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  • ==============================================================================
    === This file documents the new and/or enhanced functionality added in
    === the Asterisk versions listed below. This file does NOT include
    === changes in behavior that would not be backwards compatible with
    === previous versions; for that information see the UPGRADE.txt file
    === and the other UPGRADE files for older releases.
    --- Functionality changes from Asterisk 10 to Asterisk 11 --------------------
    Build System
     * The Asterisk build system will now build and install a shared library
       ( used to wrap various initialization and shutdown functions
       from the libssl and libcrypto libraries provided by OpenSSL. This is done so
       that Asterisk can ensure that these functions do *not* get called by any
       modules that are loaded into Asterisk, since they should only be called once
       in any single process. If desired, this feature can be disabled by supplying
       the "--disable-asteriskssl" option to the configure script.
     * A new make target, 'full', has been added to the Makefile.  This performs
       the same compilation actions as make all, but will also scan the entirety of
       each source file for documentation.  This option is needed to generate AMI
       event documentation.  Note that your system must have Python in order for
       this make target to succeed.
     * The optimization portion of the build system has been reworked to avoid
       broken builds on certain architectures.  All architecture-specific
       optimization has been removed in favor of using -march=native to allow gcc
       to detect the environment in which it is running when possible.  This can
       be toggled as BUILD_NATIVE under "Compiler Flags" in menuselect.
     * BUILD_CFLAGS and BUILD_LDFLAGS can now be passed to menuselect, e.g.,
       make BUILD_CFLAGS="whatever" BUILD_LDFLAGS="whatever"
     * Remove "asterisk/version.h" in favor of "asterisk/ast_version.h".  If you
       previously parsed the header file to obtain the version of Asterisk, you
       will now have to go through Asterisk to get the version information.
     * Added 'F()' option. Similar to the dial option, this can be supplied with
       arguments indicating where the callee should go after the caller is hung up,
       or without options specified, the priority after the Queue will be used.
     * Added menu action admin_toggle_mute_participants.  This will mute / unmute
       all non-admin participants on a conference.  The confbridge configuration
       file also allows for the default sounds played to all conference users when
       this occurs to be overriden using sound_participants_unmuted and
     * Added menu action participant_count.  This will playback the number of
       current participants in a conference.
     * Added announcement configuration option to user profile. If set the sound
       file will be played to the user, and only the user, upon joining the
       conference bridge.
     * Added 'b' and 'B' options to Dial that execute a Gosub on callee and caller
       channels respectively before the callee channels are called.
     * Added support for IPv6.
     * Add interrupt ('I') command to ExternalIVR.  Sending this command from an 
       external process will cause the current playlist to be cleared, including
       stopping any audio file that is currently playing.  This is useful when you
       want to interrupt audio playback only when specific DTMF is entered by the
     * A new option, 'I' has been added to app_followme. By setting this option,
       Asterisk will not update the caller with connected line changes when they
       occur.  This is similar to app_dial and app_queue.
     * The 'N' option is now ignored if the call is already answered.
     * Added 'b' and 'B' options to FollowMe that execute a Gosub on callee
       and caller channels respectively before the callee channels are called.
     * The winning FollowMe outgoing call is now put on hold if the caller put it on
     * MixMonitor hooks now have IDs associated with them which can be used to
       assign a target to StopMixMonitor. Use of MixMonitor's i(variable) option
       will allow storage of the MixMontior ID in a channel variable. StopMixmonitor
       now accepts that ID as an argument.
     * Added 'm' option, which stores a copy of the recording as a voicemail in the
       indicated mailboxes.
    OSP Applications
     * Increased the default number of allowed destinations from 5 to 12.
     * The app_page application now no longer depends on DAHDI or app_meetme.  It
       has been re-architected to use app_confbridge internally.
     * Added queue options autopausebusy and autopauseunavail for automatically
       pausing a queue member when their device reports busy or congestion.
     * The 'ignorebusy' option for queue members has been deprecated in favor of
       the option 'ringinuse. Also a 'queue set ringinuse' CLI command has been
       added as well as an AMI action 'QueueMemberRingInUse' to set this variable on a
       per interface basis. Individual ringinuse values can now be set in
       queues.conf via an argument to member definitions. Lastly, the queue
       'ringinuse' setting now only determines defaults for the per member
       'ringinuse' setting and does not override per member settings like it does
       in earlier versions.
     * Added 'F()' option. Similar to the dial option, this can be supplied with
       arguments indicating where the callee should go after the caller is hung up,
       or without options specified, the priority after the Queue will be used.
     * Added new option log_member_name_as_agent, which will cause the membername to
       be logged in the agent field for ADDMEMBER and REMOVEMEMBER queue events if a
       state_interface has been set.
     * Added 'j' option to SayUnixTime. SayUnixTime no longer auto jumps to extension
       when receiving DTMF.  Use the 'j' option to enable extension jumping. Also
       changed arguments to SayUnixTime so that every option is truly optional even
       when using multiple options (so that j option could be used without having to
       manually specify timezone and format) There are other benefits, e.g., format
       can now be used without specifying time zone as well.
     * Addition of the VM_INFO function - see Function changes.
     * The imapserver, imapport, and imapflags configuration options can now be
       overriden on a user by user basis.
     * When voicemail plays a message's envelope with saycid set to yes, when
       reaching the caller id field it will play a recording of a file with the same
       base name as the sender's callerid if there is a similarly named file in
     * Voicemails now contains a unique message identifier "msg_id", which is stored
       in the message envelope with the sound files.  IMAP backends will now store
       the message identifiers with a header of "X-Asterisk-VM-Message-ID".  ODBC
       backends will store the message identifier in a "msg_id" column.  See
       UPGRADE.txt for more information.
     * Added VoiceMailPlayMsg application.  This application will play a single
       voicemail message from a mailbox.  The result of the application, SUCCESS or
       FAILED, is stored in the channel variable VOICEMAIL_PLAYBACKSTATUS.
     * Hangup handlers can be attached to channels using the CHANNEL() function.
       Hangup handlers will run when the channel is hung up similar to the h
       extension. The hangup_handler_push option will push a GoSub compatible
       location in the dialplan onto the channel's hangup handler stack.  The
       hangup_handler_pop option will remove the last added location, and optionally
       replace it with a new GoSub compatible location.  The hangup_handler_wipe
       option will remove all locations on the stack, and optionally add a new
     * The expression parser now recognizes the ABS() absolute value function,
       which will convert negative floating point values to positive values.
     * FAXOPT(faxdetect) will enable a generic fax detect framehook for dialplan
       control of faxdetect.
     * Addition of the VM_INFO function that can be used to retrieve voicemail
       user information, such as the email address and full name.
       The MAILBOX_EXISTS dialplan function has been deprecated in favour of
     * The REDIRECTING function now supports the redirecting original party id
       and reason.
     * Two new functions have been added: FEATURE() and FEATUREMAP().  FEATURE()
       lets you set some of the configuration options from the [general] section
       of features.conf on a per-channel basis.  FEATUREMAP() lets you customize
       the key sequence used to activate built-in features, such as blindxfer,
       and automon.  See the built-in documentation for details.
     * MESSAGE(from) for incoming SIP messages now returns "display-name" <uri>
       instead of simply the uri.  This is the format that MessageSend() can use
       in the from parameter for outgoing SIP messages.
     * Added the PRESENCE_STATE function.  This allows retrieving presence state
       information from any presence state provider.  It also allows setting
       presence state information from a CustomPresence presence state provider.
       See AMI/CLI changes for related commands.
    Channel Drivers
     * Added a manager event "LocalBridge" for local channel call bridges between
       the two pseudo-channels created.
     * Added dialtone_detect option for analog ports to disconnect incoming
       calls when dialtone is detected.
     * Added option colp_send to send ISDN connected line information.  Allowed
       settings are block, to not send any connected line information; connect, to
       send connected line information on initial connect; and update, to send
       information on any update during a call.  Default is update.
     * A new channel driver named chan_motif has been added which provides support for
       Google Talk and Jingle in a single channel driver. This new channel driver includes
       support for both audio and video, RFC2833 DTMF, all codecs supported by Asterisk,
       hold, unhold, and ringing notification. It is also compliant with the current Jingle
       specification, current Google Jingle specification, and the original Google Talk
     * Added NAT support for RTP.  Setting in config is 'nat', which can be set
       globally and overriden on a peer by peer basis.
     * Direct media functionality has been added. Options in config are: 
       directmedia (directrtp) and directrtpsetup (earlydirect)
     * ChannelUpdate events now contain a CallRef header.
     * Asterisk will no longer substitute CID number for CID name in the display
       name field if CID number exists without a CID name. This change improves
       compatibility with certain device features such as Avaya IP500's directory
       lookup service.
     * A new setting for autocreatepeer (autocreatepeer=persistent) allows peers
       created using that setting to not be removed during SIP reload.
     * Added settings recordonfeature and recordofffeature.  When receiving an INFO
       request with a "Record:" header, this will turn the requested feature on/off.
       Allowed values are 'automon', 'automixmon', and blank to disable.  Note that
       dynamic features must be enabled and configured properly on the requesting
       channel for this to function properly.
     * Add support to realtime for the 'callbackextension' option.
     * When multiple peers exist with the same address, but differing
       callbackextension options, incoming requests that are matched by address
       will be matched to the peer with the matching callbackextension if it is
     * Two new NAT options, auto_force_rport and auto_comedia, have been added
       which set the force_rport and comedia options automatically if Asterisk
       detects that an incoming SIP request crossed a NAT after being sent by
       the remote endpoint.
     * NAT settings are now a combinable list of options. The equivalent of the
       deprecated nat=yes is nat=force_rport,comedia. nat=no behaves as before.
     * Adds an option send_diversion which can be disabled to prevent
       diversion headers from automatically being added to INVITE requests.
     * Add support for lightweight NAT keepalive. If enabled a blank packet will
       be sent to the remote host at a given interval to keep the NAT mapping open.
       This can be enabled using the keepalive configuration option.
     * Add option 'tonezone' to specify country code for indications.  This option
       can be set both globally and overridden for specific peers.
     * The SIP Security Events Framework now supports IPv6.
     * Add a new setting for directmedia, 'outgoing', to alleviate INVITE glares
       between multiple user agents. When set, for directmedia reinvites,
       Asterisk will not send an immediate reinvite on an incoming call leg. This
       option is useful when peered with another SIP user agent that is known to
       send immediate direct media reinvites upon call establishment.
     * Add support for WebSocket transport. This can be configured using 'ws' or 'wss'
       as the transport.
     * When a MESSAGE request is received, the address the request was received from
       is now saved in the SIP_RECVADDR variable.
     * Add ANI2/OLI parsing for SIP.  The "From" header in INVITE requests is now
       parsed for the presence of "isup-oli", "ss7-oli", or "oli" tags.  If present,
       the ANI2/OLI information is set on the channel, which can be retrieved using
       the CALLERID function.
     * Peers can now be configured to support negotiation of ICE candidates using
       the setting icesupport.  See res_rtp_asterisk changes for more information.
     * Added support for format attribute negotiation.  See the Codecs changes for
       more information.
     * Added skinny version 17 protocol support.
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
     * Added ability to use multiple lines for a single phone.  This allows multiple
       calls to occur on a single phone, using callwaiting and switching between calls.
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
     * Added option 'sharpdial' allowing end dialing by pressing # key
     * Added option 'interdigit_timer' to control phone dial timeout
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
     * Added options 'cwstyle', 'cwvolume' controlling callwaiting appearance
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
     * Added global 'debug' option, that enables debug in channel driver
     * Added ability to translate on-screen menu in multiple languages. Tested on
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
       Russian languages.  Supported encodings: ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-2, ISO 8859-4, 
       ISO 8859-5, ISO 2022-JP. Language controlled by 'language' and on-screen 
       menu of phone
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
     * In addition to English added French and Russian languages for on-screen menus
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
     * Reworked dialing number input: added dialing by timeout, immediate dial on 
       on dialplan compare, phone number length now not limited by screen size
     * Added ability to pickup a call using features.conf defined value and 
    Igor Goncharovskiy's avatar
    Igor Goncharovskiy committed
       on-screen key
     * The minimum DTMF duration can now be configured in asterisk.conf
       as "mindtmfduration". The default value is (as before) set to 80 ms.
       (previously it was only available in source code)
     * Named ACLs can now be specified in acl.conf and used in configurations that
       use ACLs. As a general rule, if some derivative of 'permit' or 'deny' is
       used to specify an ACL, a similar form of 'acl' will add a named ACL to the
       working ACL. In addition, some CLI commands have been added to provide
       show information and allow for module reloading - see CLI Changes.
     * DUNDi now allows the built in variables ${NUMBER}, ${IPADDR} and ${SECRET} to
       be used within the dynamic weight attribute when specifying a mapping.
     * CEL backends can now be configured to show "USER_DEFINED" in the EventName
       header, instead of putting the user defined event name there.  When enabled
       the UserDefType header is added for user defined events.  This feature is
       enabled with the setting show_user_defined.
     * Macro has been deprecated in favor of GoSub.  For redirecting and connected
       line purposes use the following variables instead of their macro equivalents:
       CONNECTED_LINE_SEND_SUB_ARGS.  For CCSS, use cc_callback_sub instead of
       cc_callback_macro in channel configurations.
     * A new channel variable, AGIEXITONHANGUP, has been added which allows
       Asterisk to behave like it did in Asterisk 1.4 and earlier where the
       AGI application would exit immediately after a channel hangup is detected.
     * IPv6 addresses are now supported when using FastAGI (agi://).  Hostnames
       are resolved and each address is attempted in turn until one succeeds or
       all fail.
    AMI (Asterisk Manager Interface)
     * Originate now generates an error response if the extension given is not found
       in the dialplan
     * MixMonitor will now show IDs associated with the mixmonitor upon creating
       them if the i(variable) option is used. StopMixMonitor will accept
       MixMonitorID as an option to close specific MixMonitors.
     * The SIPshowpeer manager action response field "SIP-Forcerport" has been
       updated to include information about peers configured with
       nat=auto_force_rport by returning "A" if auto_force_rport is set and nat is
       detected, and "a" if it is set and nat is not detected. "Y" and "N" are still
       returned if auto_force_rport is not enabled.
     * Hangup now can take a regular expression as the Channel option.  If you want
       to hangup multiple channels, use /regex/ as the Channel option.  Existing 
       behavior to hanging up a single channel is unchanged, but if you pass a regex,
       the manager will send you a list of channels back that were hung up.
     * Support for IPv6 addresses has been added.
     * AMI Events can now be documented in the Asterisk source. Note that AMI event
       documentation is only generated when Asterisk is compiled using 'make full'.
       See the CLI section for commands to display AMI event information.
     * The AMI Hangup event now includes the AccountCode header so you can easily
       correlate with AMI Newchannel events.
     * The QueueMemberStatus, QueueMemberAdded, and QueueMember events now include
       the StateInterface of the queue member.
     * Added AMI event SessionTimeout in the Call category that is issued when a
       call is terminated due to either RTP stream inactivity or SIP session timer
     * CEL events can now contain a user defined header UserDefType.  See core
       changes for more information.
     * OOH323 ChannelUpdate events now contain a CallRef header.
     * Added PresenceState command.  This command will report the presence state for
       the given presence provider.
     * Added Parkinglots command.  This will list all parking lots as a series of
       AMI Parkinglot events.
     * Added MessageSend command.  This behaves in the same manner as the
       MessageSend application, and is a technolgoy agnostic mechanism to send out
       of call text messages.
     * Added "message" class authorization.  This grants an account permission to
       send out of call messages.  Write-only.
     * The "mixmonitor list <channel>" command will now show MixMonitor ID, and the
       filenames of all running mixmonitors on a channel.
     * The debug level of "pri set debug" is now a bitmask ranging from 0 to 15 if
       numeric instead of 0, 1, or 2.
     * "stun show status" will show a table describing how the STUN client is
     * "acl show [named acl]" will show information regarding a Named ACL.  The
       acl module can be reloaded with "reload acl".
     * Added CLI command to display AMI event information - "manager show events",
       which shows a list of all known and documented AMI events, and "manager show
       event [event name]", which shows detail information about a specific AMI
     * The result of the CLI command "queue show" now includes the state interface
       information of the queue member.
     * The command "core set verbose" will now set a separate level of logging for
       each remote console without affecting any other console.
     * Added command "cdr show pgsql status" to check connection status
     * "sip show channel" will now display the complete route set.
     * Added "presencestate list" command.  This command will list all custom
       presence states that have been set by using the PRESENCE_STATE dialplan
     * Added "presencestate change <entity> <state>[,<subtype>[,message[,options]]]"
       command.  This changes a custom presence to a new state.
     * Codec lists may now be modified by the '!' character, to allow succinct
       specification of a list of codecs allowed and disallowed, without the
       requirement to use two different keywords.  For example, to specify all
       codecs except g729 and g723, one need only specify allow=all,!g729,!g723.
     * Add support for parsing SDP attributes, generating SDP attributes, and
       passing it through. This support includes codecs such as H.263, H.264, SILK,
       and CELT. You are able to set up a call and have attribute information pass.
       This should help considerably with video calls.
     * Asterisk version and build information is now logged at the beginning of a
       log file.
     * Threads belonging to a particular call are now linked with callids which get
       added to any log messages produced by those threads. Log messages can now be
       easily identified as involved with a certain call by looking at their call id.
       Call ids may also be attached to log messages for just about any case where
       it can be determined to be related to a particular call.
     * Each logging destination and console now have an independent notion of the
       current verbosity level.  Logger.conf now allows an optional argument to
       the 'verbose' specifier, indicating the level of verbosity sent to that
       particular logging destination.  Additionally, remote consoles now each
       have their own verbosity level.  The command 'core set verbose' will now set
       a separate level for each remote console without affecting any other
    Music On Hold
     * Added 'announcement' option which will play at the start of MOH and between
       songs in modes of MOH that can detect transitions between songs (eg.
       files, mp3, etc).
     * New per parking lot options: comebackcontext and comebackdialtime. See
       configs/features.conf.sample for more details.
     * Channel variable PARKER is now set when comebacktoorigin is disabled in
       a parking lot.
     * Channel variable PARKEDCALL is now set with the name of the parking lot 
       when a timeout occurs.
    CDR Postgresql Driver
     * Added command "cdr show pgsql status" to check connection status
    CDR Adaptive ODBC Driver
     * Added schema option for databases that support specifying a schema.
    Resource Modules
     * A CALENDAR_SUCCESS=1/0 channel variable is now set to show whether or not 
       CALENDAR_WRITE has completed successfully.
     * A new option, 'probation' has been added to rtp.conf
       RTP in strictrtp mode can now require more than 1 packet to exit learning
       mode with a new source (and by default requires 4). The probation option
       allows the user to change the required number of packets in sequence to any
       desired value. Use a value of 1 to essentially restore the old behavior.
       Also, with strictrtp on, Asterisk will now drop all packets until learning
       mode has successfully exited. These changes are based on how pjmedia handles
       media sources and source changes.
     * Add support for ICE/STUN/TURN in res_rtp_asterisk.  This option can be
       enabled or disabled using the icesupport setting.  A variety of other
       settings have been introduced to configure STUN/TURN connections.
     * A new module, res_corosync, has been introduced.  This module uses the
       Corosync cluster enginer ( to allow a local cluster
       of Asterisk servers to both Message Waiting Indication (MWI) and/or
       Device State (presence) information.  This module is very similar to, and
       is a replacement for the res_ais module that was in previous releases of
     * This module adds a cleaned up, drop-in replacement for res_jabber called
       res_xmpp. This provides the same externally facing functionality but is
       implemented differently internally.  res_jabber has been deprecated in favor
       of res_xmpp; please see the UPGRADE.txt file for more information.
     * The safe_asterisk script has been updated to allow several of its parameters
       to be set from environment variables.  This also enables a custom run
       directory of Asterisk to be specified, instead of defaulting to /tmp.
     * The live_ast script will now look for the LIVE_AST_BASE_DIR variable and use
       its value to determine the directory to assume is the top-level directory of
       the source tree.  If the variable is not set, it defaults to the current
       behavior and uses the current working directory.
    --- Functionality changes from Asterisk 1.8 to Asterisk 10 -------------------
    Text Messaging
     * Asterisk now has protocol independent support for processing text messages
       outside of a call.  Messages are routed through the Asterisk dialplan.
       SIP MESSAGE and XMPP are currently supported.  There are options in
       jabber.conf and sip.conf to allow enabling these features.
         -> jabber.conf: see the "sendtodialplan" and "context" options.
         -> sip.conf: see the "accept_outofcall_message", "auth_message_requests"
            and "outofcall_message_context" options.
       The MESSAGE() dialplan function and MessageSend() application have been
       added to go along with this functionality.  More detailed usage information
       can be found on the Asterisk wiki (
     * If real-time text support (T.140) is negotiated, it will be preferred for
       sending text via the SendText application. For example, via SIP, messages
       that were once sent via the SIP MESSAGE request would be sent via RTP if
       T.140 text is negotiated for a call.
     * parkedmusicclass can now be set for non-default parking lots.
    Asterisk Manager Interface
     * PeerStatus now includes Address and Port.
     * Added Hold events for when the remote party puts the call on and off hold
       for chan_dahdi ISDN channels.
     * Added new action MeetmeListRooms to list active conferences (shows same
       data as "meetme list" at the CLI).
     * DAHDIShowChannels, SIPshowpeer, SIPpeers, and IAXpeers now contains a
       Description field that is set by 'description' in the channel configuration
     * Added Uniqueid header to UserEvent.
     * Added new action FilterAdd to control event filters for the current session.
       This requires the system permission and uses the same filter syntax as
       filters that can be defined in manager.conf
     * The Unlink event is now a Bridge event with Bridgestatus: Unlink. Previous
       versions had some instances of the event converted, but others were left
       as-is. All Unlink events should now be converted to Bridge events. The AMI
       protocol version number was incremented to 1.2 as a result of this change.
    Asterisk HTTP Server
     * The HTTP Server can bind to IPv6 addresses.
     * Busy tone patterns featuring 2 silence and 2 tone lengths can now be used
       with busydetect.  usage example: busypattern=200,200,200,600
     * New 'gtalk show settings' command showing the current settings loaded from
     * The 'logger reload' command now supports an optional argument, specifying an
       alternate configuration file to use.
     * 'dialplan add extension' command will now automatically create a context if
       the specified context does not exist with a message indicated it did so.
     * 'sip show peers', 'iax show peers', and 'dahdi show peers' now contains a
       Description field which can be populated with 'description' in the channel
       configuration files (sip.conf, iax2.conf, and chan_dahdi.conf).
     * The filter option in cdr_adaptive_odbc now supports negating the argument,
       thus allowing records which do NOT match the specified filter.
     * Added ability to log CONGESTION calls to CDR
     * Ability to define custom SILK formats in codecs.conf.
     * Addition of speex32 audio format with translation.
     * CELT codec pass-through support and ability to define
       custom CELT formats in codecs.conf.
     * Ability to read raw signed linear files with sample rates
       ranging from 8khz - 192khz.  The new file extensions introduced
       are .sln12, .sln24, .sln32, .sln44, .sln48, .sln96, .sln192.
     * Due to protocol limitations, channel drivers other than SIP (eg. IAX2, MGCP,
       Skinny, H.323, etc) can still only support the following codecs:
       Audio: ulaw, alaw, slin, slin16, g719, g722, g723, g726, g726aal2, g729, gsm,
              siren7, siren14, speex, speex16, ilbc, lpc10, adpcm
       Video: h261, h263, h263p, h264, mpeg4
       Image: jpeg, png
       Text:  red, t140
     * New highly optimized and customizable ConfBridge application capable of
       mixing audio at sample rates ranging from 8khz-96khz.
     * CONFBRIDGE dialplan function capable of creating dynamic ConfBridge user
       and bridge profiles on a channel.
     * CONFBRIDGE_INFO dialplan function capable of retrieving information 
       about a conference such as locked status and number of parties, admins,
       and marked users.
     * Addition of video_mode option in confbridge.conf for adding video support
       into a bridge profile.
     * Addition of the follow_talker video_mode in confbridge.conf.  This video
       mode dynamically switches the video feed to always display the loudest talker
       supplying video in the conference.
    Dialplan Variables
       ASTAGIDIR, ASTSPOOLDIR, ASTRUNDIR, ASTLOGDIR which hold the equivalent
       variables from asterisk.conf.
    Tilghman Lesher's avatar
    Tilghman Lesher committed
    Dialplan Functions
     * Addition of the JITTERBUFFER dialplan function. This function allows
       for jitterbuffering to occur on the read side of a channel.  By using
       this function conference applications such as ConfBridge and MeetMe can
       have the rx streams jitterbuffered before conference mixing occurs.
    Tilghman Lesher's avatar
    Tilghman Lesher committed
     * Added DB_KEYS, which lists the next set of keys in the Asterisk database
    Jonathan Rose's avatar
    Jonathan Rose committed
     * Added STRREPLACE function.  This function let's the user search a variable
       for a given string to replace with another string as many times as the
       user specifies or just throughout the whole string.
    Gregory Nietsky's avatar
    Gregory Nietsky committed
     * Added option to CHANNEL(pickupgroup) allow reading and setting the pickupgroup of channel.
     * Mark VALID_EXTEN() deprecated in favor of DIALPLAN_EXISTS()
     * Added extensions to chan_ooh323 in function CHANNEL()
    Tilghman Lesher's avatar
    Tilghman Lesher committed
    libpri channel driver (chan_dahdi) DAHDI changes
     * Added moh_signaling option to specify what to do when the channel's bridged
       peer puts the ISDN channel on hold.
     * Added display_send and display_receive options to control how the display ie
       is handled.  To send display text from the dialplan use the SendText()
       application when the option is enabled.
     * Added mcid_send option to allow sending a MCID request on a span.
     * Added setvar option to calendar.conf to allow setting channel variables on
       notification channels.
     * Added "calendar show types" CLI command to list registered calendar
     * Added two new options, r and t with file name arguments to record 
       single direction (unmixed) audio recording separate from the bidirectional
       (mixed) recording.  The mixed file name argument is optional now as long
       as at least one recording option is used.
     * Added a new option, l, which will disable local call optimization for
       channels involved with the FollowMe thread.  Use this option to improve
       compatability for a FollowMe call with certain dialplan apps, options, and
     * Added option "k" that will automatically close the conference when there's
       only one person left when a user exits the conference.
     * cel_pgsql now supports the 'extra' column for data added using the
       CELGenUserEvent() application.
     * Support for defining hints has been added to pbx_lua.  See the 'hints' table
       in the sample extensions.lua file for syntax details.
     * Applications that perform jumps in the dialplan such as Goto will now
       execute properly.  When pbx_lua detects that the context, extension, or
       priority we are executing on has changed it will immediately return control
       to the asterisk PBX engine.  Currently the engine cannot detect a Goto to
       the priority after the currently executing priority.
     * An autoservice is now started by default for pbx_lua channels.  It can be
       stopped and restarted using the autoservice_stop() and autoservice_start()
     * The ReceiveFAXStatus and SendFAXStatus manager events have been consolidated
       into a FAXStatus event with an 'Operation' header that will be either
       'send', 'receive', and 'gateway'.
     * T.38 gateway functionality has been added to res_fax (and res_fax_spandsp).
       Set FAXOPT(gateway)=yes to enable this functionality on a channel. This
       feature will handle converting a fax call between an audio T.30 fax terminal
       and an IFP T.38 fax terminal.
    SIP Changes
     * Add T38 support for REJECTED state where T.38 Negotiation is explicitly rejected.
     * Add option encryption_taglen to set auth taglen only 32 and 80 are supported currently.
     * SIP now generates security events using the Security Events Framework for REGISTER and INVITE.
    Queue changes
     * Added general option negative_penalty_invalid default off. when set
       members are seen as invalid/logged out when there penalty is negative.
       for realtime members when set remove from queue will set penalty to -1.
     * Added queue option autopausedelay when autopause is enabled it will be
       delayed for this number of seconds since last successful call if there
       was no prior call the agent will be autopaused immediately.
     * Added member option ignorebusy this when set and ringinuse is not
       will allow per member control of multiple calls as ringinuse does for
       the Queue.
     * Added global option check_state_unknown to enforce checking of device state
       when the device state is unknown app_queue will see unknown as available.
     * Added 'v' option to MeetMe to play voicemail greetings when a user joins/leaves
       a MeetMe conference
     * Added 'k' option to MeetMe to automatically kill the conference when there's only
       one participant left (much like a normal call bridge)
     * Added extra argument to Originate to set timeout.
    Asterisk Database
     * The internal Asterisk database has been switched from Berkeley DB 1.86 to
       SQLite 3. An existing Berkeley astdb file can be converted with the astdb2sqlite3
       utility in the UTILS section of menuselect. If an existing astdb is found and no
       astdb.sqlite3 exists, astdb2sqlite3 will be compiled automatically. Asterisk will
       convert an existing astdb to the SQLite3 version automatically at runtime.
    Asterisk Modules
     * Modules marked as deprecated are no longer marked as building by default. Enabling
       these modules is still available via menuselect.
    IAX2 Changes
     * authdebug is now disabled by default. To enable this functionaility again
       set authdebug = yes in iax.conf.
    RTP Changes
     * The rtp.conf setting "strictrtp" is now enabled by default. In previous
       releases it was disabled.
    PBX Core
     * The PBX core previously made a call with a non-existing extension test for
       extension s@default and jump there if the extension existed.
       This was a bad default behaviour and violated the principle of least surprise.
       It has therefore been changed in this release. It may affect some
       applications and configurations that rely on this behaviour. Most channel
       drivers have avoided this for many releases by testing whether the extension
       called exists before starting the PBX and generating a local error.
       This behaviour still exists and works as before.
       Extension "s" is used when no extension is given in a channel driver,
       like immediate answer in DAHDI or calling to a domain with no user part
       in a SIP uri.
    --- Functionality changes from Asterisk 1.6.2 to Asterisk 1.8 ----------------
    SIP Changes
     * Due to potential username discovery vulnerabilities, the 'nat' setting in sip.conf
       now defaults to force_rport. It is very important that phones requiring nat=no be
       specifically set as such instead of relying on the default setting. If at all
       possible, all devices should have nat settings configured in the general section as
       opposed to configuring nat per-device.
     * Added preferred_codec_only option in sip.conf. This feature limits the joint
       codecs sent in response to an INVITE to the single most preferred codec.
     * Added SIP_CODEC_OUTBOUND dialplan variable which can be used to set the codec
       to be used for the outgoing call. It must be one of the codecs configured
       for the device.
    David Vossel's avatar
    David Vossel committed
     * Added tlsprivatekey option to sip.conf.  This allows a separate .pem file
       to be used for holding a private key.  If tlsprivatekey is not specified,
       tlscertfile is searched for both public and private key.
     * Added tlsclientmethod option to sip.conf.  This allows the protocol for
       outbound client connections to be specified.
     * The sendrpid parameter has been expanded to include the options
       'rpid' and 'pai'. Setting sendrpid to 'rpid' will cause Remote-Party-ID
       header to be sent (equivalent to setting sendrpid=yes) and setting
       sendrpid to 'pai' will cause P-Asserted-Identity header to be sent.
     * The 'ignoresdpversion' behavior has been made automatic when the SDP received
       is in response to a T.38 re-INVITE that Asterisk initiated. In this situation,
       since the call will fail if Asterisk does not process the incoming SDP, Asterisk
       will accept the SDP even if the SDP version number is not properly incremented,
       but will generate a warning in the log indicating that the SIP peer that sent
       the SDP should have the 'ignoresdpversion' option set.
     * The 'nat' option has now been been changed to have yes, no, force_rport, and
       comedia as valid values. Setting it to yes forces RFC 3581 behavior and enables
       symmetric RTP support. Setting it to no only enables RFC 3581 behavior if the
       remote side requests it and disables symmetric RTP support. Setting it to
       force_rport forces RFC 3581 behavior and disables symmetric RTP support.
       Setting it to comedia enables RFC 3581 behavior if the remote side requests it
       and enables symmetric RTP support.
     * Slave SIP channels now set HASH(SIP_CAUSE,<slave-channel-name>) on each
       response.  This permits the master channel to know how each channel dialled
       in a multi-channel setup resolved in an individual way. This carries a
       performance penalty and can be disabled in sip.conf using the
       'storesipcause' option.
     * Added 'externtcpport' and 'externtlsport' options to allow custom port
       configuration for the externip and externhost options when tcp or tls is used.
     * Added support for message body (stored in content variable) to SIP NOTIFY message
       accessible via AMI and CLI.
     * Added 'media_address' configuration option which can be used to explicitly specify
       the IP address to use in the SDP for media (audio, video, and text) streams.
     * Added 'unsolicited_mailbox' configuration option which specifies the virtual mailbox
       that the new/old count should be stored on if an unsolicited MWI NOTIFY message is
     * Added 'use_q850_reason' configuration option for generating and parsing
       if available  Reason: Q.850;cause=<cause code> header. It is implemented
       in some gateways for better passing PRI/SS7 cause codes via SIP.
     * When dialing SIP peers, a new component may be added to the end of the dialstring
       to indicate that a specific remote IP address or host should be used when dialing
       the particular peer. The dialstring format is SIP/peer/exten/host_or_IP.
     * SRTP SDES support for encrypting calls to/from Asterisk over SIP. The
       ability to selectively force bridged channels to also be encrypted is also
       implemented. Branching in the dialplan can be done based on whether or not
       a channel has secure media and/or signaling.
     * Added directmediapermit/directmediadeny to limit which peers can send direct media
       to each other
     * Added the 'snom_aoc_enabled' option to turn on support for sending Advice of
       Charge messages to snom phones.
     * Added support for G.719 media streams.
     * Added support for 16khz signed linear media streams.
    Mark Michelson's avatar
    Mark Michelson committed
     * SIP is now able to bind to and communicate with IPv6 addresses. In addition,
       RTP has been outfitted with the same abilities.
     * Added support for setting the Max-Forwards: header in SIP requests. Setting is
       available in device configurations as well as in the dial plan.
     * Addition of the 'subscribe_network_change' option for turning on and off
       res_stun_monitor module support in chan_sip.
     * Addition of the 'auth_options_requests' option for turning on and off
       authentication for OPTIONS requests in chan_sip.
    Paul Belanger's avatar
    Paul Belanger committed
    Configuration files
     * Add #tryinclude statement for config files.  This provides the same
       functionality as the #include statement however an asterisk module will
       still load if the filename does not exist.  Using the #include statement
       Asterisk will not allow the module to load.
    IAX2 Changes
     * Added rtsavesysname option into iax.conf to allow the systname to be saved
       on realtime updates.
     * Added the ability for chan_iax2 to inform the dialplan whether or not
       encryption is being used. This interoperates with the SIP SRTP implementation
       so that a secure SIP call can be bridged to a secure IAX call when the
       dialplan requires bridged channels to be "secure".
     * Addition of the 'subscribe_network_change' option for turning on and off
       res_stun_monitor module support in chan_iax.
    MGCP Changes
     * Added ability to preset channel variables on indicated lines with the setvar
       configuration option.  Also, clearvars=all resets the list of variables back
       to none.
     * PacketCable NCS 1.0 support has been added for Docsis/Eurodocsis Networks.
       See configs/res_pktccops.conf for more information.
    XMPP Google Talk/Jingle changes
      * Added the externip option to gtalk.conf.
      * Added the stunaddr option to gtalk.conf which allows for the automatic
        retrieval of the external ip from a stun server.
     * Added 'p' option to PickupChan() to allow for picking up channel by the first
       match to a partial channel name.
     * Added .m3u support for Mp3Player application.
     * Added progress option to the app_dial D() option.  When progress DTMF is
       present, those values are sent immediately upon receiving a PROGRESS message
       regardless if the call has been answered or not.
     * Added functionality to the app_dial F() option to continue with execution
       at the current location when no parameters are provided.
     * Added the 'a' option to app_dial to answer the calling channel before any
       announcements or macros are executed.
     * Modified app_dial to set answertime when the called channel answers even if
       the called channel hangs up during playback of an announcement.
     * Modified app_dial 'r' option to support an additional parameter to play an
       indication tone from indications.conf
     * Added c() option to app_chanspy. This option allows custom DTMF to be set
       to cycle through the next available channel.  By default this is still '*'.
     * Added x() option to app_chanspy.  This option allows DTMF to be set to
       exit the application.
     * The Voicemail application has been improved to automatically ignore messages
       that only contain silence.
     * If you set maxmsg to 0 in voicemail.conf, Voicemail will consider the
       associated mailbox(es) to be greetings-only.
     * The ChanSpy application now has the 'S' option, which makes the application
       automatically exit once it hits a point where no more channels are available