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  1. Mar 15, 2016
  2. Mar 14, 2016
  3. Mar 13, 2016
    • George Joseph's avatar
      build_system: Split COMPILE_DOUBLE from DONT_OPTIMIZE · 0af6b5de
      George Joseph authored
      I can't ever recall actually needing the intermediate files or the checking
      that a double compile produces.  What I CAN remember is every DONT_OPTIMIZE
      build needing 3 invocations of gcc instead of 1 just to do the checks and
      produce those intermediate files.
      Having said that, Richard pointed out that the reason for the double compile
      was that there were cases in the past where a submitted patch failed to compile
      because the submitter never tried it with the optimizations turned on.
      To get the best of both worlds, COMPILE_DOUBLE has been split into its own
      option.  If DONT_OPTIMIZE is turned on, COMPILE_DOUBLE will also be selected
      BUT you can then turn it off if all you need are the debugging symbols.  This
      way you have to make an informed decision about disabling COMPILE_DOUBLE.
      To allow COMPILE_DOUBLE to be both auto-selected and turned off, a new feature
      was added to menuselect.  The <use> element can now contain an "autoselect"
      attribute which will turn the used member on but not create a hard dependency.
      The cflags.xml implementation for COMPILE_DOUBLE looks like this...
      <member name="DONT_OPTIMIZE" displayname="Disable Optimizations ...">
      	<use autoselect="yes">COMPILE_DOUBLE</use>
      <member name="COMPILE_DOUBLE" displayname="Pre-compile with ...>
      When DONT_OPTIMIZE is turned on, COMPILE_DOUBLE is turned on because
      of the use.
      When DONT_OPTIMIZE is turned off, COMPILE_DOUBLE is turned off because
      of the depend.
      When COMPILE_DOUBLE is turned on, DONT_OPTIMIZE is turned on because
      of the depend.
      When COMPILE_DOUBLE is turned off, DONT_OPTIMIZE is left as is because
      it only uses COMPILE_DOUBLE, it doesn't depend on it.
      I also made a few tweaks to the ncurses implementation to move things
      left a bit to allow longer descriptions.
      Change-Id: Id49ca930ac4b5ec4fc2d8141979ad888da7b1611
  4. Mar 11, 2016
    • Walter Doekes's avatar
      app_chanspy: Fix occasional deadlock with ChanSpy and Local channels. · dcb25bb0
      Walter Doekes authored
      Channel masquerading had a conflict with autochannel locking.
      When locking autochannel->channel, the channel is fetched from the
      autochannel and then locked. During the fetch, the autochannel -- which
      has no locks itself -- can be modified by someone who owns the channel
      lock. That means that the value of autochan->channel cannot be trusted
      until you hold the lock.
      In practice, this caused problems with Local channels getting
      masqueraded away while the ChanSpy attempted to get info from that
      channel. The old channel which was about to get removed got locked, but
      the new (replaced) channel got unlocked (no-op). Because the replaced
      channel was now locked (and would never get unlocked), it couldn't get
      removed from the channel list in a timely manner, and would now cause
      deadlocks when iterating over the channel list.
      This change checks the autochannel after locking the channel for changes
      to the autochannel. If the channel had been changed, the lock is
      reobtained on the new channel.
      In theory it seems possible that after this fix, the lock attempt on the
      old (wrong) channel can be on an already destroyed lock, maybe causing
      a crash. But that hasn't been observed in the wild and is harder induce
      than the current deadlock.
      Thanks go to Filip Frank for suggesting a fix similar to this and
      especially to IRC user hexanol for pointing out why this deadlock was
      possible and testing this fix. And to Richard for catching my rookie
      while loop mistake ;)
      ASTERISK-25321 #close
      Change-Id: I293ae0014e531cd0e675c3f02d1d118a98683def
  5. Mar 10, 2016
  6. Mar 09, 2016
  7. Mar 08, 2016
  8. Mar 07, 2016
    • George Joseph's avatar
      res_pjsip: Strip spaces from items parsed from comma-separated lists · d2eb65f7
      George Joseph authored
      Configurations like "aors = a, b, c" were either ignoring everything after "a"
      or trying to look up " b".  Same for mailboxes,  ciphers, contacts and a few
      To fix, all the strsep(&copy, ",") calls have been wrapped in ast_strip.  To
      facilitate this, ast_strip, ast_skip_blanks and ast_skip_nonblanks were
      updated to handle null pointers.
      In some cases, an ast_strlen_zero() test was added to skip consecutive commas.
      There was also an attempt to ast_free an ast_strdupa'd string in
      ast_sip_for_each_aor which was causing a SEGV.  I removed it.
      Although this issue was reported for realtime, the issue was in the res_pjsip
      modules so all config mechanisms were affected.
      ASTERISK-25829 #close
      Reported-by: Mateusz Kowalski
      Change-Id: I0b22a2cf22a7c1c50d4ecacbfa540155bec0e7a2
    • Rodrigo Ramírez Norambuena's avatar
      res_odbc_transaction: fix some format tab · f690c105
      Rodrigo Ramírez Norambuena authored
      Change-Id: I265e4ac47c629c9a63dd86b59df82a7ab3c64384
    • Rodrigo Ramírez Norambuena's avatar
      main/cli.c: Refactor function to print seconds formatted · 0ec9fe54
      Rodrigo Ramírez Norambuena authored
      Refactor and created function ast_cli_print_timestr_fromseconds to print
      seconds formatted:  year(s) week(s) day(s) hour(s) second(s)
      This function now is used in addons/cdr_mysql.c,cdr_pgsql.c, main/cli.c,
      res_config_ldap.c, res_config_pgsql.c.
      Change-Id: Ibeb8634102cd11d3f8623398b279cb731bcde36c
  9. Mar 05, 2016
    • George Joseph's avatar
      install_prereq: Add packages for bundled pjproject · 471ff375
      George Joseph authored
      RedHat/CentOS needs python-devel
      Debian/Ubuntu needs automake, libsrtp-dev and python-dev
      Ubuntu also needed libncurses5-dev for cmenuselect so while not
      needed for pjproject, I adedd it anyway.
      Change-Id: Idf5fa16e2d87c687439621507e122cb9461d7089
  10. Mar 04, 2016
    • zuul's avatar
    • zuul's avatar
    • George Joseph's avatar
      res_pjsip_caller_id: Anonymize 'From' when caller id presentation is prohibited · 2b984962
      George Joseph authored
      Per RFC3325, the 'From' header is now anonymized on outgoing calls when
      caller id presentation is prohibited.
      TID = trust_id_outbound
      PRO = Set(CALLERID(pres)=prohib)
      USR = endpoint/from_user
      DOM = endpoint/from_domain
      PAI = YES(privacy=off), NO(not sent), PRI(privacy=full) (assumes send_pai=yes)
      Conditions          |Result
      TID PRO USR DOM     |PAI    FROM
      Y   Y   abc def.ghi |PRI    "Anonymous" <sip:abc@def.ghi>
      Y   Y   abc         |PRI    "Anonymous" <sip:abc@anonymous.invalid>
      Y   Y       def.ghi |PRI    "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@def.ghi>
      Y   Y               |PRI    "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
      Y   N   abc def.ghi |YES    <sip:abc@def.ghi>
      Y   N   abc         |YES    <sip:abc@<ip_address>>
      Y   N       def.ghi |YES    "Caller Name" <sip:<caller_exten>@def.ghi>
      Y   N               |YES    "Caller Name" <sip:<caller_exten>@<ip_address>>
      N   Y   abc def.ghi |NO     "Anonymous" <sip:abc@def.ghi>
      N   Y   abc         |NO     "Anonymous" <sip:abc@anonymous.invalid>
      N   Y       def.ghi |NO     "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@def.ghi>
      N   Y               |NO     "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
      N   N   abc def.ghi |YES    <sip:abc@def.ghi>
      N   N   abc         |YES    <sip:abc@<ip_address>>
      N   N       def.ghi |YES    "Caller Name" <sip:<caller_exten>@def.ghi>
      N   N               |YES    "Caller Name" <sip:<caller_exten>@<ip_address>>
      ASTERISK-25791 #close
      Reported-by: Anthony Messina
      Change-Id: I2c82a5ca1413c2c00fb62ea95b0ae8e97af54dc9
    • zuul's avatar
    • zuul's avatar
      Merge "loader: Retry dlopen when loading fails" · 139b0b0b
      zuul authored
  11. Mar 03, 2016
    • George Joseph's avatar
      third_party/Makefile.rules: Replace unsupported != operator with $(shell ...) · 37472f73
      George Joseph authored
      Apparently the != operator is fairly new so I've replaced it with
      the old $(shell ...) syntax.
      Change-Id: I16b2e1878a4f91e7e9740abd427f9639f933c479
      Reported-by: Richard Mudgett
    • zuul's avatar
    • George Joseph's avatar
      loader: Retry dlopen when loading fails · 195100e7
      George Joseph authored
      Although we use the RTLD_LAZY flag when calling dlopen
      the first time on a module, this only defers resolution
      for function calls.  Pointer references to functions are
      determined at link time so dlopen expects them to be there.
      Since we don't cross-module link, pointers to functions
      in other modules won't be available and dlopen will fail.
      Doing a "hardened" build also causes problems because it
      typically sets "-z now" on the ld command line which
      overrides RTLD_LAZY at run time.
      If the failing module isn't a GLOBAL_SYMBOLS module, then
      dlopen will be called again after all the GLOBAL_SYMBOLS
      modules have been loaded and they'll eventually resolve.
      If the calling module IS a GLOBAL_SYMBOLS module itself
      and a third module depends on it, then there's an issue
      because the second time through the dlopen loop,
      GLOBAL_SYMBOLS modules aren't given any special treatment
      and since the order in which dlopen is called isn't
      deterministic, the dependent may again be tried before the
      module it needs is loaded.
      Simple solution:  Save modules that fail load_resource
      because of a dlopen error in a list and retry them
      immediately after the first pass. Keep retrying until
      the failed list is empty or we reach a #defined max
      retries. Error messages are suppressed until the final
      pass which also gets rid of those confusing error messages
      about module failures that are later corrected.
      Change-Id: Iddae1d97cd2f00b94e61662447432765755f64bb
    • zuul's avatar
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      bridge.c: Crash during attended transfer when missing a local channel half · 15c5743a
      Kevin Harwell authored
      It's possible for the transferer channel to get hung up early during the
      attended transfer process. For instance, a phone may send a "bye" immediately
      upon receiving a sip notify that contains a sip frag 100 (I'm looking at you
      Jitsi). When this occurs a race begins between the transferer being hung up
      and completion of the transfer code.
      If the channel hangs up too early during a transfer involving stasis bridging
      for instance, then when the created local channel goes to look up its swap
      channel (and associated datastore) it can't find it (since it is no longer in
      the bridge) thus it fails to enter the stasis application. Consequently, the
      created local channel(s) hang up as well. If the timing is just right then the
      bridging code attempts to add the message link with missing local channel(s).
      Hence the crash.
      Unfortunately, there is no great way to solve the problem of the unexpected
      "bye". While we can't guarantee we won't receive an early hangup, and in this
      case still fail to enter the stasis application, we can make it so asterisk
      does not crash.
      This patch does just that by locking the local channel structure, checking
      that the local channel's peer has not been lost, and then continuing. This
      keeps the local channel's peer from being ripped out from underneath it by
      the local/unreal hangup code while attempting to set the stasis message link.
      Change-Id: Ie6d6061e34c7c95f07116fffac9a09e5d225c880
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      res_pjsip_refer.c: Delay sending the initial SIP Notify with frag 100 · 0d2ccbca
      Kevin Harwell authored
      During the transfer process, some phones (okay it was the Jitsi softphone,
      but maybe others are out there) send a "bye" immediately after receiving a
      SIP Notify. When a "bye" is received early for some types of transfers the
      transferer channel may no longer be available during late stage transfer
      For instance, during an attended transfer involving stasis bridging at one
      point the created local channel looks for an associated swap channel in
      order to retrieve the stasis application name. If the transferer has hung
      up then the local channel will fail to find it. The local channel then has
      no way to know which stasis app to enter, so it fails and hangs up as well.
      Thus the transfer does not complete as expected.
      This patch delays the sending of the initial notify in order to give the
      transfer process enough time to gather the necessary data for a successful
      Change-Id: I09cfc9a5d6ed4c007bc70625e0972b470393bf16
    • zuul's avatar
    • Joshua Colp's avatar
      res_pjsip_dtmf_info: NULL terminate the message body. · 6af7fc4c
      Joshua Colp authored
      PJSIP does not ensure that when printing the message body the
      buffer will be NULL terminated. This is problematic when searching
      for the signal and duration values of the DTMF.
      This change ensures the buffer is always NULL terminated.
      Change-Id: I52653a1a60c93092d06af31a27408d569cc98968
    • Joshua Colp's avatar
    • Joshua Colp's avatar
    • Joshua Colp's avatar
    • zuul's avatar
    • zuul's avatar
  12. Mar 02, 2016
    • George Joseph's avatar
      alembic: Fix downgrade and tweak for sqlite · b8b7c2e4
      George Joseph authored
      Downgrade had a few issues.  First there was an errant 'update' statement in
      add_auto_dtmf_mode that looks like it was a copy/paste error.  Second, we
      weren't cleaning up the ENUMs so subsequent upgrades on postgres failed
      because the types already existed.
      For sqlite...  sqlite doesn't support ALTER or DROP COLUMN directly.
      Fortunately alembic batch_operations takes care of this for us if we
      use it so the alter and drops were converted to use batch operations.
      Here's an example downgrade:
          with op.batch_alter_table('ps_endpoints') as batch_op:
              batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('tos_audio', yesno_values))
              batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('tos_video', yesno_values))
              batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('cos_audio', yesno_values))
              batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('cos_video', yesno_values))
          with op.batch_alter_table('ps_transports') as batch_op:
              batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('tos', yesno_values))
          # Can't cast integers to YESNO_VALUES, so dropping and adding is required
              batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('cos', yesno_values))
      Upgrades from base to head and downgrades from head to base were tested
      repeatedly for postgresql, mysql/mariadb, and sqlite3.
      Change-Id: I862b0739eb3fd45ec3412dcc13c2340e1b7baef8
    • George Joseph's avatar
      config_transport: Fix objects returned by ast_sip_get_transport_states · 7b71bca8
      George Joseph authored
      ast_sip_get_transport_states was returning a container of internal_state
      objects instead of ast_sip_transport_state objects.  This was causing
      transport lookups to fail, most noticably in res_pjsip_nat, which
      couldn't find the correct external addresses.  This was causing contacts
      to go out with internal ip addresses.
      ASTERISK-25830 #close
      Reported-by: Sean Bright
      Change-Id: I1aee6a2fd46c42e8dd0af72498d17de459ac750e
    • Scott Griepentrog's avatar
      CHAOS: cleanup possible null vars on msg alloc failure · 0a3f0e85
      Scott Griepentrog authored
      In message.c, if msg_alloc fails to init the string field,
      vars may be null, so use a null tolerant cleanup.
      In res_pjsip_messaging.c, if msg_data_create fails, mdata
      will be null, so use a null tolerant cleanup.
      Change-Id: Ic2d55c2c3750d5616e2a05ea92a19c717507ff56
    • Scott Griepentrog's avatar
      CHAOS: prevent crash on failed strdup · 60aa871b
      Scott Griepentrog authored
      This patch avoids crashing on a null pointer
      if the strdup() allocation fails.
      Change-Id: I3f67434820ba53b53663efd6cbb42749f4f6c0f5
    • Richard Mudgett's avatar
      func_callerid.c: Update REDIRECTING reason documentation. · 0bdbf0d8
      Richard Mudgett authored
      Change-Id: I6e8d39b0711110a4bceafa652e58b30465e28386