Joshua Colp authored
When Asterisk is connected and used with a database the response time of the database can cause problems in Asterisk if it is long. Normally the only way to see this problem would be to retrieve a backtrace from Asterisk and examine where things are blocked, or examine the database to see if there is any indication of a problem. This change adds some basic query logging to make it easier to investigate such a problem. When logging is enabled res_odbc will now keep track of the number of queries executed, as well as the query that has taken the longest time to execute. There is also an option which will cause a WARNING message to be output if a query takes longer than a configurable amount of time to execute. This makes it easier and clearer for users that their database may be experiencing a problem that could impact Asterisk. ASTERISK-28277 Change-Id: I173cf4928b10754478a6a8c27dfa96ede0f058a6
Joshua Colp authoredWhen Asterisk is connected and used with a database the response time of the database can cause problems in Asterisk if it is long. Normally the only way to see this problem would be to retrieve a backtrace from Asterisk and examine where things are blocked, or examine the database to see if there is any indication of a problem. This change adds some basic query logging to make it easier to investigate such a problem. When logging is enabled res_odbc will now keep track of the number of queries executed, as well as the query that has taken the longest time to execute. There is also an option which will cause a WARNING message to be output if a query takes longer than a configurable amount of time to execute. This makes it easier and clearer for users that their database may be experiencing a problem that could impact Asterisk. ASTERISK-28277 Change-Id: I173cf4928b10754478a6a8c27dfa96ede0f058a6
res_odbc.c 35.82 KiB
* Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.
* Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012, Digium, Inc.
* Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
* res_odbc.c <ODBC resource manager>
* Copyright (C) 2004 - 2005 Anthony Minessale II <anthmct@yahoo.com>
* See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about
* the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact
* any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;
* the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC
* channels for your use.
* This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file
* at the top of the source tree.
/*! \file
* \brief ODBC resource manager
* \author Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
* \author Anthony Minessale II <anthmct@yahoo.com>
* \author Tilghman Lesher <tilghman@digium.com>
* \arg See also: \ref cdr_odbc
/*! \li \ref res_odbc.c uses the configuration file \ref res_odbc.conf
* \addtogroup configuration_file Configuration Files
* \page res_odbc.conf res_odbc.conf
* \verbinclude res_odbc.conf.sample
#include "asterisk.h"
#include "asterisk/file.h"
#include "asterisk/channel.h"
#include "asterisk/config.h"
#include "asterisk/pbx.h"
#include "asterisk/module.h"
#include "asterisk/cli.h"
#include "asterisk/lock.h"
#include "asterisk/res_odbc.h"
#include "asterisk/time.h"
#include "asterisk/astobj2.h"
#include "asterisk/app.h"
#include "asterisk/strings.h"
#include "asterisk/threadstorage.h"
struct odbc_class
AST_LIST_ENTRY(odbc_class) list;
char name[80];
char dsn[80];
char *username;
char *password;
char *sanitysql;
unsigned int delme:1; /*!< Purge the class */
unsigned int backslash_is_escape:1; /*!< On this database, the backslash is a native escape sequence */
unsigned int forcecommit:1; /*!< Should uncommitted transactions be auto-committed on handle release? */
unsigned int isolation; /*!< Flags for how the DB should deal with data in other, uncommitted transactions */
unsigned int conntimeout; /*!< Maximum time the connection process should take */
unsigned int maxconnections; /*!< Maximum number of allowed connections */
/*! When a connection fails, cache that failure for how long? */
struct timeval negative_connection_cache;
/*! When a connection fails, when did that last occur? */
struct timeval last_negative_connect;
/*! A pool of available connections */
AST_LIST_HEAD_NOLOCK(, odbc_obj) connections;
/*! Lock to protect the connections */
ast_mutex_t lock;
/*! Condition to notify any pending connection requesters */
ast_cond_t cond;
/*! The total number of current connections */
size_t connection_cnt;
/*! Whether logging is enabled on this class or not */
unsigned int logging;
/*! The number of prepares executed on this class (total from all connections */
int prepares_executed;
/*! The number of queries executed on this class (total from all connections) */
int queries_executed;
/*! The longest execution time for a query executed on this class */
long longest_query_execution_time;
/*! The SQL query that took the longest to execute */
char *sql_text;
/*! Slow query limit (in milliseconds) */
unsigned int slowquerylimit;
static struct ao2_container *class_container;
static AST_RWLIST_HEAD_STATIC(odbc_tables, odbc_cache_tables);
static odbc_status odbc_obj_connect(struct odbc_obj *obj);
static odbc_status odbc_obj_disconnect(struct odbc_obj *obj);
static void odbc_register_class(struct odbc_class *class, int connect);
struct odbc_txn_frame {
AST_LIST_ENTRY(odbc_txn_frame) list;
struct ast_channel *owner;
struct odbc_obj *obj; /*!< Database handle within which transacted statements are run */
/*!\brief Is this record the current active transaction within the channel?
* Note that the active flag is really only necessary for statements which
* are triggered from the dialplan, as there isn't a direct correlation
* between multiple statements. Applications wishing to use transactions
* may simply perform each statement on the same odbc_obj, which keeps the
* transaction persistent.
unsigned int active:1;
unsigned int forcecommit:1; /*!< Should uncommitted transactions be auto-committed on handle release? */
unsigned int isolation; /*!< Flags for how the DB should deal with data in other, uncommitted transactions */
char name[0]; /*!< Name of this transaction ID */
const char *ast_odbc_isolation2text(int iso)
return "read_committed";
} else if (iso == SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED) {
return "read_uncommitted";
} else if (iso == SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE) {
return "serializable";
} else if (iso == SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ) {
return "repeatable_read";
} else {
return "unknown";
int ast_odbc_text2isolation(const char *txt)
if (strncasecmp(txt, "read_", 5) == 0) {
if (strncasecmp(txt + 5, "c", 1) == 0) {
} else if (strncasecmp(txt + 5, "u", 1) == 0) {
} else {
return 0;
} else if (strncasecmp(txt, "ser", 3) == 0) {
} else if (strncasecmp(txt, "rep", 3) == 0) {
} else {
return 0;
static void odbc_class_destructor(void *data)
struct odbc_class *class = data;
struct odbc_obj *obj;
/* Due to refcounts, we can safely assume that any objects with a reference
* to us will prevent our destruction, so we don't need to worry about them.
if (class->username) {
if (class->password) {
if (class->sanitysql) {
while ((obj = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&class->connections, list))) {
ao2_ref(obj, -1);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, class->env);
static void odbc_obj_destructor(void *data)
struct odbc_obj *obj = data;
static void destroy_table_cache(struct odbc_cache_tables *table)
struct odbc_cache_columns *col;
ast_debug(1, "Destroying table cache for %s\n", table->table);
while ((col = AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&table->columns, list))) {
* \brief Find or create an entry describing the table specified.
* \param database Name of an ODBC class on which to query the table
* \param tablename Tablename to describe
* \retval A structure describing the table layout, or NULL, if the table is not found or another error occurs.
* When a structure is returned, the contained columns list will be
* rdlock'ed, to ensure that it will be retained in memory.
* XXX This creates a connection and disconnects it. In some situations, the caller of
* this function has its own connection and could donate it to this function instead of
* needing to create another one.
* XXX The automatic readlock of the columns is awkward. It's done because it's possible for
* multiple threads to have references to the table, and the table is not refcounted. Possible
* changes here would be
* * Eliminate the table cache entirely. The use of ast_odbc_find_table() is generally
* questionable. The only real good use right now is from ast_realtime_require_field() in
* order to make sure the DB has the expected columns in it. Since that is only used sparingly,
* the need to cache tables is questionable. Instead, the table structure can be fetched from
* the DB directly each time, resulting in a single owner of the data.
* * Make odbc_cache_tables a refcounted object.
* \since 1.6.1
struct odbc_cache_tables *ast_odbc_find_table(const char *database, const char *tablename)
struct odbc_cache_tables *tableptr;
struct odbc_cache_columns *entry;
char columnname[80];
SQLLEN sqlptr;
int res = 0, error = 0;
struct odbc_obj *obj;
AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&odbc_tables, tableptr, list) {
if (strcmp(tableptr->connection, database) == 0 && strcmp(tableptr->table, tablename) == 0) {
if (tableptr) {
return tableptr;
if (!(obj = ast_odbc_request_obj(database, 0))) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to retrieve database handle for table description '%s@%s'\n", tablename, database);
return NULL;
/* Table structure not already cached; build it now. */
do {
res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, obj->con, &stmt);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SQL Alloc Handle failed on connection '%s'!\n", database);
res = SQLColumns(stmt, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, (unsigned char *)tablename, SQL_NTS, (unsigned char *)"%", SQL_NTS);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unable to query database columns on connection '%s'.\n", database);
if (!(tableptr = ast_calloc(sizeof(char), sizeof(*tableptr) + strlen(database) + 1 + strlen(tablename) + 1))) {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory creating entry for table '%s' on connection '%s'\n", tablename, database);
tableptr->connection = (char *)tableptr + sizeof(*tableptr);
tableptr->table = (char *)tableptr + sizeof(*tableptr) + strlen(database) + 1;
strcpy(tableptr->connection, database); /* SAFE */
strcpy(tableptr->table, tablename); /* SAFE */
while ((res = SQLFetch(stmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA && res != SQL_ERROR) {
SQLGetData(stmt, 4, SQL_C_CHAR, columnname, sizeof(columnname), &sqlptr);
if (!(entry = ast_calloc(sizeof(char), sizeof(*entry) + strlen(columnname) + 1))) {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory creating entry for column '%s' in table '%s' on connection '%s'\n", columnname, tablename, database);
error = 1;
entry->name = (char *)entry + sizeof(*entry);
strcpy(entry->name, columnname);
SQLGetData(stmt, 5, SQL_C_SHORT, &entry->type, sizeof(entry->type), NULL);
SQLGetData(stmt, 7, SQL_C_LONG, &entry->size, sizeof(entry->size), NULL);
SQLGetData(stmt, 9, SQL_C_SHORT, &entry->decimals, sizeof(entry->decimals), NULL);
SQLGetData(stmt, 10, SQL_C_SHORT, &entry->radix, sizeof(entry->radix), NULL);
SQLGetData(stmt, 11, SQL_C_SHORT, &entry->nullable, sizeof(entry->nullable), NULL);
SQLGetData(stmt, 16, SQL_C_LONG, &entry->octetlen, sizeof(entry->octetlen), NULL);
/* Specification states that the octenlen should be the maximum number of bytes
* returned in a char or binary column, but it seems that some drivers just set
* it to NULL. (Bad Postgres! No biscuit!) */
if (entry->octetlen == 0) {
entry->octetlen = entry->size;
ast_debug(3, "Found %s column with type %hd with len %ld, octetlen %ld, and numlen (%hd,%hd)\n", entry->name, entry->type, (long) entry->size, (long) entry->octetlen, entry->decimals, entry->radix);
/* Insert column info into column list */
AST_LIST_INSERT_TAIL(&(tableptr->columns), entry, list);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);
AST_RWLIST_INSERT_TAIL(&odbc_tables, tableptr, list);
} while (1);
if (error) {
tableptr = NULL;
return tableptr;
struct odbc_cache_columns *ast_odbc_find_column(struct odbc_cache_tables *table, const char *colname)
struct odbc_cache_columns *col;
AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE(&table->columns, col, list) {
if (strcasecmp(col->name, colname) == 0) {
return col;
return NULL;
int ast_odbc_clear_cache(const char *database, const char *tablename)
struct odbc_cache_tables *tableptr;
AST_RWLIST_TRAVERSE_SAFE_BEGIN(&odbc_tables, tableptr, list) {
if (strcmp(tableptr->connection, database) == 0 && strcmp(tableptr->table, tablename) == 0) {
return tableptr ? 0 : -1;
SQLHSTMT ast_odbc_direct_execute(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT (*exec_cb)(struct odbc_obj *obj, void *data), void *data)
struct timeval start;
if (obj->parent->logging) {
start = ast_tvnow();
stmt = exec_cb(obj, data);
if (obj->parent->logging) {
long execution_time = ast_tvdiff_ms(ast_tvnow(), start);
if (obj->parent->slowquerylimit && execution_time > obj->parent->slowquerylimit) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SQL query '%s' took %ld milliseconds to execute on class '%s', this may indicate a database problem\n",
obj->sql_text, execution_time, obj->parent->name);
if (execution_time > obj->parent->longest_query_execution_time || !obj->parent->sql_text) {
obj->parent->longest_query_execution_time = execution_time;
/* Due to the callback nature of the res_odbc API it's not possible to ensure that
* the SQL text is removed from the connection in all cases, so only if it becomes the
* new longest executing query do we steal the SQL text. In other cases what will happen
* is that the SQL text will be freed if the connection is released back to the class or
* if a new query is done on the connection.
obj->parent->sql_text = obj->sql_text;
obj->sql_text = NULL;
return stmt;
SQLHSTMT ast_odbc_prepare_and_execute(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT (*prepare_cb)(struct odbc_obj *obj, void *data), void *data)
struct timeval start;
int res = 0;
if (obj->parent->logging) {
start = ast_tvnow();
/* This prepare callback may do more than just prepare -- it may also
* bind parameters, bind results, etc. The real key, here, is that
* when we disconnect, all handles become invalid for most databases.
* We must therefore redo everything when we establish a new
* connection. */
stmt = prepare_cb(obj, data);
if (!stmt) {
return NULL;
res = SQLExecute(stmt);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) && (res != SQL_NO_DATA)) {
if (res == SQL_ERROR) {
ast_odbc_print_errors(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt, "SQL Execute");
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SQL Execute error %d!\n", res);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);
stmt = NULL;
} else if (obj->parent->logging) {
long execution_time = ast_tvdiff_ms(ast_tvnow(), start);
if (obj->parent->slowquerylimit && execution_time > obj->parent->slowquerylimit) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "SQL query '%s' took %ld milliseconds to execute on class '%s', this may indicate a database problem\n",
obj->sql_text, execution_time, obj->parent->name);
/* If this takes the record on longest query execution time, update the parent class
* with the information.
if (execution_time > obj->parent->longest_query_execution_time || !obj->parent->sql_text) {
obj->parent->longest_query_execution_time = execution_time;
obj->parent->sql_text = obj->sql_text;
obj->sql_text = NULL;
ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&obj->parent->queries_executed, +1);
return stmt;
int ast_odbc_prepare(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT *stmt, const char *sql)
if (obj->parent->logging) {
/* It is possible for this connection to be reused without being
* released back to the class, so we free what may already exist
* and place the new SQL in.
obj->sql_text = ast_strdup(sql);
ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&obj->parent->prepares_executed, +1);
return SQLPrepare(stmt, (unsigned char *)sql, SQL_NTS);
SQLRETURN ast_odbc_execute_sql(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT *stmt, const char *sql)
if (obj->parent->logging) {
obj->sql_text = ast_strdup(sql);
ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&obj->parent->queries_executed, +1);
return SQLExecDirect(stmt, (unsigned char *)sql, SQL_NTS);
int ast_odbc_smart_execute(struct odbc_obj *obj, SQLHSTMT stmt)
int res = 0;
res = SQLExecute(stmt);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) && (res != SQL_NO_DATA)) {
if (res == SQL_ERROR) {
ast_odbc_print_errors(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt, "SQL Execute");
if (obj->parent->logging) {
ast_atomic_fetchadd_int(&obj->parent->queries_executed, +1);
return res;
SQLRETURN ast_odbc_ast_str_SQLGetData(struct ast_str **buf, int pmaxlen, SQLHSTMT StatementHandle, SQLUSMALLINT ColumnNumber, SQLSMALLINT TargetType, SQLLEN *StrLen_or_Ind)
if (pmaxlen == 0) {
if (SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, ast_str_buffer(*buf), 0, StrLen_or_Ind) == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
ast_str_make_space(buf, *StrLen_or_Ind + 1);
} else if (pmaxlen > 0) {
ast_str_make_space(buf, pmaxlen);
res = SQLGetData(StatementHandle, ColumnNumber, TargetType, ast_str_buffer(*buf), ast_str_size(*buf), StrLen_or_Ind);
return res;
struct ast_str *ast_odbc_print_errors(SQLSMALLINT handle_type, SQLHANDLE handle, const char *operation)
struct ast_str *errors = ast_str_thread_get(&errors_buf, 16);
SQLINTEGER nativeerror = 0;
SQLSMALLINT diagbytes = 0;
unsigned char state[10];
unsigned char diagnostic[256];
i = 0;
while (SQLGetDiagRec(handle_type, handle, ++i, state, &nativeerror,
diagnostic, sizeof(diagnostic), &diagbytes) == SQL_SUCCESS) {
ast_str_append(&errors, 0, "%s%s", ast_str_strlen(errors) ? "," : "", state);
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "%s returned an error: %s: %s\n", operation, state, diagnostic);
/* XXX Why is this here? */
if (i > 10) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "There are more than 10 diagnostic records! Ignore the rest.\n");
return errors;
unsigned int ast_odbc_class_get_isolation(struct odbc_class *class)
return class->isolation;
unsigned int ast_odbc_class_get_forcecommit(struct odbc_class *class)
return class->forcecommit;
const char *ast_odbc_class_get_name(struct odbc_class *class)
return class->name;
static int load_odbc_config(void)
static char *cfg = "res_odbc.conf";
struct ast_config *config;
struct ast_variable *v;
char *cat;
const char *dsn, *username, *password, *sanitysql;
int enabled, bse, conntimeout, forcecommit, isolation, maxconnections, logging, slowquerylimit;
struct timeval ncache = { 0, 0 };
int preconnect = 0, res = 0;
struct ast_flags config_flags = { 0 };
struct odbc_class *new;
config = ast_config_load(cfg, config_flags);
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to load config file res_odbc.conf\n");
return -1;
for (cat = ast_category_browse(config, NULL); cat; cat=ast_category_browse(config, cat)) {
if (!strcasecmp(cat, "ENV")) {
for (v = ast_variable_browse(config, cat); v; v = v->next) {
setenv(v->name, v->value, 1);
ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Adding ENV var: %s=%s\n", v->name, v->value);
} else {
/* Reset all to defaults for each class of odbc connections */
dsn = username = password = sanitysql = NULL;
enabled = 1;
preconnect = 0;
bse = 1;
conntimeout = 10;
forcecommit = 0;
maxconnections = 1;
logging = 0;
slowquerylimit = 5000;
for (v = ast_variable_browse(config, cat); v; v = v->next) {
if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "pooling") ||
!strncasecmp(v->name, "share", 5) ||
!strcasecmp(v->name, "limit") ||
!strcasecmp(v->name, "idlecheck")) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "The 'pooling', 'shared_connections', 'limit', and 'idlecheck' options were replaced by 'max_connections'. See res_odbc.conf.sample.\n");
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "enabled")) {
enabled = ast_true(v->value);
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "pre-connect")) {
preconnect = ast_true(v->value);
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "dsn")) {
dsn = v->value;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "username")) {
username = v->value;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "password")) {
password = v->value;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "sanitysql")) {
sanitysql = v->value;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "backslash_is_escape")) {
bse = ast_true(v->value);
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "connect_timeout")) {
if (sscanf(v->value, "%d", &conntimeout) != 1 || conntimeout < 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "connect_timeout must be a positive integer\n");
conntimeout = 10;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "negative_connection_cache")) {
double dncache;
if (sscanf(v->value, "%lf", &dncache) != 1 || dncache < 0) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "negative_connection_cache must be a non-negative integer\n");
/* 5 minutes sounds like a reasonable default */
ncache.tv_sec = 300;
ncache.tv_usec = 0;
} else {
ncache.tv_sec = (int)dncache;
ncache.tv_usec = (dncache - ncache.tv_sec) * 1000000;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "forcecommit")) {
forcecommit = ast_true(v->value);
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "isolation")) {
if ((isolation = ast_odbc_text2isolation(v->value)) == 0) {
ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Unrecognized value for 'isolation': '%s' in section '%s'\n", v->value, cat);
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "max_connections")) {
if (sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &maxconnections) != 1 || maxconnections < 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "max_connections must be a positive integer\n");
maxconnections = 1;
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "logging")) {
logging = ast_true(v->value);
} else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "slow_query_limit")) {
if (sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &slowquerylimit) != 1) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "slow_query_limit must be a positive integer\n");
slowquerylimit = 5000;
if (enabled && !ast_strlen_zero(dsn)) {
new = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*new), odbc_class_destructor);
if (!new) {
res = -1;
res = SQLSetEnvAttr(new->env, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "res_odbc: Error SetEnv\n");
ao2_ref(new, -1);
return res;
new->backslash_is_escape = bse ? 1 : 0;
new->forcecommit = forcecommit ? 1 : 0;
new->isolation = isolation;
new->conntimeout = conntimeout;
new->negative_connection_cache = ncache;
new->maxconnections = maxconnections;
new->logging = logging;
new->slowquerylimit = slowquerylimit;
if (cat)
ast_copy_string(new->name, cat, sizeof(new->name));
if (dsn)
ast_copy_string(new->dsn, dsn, sizeof(new->dsn));
if (username && !(new->username = ast_strdup(username))) {
ao2_ref(new, -1);
if (password && !(new->password = ast_strdup(password))) {
ao2_ref(new, -1);
if (sanitysql && !(new->sanitysql = ast_strdup(sanitysql))) {
ao2_ref(new, -1);
ast_cond_init(&new->cond, NULL);
odbc_register_class(new, preconnect);
ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Registered ODBC class '%s' dsn->[%s]\n", cat, dsn);
ao2_ref(new, -1);
new = NULL;
return res;
static char *handle_cli_odbc_show(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a)
struct ao2_iterator aoi;
struct odbc_class *class;
int length = 0;
int which = 0;
char *ret = NULL;
switch (cmd) {
case CLI_INIT:
e->command = "odbc show";
e->usage =
"Usage: odbc show [class]\n"
" List settings of a particular ODBC class or,\n"
" if not specified, all classes.\n";
return NULL;
if (a->pos != 2)
return NULL;
length = strlen(a->word);
aoi = ao2_iterator_init(class_container, 0);
while ((class = ao2_iterator_next(&aoi))) {
if (!strncasecmp(a->word, class->name, length) && ++which > a->n) {
ret = ast_strdup(class->name);
ao2_ref(class, -1);
if (ret) {
if (!ret && !strncasecmp(a->word, "all", length) && ++which > a->n) {
ret = ast_strdup("all");
return ret;
ast_cli(a->fd, "\nODBC DSN Settings\n");
ast_cli(a->fd, "-----------------\n\n");
aoi = ao2_iterator_init(class_container, 0);
while ((class = ao2_iterator_next(&aoi))) {
if ((a->argc == 2) || (a->argc == 3 && !strcmp(a->argv[2], "all")) || (!strcmp(a->argv[2], class->name))) {
char timestr[80];
struct ast_tm tm;
ast_cli(a->fd, " Name: %s\n DSN: %s\n", class->name, class->dsn);
if (class->last_negative_connect.tv_sec > 0) {
ast_localtime(&class->last_negative_connect, &tm, NULL);
ast_strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %T", &tm);
ast_cli(a->fd, " Last fail connection attempt: %s\n", timestr);
ast_cli(a->fd, " Number of active connections: %zd (out of %d)\n", class->connection_cnt, class->maxconnections);
ast_cli(a->fd, " Logging: %s\n", class->logging ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
if (class->logging) {
ast_cli(a->fd, " Number of prepares executed: %d\n", class->prepares_executed);
ast_cli(a->fd, " Number of queries executed: %d\n", class->queries_executed);
if (class->sql_text) {
ast_cli(a->fd, " Longest running SQL query: %s (%ld milliseconds)\n", class->sql_text, class->longest_query_execution_time);
ast_cli(a->fd, "\n");
ao2_ref(class, -1);
static struct ast_cli_entry cli_odbc[] = {
AST_CLI_DEFINE(handle_cli_odbc_show, "List ODBC DSN(s)")
static void odbc_register_class(struct odbc_class *class, int preconnect)
struct odbc_obj *obj;
ao2_link(class_container, class);
/* I still have a reference in the caller, so a deref is NOT missing here. */
if (!preconnect) {
/* Request and release builds a connection */
obj = ast_odbc_request_obj(class->name, 0);
if (obj) {
void ast_odbc_release_obj(struct odbc_obj *obj)
struct odbc_class *class = obj->parent;
ast_debug(2, "Releasing ODBC handle %p into pool\n", obj);
/* The odbc_obj only holds a reference to the class when it is
* actively being used. This guarantees no circular reference
* between odbc_class and odbc_obj. Since it is being released
* we also release our class reference. If a reload occurred before
* the class will go away automatically once all odbc_obj are
* released back.
obj->parent = NULL;
/* Free the SQL text so that the next user of this connection has
* a fresh start.
obj->sql_text = NULL;
AST_LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&class->connections, obj, list);
ao2_ref(class, -1);
int ast_odbc_backslash_is_escape(struct odbc_obj *obj)
return obj->parent->backslash_is_escape;
static int aoro2_class_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
struct odbc_class *class = obj;
char *name = arg;
if (!strcmp(class->name, name) && !class->delme) {
return 0;
unsigned int ast_odbc_get_max_connections(const char *name)
struct odbc_class *class;
unsigned int max_connections;
class = ao2_callback(class_container, 0, aoro2_class_cb, (char *) name);
if (!class) {
return 0;
max_connections = class->maxconnections;
ao2_ref(class, -1);
return max_connections;
* \brief Determine if the connection has died.
* \param connection The connection to check
* \param class The ODBC class
* \retval 1 Yep, it's dead
* \retval 0 It's alive and well
static int connection_dead(struct odbc_obj *connection, struct odbc_class *class)
char *test_sql = "select 1";
res = SQLGetConnectAttr(connection->con, SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD, &dead, 0, 0);
if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
return dead == SQL_CD_TRUE ? 1 : 0;
/* If the Driver doesn't support SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_DEAD do a
* probing query instead
res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, connection->con, &stmt);
if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
return 1;
if (!ast_strlen_zero(class->sanitysql)) {
test_sql = class->sanitysql;
res = SQLPrepare(stmt, (unsigned char *)test_sql, SQL_NTS);
if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);
return 1;
res = SQLExecute(stmt);
SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt);
return SQL_SUCCEEDED(res) ? 0 : 1;
struct odbc_obj *_ast_odbc_request_obj2(const char *name, struct ast_flags flags, const char *file, const char *function, int lineno)
struct odbc_obj *obj = NULL;
struct odbc_class *class;
if (!(class = ao2_callback(class_container, 0, aoro2_class_cb, (char *) name))) {
ast_debug(1, "Class '%s' not found!\n", name);
return NULL;
while (!obj) {
obj = AST_LIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&class->connections, list);
if (!obj) {
if (class->connection_cnt < class->maxconnections) {
/* If no connection is immediately available establish a new
* one if allowed. If we try and fail we give up completely as
* we could go into an infinite loop otherwise.
obj = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*obj), odbc_obj_destructor);
if (!obj) {
obj->parent = ao2_bump(class);
if (odbc_obj_connect(obj) == ODBC_FAIL) {
ao2_ref(obj->parent, -1);
ao2_ref(obj, -1);
obj = NULL;
ast_debug(2, "Created ODBC handle %p on class '%s', new count is %zd\n", obj,
name, class->connection_cnt);
} else {
/* Otherwise if we're not allowed to create a new one we
* wait for another thread to give up the connection they
* own.
ast_cond_wait(&class->cond, &class->lock);
} else if (connection_dead(obj, class)) {
/* If the connection is dead try to grab another functional one from the
* pool instead of trying to resurrect this one.
ao2_ref(obj, -1);
obj = NULL;
ast_debug(2, "ODBC handle %p dead - removing from class '%s', new count is %zd\n",
obj, name, class->connection_cnt);
} else {
/* We successfully grabbed a connection from the pool and all is well!
obj->parent = ao2_bump(class);
ast_debug(2, "Reusing ODBC handle %p from class '%s'\n", obj, name);
ao2_ref(class, -1);
return obj;
struct odbc_obj *_ast_odbc_request_obj(const char *name, int check, const char *file, const char *function, int lineno)
struct ast_flags flags = { check ? RES_ODBC_SANITY_CHECK : 0 };
/* XXX New flow means that the "check" parameter doesn't do anything. We're requesting
* a connection from ODBC. We'll either get a new one, which obviously is already connected, or
* we'll get one from the ODBC connection pool. In that case, it will ensure to only give us a
* live connection
return _ast_odbc_request_obj2(name, flags, file, function, lineno);
static odbc_status odbc_obj_disconnect(struct odbc_obj *obj)
int res;
short int mlen;
unsigned char msg[200], state[10];
/* Nothing to disconnect */
if (!obj->con) {
con = obj->con;
obj->con = NULL;
res = SQLDisconnect(con);
if ((res = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, con)) == SQL_SUCCESS) {
ast_debug(3, "Database handle %p (connection %p) deallocated\n", obj, con);
} else {
SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, con, 1, state, &err, msg, 100, &mlen);
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to deallocate database handle %p? %d errno=%d %s\n", con, res, (int)err, msg);
static odbc_status odbc_obj_connect(struct odbc_obj *obj)
int res;
short int mlen;
unsigned char msg[200], state[10];
SQLINTEGER enable = 1;
char *tracefile = "/tmp/odbc.trace";
long int negative_cache_expiration;
ast_assert(obj->con == NULL);
ast_debug(3, "Connecting %s(%p)\n", obj->parent->name, obj);
/* Dont connect while server is marked as unreachable via negative_connection_cache */
negative_cache_expiration = obj->parent->last_negative_connect.tv_sec + obj->parent->negative_connection_cache.tv_sec;
if (time(NULL) < negative_cache_expiration) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Not connecting to %s. Negative connection cache for %ld seconds\n", obj->parent->name, negative_cache_expiration - time(NULL));
return ODBC_FAIL;
res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, obj->parent->env, &con);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "res_odbc: Error AllocHDB %d\n", res);
obj->parent->last_negative_connect = ast_tvnow();
return ODBC_FAIL;
SQLSetConnectAttr(con, SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER *)(long) obj->parent->conntimeout, 0);
SQLSetConnectAttr(con, SQL_ATTR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER *)(long) obj->parent->conntimeout, 0);
SQLSetConnectAttr(con, SQL_ATTR_TRACE, &enable, SQL_IS_INTEGER);
SQLSetConnectAttr(con, SQL_ATTR_TRACEFILE, tracefile, strlen(tracefile));
res = SQLConnect(con,
(SQLCHAR *) obj->parent->dsn, SQL_NTS,
(SQLCHAR *) obj->parent->username, SQL_NTS,
(SQLCHAR *) obj->parent->password, SQL_NTS);
if ((res != SQL_SUCCESS) && (res != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) {
SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, con, 1, state, &err, msg, 100, &mlen);
obj->parent->last_negative_connect = ast_tvnow();
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "res_odbc: Error SQLConnect=%d errno=%d %s\n", res, (int)err, msg);
if ((res = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, con)) != SQL_SUCCESS) {
SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, con, 1, state, &err, msg, 100, &mlen);
ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to deallocate database handle %p? %d errno=%d %s\n", con, res, (int)err, msg);
return ODBC_FAIL;
} else {
ast_debug(3, "res_odbc: Connected to %s [%s (%p)]\n", obj->parent->name, obj->parent->dsn, obj);
obj->con = con;
static int reload(void)
struct odbc_cache_tables *table;
struct odbc_class *class;
struct ao2_iterator aoi = ao2_iterator_init(class_container, 0);
/* First, mark all to be purged */
while ((class = ao2_iterator_next(&aoi))) {
class->delme = 1;
ao2_ref(class, -1);
aoi = ao2_iterator_init(class_container, 0);
while ((class = ao2_iterator_next(&aoi))) {
if (class->delme) {
ao2_unlink(class_container, class);
ao2_ref(class, -1);
/* Empty the cache; it will get rebuilt the next time the tables are needed. */
while ((table = AST_RWLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&odbc_tables, list))) {
return 0;
static int unload_module(void)
ast_cli_unregister_multiple(cli_odbc, ARRAY_LEN(cli_odbc));
return 0;
static int load_module(void)
class_container = ao2_container_alloc_list(AO2_ALLOC_OPT_LOCK_MUTEX, 0, NULL, ao2_match_by_addr);
if (!class_container) {
if (load_odbc_config() == -1) {
ast_cli_register_multiple(cli_odbc, ARRAY_LEN(cli_odbc));
.support_level = AST_MODULE_SUPPORT_CORE,
.load = load_module,
.unload = unload_module,
.reload = reload,