George Joseph
cdr, config and voicemail are all separate alembic trees. Because alembic's default is to use a table named 'alembic_version' to store the current tree revision, the 3 trees can't exist in the same schema without stepping on each other. Now each tree uses 'alembic_version_<tree_name>' as the version table. Each tree's script now first checks for 'alembic_version'. If it finds it AND its revision is in the tree's history, the script renames it to 'alembic_version_<tree_name>'. Regardless, the script then continues with the migration using 'alembic_version_<tree_name>' and creates that table if it's not found. The result is that if an existing 'alembic_version' table was found but it didn't belong to this tree, it's left alone and 'alembic_version_<tree_name>' is used or created. WARNING: If multiple trees are using the same schema, they MUST NOT CRU or D any objects with names that might exist in the other trees. An example would be 'yesno_values' type. If two trees perform operations on it, one tree could pull it out from under the other. Thankfully we currently don't share any names among cdr, config and voicemail. NOTE: Since the scripts in each tree were identical, a common has been placed in the ast-db-manage directory and a symlink to it has been placed in each tree directory. ASTERISK-24311 #close Reported-by: Dafi Ni Change-Id: I4d593f000350deb5d21a14fa1e9bc3896844d898