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mcproxy: improve group membership details dumping

Anatoly Mirin requested to merge mirin/mcproxy_improve_mcast_stats into devel
  • Dumped groups membership list now may include groups that are not currently being forwarded - filtered out by mcproxy config or groups dropped from MFC for some other reason (max number of groups is reached for example). To avoid this issue, the membership list has been synchronized with the internal mcproxy querier's memebership db.

  • IGMPv3 and MLD groups was added to the multicast entries dump.

  • Membership entries procesing has been completely moved to the proxy instance thread to allow secure access to the mcproxy querier. The main mcproxy thread sends an asynchronous 'dump_multicast_msg' message to get a multicast entries dump.

  • Cleaning the dump file before stopping mcproxy to prevent getting a non-empty membership dump after stopping mcast proxy.

  • Volatile qualifier was added to the 'dump_stats' flag to process dump signal more reliably.

  • Fixed a bug that disabled membership dumping in debug mode ('dump_stats' and 'm_print_proxy_status' flags are not related to each other).

Merge request reports
