RM14593, Changed maxptime to 20 ms to follow DT requirements
Merge request reports
requested review from @Yalu
assigned to @Yalu
169 169 .type = AST_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, 170 170 .sample_rate = 8000, 171 171 .minimum_ms = 10, 172 .maximum_ms = 150, 172 .maximum_ms = 20, /* Changed according to DT requirements */ maximum_ms here defines the maximum ptime supported by Asterisk as its capacity. DT actually complain that the wrong ptime is offered in an outgoing INVITE by Asterisk if I understand correctly from the ticket. The offered ptime is determined by below configuration that we support now. So this patch shall not be needed.
Their only complaint is about maxptime which is set to 150 ms by default in asterisk and is present in the offer. ptime is already set to 20 ms and is according to their requirements. The headline of their ticket is also "Value of media attribute maxptime in SDP is too high", nothing else.
If you want to have this configurable, then someone else will need to fix this. My proposal solves the problem for DT in the rdkb branch.