diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 99f1a55c1e259e48b07d77e16af3458bc93b6ec1..e8982004dd00d349b2278a92b9356c74244adef0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,10 +4,13 @@ Helper library for easy usp communication using mqtt over tcp or ws.
 [USP Reference](https://usp-data-models.broadband-forum.org/tr-181-2-13-0-usp.html)
+# Installation
+`npm install usp-js`
 # Usage
-const connect = require("usp-js");
+const connect = require("usp-js").default;
 const options = {
   host: "",
@@ -30,3 +33,102 @@ const run = async () => {
+# API
+- Connect
+// options are based on https://github.com/mqttjs/MQTT.js#mqttconnecturl-options
+const device = await connect(options);
+- Get
+    - get object - all object end with a dot
+    ```javascript
+    await device.get("Device.Time.");
+    // => {
+    //   "CurrentLocalTime": "2020-12-15T12:33:19Z",
+    //   "Enable": true,
+    //   ...
+    // }
+    ```
+    - get property
+    ```javascript
+    await device.get("Device.Time.CurrentLocalTime"); // => "2020-12-15T12:33:19Z"
+    ```
+    - get multiple paths
+    ```javascript
+      await device.get(["Device.WiFi.Radio.1.", "Device.WiFi.Radio.2."]);
+      // => [
+      // { ... },
+      // { ... }
+      // ]
+    ```
+    - get using pattern
+    ```javascript
+    await device.get('Device.Ethernet.Interface.[Alias=="WAN"].CurrentBitRate'); // => 0
+    ```
+    - resolve references in get
+    ```javascript
+    await device.get("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.").then(device.resolve); // => { ... }
+    // or if deeper resolution is needed (be careful when using level, going above 3 often causes an infinite reference loop)
+    await device.get("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.").then(msg => device.resolve(msg, 3 /* level - defaults to 1 */)); // => { ... } 
+    ```
+- Set
+  - set object - does not need to have all attributes, but some may be required (check USP Reference)
+  ```javascript
+  await device.set("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.", { Name: "radio-1" }); // => void
+  ```
+  - set property
+  ```javascript
+  await device.set("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.Name", "radio-1"); // => void
+  ```
+- Operate - WIP (response message not working yet)
+  - operate without no arguments
+  ```javascript
+  await device.operate("Device.SelfTestDiagnostics()");
+  ```
+  - operate with arguments (for required args check USP Reference)
+  ```javascript
+  await device.operate("Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing()", { Host: "iopsys.eu" });
+  ```
+- Add
+  - add with no arguments - adds a new default object
+  <br>
+  ```javascript
+  await device.add("Device.NAT.PortMapping.");  // => "Device.NAT.PortMapping.3."
+  ```
+  - add with arguments - adds a new object with provided values
+  <br>
+  ```javascript
+  await device.add("Device.NAT.PortMapping.", {
+    Description: "webserver1-set",
+    ExternalPort: "80",
+    Protocol: "TCP",
+    Interface: "Device.IP.Interface.1",
+    Enable: "true",
+    InternalClient: "",
+    InternalPort: "5000",
+  }); // => "Device.NAT.PortMapping.4."
+  ```
+- Delete
+await device.del("Device.NAT.PortMapping.4."); // => void
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index bbe68dba820a9165aca6af271bda191f8bccf0ab..7d132094e7b4d3021c25aab06e0666192dd7cd40 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ const makeSet = (send: SendFn) => (path: string, value: JSType) =>
   ) as Promise<void>;
-const makeAdd = (send: SendFn) => (path: string, input: JSObject) =>
+const makeAdd = (send: SendFn) => (path: string, input?: JSObject) =>
   handleSend(send("add", { path, input }), path) as Promise<string>;
 const makeDel = (send: SendFn) => (path: string | string[]) =>
@@ -175,4 +175,4 @@ const connect = async (
-export default connect;
+export default connect;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/types.d.ts b/src/types.d.ts
index 0230998bcb9916b4885d8a8d95534629827cf3f0..260e65500c819effec12a9d804ca74abdc0c6ab7 100644
--- a/src/types.d.ts
+++ b/src/types.d.ts
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ interface Device {
   get: (path: string | string[]) => Promise<JSType>;
   set: (path: string, value: JSType) => Promise<void>;
   operate: (path: string, input?: JSObject) => Promise<JSType>;
-  add: (path: string, values: JSObject) => Promise<string>;
+  add: (path: string, values?: JSObject) => Promise<string>;
   del: (path: string | string[]) => Promise<void>;
   resolve: (msg: JSType, level: number = 1) => Promise<JSType>;