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Adding support for "urgent" voicemail messages. Messages which are
marked "urgent" are considered to be higher priority than other messages and so they will be played before any other messages in a user's mailbox. There are two ways to leave an urgent message. 1. send the 'U' option to VoiceMail(). 2. Set review=yes in voicemail.conf. This will give instructions for a caller to mark a message as urgent after the message has been recorded. I have tested that this works correctly with file and ODBC storage, and James Rothenberger (who wrote initial support for this feature) has tested its use with IMAP storage. (closes issue #11817) Reported by: jaroth Based on branch http://svn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/team/jrothenberger/asterisk-urgent Tested by: putnopvut, jaroth git-svn-id: https://origsvn.digium.com/svn/asterisk/trunk@115588 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
- CHANGES 6 additions, 0 deletionsCHANGES
- UPGRADE.txt 2 additions, 0 deletionsUPGRADE.txt
- apps/app_voicemail.c 896 additions, 576 deletionsapps/app_voicemail.c
- channels/chan_iax2.c 4 additions, 2 deletionschannels/chan_iax2.c
- channels/chan_sip.c 2 additions, 2 deletionschannels/chan_sip.c
- channels/chan_skinny.c 115 additions, 227 deletionschannels/chan_skinny.c
- channels/chan_unistim.c 2 additions, 2 deletionschannels/chan_unistim.c
- include/asterisk/app.h 3 additions, 3 deletionsinclude/asterisk/app.h
- main/app.c 6 additions, 4 deletionsmain/app.c
- main/manager.c 6 additions, 4 deletionsmain/manager.c
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