Print out debug for external programs.
If an external process return non-zero, then we will catch an exception and printout to console the stderr output from the faulty process.
This makes debugging a lot easier:
Updating profiles feed...
Profile alpaca-l3 not found
Error using ./feeds/profiles, testing ./feeds/customerprofiles
Updating profiles feed...
Using the following profiles:
- Alpaca / Siren L3
- Airoha
- gnx
- GenXOS L3
- GenXOS repos
Update and install packages
Updating feed 'genxos_packages' from '^4cb63f10974a233e3e5951e4e56c3924acc33b42' ...
fatal: reference is not a tree: 4cb63f10974a233e3e5951e4e56c3924acc33b42
Create index file './feeds/openwrt_core.index'
Create index file './feeds/openwrt_packages.index'
Create index file './feeds/openwrt_luci.index'
Create index file './feeds/openwrt_routing.index'
Create index file './feeds/openwrt_telephony.index'
Create index file './feeds/profiles.index'
Create index file './feeds/customerprofiles.index'
Create index file './feeds/iopsys.index'
Create index file './feeds/targets.index'
Create index file './feeds/airoha.index'
Create index file './feeds/gnx.index'
Create index file './feeds/customerpackages.index'
Create index file './feeds/genxos_packages.index'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/markus/genxoswrt/./scripts/", line 539, in <module>
update_and_install_packages(profile, args.keep)
File "/home/markus/genxoswrt/./scripts/", line 347, in update_and_install_packages
result = run_command(update_feeds)
File "/home/markus/genxoswrt/./scripts/", line 47, in run_command
res = run(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, text=True, check=True)
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 526, in run
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['./scripts/feeds', 'update', '-g']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Edited by Markus Gothe