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    === Information for upgrading between Asterisk versions
    === These files document all the changes that MUST be taken
    === into account when upgrading between the Asterisk
    === versions listed below. These changes may require that
    === you modify your configuration files, dialplan or (in
    === some cases) source code if you have your own Asterisk
    === modules or patches. These files also include advance
    === notice of any functionality that has been marked as
    === 'deprecated' and may be removed in a future release,
    === along with the suggested replacement functionality.
    === UPGRADE-1.2.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.0 to 1.2
    === UPGRADE-1.4.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.2 to 1.4
    === UPGRADE-1.6.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.4 to 1.6
    === UPGRADE-1.8.txt -- Upgrade info for 1.6 to 1.8
    === UPGRADE-10.txt  -- Upgrade info for 1.8 to 10
    === UPGRADE-11.txt  -- Upgrade info for 10 to 11
    === UPGRADE-12.txt  -- Upgrade info for 11 to 12
     - The asterisk command line -I option and the asterisk.conf internal_timing
       option are removed and always enabled if any timing module is loaded.
     - The per console verbose level feature as previously implemented caused a
       large performance penalty.  The fix required some minor incompatibilities
       if the new rasterisk is used to connect to an earlier version.  If the new
       rasterisk connects to an older Asterisk version then the root console verbose
       level is always affected by the "core set verbose" command of the remote
       console even though it may appear to only affect the current console.  If
       an older version of rasterisk connects to the new version then the
       "core set verbose" command will have no effect.
     - The ARI version has been changed from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0. This is to reflect
       the backwards compatible changes listed below.
     - Added a new ARI resource 'mailboxes' which allows the creation and
       modification of mailboxes managed by external MWI. Modules res_mwi_external
       and res_stasis_mailbox must be enabled to use this resource.
     - Added new events for externally initiated transfers. The event
       BridgeBlindTransfer is now raised when a channel initiates a blind transfer
       of a bridge in the ARI controlled application to the dialplan; the
       BridgeAttendedTransfer event is raised when a channel initiates an
       attended transfer of a bridge in the ARI controlled application to the
     - Channel variables may now be specified as a body parameter to the
       POST /channels operation. The 'variables' key in the JSON is interpreted
       as a sequence of key/value pairs that will be added to the created channel
       as channel variables. Other parameters in the JSON body are treated as
       query parameters of the same name.
     - A bug fix in bridge creation has caused a behavioural change in how
       subscriptions are created for bridges. A bridge created through ARI, does
       not, by itself, have a subscription created for any particular Stasis
       application. When a channel in a Stasis application joins a bridge, an
       implicit event subscription is created for that bridge as well. Previously,
       when a channel left such a bridge, the subscription was leaked; this allowed
       for later bridge events to continue to be pushed to the subscribed
       applications. That leak has been fixed; as a result, bridge events that were
       delivered after a channel left the bridge are no longer delivered. An
       application must subscribe to a bridge through the applications resource if
       it wishes to receive all events related to a bridge.
     - The AMI version has been changed from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0. This is to reflect
       the backwards compatible changes listed below.
     - The DialStatus field in the DialEnd event can now have additional values.
       This includes ABORT, CONTINUE, and GOTO.
     - The res_mwi_external_ami module can, if loaded, provide additional AMI
       actions and events that convey MWI state within Asterisk. This includes
       the MWIGet, MWIUpdate, and MWIDelete actions, as well as the MWIGet and
       MWIGetComplete events that occur in response to an MWIGet action.
     - AMI now contains a new class authorization, 'security'. This is used with
       the following new events: FailedACL, InvalidAccountID, SessionLimit,
       MemoryLimit, LoadAverageLimit, RequestNotAllowed, AuthMethodNotAllowed,
       RequestBadFormat, SuccessfulAuth, UnexpectedAddress, ChallengeResponseFailed,
       InvalidPassword, ChallengeSent, and InvalidTransport.
     - Bridge related events now have two additional fields: BridgeName and
       BridgeCreator. BridgeName is a descriptive name for the bridge;
       BridgeCreator is the name of the entity that created the bridge. This
       affects the following events: ConfbridgeStart, ConfbridgeEnd,
       ConfbridgeJoin, ConfbridgeLeave, ConfbridgeRecord, ConfbridgeStopRecord,
       ConfbridgeMute, ConfbridgeUnmute, ConfbridgeTalking, BlindTransfer,
       AttendedTransfer, BridgeCreate, BridgeDestroy, BridgeEnter, BridgeLeave
     - The "endbeforehexten" setting now defaults to "yes", instead of "no".
       When set to "no", yhis setting will cause a new CDR to be generated when a
       channel enters into hangup logic (either the 'h' extension or a hangup
       handler subroutine). In general, this is not the preferred default: this
       causes extra CDRs to be generated for a channel in many common dialplans.
    CLI commands:
     - "core show settings" now lists the current console verbosity in addition
       to the root console verbosity.
     - "core set verbose" has not been able to support the by module verbose
       logging levels since verbose logging levels were made per console.  That
       syntax is now removed and a silence option added in its place.
    - The sound_place_into_conference sound used in Confbridge is now deprecated
      and is no longer functional since it has been broken since its inception
      and the fix involved using a different method to achieve the same goal. The
      new method to achieve this functionality is by using sound_begin to play
      a sound to the conference when waitmarked users are moved into the conference.
    Configuration Files:
     - The 'verbose' setting in logger.conf still takes an optional argument,
       specifying the verbosity level for each logging destination.  However,
       the default is now to once again follow the current root console level.
       As a result, using the AMI Command action with "core set verbose" could
       again set the root console verbose level and affect the verbose level
     - The manager.conf 'eventfilter' now takes an "extended" regular expression
       instead of a "basic" one.
    - The compatibility setting, allow_empty_string_in_nontext, has been removed.
      Empty column values will be stored as empty strings during realtime updates.
    Realtime Configuration:
     - WARNING: The database migration script that adds the 'extensions' table for
       realtime had to be modified due to an error when installing for MySQL.  The
       'extensions' table's 'id' column was changed to be a primary key.  This could
       potentially cause a migration problem.  If so, it may be necessary to
       manually alter the affected table/column to bring it back in line with the
       migration scripts.
     - New columns have been added to realtime tables for 'support_path' on
       ps_registrations and ps_aors and for 'path' on ps_contacts for the new
       SIP Path support in chan_pjsip.
     - The following new tables have been added for pjsip realtime: 'ps_systems',
       'ps_globals', 'ps_tranports', 'ps_registrations'.
     - The following columns were added to the 'ps_aors' realtime table:
       'maximum_expiration', 'outbound_proxy', and 'support_path'.
     - The following columns were added to the 'ps_contacts' realtime table:
       'outbound_proxy', 'user_agent', and 'path'.
     - New columns have been added to the ps_endpoints realtime table for the
       'media_address', 'redirect_method' and 'set_var' options.  Also the
       'mwi_fromuser' column was renamed to 'mwi_from_user'. A new column
       'message_context' was added to let users configure how MESSAGE requests are
       routed to the dialplan.
     - A new column was added to the 'ps_globals' realtime table for the 'debug'
     - PJSIP endpoint columns 'tos_audio' and 'tos_video' have been changed from
       yes/no enumerators to string values. 'cos_audio' and 'cos_video' have been
       changed from yes/no enumerators to integer values. PJSIP transport column
       'tos' has been changed from a yes/no enumerator to a string value. 'cos' has
       been changed from a yes/no enumerator to an integer value.
     - The 'queues' and 'queue_members' realtime tables have been added to the
       config Alembic scripts.
     - A new set of Alembic scripts has been added for CDR tables. This will create
       a 'cdr' table with the default schema that Asterisk expects.