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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Sep 02, 2021
    • sungtae kim's avatar
      resource_channels.c: Fix wrong external media parameter parse · 79d6d222
      sungtae kim authored
      Fixed ARI external media handler to accept body parameters.
      Change-Id: I49509c48a6cbc0fb4165bfa4f834b5e8b9ace20d
    • Sean Bright's avatar
      config_options: Handle ACO arrays correctly in generated XML docs. · 5029e78f
      Sean Bright authored
      There are 3 separate changes here but they are all closely related:
      * Only try to set matchfield attributes on 'field' nodes
      * We need to adjust how we treat the category pointer based on the
        value of the category_match, to avoid memory corruption. We now
        generate a regex-like string when match types other than
        ACO_WHITELIST and ACO_BLACKLIST are used.
      * Switch app_agent_pool from ACO_BLACKLIST_ARRAY to
        ACO_BLACKLIST_EXACT since we only have one category we need to
        ignore, not two.
      ASTERISK-29614 #close
      Change-Id: I7be7bdb1bb9814f942bc6bb4fdd0a55a7b7efe1e
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      chan_iax2: Add ANI2/OLI information element · 3072c540
      Naveen Albert authored
      Adds an information element for ANI2 so that
      Originating Line Information can be transmitted
      over IAX2 channels.
      ASTERISK-29605 #close
      Change-Id: Iaeacdf6ccde18eaff7f776a0f49fee87dcb549d2
    • Mark Murawski's avatar
      pbx_ael: Fix crash and lockup issue regarding 'ael reload' · bbf4f300
      Mark Murawski authored
      Currently pbx_ael does not check if a reload is currently pending
      before proceeding with a reload. This can cause multiple threads to
      operate at the same time on what should be mutex protected data. This
      change adds protection to reloading to ensure only one ael reload is
      executing at a time.
      ASTERISK-29609 #close
      Change-Id: I5ed392ad226f6e4e7696ad742076d3e45c57af35
  2. Sep 01, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_read: Allow reading # as a digit · 6cc004dc
      Naveen Albert authored
      Allows for the digit # to be read as a digit,
      just like any other DTMF digit, as opposed to
      forcing it to be used as an end of input
      indicator. The default behavior remains
      ASTERISK-18454 #close
      Change-Id: I3033432adb9d296ad227e76b540b8b4a2417665b
    • Sebastien Duthil's avatar
      res_rtp_asterisk: Automatically refresh stunaddr from DNS · 6fbf55ac
      Sebastien Duthil authored
      This allows the STUN server to change its IP address without having to
      reload the res_rtp_asterisk module.
      The refresh of the name resolution occurs first when the module is
      loaded, then recurringly, slightly after the previous DNS answer TTL
      ASTERISK-29508 #close
      Change-Id: I7955a046293f913ba121bbd82153b04439e3465f
  3. Aug 26, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      bridge_basic: Change warning to verbose if transfer cancelled · f01a0398
      Naveen Albert authored
      The attended transfer feature will emit a warning if the user
      cancels the transfer or the attended transfer doesn't complete
      for any reason. Changes the warning to a verbose message,
      since nothing is actually wrong here.
      ASTERISK-29612 #close
      Change-Id: I64c93cdb21360a0a8d45e9cb6db3af8168f66e6d
  4. Aug 25, 2021
  5. Aug 20, 2021
    • Sarah Autumn's avatar
      sig_analog: Changes to improve electromechanical signalling compatibility · 466eb4a5
      Sarah Autumn authored
      This changeset is intended to address compatibility issues encountered
      when interfacing Asterisk to electromechanical telephone switches that
      implement ANI-B, ANI-C, or ANI-D.
      In particular the behaviours that this impacts include:
       - FGC-CAMA did not work at all when using MF signaling. Modified the
         switch case block to send calls to the correct part of the
         signaling-handling state machine.
       - For FGC-CAMA operation, the delay between called number ST and
         second wink for ANI spill has been made configurable; previously
         all calls were made to wait for one full second.
       - After the ANI spill, previous behavior was to require a 'ST' tone
         to advance the call.  This has been changed to allow 'STP' 'ST2P'
         or 'ST3P' as well, for compatibility with ANI-D.
       - Store ANI2 (ANI INFO) digits in the CALLERID(ANI2) channel variable.
       - For calls with an ANI failure, No. 1 Crossbar switches will send
         forward a single-digit failure code, with no calling number digits
         and no ST pulse to terminate the spill.  I've made the ANI timeout
         configurable so to reduce dead air time on calls with ANI fail.
       - ANI info digits configurable.  Modern digital switches will send 2
         digits, but ANI-B sends only a single info digit.  This caused the
         ANI reported by Asterisk to be misaligned.
       - Changed a confusing log message to be more informative.
      Change-Id: Ib7e27d987aee4ed9bc3663c57ef413e21b404256
    • Andre Barbosa's avatar
      media_cache: Don't lock when curl the remote file · c4839c04
      Andre Barbosa authored
      When playing a remote sound file, which is not in cache, first we need
      to download it with ast_bucket_file_retrieve.
      This can take a while if the remote host is slow. The current CURL
      timeout is 180secs, so in extreme situations, it can take 3 minutes to
      Because ast_media_cache_retrieve has a lock on all function, while we
      are waiting for the delayed download, Asterisk is not able to play any
      more files, even the files already cached locally.
      ASTERISK-29544 #close
      Change-Id: I8d4142b463ae4a1d4c41bff2bf63324821567408
  6. Aug 19, 2021
    • George Joseph's avatar
      res_pjproject: Allow mapping to Asterisk TRACE level · 84f2bf43
      George Joseph authored
      Allow mapping pjproject log messages to the Asterisk TRACE
      log level.  The defaults were also changes to log pjproject
      levels 3,4 to DEBUG and 5,6 to TRACE.  Previously 3,4,5,6
      all went to DEBUG.
      Change-Id: I859a37a8dec263ed68099709cfbd3e665324c72d
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_milliwatt: Timing fix · 314d8776
      Naveen Albert authored
      The Milliwatt application uses incorrect tone timings
      that cause it to play the 1004 Hz tone constantly.
      This adds an option to enable the correct timing
      behavior, so that the Milliwatt application can
      be used for milliwatt test lines. The default behavior
      remains unchanged for compatability reasons, even
      though it is incorrect.
      ASTERISK-29575 #close
      Change-Id: I73ccc6c6fcaa31931c6fff3b85ad1805b2ce9d8c
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      func_math: Return integer instead of float if possible · 85ef06d3
      Naveen Albert authored
      The MIN, MAX, and ABS functions all support float
      arguments, but currently return floats even if the
      arguments are all integers and the response is
      a whole number, in which case the user is likely
      expecting an integer. This casts the float to an integer
      before printing into the response buffer if possible.
      Change-Id: I902d29eacf3ecd0f8a6a5e433c97f0421d205488
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_morsecode: Add American Morse code · 5c9d7a03
      Naveen Albert authored
      Previously, the Morsecode application only supported international
      Morse code. This adds support for American Morse code and adds an
      option to configure the frequency used in off intervals.
      Additionally, the application checks for hangup between tones
      to prevent application execution from continuing after hangup.
      Change-Id: I172431a2e18e6527d577e74adfb05b154cba7bd4
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      func_scramble: Audio scrambler function · 498db708
      Naveen Albert authored
      Adds a function to scramble audio on a channel using
      whole spectrum frequency inversion. This can be used
      as a privacy enhancement with applications like
      ChanSpy or other potentially sensitive audio.
      Change-Id: I01020769d91060a1f56a708eb405f87648d1a67e
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_originate: Add ability to set codecs · a099f13a
      Naveen Albert authored
      A list of codecs to use for dialplan-originated calls can
      now be specified in Originate, similar to the ability
      in call files and the manager action.
      Additionally, we now default to just using the slin codec
      for originated calls, rather than all the slin* codecs up
      through slin192, which has been known to cause issues
      and inconsistencies from AMI and call file behavior.
      Change-Id: I96a1aeb83d54b635b7a51e1b4680f03791622883
    • Alexander Traud's avatar
      BuildSystem: Remove two dead exceptions for compiler Clang. · 137bd7fe
      Alexander Traud authored
      Commit 305ce3de added -Wno-parentheses-equality to Makefile.rules,
      turning the previous two warning suppressions from commit e9520dbe
      redundant. Let us remove the latter.
      Change-Id: I0b471254b31e6e05902062761dded4b3e626c7ac
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      chan_alsa, chan_sip: Add replacement to moduleinfo · 0ca3ebe7
      Naveen Albert authored
      Adds replacement modules to the moduleinfo for
      chan_alsa and chan_sip.
      ASTERISK-29601 #close
      Change-Id: I7a4877b0d5c0c17e088e8fa8ebbfa9a195223cbc
  7. Aug 18, 2021
  8. Aug 17, 2021
  9. Aug 16, 2021
  10. Aug 11, 2021
    • Joshua C. Colp's avatar
      policy: Deprecate modules and add versions to others. · 93870e7b
      Joshua C. Colp authored
      app_meetme is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      app_osplookup is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      chan_alsa is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      chan_mgcp is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      chan_skinny is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      res_pktccops is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      app_macro was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 21.
      chan_sip was deprecated in 17, to be removed in 21.
      res_monitor was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 21.
      Change-Id: Ic3bee31a10d42c4b3bbc913d893f7b2a28a27131