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Fixed addObj for CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.

Matej Stancik requested to merge callingfeatures_set_addobj into devel

Relevant issue


It's not possible to add more objects than one. Calling the addObj function shows a new Set was added, but calling it again shows the exact same Set being added:

root@~# tr104d -c add Device.Services.VoiceService.1.CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.
Added Device.Services.VoiceService.1.CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.2.
root@~# tr104d -c add Device.Services.VoiceService.1.CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.
Added Device.Services.VoiceService.1.CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.2.
root@~# tr104d -c add Device.Services.VoiceService.1.CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.
Added Device.Services.VoiceService.1.CallControl.CallingFeatures.Set.2.

This problem is fixed by the patch attached to the task. There was a mismatch in the addObj function, where we tried writing the new obj to set* in UCI, but the mapped functionality in get/set was to calling_features*.

Edited by Matej Stancik

Merge request reports
