0) break; } if (ret < 0) { ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "No such number found: %s (%s)\n", tmp, strerror(errno)); ret = 0; } if (chan) ret |= ast_autoservice_stop(chan); return ret; } /*! \brief Add enum tree to linked list ---*/ static struct enum_search *enum_newtoplev(char *s) { struct enum_search *tmp; if ((tmp = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp)))) { ast_copy_string(tmp->toplev, s, sizeof(tmp->toplev)); } return tmp; } /*! \brief Initialize the ENUM support subsystem */ int ast_enum_init(void) { struct ast_config *cfg; struct enum_search *s, *sl; struct ast_variable *v; /* Destroy existing list */ ast_mutex_lock(&enumlock); s = toplevs; while(s) { sl = s; s = s->next; free(sl); } toplevs = NULL; cfg = ast_config_load("enum.conf"); if (cfg) { sl = NULL; v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "general"); while(v) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "search")) { s = enum_newtoplev(v->value); if (s) { if (sl) sl->next = s; else toplevs = s; sl = s; } } v = v->next; } ast_config_destroy(cfg); } else { toplevs = enum_newtoplev(TOPLEV); } enumver++; ast_mutex_unlock(&enumlock); return 0; } int ast_enum_reload(void) { return ast_enum_init(); }