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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 07, 2014
  2. Jun 25, 2014
  3. Jun 12, 2014
  4. May 01, 2014
  5. Feb 25, 2014
  6. Jan 31, 2014
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      res_pjsip_exten_state: Exporting global symbols caused load order issues · f5bb5b3e
      Kevin Harwell authored
      Removed the exportation of global symbols from the module as it is no longer
      needed and it could potentially cause load problems as on some systems it
      would try to load before res_pjsip_pubsub
      Merged revisions 407034 from
      git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
    • Mark Michelson's avatar
      Decouple subscription handling from NOTIFY/PUBLISH body generation. · f55abe9c
      Mark Michelson authored
      When the PJSIP pubsub framework was created, subscription handlers were required
      to state what event they handled along with what body types they knew how to
      generate. While this serves well when implementing a base RFC, it has problems
      when trying to extend the body to support non-standard or proprietary body
      elements. The code also was NOTIFY-specific, meaning that when the time comes
      that we start writing code to send out PUBLISH requests with MWI or presence
      bodies, we would likely find ourselves duplicating code that had previously been
      This changeset introduces the concept of body generators and body supplements. A
      body generator is responsible for allocating a native structure for a given body
      type, providing the primary body content, converting the native structure to a
      string, and deallocating resources. A body supplement takes the primary body
      content (the native structure, not a string) generated by the body generator and
      adds nonstandard elements to the body. With these elements living in their own
      module, it becomes easy to extend our support for body types and to re-use
      resources when sending a PUBLISH request.
      Body generators and body supplements register themselves with the pubsub core,
      similar to how subscription and publish handlers had done. Now, subscription
      handlers do not need to know what type of body content they generate, but they
      still need to inform the pubsub core about what the default body type for a
      given event package is. The pubsub core keeps track of what body generators and
      body supplements have been registered. When a SUBSCRIBE arrives, the pubsub core
      will check that there is a subscription handler for the event in the SUBSCRIBE,
      then it will check that there is a body generator that can provide the content
      specified in the Accept header(s).
      Because of the nature of body generators and supplements, it means
      res_pjsip_exten_state and res_pjsip_mwi have been completely gutted. They no
      longer worry about body types, instead calling
      ast_sip_pubsub_generate_body_content() when they need to generate a NOTIFY body.
      Merged revisions 407016 from
      git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
  7. Nov 23, 2013
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      res_pjsip: AMI commands and events. · 05cbf8df
      Kevin Harwell authored
      Created the following AMI commands and corresponding events for res_pjsip:
      PJSIPShowEndpoints - Provides a listing of all pjsip endpoints and a few
                           select attributes on each.
          EndpointList - for each endpoint a few attributes.
          EndpointlistComplete - after all endpoints have been listed.
      PJSIPShowEndpoint - Provides a detail list of attributes for a specified
          EndpointDetail - attributes on an endpoint.
          AorDetail - raised for each AOR on an endpoint.
          AuthDetail - raised for each associated inbound and outbound auth
          TransportDetail - transport attributes.
          IdentifyDetail - attributes for the identify object associated with
                           the endpoint.
          EndpointDetailComplete - last event raised after all detail events.
      PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound - Provides a detail listing of all inbound
          InboundRegistrationDetail - inbound registration attributes for each
          InboundRegistrationDetailComplete - raised after all detail records have
                                      been listed.
      PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound  - Provides a detail listing of all outbound
          OutboundRegistrationDetail - outbound registration attributes for each
          OutboundRegistrationDetailComplete - raised after all detail records
                                       have been listed.
      PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInbound - A detail listing of all inbound subscriptions
                                      and their attributes.
          SubscriptionDetail - on each subscription detailed attributes
          SubscriptionDetailComplete - raised after all detail records have
                                       been listed.
      PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound - A detail listing of all outboundbound
                                      subscriptions and their attributes.
          SubscriptionDetail - on each subscription detailed attributes
          SubscriptionDetailComplete - raised after all detail records have
                                       been listed.
      (issue ASTERISK-22609)
      Reported by: Matt Jordan
      Merged revisions 403131 from
      git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
  8. Aug 22, 2013
  9. Aug 06, 2013
  10. Jul 30, 2013
    • Mark Michelson's avatar
      The large GULP->PJSIP renaming effort. · 735b30ad
      Mark Michelson authored
      The general gist is to have a clear boundary between old SIP stuff
      and new SIP stuff by having the word "SIP" for old stuff and "PJSIP"
      for new stuff. Here's a brief rundown of the changes:
      * The word "Gulp" in dialstrings, functions, and CLI commands is now
      * chan_gulp.c is now chan_pjsip.c
      * Function names in chan_gulp.c that were "gulp_*" are now "chan_pjsip_*"
      * All files that were "res_sip*" are now "res_pjsip*"
      * The "res_sip" directory is now "res_pjsip"
      * Files in the "res_pjsip" directory that began with "sip_*" are now "pjsip_*"
      * The configuration file is now "pjsip.conf" instead of "res_sip.conf"
      * The module info for all PJSIP-related files now uses "PJSIP" instead of "SIP"
      * CLI and AMI commands created by Asterisk's PJSIP modules now have "pjsip" as
      the starting word instead of "sip"
      git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3
  11. Jul 11, 2013
  12. Jun 22, 2013
    • Joshua Colp's avatar
      Merge in current pimp_my_sip work, including: · 77002bc3
      Joshua Colp authored
      1. Security events
      2. Websocket support
      3. Diversion header + redirecting support
      4. An anonymous endpoint identifier
      5. Inbound extension state subscription support
      6. PIDF notify generation
      7. One touch recording support (special thanks Sean Bright!)
      8. Blind and attended transfer support
      9. Automatic inbound registration expiration
      10. SRTP support
      11. Media offer control dialplan function
      12. Connected line support
      13. SendText() support
      14. Qualify support
      15. Inband DTMF detection
      16. Call and pickup groups
      17. Messaging support
      Thanks everyone!
      Side note: I'm reminded of the song "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox Twenty.
      git-svn-id: 65c4cc65-6c06-0410-ace0-fbb531ad65f3