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Helper library for easy usp communication using mqtt over tcp or ws.


npm install usp-js


To connect provide necessary info to the default export. (Values will differ depending on setup). Note: for browser usage make sure to import from usp-js/web.

const connect = require("usp-js").default;

const run = async () => {
  // Connect
  const usp = await connect({
    host: "",
    username: "username",
    password: "password",
    port: 9001,
    protocol: "ws",

  // Get property
  await usp.get("Device.WiFi.").then(console.log);

  // Disconnect
  await usp.disconnect();



  • Connect
// options are based on
const usp = await connect(options);

Additional connection options:

  • fromId: Source ID
  • toId: Destination ID
  • closeOnDisconnect: Close connection if disconnected
  • reconnectsBeforeClosing: Number of times to attempt reconnecting before closing connection
  • connectTimeout: Timeout in milliseconds for connection
  • Get

    • get object
    await usp.get("Device.Time.");
    // => {
    //   "CurrentLocalTime": "2020-12-15T12:33:19Z",
    //   "Enable": true,
    //   ...
    // }
    • get property
    await usp.get("Device.Time.CurrentLocalTime"); // => "2020-12-15T12:33:19Z"
    • get multiple paths
    await usp.get(["Device.WiFi.Radio.1.", "Device.WiFi.Radio.2."]);
    // => [
    // { ... },
    // { ... }
    // ]
    • get using pattern
    await usp.get('Device.Ethernet.Interface.[Alias=="WAN"].CurrentBitRate'); // => 0
    • resolve references in get
    await usp.get("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.").then(usp.resolve); // => { ... }
    // or if deeper resolution is needed (be careful when using level, going above 3 often causes an infinite reference loop)
    await usp
      .then((msg) => usp.resolve(msg, 3 /* level - defaults to 1 */)); // => { ... }
  • Set

    • set object - does not need to have all attributes, but some may be required (check USP Reference)
    await usp.set("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.", { Name: "radio-1" }); // => void
    • set object with allowPartial and required attributes
    await usp.set("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.", {
      Name: { required: true, value: "radio-1" },
      allowPartial: true,
    }); // => void
    • set property
    await usp.set("Device.WiFi.Radio.1.Name", "radio-1"); // => void
  • Operate

    const [ping, cleanPing] = await usp.operate("Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing()");
    const results = await ping({ Host: "" });
    await cleanPing(); // clears ping subscription (optional)
  • Add

    • add with no arguments - adds a new default object
    await usp.add("Device.NAT.PortMapping."); // => "Device.NAT.PortMapping.3."
    • add with multiple responses
    await usp.add("Device.IP.Interface.*.IPv4Address."); // => ['Device.IP.Interface.1.IPv4Address.2.', ... ]
    • add with arguments - adds a new object with provided values
    await usp.add("Device.NAT.PortMapping.", {
      Description: "webserver1-set",
      ExternalPort: "80",
      Protocol: "TCP",
      Interface: "Device.IP.Interface.1",
      Enable: "true",
      InternalClient: "",
      InternalPort: "5000",
    }); // => "Device.NAT.PortMapping.4."
    • add with with allowPartial and required attributes
    await usp.add("Device.NAT.PortMapping.", {
      allowPartial: true,
      Description: {
        required: true,
        value: "webserver1-set",
      ExternalPort: "80",
      Protocol: "TCP",
      Interface: "Device.IP.Interface.1",
      Enable: "true",
      InternalClient: "",
      InternalPort: "5000",
    }); // => "Device.NAT.PortMapping.4."
  • Delete

await usp.del("Device.NAT.PortMapping.4."); // => void
  • Get Supported DM
await usp.supportedDM("Device.WiFi.");
  • Get Supported Protocols
await usp.supportedProto("Device.WiFi.");
  • Get Instances
await usp.instances("Device.WiFi.");
  • Subscribe
const clearSub = await usp.subscribe(
  { id: "1234", notif: "ObjectCreation", reference: "Device.NAT.PortMapping." },
  • optional second argument to callback gives access to full message.
await usp.subscribe(
  { id: "1234", notif: "ObjectCreation", reference: "Device.NAT.PortMapping." },
  (_, fullMsg) => console.log(fullMsg)
  • On

    Id can be a string or a regexp. Messages, generally, have their id in the form COMMAND@random_string (i.e. NOTIFY@12345). (Note: does not add subscription to USP model, instead allows for internal monitoring of received messages) Optional second argument to callback gives access to full message.

const clear = usp.on(/NOTIFY.*/, (data, msg) => console.log({ data, msg }));
  • Options

    Options allows extending commands with additional functionality.

    Props: timeout -> timeout after given ms (throws error) preCall -> called before each command, provides command name and arguments postCall -> called after each command, provides command name, arguments and result/error

await usp
    timeout: 1000,
    preCall: (name, args) => console.log(name, args),
    postCall: (name, args, result) => console.log(name, args, result),