/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005, Digium, Inc. * * Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com> * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Module Loader * * \author Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com> */ #include <stdio.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/term.h" #include "asterisk/manager.h" #include "asterisk/cdr.h" #include "asterisk/enum.h" #include "asterisk/rtp.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #ifdef DLFCNCOMPAT #include "asterisk/dlfcn-compat.h" #else #include <dlfcn.h> #endif #include "asterisk/md5.h" #ifndef RTLD_NOW #define RTLD_NOW 0 #endif static int modlistver = 0; /* increase whenever the list changes, to protect reload */ static unsigned char expected_key[] = { 0x8e, 0x93, 0x22, 0x83, 0xf5, 0xc3, 0xc0, 0x75, 0xff, 0x8b, 0xa9, 0xbe, 0x7c, 0x43, 0x74, 0x63 }; /* * All module symbols are in module_symbols. * Modules are then linked in a list of struct module, * whereas updaters are in a list of struct loadupdate. * * Both lists (basically, the entire loader) are protected by * the lock in module_list. * * A second lock, reloadlock, is used to prevent concurrent reloads */ struct module_symbols { int (*load_module)(void); int (*unload_module)(void); int (*usecount)(void); char *(*description)(void); char *(*key)(void); int (*reload)(void); }; struct module { AST_LIST_ENTRY(module) next; struct module_symbols cb; void *lib; /* the shared lib */ char resource[256]; }; struct loadupdate { AST_LIST_ENTRY(loadupdate) next; int (*updater)(void); }; static AST_LIST_HEAD_STATIC(module_list, module); static AST_LIST_HEAD_STATIC(updaters, loadupdate); AST_MUTEX_DEFINE_STATIC(reloadlock); /* * In addition to modules, the reload command handles some extra keywords * which are listed here together with the corresponding handlers. * This table is also used by the command completion code. */ static struct reload_classes_t { const char *name; int (*reload_fn)(void); } reload_classes[] = { /* list in alpha order, longest match first */ { "cdr", ast_cdr_engine_reload }, { "dnsmgr", dnsmgr_reload }, { "extconfig", read_config_maps }, { "enum", ast_enum_reload }, { "manager", reload_manager }, { "rtp", ast_rtp_reload }, { NULL, NULL } }; static int printdigest(const unsigned char *d) { int x, pos; char buf[256]; /* large enough so we don't have to worry */ for (pos = 0, x=0; x<16; x++) pos += sprintf(buf + pos, " %02x", *d++); ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Unexpected signature:%s\n", buf); return 0; } static int key_matches(const unsigned char *key1, const unsigned char *key2) { int x; for (x=0; x<16; x++) { if (key1[x] != key2[x]) /* mismatch - fail now. */ return 0; } return 1; } static int verify_key(const unsigned char *key) { struct MD5Context c; unsigned char digest[16]; MD5Init(&c); MD5Update(&c, key, strlen((char *)key)); MD5Final(digest, &c); if (key_matches(expected_key, digest)) return 0; printdigest(digest); return -1; } int ast_unload_resource(const char *resource_name, int force) { struct module *cur; int res = -1; int error = 0; if (AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list)) /* XXX should fail here ? */ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to lock\n"); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&module_list, cur, next) { struct module_symbols *m = &cur->cb; if (strcasecmp(cur->resource, resource_name)) /* not us */ continue; if ((res = m->usecount()) > 0) { if (force) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Warning: Forcing removal of module %s with use count %d\n", resource_name, res); else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Soft unload failed, '%s' has use count %d\n", resource_name, res); error = 1; break; } } res = m->unload_module(); if (res) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Firm unload failed for %s\n", resource_name); if (force <= AST_FORCE_FIRM) { error = 1; break; } else ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "** Dangerous **: Unloading resource anyway, at user request\n"); } AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(&module_list, next); dlclose(cur->lib); free(cur); break; } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; if (!error) modlistver++; AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); if (!error) /* XXX maybe within the lock ? */ ast_update_use_count(); return res; } char *ast_module_helper(const char *line, const char *word, int pos, int state, int rpos, int needsreload) { struct module *cur; int i, which=0, l = strlen(word); char *ret = NULL; if (pos != rpos) return NULL; AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&module_list, cur, next) { if (!strncasecmp(word, cur->resource, l) && (cur->cb.reload || !needsreload) && ++which > state) { ret = strdup(cur->resource); break; } } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); if (!ret) { for (i=0; !ret && reload_classes[i].name; i++) { if (!strncasecmp(word, reload_classes[i].name, l) && ++which > state) ret = strdup(reload_classes[i].name); } } return ret; } int ast_module_reload(const char *name) { struct module *cur; int res = 0; /* return value. 0 = not found, others, see below */ int i, oldversion; int (*reload)(void); if (ast_mutex_trylock(&reloadlock)) { ast_verbose("The previous reload command didn't finish yet\n"); return -1; /* reload already in progress */ } /* Call "predefined" reload here first */ for (i = 0; reload_classes[i].name; i++) { if (!name || !strcasecmp(name, reload_classes[i].name)) { reload_classes[i].reload_fn(); /* XXX should check error ? */ res = 2; /* found and reloaded */ } } ast_lastreloadtime = time(NULL); AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list); oldversion = modlistver; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&module_list, cur, next) { struct module_symbols *m = &cur->cb; if (name && strcasecmp(name, cur->resource)) /* not ours */ continue; reload = m->reload; if (!reload) { /* cannot be reloaded */ if (res < 1) /* store result if possible */ res = 1; /* 1 = no reload() method */ continue; } /* drop the lock and try a reload. if successful, break */ AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); res = 2; if (option_verbose > 2) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_3 "Reloading module '%s' (%s)\n", cur->resource, m->description()); reload(); AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list); if (oldversion != modlistver) /* something changed, abort */ break; } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); ast_mutex_unlock(&reloadlock); return res; } static int resource_exists(const char *resource, int do_lock) { struct module *cur; if (do_lock && AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to lock\n"); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&module_list, cur, next) { if (!strcasecmp(resource, cur->resource)) break; } if (do_lock) AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return cur ? -1 : 0; } /* lookup a symbol with or without leading '_', accept either form in input */ static void *find_symbol(struct module *m, const char *name, int verbose) { char *n1; void *s; if (name[0] == '_') name++; n1 = alloca(strlen(name)+2); /* room for leading '_' and final '\0' */ if (n1 == NULL) return NULL; n1[0] = '_'; strcpy(n1+1, name); s = dlsym(m->lib, n1+1); /* try without '_' */ if (s == NULL) s = dlsym(m->lib, n1); if (verbose && s == NULL) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No symbol '%s' in module '%s\n", n1, m->resource); return s; } /* XXX cfg is only used for !res_* and #ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL */ static int __load_resource(const char *resource_name, const struct ast_config *cfg) { static char fn[256]; int errors=0; int res; struct module *cur; struct module_symbols *m; int flags=RTLD_NOW; unsigned char *key; char tmp[80]; if (strncasecmp(resource_name, "res_", 4)) { #ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL if (cfg) { char *val; if ((val = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "global", resource_name)) && ast_true(val)) flags |= RTLD_GLOBAL; } #endif } else { /* Resource modules are always loaded global and lazy */ #ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL flags = (RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY); #else flags = RTLD_LAZY; #endif } if (AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to lock\n"); if (resource_exists(resource_name, 0)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Module '%s' already exists\n", resource_name); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return -1; } cur = calloc(1, sizeof(struct module)); if (!cur) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of memory\n"); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return -1; } m = &cur->cb; ast_copy_string(cur->resource, resource_name, sizeof(cur->resource)); if (resource_name[0] == '/') ast_copy_string(fn, resource_name, sizeof(fn)); else snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s/%s", ast_config_AST_MODULE_DIR, resource_name); cur->lib = dlopen(fn, flags); if (!cur->lib) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s\n", dlerror()); free(cur); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return -1; } m->load_module = find_symbol(cur, "load_module", 1); if (!m->load_module) errors++; m->unload_module = find_symbol(cur, "unload_module", 1); if (!m->unload_module) errors++; m->usecount = find_symbol(cur, "usecount", 1); if (!m->usecount) errors++; m->description = find_symbol(cur, "description", 1); if (!m->description) errors++; m->key = find_symbol(cur, "key", 1); if (!m->key) errors++; m->reload = find_symbol(cur, "reload", 0); if (!m->key || !(key = (unsigned char *) m->key())) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Key routine returned NULL in module %s\n", fn); key = NULL; errors++; } if (key && verify_key(key)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unexpected key returned by module %s\n", fn); errors++; } if (errors) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%d error%s loading module %s, aborted\n", errors, (errors != 1) ? "s" : "", fn); dlclose(cur->lib); free(cur); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return -1; } if (!ast_fully_booted) { if (option_verbose) ast_verbose( " => (%s)\n", term_color(tmp, m->description(), COLOR_BROWN, COLOR_BLACK, sizeof(tmp))); if (ast_opt_console && !option_verbose) ast_verbose( "."); } else { if (option_verbose) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_1 "Loaded %s => (%s)\n", fn, m->description()); } AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&module_list, cur, next); /* add module to end of module_list chain so reload commands will be issued in same order modules were loaded */ modlistver++; AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); if ((res = m->load_module())) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s: load_module failed, returning %d\n", resource_name, res); ast_unload_resource(resource_name, 0); return -1; } ast_update_use_count(); return 0; } int ast_load_resource(const char *resource_name) { int res, o = option_verbose; struct ast_config *cfg = NULL; option_verbose = 0; /* Keep the module file parsing silent */ cfg = ast_config_load(AST_MODULE_CONFIG); option_verbose = o; /* restore verbosity */ res = __load_resource(resource_name, cfg); if (cfg) ast_config_destroy(cfg); return res; } /* if enabled, log and output on console the module's name, and try load it */ static int print_and_load(const char *s, struct ast_config *cfg) { char tmp[80]; if (option_debug && !option_verbose) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Loading module %s\n", s); if (option_verbose) { ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_1 "[%s]", term_color(tmp, s, COLOR_BRWHITE, 0, sizeof(tmp))); fflush(stdout); } if (!__load_resource(s, cfg)) return 0; /* success */ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Loading module %s failed!\n", s); return -1; } static const char *loadorder[] = { "res_", "pbx_", "chan_", NULL, }; int load_modules(const int preload_only) { struct ast_config *cfg; struct ast_variable *v; int x; if (option_verbose) { ast_verbose(preload_only ? "Asterisk Dynamic Loader loading preload modules:\n" : "Asterisk Dynamic Loader Starting:\n"); } cfg = ast_config_load(AST_MODULE_CONFIG); if (cfg) { const char *cmd = preload_only ? "preload" : "load"; /* Load explicitly defined modules */ for (v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "modules"); v; v = v->next) { if (strcasecmp(v->name, cmd)) /* not what we are looking for */ continue; if (print_and_load(v->value, cfg)) { /* XXX really fatal ? */ ast_config_destroy(cfg); return -1; } } } if (preload_only) { ast_config_destroy(cfg); return 0; } if (cfg && !ast_true(ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, "modules", "autoload"))) { /* no autoload */ ast_config_destroy(cfg); return 0; } /* * Load all modules. To help resolving dependencies, we load modules * in the order defined by loadorder[], with the final step for * all modules with other prefixes. * (XXX the new loader does not need this). */ for (x=0; x<sizeof(loadorder) / sizeof(loadorder[0]); x++) { struct dirent *d; DIR *mods = opendir(ast_config_AST_MODULE_DIR); const char *base = loadorder[x]; int lx = base ? strlen(base) : 0; if (!mods) { if (!ast_opt_quiet) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to open modules directory %s.\n", ast_config_AST_MODULE_DIR); break; /* suffices to try once! */ } while((d = readdir(mods))) { int ld = strlen(d->d_name); /* Must end in .so to load it. */ if (ld > 3 && (!base || !strncasecmp(d->d_name, base, lx)) && !strcasecmp(d->d_name + ld - 3, ".so") && !resource_exists(d->d_name, 1)) { /* It's a shared library, check if we are allowed to load it * (very inefficient, but oh well. */ if (cfg) { for (v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, "modules"); v; v = v->next) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "noload") && !strcasecmp(v->value, d->d_name)) break; } if (v) { if (option_verbose) { ast_verbose( VERBOSE_PREFIX_1 "[skipping %s]\n", d->d_name); fflush(stdout); } continue; } } if (print_and_load(d->d_name, cfg)) { ast_config_destroy(cfg); return -1; } } } closedir(mods); } ast_config_destroy(cfg); return 0; } void ast_update_use_count(void) { /* Notify any module monitors that the use count for a resource has changed */ struct loadupdate *m; if (AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to lock\n"); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&updaters, m, next) m->updater(); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); } int ast_update_module_list(int (*modentry)(const char *module, const char *description, int usecnt, const char *like), const char *like) { struct module *cur; int unlock = -1; int total_mod_loaded = 0; if (ast_mutex_trylock(&module_list.lock)) unlock = 0; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&module_list, cur, next) total_mod_loaded += modentry(cur->resource, cur->cb.description(), cur->cb.usecount(), like); if (unlock) AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return total_mod_loaded; } int ast_loader_register(int (*v)(void)) { /* XXX Should be more flexible here, taking > 1 verboser XXX */ struct loadupdate *tmp = malloc(sizeof (struct loadupdate)); if (!tmp) return -1; tmp->updater = v; if (AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to lock\n"); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&updaters, tmp, next); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return 0; } int ast_loader_unregister(int (*v)(void)) { struct loadupdate *cur; if (AST_LIST_LOCK(&module_list)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to lock\n"); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&updaters, cur, next) { if (cur->updater == v) { AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(&updaters, next); break; } } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&module_list); return cur ? 0 : -1; }