/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com> * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Call Detail Record API * * \author Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com> * * \note Includes code and algorithms from the Zapata library. * * \note We do a lot of checking here in the CDR code to try to be sure we don't ever let a CDR slip * through our fingers somehow. If someone allocates a CDR, it must be completely handled normally * or a WARNING shall be logged, so that we can best keep track of any escape condition where the CDR * isn't properly generated and posted. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/cdr.h" #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/callerid.h" #include "asterisk/causes.h" #include "asterisk/options.h" #include "asterisk/linkedlists.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "asterisk/sched.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" // XXX #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/stringfields.h" /*! Default AMA flag for billing records (CDR's) */ int ast_default_amaflags = AST_CDR_DOCUMENTATION; char ast_default_accountcode[AST_MAX_ACCOUNT_CODE] = ""; struct ast_cdr_beitem { char name[20]; char desc[80]; ast_cdrbe be; AST_LIST_ENTRY(ast_cdr_beitem) list; }; static AST_LIST_HEAD_STATIC(be_list, ast_cdr_beitem); struct ast_cdr_batch_item { struct ast_cdr *cdr; struct ast_cdr_batch_item *next; }; static struct ast_cdr_batch { int size; struct ast_cdr_batch_item *head; struct ast_cdr_batch_item *tail; } *batch = NULL; static struct sched_context *sched; static int cdr_sched = -1; static pthread_t cdr_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL; #define BATCH_SIZE_DEFAULT 100 #define BATCH_TIME_DEFAULT 300 #define BATCH_SCHEDULER_ONLY_DEFAULT 0 #define BATCH_SAFE_SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT 1 static int enabled; static int batchmode; static int batchsize; static int batchtime; static int batchscheduleronly; static int batchsafeshutdown; AST_MUTEX_DEFINE_STATIC(cdr_batch_lock); /* these are used to wake up the CDR thread when there's work to do */ AST_MUTEX_DEFINE_STATIC(cdr_pending_lock); static ast_cond_t cdr_pending_cond; /*! Register a CDR driver. Each registered CDR driver generates a CDR \return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int ast_cdr_register(char *name, char *desc, ast_cdrbe be) { struct ast_cdr_beitem *i; if (!name) return -1; if (!be) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR engine '%s' lacks backend\n", name); return -1; } AST_LIST_LOCK(&be_list); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&be_list, i, list) { if (!strcasecmp(name, i->name)) break; } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&be_list); if (i) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Already have a CDR backend called '%s'\n", name); return -1; } if (!(i = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*i)))) return -1; i->be = be; ast_copy_string(i->name, name, sizeof(i->name)); ast_copy_string(i->desc, desc, sizeof(i->desc)); AST_LIST_LOCK(&be_list); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&be_list, i, list); AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&be_list); return 0; } /*! unregister a CDR driver */ void ast_cdr_unregister(char *name) { struct ast_cdr_beitem *i = NULL; AST_LIST_LOCK(&be_list); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&be_list, i, list) { if (!strcasecmp(name, i->name)) { AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(&be_list, list); if (option_verbose > 1) ast_verbose(VERBOSE_PREFIX_2 "Unregistered '%s' CDR backend\n", name); free(i); break; } } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&be_list); } /*! Duplicate a CDR record \returns Pointer to new CDR record */ struct ast_cdr *ast_cdr_dup(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { struct ast_cdr *newcdr = ast_cdr_alloc(); if (!newcdr) return NULL; memcpy(newcdr, cdr, sizeof(*newcdr)); /* The varshead is unusable, volatile even, after the memcpy so we take care of that here */ memset(&newcdr->varshead, 0, sizeof(newcdr->varshead)); ast_cdr_copy_vars(newcdr, cdr); newcdr->next = NULL; return newcdr; } static const char *ast_cdr_getvar_internal(struct ast_cdr *cdr, const char *name, int recur) { if (ast_strlen_zero(name)) return NULL; for (; cdr; cdr = recur ? cdr->next : NULL) { struct ast_var_t *variables; struct varshead *headp = &cdr->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(headp, variables, entries) { if (!strcasecmp(name, ast_var_name(variables))) return ast_var_value(variables); } } return NULL; } static void cdr_get_tv(struct timeval tv, const char *fmt, char *buf, int bufsize) { if (fmt == NULL) { /* raw mode */ snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%ld.%06ld", (long)tv.tv_sec, (long)tv.tv_usec); } else { time_t t = tv.tv_sec; if (t) { struct tm tm; localtime_r(&t, &tm); strftime(buf, bufsize, fmt, &tm); } } } /*! CDR channel variable retrieval */ void ast_cdr_getvar(struct ast_cdr *cdr, const char *name, char **ret, char *workspace, int workspacelen, int recur, int raw) { const char *fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %T"; const char *varbuf; *ret = NULL; /* special vars (the ones from the struct ast_cdr when requested by name) I'd almost say we should convert all the stringed vals to vars */ if (!strcasecmp(name, "clid")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->clid, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "src")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->src, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "dst")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->dst, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "dcontext")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->dcontext, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "channel")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->channel, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "dstchannel")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->dstchannel, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "lastapp")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->lastapp, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "lastdata")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->lastdata, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "start")) cdr_get_tv(cdr->start, raw ? NULL : fmt, workspace, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "answer")) cdr_get_tv(cdr->answer, raw ? NULL : fmt, workspace, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "end")) cdr_get_tv(cdr->end, raw ? NULL : fmt, workspace, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "duration")) snprintf(workspace, workspacelen, "%ld", cdr->duration); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "billsec")) snprintf(workspace, workspacelen, "%ld", cdr->billsec); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "disposition")) { if (raw) { snprintf(workspace, workspacelen, "%ld", cdr->disposition); } else { ast_copy_string(workspace, ast_cdr_disp2str(cdr->disposition), workspacelen); } } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "amaflags")) { if (raw) { snprintf(workspace, workspacelen, "%ld", cdr->amaflags); } else { ast_copy_string(workspace, ast_cdr_flags2str(cdr->amaflags), workspacelen); } } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "accountcode")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->accountcode, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "uniqueid")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->uniqueid, workspacelen); else if (!strcasecmp(name, "userfield")) ast_copy_string(workspace, cdr->userfield, workspacelen); else if ((varbuf = ast_cdr_getvar_internal(cdr, name, recur))) ast_copy_string(workspace, varbuf, workspacelen); if (!ast_strlen_zero(workspace)) *ret = workspace; } /* readonly cdr variables */ static const char *cdr_readonly_vars[] = { "clid", "src", "dst", "dcontext", "channel", "dstchannel", "lastapp", "lastdata", "start", "answer", "end", "duration", "billsec", "disposition", "amaflags", "accountcode", "uniqueid", "userfield", NULL }; /*! Set a CDR channel variable \note You can't set the CDR variables that belong to the actual CDR record, like "billsec". */ int ast_cdr_setvar(struct ast_cdr *cdr, const char *name, const char *value, int recur) { struct ast_var_t *newvariable; struct varshead *headp; int x; for(x = 0; cdr_readonly_vars[x]; x++) { if (!strcasecmp(name, cdr_readonly_vars[x])) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempt to set a read-only variable!.\n"); return -1; } } if (!cdr) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempt to set a variable on a nonexistent CDR record.\n"); return -1; } for (; cdr; cdr = recur ? cdr->next : NULL) { headp = &cdr->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(headp, newvariable, entries) { if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(newvariable), name)) { /* there is already such a variable, delete it */ AST_LIST_REMOVE_CURRENT(headp, entries); ast_var_delete(newvariable); break; } } AST_LIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_END; if (value) { newvariable = ast_var_assign(name, value); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headp, newvariable, entries); } } return 0; } int ast_cdr_copy_vars(struct ast_cdr *to_cdr, struct ast_cdr *from_cdr) { struct ast_var_t *variables, *newvariable = NULL; struct varshead *headpa, *headpb; const char *var, *val; int x = 0; headpa = &from_cdr->varshead; headpb = &to_cdr->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(headpa,variables,entries) { if (variables && (var = ast_var_name(variables)) && (val = ast_var_value(variables)) && !ast_strlen_zero(var) && !ast_strlen_zero(val)) { newvariable = ast_var_assign(var, val); AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(headpb, newvariable, entries); x++; } } return x; } int ast_cdr_serialize_variables(struct ast_cdr *cdr, char *buf, size_t size, char delim, char sep, int recur) { struct ast_var_t *variables; const char *var, *val; char *tmp; char workspace[256]; int total = 0, x = 0, i; memset(buf, 0, size); for (; cdr; cdr = recur ? cdr->next : NULL) { if (++x > 1) ast_build_string(&buf, &size, "\n"); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&cdr->varshead, variables, entries) { if (variables && (var = ast_var_name(variables)) && (val = ast_var_value(variables)) && !ast_strlen_zero(var) && !ast_strlen_zero(val)) { if (ast_build_string(&buf, &size, "level %d: %s%c%s%c", x, var, delim, val, sep)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Data Buffer Size Exceeded!\n"); break; } else total++; } else break; } for (i = 0; cdr_readonly_vars[i]; i++) { ast_cdr_getvar(cdr, cdr_readonly_vars[i], &tmp, workspace, sizeof(workspace), 0, 0); if (!tmp) continue; if (ast_build_string(&buf, &size, "level %d: %s%c%s%c", x, cdr_readonly_vars[i], delim, tmp, sep)) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Data Buffer Size Exceeded!\n"); break; } else total++; } } return total; } void ast_cdr_free_vars(struct ast_cdr *cdr, int recur) { /* clear variables */ for (; cdr; cdr = recur ? cdr->next : NULL) { struct ast_var_t *vardata; struct varshead *headp = &cdr->varshead; while ((vardata = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(headp, entries))) ast_var_delete(vardata); } } /*! \brief print a warning if cdr already posted */ static void check_post(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { if (ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_POSTED)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' already posted\n", S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>")); } /*! \brief print a warning if cdr already started */ static void check_start(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { if (!ast_tvzero(cdr->start)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' already started\n", S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>")); } void ast_cdr_free(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { while (cdr) { struct ast_cdr *next = cdr->next; char *chan = S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>"); if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_POSTED) && !ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_POST_DISABLED)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' not posted\n", chan); if (ast_tvzero(cdr->end)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' lacks end\n", chan); if (ast_tvzero(cdr->start)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' lacks start\n", chan); ast_cdr_free_vars(cdr, 0); free(cdr); cdr = next; } } struct ast_cdr *ast_cdr_alloc(void) { return ast_calloc(1, sizeof(struct ast_cdr)); } void ast_cdr_start(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { char *chan; for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { chan = S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>"); check_post(cdr); check_start(cdr); cdr->start = ast_tvnow(); } } } void ast_cdr_answer(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { check_post(cdr); if (cdr->disposition < AST_CDR_ANSWERED) cdr->disposition = AST_CDR_ANSWERED; if (ast_tvzero(cdr->answer)) cdr->answer = ast_tvnow(); } } void ast_cdr_busy(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { check_post(cdr); if (cdr->disposition < AST_CDR_BUSY) cdr->disposition = AST_CDR_BUSY; } } } void ast_cdr_failed(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { check_post(cdr); if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { if (cdr->disposition < AST_CDR_FAILED) cdr->disposition = AST_CDR_FAILED; } } } int ast_cdr_disposition(struct ast_cdr *cdr, int cause) { int res = 0; for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { switch(cause) { case AST_CAUSE_BUSY: ast_cdr_busy(cdr); break; case AST_CAUSE_FAILURE: ast_cdr_failed(cdr); break; case AST_CAUSE_NORMAL: break; case AST_CAUSE_NOTDEFINED: res = -1; break; default: res = -1; ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cause not handled\n"); } } return res; } void ast_cdr_setdestchan(struct ast_cdr *cdr, const char *chann) { for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { check_post(cdr); if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) ast_copy_string(cdr->dstchannel, chann, sizeof(cdr->dstchannel)); } } void ast_cdr_setapp(struct ast_cdr *cdr, char *app, char *data) { for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { check_post(cdr); if (!app) app = ""; ast_copy_string(cdr->lastapp, app, sizeof(cdr->lastapp)); if (!data) data = ""; ast_copy_string(cdr->lastdata, data, sizeof(cdr->lastdata)); } } } /* set cid info for one record */ static void set_one_cid(struct ast_cdr *cdr, struct ast_channel *c) { /* Grab source from ANI or normal Caller*ID */ const char *num = S_OR(c->cid.cid_ani, c->cid.cid_num); if (!ast_strlen_zero(c->cid.cid_name)) { if (!ast_strlen_zero(num)) /* both name and number */ snprintf(cdr->clid, sizeof(cdr->clid), "\"%s\" <%s>", c->cid.cid_name, num); else /* only name */ ast_copy_string(cdr->clid, c->cid.cid_name, sizeof(cdr->clid)); } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(num)) { /* only number */ ast_copy_string(cdr->clid, num, sizeof(cdr->clid)); } else { /* nothing known */ cdr->clid[0] = '\0'; } ast_copy_string(cdr->src, S_OR(num, ""), sizeof(cdr->src)); } int ast_cdr_setcid(struct ast_cdr *cdr, struct ast_channel *c) { for (; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) { if (ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) set_one_cid(cdr, c); } return 0; } int ast_cdr_init(struct ast_cdr *cdr, struct ast_channel *c) { char *chan; for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { chan = S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>"); if (!ast_strlen_zero(cdr->channel)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR already initialized on '%s'\n", chan); ast_copy_string(cdr->channel, c->name, sizeof(cdr->channel)); set_one_cid(cdr, c); cdr->disposition = (c->_state == AST_STATE_UP) ? AST_CDR_ANSWERED : AST_CDR_NOANSWER; cdr->amaflags = c->amaflags ? c->amaflags : ast_default_amaflags; ast_copy_string(cdr->accountcode, c->accountcode, sizeof(cdr->accountcode)); /* Destination information */ ast_copy_string(cdr->dst, c->exten, sizeof(cdr->dst)); ast_copy_string(cdr->dcontext, c->context, sizeof(cdr->dcontext)); /* Unique call identifier */ ast_copy_string(cdr->uniqueid, c->uniqueid, sizeof(cdr->uniqueid)); } } return 0; } void ast_cdr_end(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { check_post(cdr); if (ast_tvzero(cdr->end)) cdr->end = ast_tvnow(); if (ast_tvzero(cdr->start)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' has not started\n", S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>")); cdr->disposition = AST_CDR_FAILED; } else cdr->duration = cdr->end.tv_sec - cdr->start.tv_sec; cdr->billsec = ast_tvzero(cdr->answer) ? 0 : cdr->end.tv_sec - cdr->answer.tv_sec; } } char *ast_cdr_disp2str(int disposition) { switch (disposition) { case AST_CDR_NOANSWER: return "NO ANSWER"; case AST_CDR_FAILED: return "FAILED"; case AST_CDR_BUSY: return "BUSY"; case AST_CDR_ANSWERED: return "ANSWERED"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /*! Converts AMA flag to printable string */ char *ast_cdr_flags2str(int flag) { switch(flag) { case AST_CDR_OMIT: return "OMIT"; case AST_CDR_BILLING: return "BILLING"; case AST_CDR_DOCUMENTATION: return "DOCUMENTATION"; } return "Unknown"; } int ast_cdr_setaccount(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *account) { struct ast_cdr *cdr = chan->cdr; ast_string_field_set(chan, accountcode, account); for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) ast_copy_string(cdr->accountcode, chan->accountcode, sizeof(cdr->accountcode)); } return 0; } int ast_cdr_setamaflags(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *flag) { struct ast_cdr *cdr; int newflag = ast_cdr_amaflags2int(flag); if (newflag) { for (cdr = chan->cdr; cdr; cdr = cdr->next) cdr->amaflags = newflag; } return 0; } int ast_cdr_setuserfield(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *userfield) { struct ast_cdr *cdr = chan->cdr; for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) ast_copy_string(cdr->userfield, userfield, sizeof(cdr->userfield)); } return 0; } int ast_cdr_appenduserfield(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *userfield) { struct ast_cdr *cdr = chan->cdr; for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { int len = strlen(cdr->userfield); if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) strncpy(cdr->userfield+len, userfield, sizeof(cdr->userfield) - len - 1); } return 0; } int ast_cdr_update(struct ast_channel *c) { struct ast_cdr *cdr = c->cdr; for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { if (!ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { set_one_cid(cdr, c); /* Copy account code et-al */ ast_copy_string(cdr->accountcode, c->accountcode, sizeof(cdr->accountcode)); /* Destination information */ /* XXX privilege macro* ? */ ast_copy_string(cdr->dst, S_OR(c->macroexten, c->exten), sizeof(cdr->dst)); ast_copy_string(cdr->dcontext, S_OR(c->macrocontext, c->context), sizeof(cdr->dcontext)); } } return 0; } int ast_cdr_amaflags2int(const char *flag) { if (!strcasecmp(flag, "default")) return 0; if (!strcasecmp(flag, "omit")) return AST_CDR_OMIT; if (!strcasecmp(flag, "billing")) return AST_CDR_BILLING; if (!strcasecmp(flag, "documentation")) return AST_CDR_DOCUMENTATION; return -1; } static void post_cdr(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { char *chan; struct ast_cdr_beitem *i; for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { chan = S_OR(cdr->channel, "<unknown>"); check_post(cdr); if (ast_tvzero(cdr->end)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' lacks end\n", chan); if (ast_tvzero(cdr->start)) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR on channel '%s' lacks start\n", chan); ast_set_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_POSTED); AST_LIST_LOCK(&be_list); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&be_list, i, list) { i->be(cdr); } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&be_list); } } void ast_cdr_reset(struct ast_cdr *cdr, struct ast_flags *_flags) { struct ast_cdr *dup; struct ast_flags flags = { 0 }; if (_flags) ast_copy_flags(&flags, _flags, AST_FLAGS_ALL); for ( ; cdr ; cdr = cdr->next) { /* Detach if post is requested */ if (ast_test_flag(&flags, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED) || !ast_test_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_LOCKED)) { if (ast_test_flag(&flags, AST_CDR_FLAG_POSTED)) { ast_cdr_end(cdr); if ((dup = ast_cdr_dup(cdr))) { ast_cdr_detach(dup); } ast_set_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_POSTED); } /* clear variables */ if (!ast_test_flag(&flags, AST_CDR_FLAG_KEEP_VARS)) { ast_cdr_free_vars(cdr, 0); } /* Reset to initial state */ ast_clear_flag(cdr, AST_FLAGS_ALL); memset(&cdr->start, 0, sizeof(cdr->start)); memset(&cdr->end, 0, sizeof(cdr->end)); memset(&cdr->answer, 0, sizeof(cdr->answer)); cdr->billsec = 0; cdr->duration = 0; ast_cdr_start(cdr); cdr->disposition = AST_CDR_NOANSWER; } } } struct ast_cdr *ast_cdr_append(struct ast_cdr *cdr, struct ast_cdr *newcdr) { struct ast_cdr *ret; if (cdr) { ret = cdr; while (cdr->next) cdr = cdr->next; cdr->next = newcdr; } else { ret = newcdr; } return ret; } /*! \note Don't call without cdr_batch_lock */ static void reset_batch(void) { batch->size = 0; batch->head = NULL; batch->tail = NULL; } /*! \note Don't call without cdr_batch_lock */ static int init_batch(void) { /* This is the single meta-batch used to keep track of all CDRs during the entire life of the program */ if (!(batch = ast_malloc(sizeof(*batch)))) return -1; reset_batch(); return 0; } static void *do_batch_backend_process(void *data) { struct ast_cdr_batch_item *processeditem; struct ast_cdr_batch_item *batchitem = data; /* Push each CDR into storage mechanism(s) and free all the memory */ while (batchitem) { post_cdr(batchitem->cdr); ast_cdr_free(batchitem->cdr); processeditem = batchitem; batchitem = batchitem->next; free(processeditem); } return NULL; } void ast_cdr_submit_batch(int shutdown) { struct ast_cdr_batch_item *oldbatchitems = NULL; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t batch_post_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL; /* if there's no batch, or no CDRs in the batch, then there's nothing to do */ if (!batch || !batch->head) return; /* move the old CDRs aside, and prepare a new CDR batch */ ast_mutex_lock(&cdr_batch_lock); oldbatchitems = batch->head; reset_batch(); ast_mutex_unlock(&cdr_batch_lock); /* if configured, spawn a new thread to post these CDRs, also try to save as much as possible if we are shutting down safely */ if (batchscheduleronly || shutdown) { if (option_debug) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "CDR single-threaded batch processing begins now\n"); do_batch_backend_process(oldbatchitems); } else { pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (ast_pthread_create(&batch_post_thread, &attr, do_batch_backend_process, oldbatchitems)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "CDR processing thread could not detach, now trying in this thread\n"); do_batch_backend_process(oldbatchitems); } else { if (option_debug) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "CDR multi-threaded batch processing begins now\n"); } } } static int submit_scheduled_batch(void *data) { ast_cdr_submit_batch(0); /* manually reschedule from this point in time */ cdr_sched = ast_sched_add(sched, batchtime * 1000, submit_scheduled_batch, NULL); /* returning zero so the scheduler does not automatically reschedule */ return 0; } static void submit_unscheduled_batch(void) { /* this is okay since we are not being called from within the scheduler */ if (cdr_sched > -1) ast_sched_del(sched, cdr_sched); /* schedule the submission to occur ASAP (1 ms) */ cdr_sched = ast_sched_add(sched, 1, submit_scheduled_batch, NULL); /* signal the do_cdr thread to wakeup early and do some work (that lazy thread ;) */ ast_mutex_lock(&cdr_pending_lock); ast_cond_signal(&cdr_pending_cond); ast_mutex_unlock(&cdr_pending_lock); } void ast_cdr_detach(struct ast_cdr *cdr) { struct ast_cdr_batch_item *newtail; int curr; /* maybe they disabled CDR stuff completely, so just drop it */ if (!enabled) { if (option_debug) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Dropping CDR !\n"); ast_set_flag(cdr, AST_CDR_FLAG_POST_DISABLED); ast_cdr_free(cdr); return; } /* post stuff immediately if we are not in batch mode, this is legacy behaviour */ if (!batchmode) { post_cdr(cdr); ast_cdr_free(cdr); return; } /* otherwise, each CDR gets put into a batch list (at the end) */ if (option_debug) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "CDR detaching from this thread\n"); /* we'll need a new tail for every CDR */ if (!(newtail = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*newtail)))) { post_cdr(cdr); ast_cdr_free(cdr); return; } /* don't traverse a whole list (just keep track of the tail) */ ast_mutex_lock(&cdr_batch_lock); if (!batch) init_batch(); if (!batch->head) { /* new batch is empty, so point the head at the new tail */ batch->head = newtail; } else { /* already got a batch with something in it, so just append a new tail */ batch->tail->next = newtail; } newtail->cdr = cdr; batch->tail = newtail; curr = batch->size++; ast_mutex_unlock(&cdr_batch_lock); /* if we have enough stuff to post, then do it */ if (curr >= (batchsize - 1)) submit_unscheduled_batch(); } static void *do_cdr(void *data) { struct timespec timeout; int schedms; int numevents = 0; for(;;) { struct timeval now = ast_tvnow(); schedms = ast_sched_wait(sched); /* this shouldn't happen, but provide a 1 second default just in case */ if (schedms <= 0) schedms = 1000; timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (schedms / 1000); timeout.tv_nsec = (now.tv_usec * 1000) + ((schedms % 1000) * 1000); /* prevent stuff from clobbering cdr_pending_cond, then wait on signals sent to it until the timeout expires */ ast_mutex_lock(&cdr_pending_lock); ast_cond_timedwait(&cdr_pending_cond, &cdr_pending_lock, &timeout); numevents = ast_sched_runq(sched); ast_mutex_unlock(&cdr_pending_lock); if (option_debug > 1) ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Processed %d scheduled CDR batches from the run queue\n", numevents); } return NULL; } static int handle_cli_status(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ast_cdr_beitem *beitem=NULL; int cnt=0; long nextbatchtime=0; if (argc > 2) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; ast_cli(fd, "CDR logging: %s\n", enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); ast_cli(fd, "CDR mode: %s\n", batchmode ? "batch" : "simple"); if (enabled) { if (batchmode) { if (batch) cnt = batch->size; if (cdr_sched > -1) nextbatchtime = ast_sched_when(sched, cdr_sched); ast_cli(fd, "CDR safe shut down: %s\n", batchsafeshutdown ? "enabled" : "disabled"); ast_cli(fd, "CDR batch threading model: %s\n", batchscheduleronly ? "scheduler only" : "scheduler plus separate threads"); ast_cli(fd, "CDR current batch size: %d record%s\n", cnt, (cnt != 1) ? "s" : ""); ast_cli(fd, "CDR maximum batch size: %d record%s\n", batchsize, (batchsize != 1) ? "s" : ""); ast_cli(fd, "CDR maximum batch time: %d second%s\n", batchtime, (batchtime != 1) ? "s" : ""); ast_cli(fd, "CDR next scheduled batch processing time: %ld second%s\n", nextbatchtime, (nextbatchtime != 1) ? "s" : ""); } AST_LIST_LOCK(&be_list); AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&be_list, beitem, list) { ast_cli(fd, "CDR registered backend: %s\n", beitem->name); } AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&be_list); } return 0; } static int handle_cli_submit(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc > 2) return RESULT_SHOWUSAGE; submit_unscheduled_batch(); ast_cli(fd, "Submitted CDRs to backend engines for processing. This may take a while.\n"); return 0; } static struct ast_cli_entry cli_submit = { .cmda = { "cdr", "submit", NULL }, .handler = handle_cli_submit, .summary = "Posts all pending batched CDR data", .usage = "Usage: cdr submit\n" " Posts all pending batched CDR data to the configured CDR backend engine modules.\n" }; static struct ast_cli_entry cli_status = { .cmda = { "cdr", "status", NULL }, .handler = handle_cli_status, .summary = "Display the CDR status", .usage = "Usage: cdr status\n" " Displays the Call Detail Record engine system status.\n" }; static int do_reload(void) { struct ast_config *config; const char *enabled_value; const char *batched_value; const char *scheduleronly_value; const char *batchsafeshutdown_value; const char *size_value; const char *time_value; const char *end_before_h_value; int cfg_size; int cfg_time; int was_enabled; int was_batchmode; int res=0; ast_mutex_lock(&cdr_batch_lock); batchsize = BATCH_SIZE_DEFAULT; batchtime = BATCH_TIME_DEFAULT; batchscheduleronly = BATCH_SCHEDULER_ONLY_DEFAULT; batchsafeshutdown = BATCH_SAFE_SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT; was_enabled = enabled; was_batchmode = batchmode; enabled = 1; batchmode = 0; /* don't run the next scheduled CDR posting while reloading */ if (cdr_sched > -1) ast_sched_del(sched, cdr_sched); if ((config = ast_config_load("cdr.conf"))) { if ((enabled_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "enable"))) { enabled = ast_true(enabled_value); } if ((batched_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "batch"))) { batchmode = ast_true(batched_value); } if ((scheduleronly_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "scheduleronly"))) { batchscheduleronly = ast_true(scheduleronly_value); } if ((batchsafeshutdown_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "safeshutdown"))) { batchsafeshutdown = ast_true(batchsafeshutdown_value); } if ((size_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "size"))) { if (sscanf(size_value, "%d", &cfg_size) < 1) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to convert '%s' to a numeric value.\n", size_value); else if (size_value < 0) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid maximum batch size '%d' specified, using default\n", cfg_size); else batchsize = cfg_size; } if ((time_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "time"))) { if (sscanf(time_value, "%d", &cfg_time) < 1) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to convert '%s' to a numeric value.\n", time_value); else if (time_value < 0) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid maximum batch time '%d' specified, using default\n", cfg_time); else batchtime = cfg_time; } if ((end_before_h_value = ast_variable_retrieve(config, "general", "endbeforehexten"))) ast_set2_flag(&ast_options, ast_true(end_before_h_value), AST_OPT_FLAG_END_CDR_BEFORE_H_EXTEN); } if (enabled && !batchmode) { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "CDR simple logging enabled.\n"); } else if (enabled && batchmode) { cdr_sched = ast_sched_add(sched, batchtime * 1000, submit_scheduled_batch, NULL); ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "CDR batch mode logging enabled, first of either size %d or time %d seconds.\n", batchsize, batchtime); } else { ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "CDR logging disabled, data will be lost.\n"); } /* if this reload enabled the CDR batch mode, create the background thread if it does not exist */ if (enabled && batchmode && (!was_enabled || !was_batchmode) && (cdr_thread == AST_PTHREADT_NULL)) { ast_cond_init(&cdr_pending_cond, NULL); if (ast_pthread_create(&cdr_thread, NULL, do_cdr, NULL) < 0) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to start CDR thread.\n"); ast_sched_del(sched, cdr_sched); } else { ast_cli_register(&cli_submit); ast_register_atexit(ast_cdr_engine_term); res = 0; } /* if this reload disabled the CDR and/or batch mode and there is a background thread, kill it */ } else if (((!enabled && was_enabled) || (!batchmode && was_batchmode)) && (cdr_thread != AST_PTHREADT_NULL)) { /* wake up the thread so it will exit */ pthread_cancel(cdr_thread); pthread_kill(cdr_thread, SIGURG); pthread_join(cdr_thread, NULL); cdr_thread = AST_PTHREADT_NULL; ast_cond_destroy(&cdr_pending_cond); ast_cli_unregister(&cli_submit); ast_unregister_atexit(ast_cdr_engine_term); res = 0; /* if leaving batch mode, then post the CDRs in the batch, and don't reschedule, since we are stopping CDR logging */ if (!batchmode && was_batchmode) { ast_cdr_engine_term(); } } else { res = 0; } ast_mutex_unlock(&cdr_batch_lock); ast_config_destroy(config); return res; } int ast_cdr_engine_init(void) { int res; sched = sched_context_create(); if (!sched) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create schedule context.\n"); return -1; } ast_cli_register(&cli_status); res = do_reload(); if (res) { ast_mutex_lock(&cdr_batch_lock); res = init_batch(); ast_mutex_unlock(&cdr_batch_lock); } return res; } /* \note This actually gets called a couple of times at shutdown. Once, before we start hanging up channels, and then again, after the channel hangup timeout expires */ void ast_cdr_engine_term(void) { ast_cdr_submit_batch(batchsafeshutdown); } int ast_cdr_engine_reload(void) { return do_reload(); }