app_voicemail: Remove need to subscribe to stasis
app_voicemail was using the stasis cache to build and maintain a list of mailboxes that had subscribers. It then used this list to determine if a mailbox should be polled for new messages if polling was enabled. For this to work, stasis had to cache every subscription and unsubscription to the mailbox which caused a lot of overhead, both cpu and memory related. Since polling is only required when changes are being made to mailboxes outside of app_voicemail and since the number of mailboxes that don't have any subscribers is likely to be very low, all mailboxes are now polled instead of just the ones with subscribers. This paves the way for disabling the caching of stasis subscription change messages. Also fixed cleanup in some of the unit tests that not only left test users in the users list but also caused segfaults if the tests were run more than once. ASTERISK-27121 Change-Id: I5cceb737246949f9782955c64425b8bd25a9e9ee
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