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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Sep 01, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_read: Allow reading # as a digit · dd980e00
      Naveen Albert authored
      Allows for the digit # to be read as a digit,
      just like any other DTMF digit, as opposed to
      forcing it to be used as an end of input
      indicator. The default behavior remains
      ASTERISK-18454 #close
      Change-Id: I3033432adb9d296ad227e76b540b8b4a2417665b
    • Sebastien Duthil's avatar
      res_rtp_asterisk: Automatically refresh stunaddr from DNS · ac492f2f
      Sebastien Duthil authored
      This allows the STUN server to change its IP address without having to
      reload the res_rtp_asterisk module.
      The refresh of the name resolution occurs first when the module is
      loaded, then recurringly, slightly after the previous DNS answer TTL
      ASTERISK-29508 #close
      Change-Id: I7955a046293f913ba121bbd82153b04439e3465f
  2. Aug 26, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      bridge_basic: Change warning to verbose if transfer cancelled · e660a2c0
      Naveen Albert authored
      The attended transfer feature will emit a warning if the user
      cancels the transfer or the attended transfer doesn't complete
      for any reason. Changes the warning to a verbose message,
      since nothing is actually wrong here.
      ASTERISK-29612 #close
      Change-Id: I64c93cdb21360a0a8d45e9cb6db3af8168f66e6d
  3. Aug 25, 2021
  4. Aug 20, 2021
    • Sarah Autumn's avatar
      sig_analog: Changes to improve electromechanical signalling compatibility · 241686f8
      Sarah Autumn authored
      This changeset is intended to address compatibility issues encountered
      when interfacing Asterisk to electromechanical telephone switches that
      implement ANI-B, ANI-C, or ANI-D.
      In particular the behaviours that this impacts include:
       - FGC-CAMA did not work at all when using MF signaling. Modified the
         switch case block to send calls to the correct part of the
         signaling-handling state machine.
       - For FGC-CAMA operation, the delay between called number ST and
         second wink for ANI spill has been made configurable; previously
         all calls were made to wait for one full second.
       - After the ANI spill, previous behavior was to require a 'ST' tone
         to advance the call.  This has been changed to allow 'STP' 'ST2P'
         or 'ST3P' as well, for compatibility with ANI-D.
       - Store ANI2 (ANI INFO) digits in the CALLERID(ANI2) channel variable.
       - For calls with an ANI failure, No. 1 Crossbar switches will send
         forward a single-digit failure code, with no calling number digits
         and no ST pulse to terminate the spill.  I've made the ANI timeout
         configurable so to reduce dead air time on calls with ANI fail.
       - ANI info digits configurable.  Modern digital switches will send 2
         digits, but ANI-B sends only a single info digit.  This caused the
         ANI reported by Asterisk to be misaligned.
       - Changed a confusing log message to be more informative.
      Change-Id: Ib7e27d987aee4ed9bc3663c57ef413e21b404256
    • Andre Barbosa's avatar
      media_cache: Don't lock when curl the remote file · eb486db3
      Andre Barbosa authored
      When playing a remote sound file, which is not in cache, first we need
      to download it with ast_bucket_file_retrieve.
      This can take a while if the remote host is slow. The current CURL
      timeout is 180secs, so in extreme situations, it can take 3 minutes to
      Because ast_media_cache_retrieve has a lock on all function, while we
      are waiting for the delayed download, Asterisk is not able to play any
      more files, even the files already cached locally.
      ASTERISK-29544 #close
      Change-Id: I8d4142b463ae4a1d4c41bff2bf63324821567408
  5. Aug 19, 2021
    • George Joseph's avatar
      res_pjproject: Allow mapping to Asterisk TRACE level · b72425b1
      George Joseph authored
      Allow mapping pjproject log messages to the Asterisk TRACE
      log level.  The defaults were also changes to log pjproject
      levels 3,4 to DEBUG and 5,6 to TRACE.  Previously 3,4,5,6
      all went to DEBUG.
      Change-Id: I859a37a8dec263ed68099709cfbd3e665324c72d
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_milliwatt: Timing fix · dffc5e7f
      Naveen Albert authored
      The Milliwatt application uses incorrect tone timings
      that cause it to play the 1004 Hz tone constantly.
      This adds an option to enable the correct timing
      behavior, so that the Milliwatt application can
      be used for milliwatt test lines. The default behavior
      remains unchanged for compatability reasons, even
      though it is incorrect.
      ASTERISK-29575 #close
      Change-Id: I73ccc6c6fcaa31931c6fff3b85ad1805b2ce9d8c
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      func_math: Return integer instead of float if possible · c52ef4ac
      Naveen Albert authored
      The MIN, MAX, and ABS functions all support float
      arguments, but currently return floats even if the
      arguments are all integers and the response is
      a whole number, in which case the user is likely
      expecting an integer. This casts the float to an integer
      before printing into the response buffer if possible.
      Change-Id: I902d29eacf3ecd0f8a6a5e433c97f0421d205488
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_morsecode: Add American Morse code · 9cac1c16
      Naveen Albert authored
      Previously, the Morsecode application only supported international
      Morse code. This adds support for American Morse code and adds an
      option to configure the frequency used in off intervals.
      Additionally, the application checks for hangup between tones
      to prevent application execution from continuing after hangup.
      Change-Id: I172431a2e18e6527d577e74adfb05b154cba7bd4
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      func_scramble: Audio scrambler function · 3eec5b8c
      Naveen Albert authored
      Adds a function to scramble audio on a channel using
      whole spectrum frequency inversion. This can be used
      as a privacy enhancement with applications like
      ChanSpy or other potentially sensitive audio.
      Change-Id: I01020769d91060a1f56a708eb405f87648d1a67e
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_originate: Add ability to set codecs · cb1dfecc
      Naveen Albert authored
      A list of codecs to use for dialplan-originated calls can
      now be specified in Originate, similar to the ability
      in call files and the manager action.
      Additionally, we now default to just using the slin codec
      for originated calls, rather than all the slin* codecs up
      through slin192, which has been known to cause issues
      and inconsistencies from AMI and call file behavior.
      Change-Id: I96a1aeb83d54b635b7a51e1b4680f03791622883
    • Alexander Traud's avatar
      BuildSystem: Remove two dead exceptions for compiler Clang. · a8e8b3aa
      Alexander Traud authored
      Commit 305ce3de added -Wno-parentheses-equality to Makefile.rules,
      turning the previous two warning suppressions from commit e9520dbe
      redundant. Let us remove the latter.
      Change-Id: I0b471254b31e6e05902062761dded4b3e626c7ac
  6. Aug 16, 2021
    • Sean Bright's avatar
      mgcp: Remove dead debug code · 121860e3
      Sean Bright authored
      ASTERISK-20339 #close
      Change-Id: I36f364aaa1971241d8f3ea1a5909b463d185a2d5
    • Joshua C. Colp's avatar
      policy: Add deprecation and removal versions to modules. · 13fd0789
      Joshua C. Colp authored
      app_meetme is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      app_osplookup is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      chan_alsa is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      chan_mgcp is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      chan_skinny is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      res_pktccops is deprecated in 19, to be removed in 21.
      cdr_mysql was deprecated in 1.8, to be removed in 19.
      app_mysql was deprecated in 1.8, to be removed in 19.
      app_ices was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      app_macro was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 21.
      app_fax was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      app_url was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      app_image was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      app_nbscat was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      app_dahdiras was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      cdr_syslog was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      chan_oss was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      chan_phone was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      chan_sip was deprecated in 17, to be removed in 21.
      chan_nbs was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      chan_misdn was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      chan_vpb was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      res_config_sqlite was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      res_monitor was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 21.
      conf2ael was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      muted was deprecated in 16, to be removed in 19.
      Change-Id: Ic3bee31a10d42c4b3bbc913d893f7b2a28a27131
  7. Aug 12, 2021
  8. Aug 09, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      func_frame_drop: New function · 118d8482
      Naveen Albert authored
      Adds function to selectively drop specified frames
      in the TX or RX direction on a channel, including
      control frames.
      Change-Id: I8147c9d55d74e2e48861edba6b22f930920541ec
  9. Aug 06, 2021
    • Alexander Traud's avatar
      aelparse: Accept an included context with timings. · 0b1a629e
      Alexander Traud authored
      With Asterisk 1.6.0, in the main parser for the configuration file
      extensions.conf, the separator was changed from vertical bar to comma.
      However, the first separator was not changed in aelparse; it still had
      to be a vertical bar, and no comma was allowed.
      Additionally, this change allows the vertical bar for the first and
      last parameter again, even in the main parser, because the vertical bar
      was still accepted for the other parameters.
      Change-Id: I882e17c73adf4bf2f20f9046390860d04a9f8d81
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      format_ogg_speex: Implement a "not supported" write handler · 62883092
      Kevin Harwell authored
      This format did not specify a "write" handler, so when attempting to write
      to it (ast_writestream) a crash would occur.
      This patch adds a default handler that simply issues a "not supported"
      warning, thus no longer crashing.
      Change-Id: I8f6ddc7cc3b15da30803be3b1cf68e2ba0fbce91
  10. Aug 04, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      cdr_adaptive_odbc: Prevent filter warnings · adf707f2
      Naveen Albert authored
      Previously, if CDR filters were used so that
      not all CDR records used all sections defined
      in cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf, then warnings will
      always be emitted (if each CDR record is unique
      to a particular section, n-1 warnings to be
      This turns the offending warning log into
      a verbose message like the other one, since
      this behavior is intentional and not
      indicative of anything wrong.
      Change-Id: Ifd314fa9298722bc99494d5ca2658a5caa94a5f8
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_queue: Allow streaming multiple announcement files · 940f6c4a
      Naveen Albert authored
      Allows multiple files comprising an agent announcement
      to be played by separating on the ampersand, similar
      to the multi-file support in other Asterisk applications.
      Change-Id: Iec600d8cd5ba14aa1e4e37f906accb356cd7891a
  11. Aug 03, 2021
    • Igor Goncharovsky's avatar
      res_pjsip_header_funcs: Add PJSIP_HEADERS() ability to read header by pattern · 1e4ed61a
      Igor Goncharovsky authored
      PJSIP currently does not provide a function to replace SIP_HEADERS() function to get a list of headers from INVITE request.
      It may be used to get all X- headers in case the actual set and names of headers unknown.
      Change-Id: Ic09d395de71a0021e0d6c5c29e1e19d689079f8b
    • Rijnhard Hessel's avatar
      res_statsd: handle non-standard meter type safely · 71dd1d91
      Rijnhard Hessel authored
      Meter types are not well supported,
      lacking support in telegraf, datadog and the official statsd servers.
      We deprecate meters and provide a compliant fallback for any existing usages.
      A flag has been introduced to allow meters to fallback to counters.
      Change-Id: I5fcb385983a1b88f03696ff30a26b55c546a1dd7
    • under's avatar
      codec_builtin.c: G729 audio gets corrupted by Asterisk due to smoother · feb1e06a
      under authored
      If Asterisk gets G.729 6-byte VAD frames inbound, then at outbound Asterisk sends this G.729 stream with non-continuous timestamps.
      This makes the audio stream not-playable at the receiver side.
      Linphone isn't able to play such an audio - lots of disruptions are heard.
      Also I had complains of bad audio from users which use other types of phones.
      After debugging, I found this is a regression connected with RTP Smoother (main/smoother.c).
      Smoother has a special code to handle G.729 VAD frames (search for AST_SMOOTHER_FLAG_G729 in smoother.c).
      However, this flag is never set in Asterisk-12 and newer.
      Previously it has been set (see Asterisk-11).
      ASTERISK-29526 #close
      Change-Id: I6f51ecb1a3ecd9c6d59ec5a6811a27446e17065d
  12. Aug 02, 2021
    • Naveen Albert's avatar
      app_dtmfstore: New application to store digits · 016f6a0e
      Naveen Albert authored
      Adds application to asynchronously collect digits
      dialed on a channel in the TX or RX direction
      using a framehook and stores them in a specified
      variable, up to a configurable number of digits.
      Change-Id: I51aa93fc9507f7636ac44806c4420ce690423e6f
  13. Jul 27, 2021
  14. Jul 22, 2021
    • Asterisk Development Team's avatar
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      AST-2021-009 - pjproject-bundled: Avoid crash during handshake for TLS · 3025ef4f
      Kevin Harwell authored
      If an SSL socket parent/listener was destroyed during the handshake,
      depending on timing, it was possible for the handling callback to
      attempt access of it after the fact thus causing a crash.
      ASTERISK-29415 #close
      Change-Id: I105dacdcd130ea7fdd4cf2010ccf35b5eaf1432d
    • Kevin Harwell's avatar
      AST-2021-008 - chan_iax2: remote crash on unsupported media format · 2a141a58
      Kevin Harwell authored
      If chan_iax2 received a packet with an unsupported media format, for
      example vp9, then it would set the frame's format to NULL. This could
      then result in a crash later when an attempt was made to access the
      This patch makes it so chan_iax2 now ignores/drops frames received
      with unsupported media format types.
      ASTERISK-29392 #close
      Change-Id: Ifa869a90dafe33eed8fd9463574fe6f1c0ad3eb1
    • Joshua C. Colp's avatar
      AST-2021-007 - res_pjsip_session: Don't offer if no channel exists. · 523a7952
      Joshua C. Colp authored
      If a re-INVITE is received after we have sent a BYE request then it
      is possible for no channel to be present on the session. If this
      occurs we allow PJSIP to produce the offer instead. Since the call
      is being hung up if it produces an incorrect offer it doesn't
      actually matter. This also ensures that code which produces SDP
      does not need to handle if a channel is not present.
      Change-Id: I673cb88c432f38f69b2e0851d55cc57a62236042
  15. Jul 20, 2021
    • Andre Barbosa's avatar
      res_stasis_playback: Check for chan hangup on play_on_channels · 2c3defc6
      Andre Barbosa authored
      Verify `ast_check_hangup` before looping to the next sound file.
      If the call is already hangup we just break the cycle.
      It also ensures that the PlaybackFinished event is sent if the call was hangup.
      This is also use-full when we are playing a big list of file for a channel that is hangup.
      Before this patch Asterisk will give a warning for every sound not played and fire a PlaybackStart for every sound file on the list tried to be played.
      With the patch we just break the playback cycle when the chan is hangup.
      ASTERISK-29501 #close
      Change-Id: Ic4e1c01b974c9a1f2d9678c9d6b380bcfc69feb8
  16. Jul 19, 2021
    • Sean Bright's avatar
      res_pjsip_stir_shaken: RFC 8225 compliance and error message cleanup. · 30feaada
      Sean Bright authored
      From RFC 8225 Section 5.2.1:
          The "dest" claim is a JSON object with the claim name of "dest"
          and MUST have at least one identity claim object.  The "dest"
          claim value is an array containing one or more identity claim JSON
          objects representing the destination identities of any type
          (currently "tn" or "uri").  If the "dest" claim value array
          contains both "tn" and "uri" claim names, the JSON object should
          list the "tn" array first and the "uri" array second.  Within the
          "tn" and "uri" arrays, the identity strings should be put in
          lexicographical order, including the scheme-specific portion of
          the URI characters.
      Additionally, make it clear that there was a failure to sign the JWT
      payload and not necessarily a memory allocation failure.
      Change-Id: Ia8733b861aef6edfaa9c2136e97b447a01578dc9
    • Sebastien Duthil's avatar
      stun: Emit warning message when STUN request times out · 4bd975f4
      Sebastien Duthil authored
      Without this message, it is not obvious that the reason is STUN timeout.
      ASTERISK-29507 #close
      Change-Id: I26e4853c23a1aed324552e1b9683ea3c05cb1f74
    • Sean Bright's avatar
      res_http_media_cache.c: Parse media URLs to find extensions. · 76c09b1c
      Sean Bright authored
      Use the URI parsing functions to parse playback URLs in order to find
      their file extensions.
      For backwards compatibility, we first look at the full URL, then at
      any Content-Type header, and finally at just the path portion of the
      ASTERISK-27871 #close
      Change-Id: I16d0682f6d794be96539261b3e48f237909139cb
  17. Jul 16, 2021
  18. Jul 15, 2021
  19. Jul 13, 2021
  20. Jul 08, 2021
    • Sean Bright's avatar
      res_pjsip_config_wizard.c: Add port matching support. · 146b59df
      Sean Bright authored
      In f8b0c2c9 we added support for port numbers in 'match' statements
      but neglected to include that support in the PJSIP config wizard.
      The removed code would have also prevented IPv6 addresses from being
      successfully used in the config wizard as well.
      ASTERISK-29503 #close
      Change-Id: Idd5bbfd48009e7a741757743dbaea68e2835a34d