Voicemail : Redundant value boxnumber is removed
Voicemail : boxnumber under extension{i} was redundant and is removed.
Earlier "config_foreach configure_voicemail extension" was used , which added 4(one for each call) instances of "VoiceMailMain" in extensions.conf.Since we can get value of voice_mail_enable from line ,using line to check value of voice_mail_enable.
Voice mail deposit and retrieve is tested. With multiple line changing voice_mail_enable (1/0 )functionality is tested.
Merge request reports
assigned to @Yalu
added 5 commits
d2051512...6b678c7a - 3 commits from branch
- cd5656d8 - voicemail : Redundant value boxnumber is removed
- a2f4d7a1 - Merge branch 'voicemail_fix' of dev.iopsys.eu:feed/openwrt-telephony into voicemail_fix
d2051512...6b678c7a - 3 commits from branch
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